Monday, December 9, 2019

Rudolf Jenta 1771 - 1822

Rudolf Jenta was born on the 19th of May 1771 to Kaspar Jenta and Anna Wolfensberger. His father was second generation Swiss from Germany. His mother, Anna, was sixth generation in Ettenhausen going all the way back to at least 1554. Kaspar was a school teacher in Ettenhausen where Rudolf was born. Rudolf was the first of four children. All lived past childhood, which was unusual. 

Rudolf Jenta married Lisabeth Freÿ on October 7, 1792 in St. Peter's in Zurich. The first massive three-story tower for St. Peter's was built in early 13th century AD. The church clock of St. Peter has the largest tower clock face in Europe, the outer diameter of each of the four church clocks measures 8.64 meters (28.3 ft), the minute hand 5.73 meters (18.8 ft), the hour hand 5.07 meters (16.6 ft), and the minute crack of the large pointer measures 0.455 meters (1.5 ft). They traveled 17 miles to marry. However that pales to 36 miles Ettenhausen is from Birr, Lisabeth's village. It was rare for couples to wed outside their village or at least within walking distance of their community. This wasn't a problem for Rudolf and Lisabeth. (Wikipedia see photo below.)

Municipal Government
Susanna's father Rudolf Jenta was a municipal councillor on the local council of Ettenhausen. Ettenhausen was politically a small separate community near Kempten that only in 1928 merged with Wetzikon. Therefore they needed a little Government Municipal council (some 4 or five representatives of the local families). Jenta family is not from here, they came from Germany. Susanna's great grandfather Conrad Jenta born 2 May 1698 came from Schmidmüllen, Oberpfalz, Bavaria. Schmiedmüllen  means a "mill for a black smith" and is located in the upper palatinate  which today is Bavaria. He was a Gerber or tanner of cowhides. Conrad married Lisabeth Landis 11 December 1732 who was from Wengi, near Aegust am Albis near Affoltern am Albis, Canton of Zurich in the Church of Aeugst in 1732. The church was built in 1667, after the Reformation and during the Renaissance and  is five miles from Ottenbach. Susanna would later go back to the same area and marry Johannes. Most people in the 18th and 19 centuries married people from their community. Not Conrad and Lisabeth. From Schmidmüllen to Aeugst am Albis is 321 miles which is a long way back then when people traveled by walking or rode horses. How they met is a mystery.

The Jenta family first lived in Untermedikon on the west of the river. Untermedikon and Robank are part of Wetzikon in the West of a little river called Aa-Bach. Early on this area attracted industrial activities along this river.  So it is easy to imagine the first Jenta's coming there to tan cowhides into leather. The couple had two children Kaspar, Susanna's grandfather, in 1741 and Anna 1748. In Germany the name is also spelled as Jentha. Susanna was definitely of German heritage.(Peter Bertschinger)

When Susanna's grandfather Kaspar was 10 years old  in 1751 the family became Swiss citizens in Ettenhausen. To do so they had to pay for it (buy-in). It normally takes some years after moving to a community that you can become citizen and you had to buy a house. The Jentas lived in one of the few houses west of the main cantonal street, probably a street today called Winkelstrasse. Susanna's grandfather Kaspar Jenta, became a Schulmeister or schoolmaster to teach the "dumb" farmer children in Ettenhausen. Ettenhausen is a village southeast above Wetzikon on the road from Kempten to Hinwil. The area south of the Pfäffikersee has been inhabited since pre-Roman times. In the village of Ettenhausen artifacts, from the Middle Bronze Age and a middle age Cemetery, were found. The village belonged in the middle ages high court to rule Kyburg and came with this in 1424 and 1452 to Zurich. Kaspar and his wife Anna Wolfensberger had 4 children in this hamlet. ( , and Peter Bertschinger)

Civic Leader
In 1804 the civil community of Ettenhausen was formed with Rudolf on the council and Susanna was born the same year. The Municipality of Wetzikon asked some of the various village leaders to form a committee to provide services for local people in need. The last few years services had not been provided. Included in the group of leaders from local village councils were Ulrich Kunz from Linkenberg, Jakob Grimm from Kempten and Rudolf Jenta, from Ettenhausen.  When Susanna was born her father Rudolf was 33 and her mother Lisabeth 30.  (History of Wetzikon,  Zurich Archives Wetzikon E lll 139.21 p 1734 and Wetzikon E lll 139.13 p 533)

The Jenta's go to Church
Susanna's parents Rudolf Jenta and Lisabeth Frei married in St. Peter's Church in Zürich. It is an unusual church. The church's steeple was and is owned by the city of Zürich, while the nave is owned by the St. Peter parish of the Evangelical Reformed Church of the Canton of Zürich. For many years the steeple was used as a fire lookout. The land it is located on goes back to Roman times. It also has the largest clock face in Europe. It was out of the ordinary to be married 31 miles from home but that is what Rudolf and Lisabeth did. (Zuirch Archives E III 139.3, EDB 833, S. 479)

Because Ettenhausen was small they went to church in Wetzikon which is a mile and a half away. To get to the church Rudolf, Lisabeth and their children walked along a path today called Ettenhausweg or Kirchweg von Ettenhausen which means church path, south of the Lendenbach (Ländenbach). The Jenta's went to the Reformed Church of Wetzikon. See photos below

When Susanna Jenta reached 18 she was confirmed into the Reformed Church.  That was the only church in 1822 in the Canton of Zurich. The parish priest entered information on her confirmation partly with Latin abbreviations. He wrote: Susanna Jenta, nata (born) 11. November 1804, ex. Weihe 1822, obit (died) 18. März 1858. Weihe means the confirmation procedure happened in the church with all members and parents, godparents present. This allowed Susanna to join the Abendmahl for the first time (symbol of the evening meal of Jesus Christ with his followers, or Last Supper), and become full member of the church.

When she become 16 she probably went to Kinederlehre (Sunday lecture), which was after the normal sermon when the adults left the church. This was compulsory. She may have gone to Sonntagsschule (Sunday school) on Sunday mornings. In modern times there was a Konfirmationsessen (confirmation meal) in a nearby restaurant with your family and godfather and godmother. In Wetzikon that was normally the Löwen inn. From that point on the godparents are released from their function to support the child if they are orphaned. You would also receive a substantial gift at this event. For example I received my first wrist-watch from your god parents. Additionally, they would not give any more Christmas presents to you. We also had a Konfirmationslager (confirmation camp), in my case one week in the Canton of Ticino, a kind  of vacations with sports, walking, and touring and religious events. The pastor (reverend) came along as well - quite informal. (Peter Bertschinger)

Wetzikon belonged to the Canton of Zurcher Oberland. Zürcher Oberland ("Zurich highlands") in Switzerland, is the hilly south-eastern part of the canton of Zurich. In recent times Kempten, Ettenhausen and Wetzikon merged into Wetzikon. To become a city in Switzerland you need to have more than 10,000 inhabitants and Wetzikon has 25,000 today. This is the same canton Ottenbach is in. A new church building was built in 1897 which still stands today. Like most village churches in Switzerland the previous church had an entry, central hall, altar and clock tower and bells to give the time to the Jenta's as they went about their day. Today, as in years past, on the side of the church facing the entrance, is the Restaurant Löwen (lion) where the people go after the sermon, baptisms, marriages and when they bury their dead. Some things never change. (Peter Bertschinger, photo of the older Wetzikon church and Restaurant Löwen at end of this post)

Each family had a little garden in front of the house for vegetables. It had a fence around it to protect it from cows, animals etc. They called it Krautgarten. They also had some trees, normally walnut, apples and pears which they often made into cider. They were planted in the Baumgarten, or Bungert. They also had fields for potatoes. In the region everybody had a vinyard called a Weingarten or Wingart; also the wine was not so great, so sugar and sulphur was added to make it stable so you didn’t get head aches. There were also wheat fields for bread and straw was used for the stables.

The farms were mostly small, a few cows for milk and cream and butter. They often included a pig stable, some chicken for egg and meat etc. The meadows needed grass cuts, the first was Heu (hay) and the second in late summer called Emd. The hay was needed to feed the cows through winter. As said there were only few horses in a village, often the owners made transportation services (e.g. coach, wagons, to pull logs from the forest) etc. The oxen were used to draw the wagons and the plow. In Ettenausen there was a swamp with frogs. The swamp material was used for the stables. They also cut Torf, or rotten earth, dried it, and used it to warm the oven. The forest provided the heating materials and building materials.

Two Interesting Men
Two of the most interesting people on this family tree or any tree are Susanna’s father and father-in-law. First of all they had the same name: Rudolf. The name is of Ancient Germanic origin meaning “fame”, “glory” and olf meaning “wolf.”  Both men were civic leaders, Jenta on a village council, Sidler as a village policeman.  In 1900 Jenta lived in a village of 434 inhabitants with 119 households. Sidler lived in a village of about 900 people and 200 households. Both grew up and lived out their lives in small Swiss villages. Jenta lived to 51.5, Sidler lived to 58 and 9 mo. (Our World Data, Wikipedia Ottenbach)

Childhood Mortality
Susanna's in-laws Rudolf Sidler and Elisabetha Sidler had 15 children. Nine lived to adulthood and married. Susanna’s parents Rudolf Jenta and Lisabeth Frei had twelve children and one more with Mary Huber making thirteen. Seven lived to adulthood and married. Rudolf Jenta died 1 year 4 months after his last child was born leaving 30 year old Mary Huber with 7 children from 20 years old to 1 year four months to raise. Strange as it may seem, even though Rudolf Jenta married at 21 and had a large family he died two years before any of them married so he never saw any of his children marry and never saw a grandchild. The reason for this is because his first child, Barbara, died at 20.5 and his next three died in infancy. Rudolf Sidler also never saw any of his three girls marry or saw any grandchildren. The reason is because didn't begin  having his family until he was 48 and only lived to 57. Even his illegitimate son Jakob didn't start to have grandchildren until five years after Johannes' death. Compared to today, life was difficult for these strong Swiss. They were aquatinted with a lot of death.

We often see that from the age 20 years on, when marriage was allowed by the church, the parents had least one child every year, often stillborn. The rule for naming was that the godparents gave their first name to the child,. For example if a child named Barbara died, they continued the name until one survived the first years. From this Julius Billeter concluded that a child died young and noted a "dy" by their name. On average these big farmer families had about two boys and two girls that made it to adulthood and most of them got married. (Peter Bertschinger,)

If a woman died after the birth of a child (this was a dangerous process because of infections), her younger sister stepped in as new wife, or replacement. The husband (here farmer in the country) absolutely needed a wife to look after the children and farm house (cooking etc.). So he normally got remarried a second, or third time within a few months; later a one year period was recommended. Often these wives were widows themselves. So there was constant giving births and dying on the farms, similar to what happened in the stable with the animals. Death was seen as natural. Only medicine and hygienic measures lowered the infant and childhood mortality rate. However, there were very bad pestulenza waves in the 17th century in our regions. Many villages lost 30 to 40% of the population. (Peter Bertschinger)

Just before and during Susanna's lifetime
During the French Revolutionary Wars, the French army invaded Switzerland and turned it into an ally known as the "Helvetic Republic" (1798–1803). It had a central government with little role for cantons. The interference with localism and traditional liberties was deeply resented, although some modernizing reforms took place. (Wikipedia.)

Napoleon and his enemies fought numerous campaigns in Switzerland that ruined many localities. It proclaimed the equality of citizens before the law, equality of languages, freedom of thought and faith; it created a Swiss citizenship, basis of our modern nationality, and the separation of powers, of which the old regime had no conception; it suppressed internal tariffs and other economic restraints; it unified weights and measures, reformed civil and penal law, authorized mixed marriages (between Catholics and Protestants), suppressed torture and improved justice; it developed education and public works (William Martin)

Ettenhausen Census
Two years after Susanna was born, in 1806, they took a census and found 434 inhabitants or 119 households in Ettenhausen.  At least they had a primary school where three Jenta's taught. Susanna was the sixth of 13 children. Her mother, Lisabeth Freÿ, died when Susanna was 12. About 9 months later her father married Margaretha Huber and together they added the 13th child. Susanna Jenta was born in 1804, 14 years after her schoolteacher grandfather Kaspar died. (Peter  Bertschinger and Zurich Archives Wetzikon E lll 139.21 p 1734 and Wetzikon E lll 139.13 p 533)

Susanna had a brother named Heinrich born 1808 who was a silk weaver. Before the Industrial Revolution, the creation of a patterned silk textile required a skilled weaver and a considerable investment in equipment and raw materials. The warp was threaded on the loom according to the design of the textile, after which two people were required to weave the textile—a weaver who inserted the wefts and a “drawboy” who controlled the pattern mechanism. (MET Museum Website)

During Rudolf’s lifetime
1798 French army under the command of Napoleon invaded Switzerland. Switzerland was completely overrun by the French and was renamed the Helvetic Republic. The Helvetic Republic encountered severe economic and political problems. In 1798 the country became a battlefield of the Revolutionary Wars, culminating in the Battles of Zürich in 1799. The Second Battle of Zurich (25–26 September 1799) was a key victory by the Republican French army in Switzerland led by André Masséna over an Austrian and Russian force commanded by Alexander Korsakov near Zürich. (Wikipedia)
1801 The Helvetic Government grants Ottenbach the license to carry out any transport with the Reuss ferry. Previously, the ferry was only approved for its own use.
1802 Swiss revolt forced French army to leave Switzerland. (Ottenbach Municipality Website)

Napoleon and his enemies fought numerous campaigns in Switzerland that ruined many localities. It proclaimed the equality of citizens before the law, equality of languages, freedom of thought and faith; it created a Swiss citizenship, basis of our modern nationality, and the separation of powers, of which the old regime had no conception; it suppressed internal tariffs and other economic restraints; it unified weights and measures, reformed civil and penal law, authorized mixed marriages (between Catholics and Protestants), suppressed torture and improved justice; it developed education and public works. (William Martin)

Rudolf's Death
Rudolf died 17 January 1801. This was the time when Napoleon took over the country. It must have been worry some for Rudolf when his way of life is threatened and when so many changes took place. We assume he was buried in the Wetzikon Reformed Church grounds. Those surviving him were his second wife Margarete 30, Anna Jenta  20, Susanna 18, Heinrich 14, Anna Lisabeth 6, and Lisabeth 1 year 4 months old. It left a lot for Margarete to raise his children which she did.

Children of Rudolf and Elisabeth Freÿ:
b 1793-1814
2. Johannes Jenta 1795
3. Johannes Jenta 1797-1797
4. Felix Jenta 1799 dec
5. Anna Jenta 1802-1860 1802-1860 m 25 Mar 1824Johannes Woilfensberger 1799-1875 (7 children)
6.   Susanna Jenta  1804-1858 m 5 Dec 1824 Johannes Sidler 1777-1834 (4 children)
7. Anna Barbara Jenta 1806- m 15 Dec 1828 Heinrich Salzmann 1802-
8.   Heinrich Jenta  1808-1863 m 2 Feb 1829 Margaretha Salzmann (2 children)
9. Elisabetha Jenta 1811 m 16 Nov 1829 Hans Rudolf Salzmann (1 child)
10. Regula Jenta 1814-1814
11.. Regula Jenta  twin 1816-1816
12.  Anna Elisabetha Jenta  twin 1816-1881 m 7 Mar 1842 Johannes Sidler 1809-1873 (2 children)

Margarete Huber 1792-1849 m 6 Jan 1817
1.   Elisabeth  Jenta 1821-1850 m 18 March 1839 Johannes Rinderknecht 1816- (5 children)

Documents relating to Rudolf Jenta:
1771 May 19 Rudolf Jenta baptismal record, Wetzikon.
Translation by Wolf: 
The mother's surname was first given incorrectly as Hartmann - this was crossed out and corrected to Wolfensberger. 
Godparents were:Rudolf Wäber [Weber], Vorsinger [audition singer] von Medikon
Susanna Büeler [Bühler], Caspar Walders von Kempten ehl. Hsfr. [wife]
Note: Compare godparents: See baptismal entry of Rudolf's sister Anna Elisabetha:

Translation by Wolf:
In most cases the sons-in-law are listed above in the right hand column: 
5) Anna, oo 25.03.1824 mit Joh. Wolfensberger von Ettenhausen
6) Susanna, oo __.12.1824 mit Joh. Sidler von Ottenbach
7) A. Barbara, oo 15.12.1828 mit ____ [Heinrich?] Salzmann von Maschwanden
9) Lisabeth, oo 06.11.1829 mit Ruedi Salzmann von Maschwanden
12) Lisabeth, oo 07.03.1842 mit Johs. Sidler von Ottenbach
13) A. Lisabeth, oo 18.03.1839 mit Johs. Rinderknecht von Hedingen
Other information:
8) Heinrich, oo 02.02.1829 ____ 1737 [refers tp page 1737 on Heinrich and Family]
I) Lisabeth Freÿ (1774-1816) von Birr Aargau
II) Marg. Huber (1792-1849) von Husen [likely Hausen am Albis]
On the Geneal-Forum there are already discussions on
Huber von Hausen am Albis ZH
Wolfensberger von Wetzikon ZH (Ettenhausen not being a place of citizenship for Wolfensberger).

Note: You are welcome to start new discussions on the other families - including Jenta: they are no longer listed in the Register of Swiss surnames - but Billeter has compiled information on Jenta of Wetzikon ZH: in the catalogue shown with the film roll symbol, so you may have to visit the FamilySearch Library in SLC to view this. Alternatively you could scroll through his handwritten notes - which are a bit difficult to read and interpret (lots of abbreviations). "Your" family is on

First marriage to Lisabeth Freÿ
1792 Oct 7 Rudolf Jenta marriage to Elisabeth Freÿ, in St. Peter's in Zürich
Translation by Wolf:
1792) Oct. 7. copuliert bei St.Peter
Rudolf Jenta von Etenhausen, N. 19. Maj 1771
Elisabeth Freÿ von Birr, Berngebiets [region of Bern]
Note that according tot he marriage register Zürich St.Peter, entry 284, the marriage took place Oct. 8 (not 7) … don't seriously ask me for an explanation 😉. When you look at the dates in Oct. 1792: 1 / 8 / 15 / 22 / 29 … all were Mondays, whilst in Wetzikon marriages took place on different days of the week … possibly they just assumed Sunday for St.Peter??
Regarding Birr: Birr today belongs to canton Aargau. The region of todays canton Aargau (founded in 1803) was ruled by different governing bodies prior to 1798 - e.g. Birr used then to belong to Bern.
Note: On (you have to copy and past the URL - familysearch doesn't link to a pdf) you find a lecture of mine on basics for genealogy in Switzerland - in German and (being held in 2016) a bit outdated as far as resources available online are concerned. However, the "basic" information has not changed a lot - and on transparency 31 there is a historic map of the region of todays canton Aargau, prior to 1798.
Note: On (you have to copy and past the URL - familysearch doesn't link to a pdf) you find a lecture of mine on basics for genealogy in Switzerland - in German and (being held in 2016) a bit outdated as far as resources available online are concerned. However, the "basic" information has not changed a lot - and on transparency 31 there is a historic map of the region of todays canton Aargau, prior to 1798.
Note: There is not A book with marriages - Zürich is a large city and has several parishes. I believe I have mentioned  before 😉. Grossmünster records begin 1525. We already had a few marriages in St.Peter - where marriage registers begin 1554 - including Caspar Jenta's marriage on
Note: One important difference between this site (also applies to e.g. Appenzell Ausserrhoden or Basel-Landschaft) and familysearch is: there is only a single book in any database entry (or film). So fairly frequently there will be a few introductory pages, followed by the document itself. Consequently, unless two pages are on a single image, the image numbers will just be a few numbers higher than the actual page numbers.
1792 Oct 7 Rudolf Jenta marriage to Elisabeth Freÿ
Source of this document by Wolf:
"I spent a long time looking for Caspar Jenta's marriage in the link listed above."
I picked the wrong marriage for Rudolf (present topic) - should have been
But you had mentioned Caspar 1769 - and this is on (left side bottom, last but one)

Translation of the left paragraph: The
Lower Aargau is often also as the "Bernese Aargau". because it used to belong to belonged to Bern - not today any more.

1804 Geschichte der Gemeinde Wetzikon - Page 432

Second marriage:

1817 Dec 29 Rudolf Jenta marriage announcement in Wetzikon to Margaretha Huber
Translation and thoughts: Wolf:
To start with: we seem to have a problem with contradicting dates.
I assume the marriage register to be that of Wetzikon (you don't give that information):
29. Dec. 1816 (not 1817 !)
Rudolf Jenta von Ettenhausen, Pfarrei Wetzikon
Margaretha Huber aus der Kniebreche
However, the family register (first document on your web page) lists 06. Jan. 1817 as date for the marriage.
Unfortunately the ZH marriage database doesn't help: covers only the period prior to 1800.
A potential explanation might(!) be: the planned marriage was announced (the bann) in Wetzikon on 29. Dec. 1816 - and took place 06. Jan. 1817 … but where? Not likely in Wetzikon (but this should be checked!). The family register gives Husen as origin for the bride (and I had already mentioned Hausen am Albis as likely location). On the other hand, according to the Wetzikon marriage record she's "aus der Kniebreche", i.e. from Langnau am Albis. Both parishes only 12 km apart - so the marriage could have taken place in either parish.
BTW - you have another document on your page: 008191940 page 354.jpg - unfortunately without reference - I assume it to Bevölkerungsverzeichnis from Wetzikon (see E II 700.122 Wetzikon, 1634-1736 (Dossier)) - correct?
This states 06. Jan. 1817 as date of marriage - and is likely the souce for the date in the family register.

1816 Rudolf Jenta marriage to Margaretha Huber in Hausen am Albis, Zurich
Wolf translation:
Rudolf Jenta von Etenhausen, Pfarrei Wezikon, Margaretha Huber von Langnau, sesshaft [living] in Törlen
29 Dec 1816
Note: So this record gives the same date as the record in Wetzikon (where the marriage had been reported) - contradicting the date (06 Jan 1817) in the Haushaltrodel and Familienregister.
Note: I had published this also on, suggesting a potential reason for the discrepancy - which doesn't really convince me - so I am hoping for better explanations.
Whatever the explanation might be: we have the original records (29 Dec 1816), which I consider more trustworthy than registers compiled at a later stage, i.e. with an additional potential source of error.
Reformed Church of Wetzikon.

Reformed Church of Wetzikon.

Reformed Church of Wetzikon.

Reformed Church of Wetzikon.
Julius Billeter: 

Rudolf Jenta Family from Jenta Temple Record by Julius Billeter pages 1 and 2

"Gemeinderat" is a German word that translates to "district council," "district councillor," "councilman," "local council," "municipal council," "city council," "local authorities," or "municipality"

Rudolf Jenta Family document:

Film 008191940 page 1

Film 008191940 page 2

Film 008191940 page 354
Film 008191940 page 354 Haushaltsrodel or Familienbuch
Translation by Wolf:
Note: This is a complicated one - the following is more a summary rather than a full transcription.
First line (including the note #): Am 9. Febr. 1751 ward Meister Conrad Jenta, der Gerwer von Schmiedmüllen [Schmidmühlen] aus der Oberpfalz zum Bürger angenommen, weil er zu Medikon die Gerwerei gekauft.
Conrad Jenta from Schmidmühlen (Oberpfalz, Bavaria, Germany) had bought the tannery in Medikon and was consequently given the citizenship on 9 Feb 1751. In the note it also states der Großvater (of Rudolf) war Conrad Jenta, b(aptizatus) 2. V. 1698.
Second line: Starb den 5 November 1822 im Spithal in Zürich.
This will relate to Rudolf Jenta: died 5 Nov 1822 in the "Spital" in Zürich. A "Spital" then cannot be compared with a hospital of today: is was at least partly more like an old people's home. You find his death entry in the Totenbuch Spitalkirche: Rudolf is actually noted as Patient - and died from Wassersucht (dropsy). 
Totenbuch Spitalkirche brings you directly to the page - this is one of the city of Zürich church records: we had a few marriages in Zürich before, if I remember correctly in St.Peter. Here is the start page for these records. (See Rudolf's death record below second from last document)
Next lines: Rudolf Jenta Gemeindrath, g(eboren) den 19. Maj 1771.
Lisabeth Freÿ von Birr, Aargäu, g(eboren) den 23. November 1774, starb den 18. April 1816 abends um 5 Uhr.
cop(uliert) 7. Oktober 1792
Note: In the left hand column Rudolf's parents are listed (already discussed previously). Below the children (born 1793 through 1816) are listed. A widower he married a second time: Marget (Margreth) Huber, g(eboren) den 2. September 1792 (or 1793? - very faint) on 6. Januar 1817; (Marget) starb 19.II.1849 in Husen. The couple had one child, Anna Lisabeth, born 19. Jul. 1821. 

Note: On the same page follows the son Heinrich Jenta (born 1808) and his family.
Note: Jakob Huber will be the father of Rudolf's second wife, "Marget" Huber. He was von der Kniebreche - we've had this place in a previous discussion: (Wolf: I wasn't sure about the very faint line under the name of Barbara Huber - but on the abstract it says "Heisch (Hausen am Albis)" - and now I recognise "Heisch Hausen".)

Document below: FamilySearch: Film # 008014210 page 2184:
1771 Rudolf Jenta family

Film # 008014210 page 2184
Rudolf in government:

Since Heinrich Jungholz of Ettenhausen / is moving away from Hanseatic League under the 2nd Apric and one is in doubt / whether not perhaps current debts would like to rest on the same / so the E. Gemeindrath finds it necessary to announce it publicly at everyone's behavior / and to invite through all those who have to demand eüvas of him / to announce themselves before their demands at the latest by the end of the month with the finally announced one; otherwise later no right would be held against them for this reason any more. Also at the same time, registered young wood will be "uninvited / to turn himself in to the authorities until the next Mayday of the month with the final report / otherwise one would order what will be right with regard to his inheritance. Mezikon/ April 9, 1805, in the name of the municipal council. Jenta / Secretary. (Zürcherische Freitagszeitung, Number 16, 19 April 1805)

Rudolf in Government:

Above: The revolutionary time for the disengagement of the church weaving fine way. As a result of the state overthrow of 1798 not only the Ehgaum Institute was abolished forever, but also the standstill was dissolved. The article says that the Municipality of Wetzikon is forming a committee to provide services. They list various people including: Ulrich Kunz to Linkenberg, Hs. Jakob Grimm to Kempten and Rudolf Jenta to Ettenhausen. They began service in 1804

Where were Rudolf and Lisabeth married?

Rudolf Jenta married Lisabeth Frei on October 7, 1792, at about 21 years ol. in St. Peter's in Zurich. 
The church clock of St. Peter has the largest tower clock face in Europe, the outer diameter of each of the four church clocks measures 8.64 metres (28.3 ft),[1] the minute hand 5.73 metres (18.8 ft), the hour hand 5.07 metres (16.6 ft), and the minute crack of the large pointer measures 0.455 metres (1.5 ft).


1822 Nov 5 Rudolf Jenta death Wetzikon, CH  Totenbuch Spitalkirche (hospital death book
note the word patient)

1822 Nov 5 Rudolf Jenta burial, Wetzikon, CH
Translation by Wolf:
jam (Latin - in this context = same = November) 5 (1822)
Rudolf Jenta von Etenhausen starb im Spithal (died in hospital or rest home)
aged 51 (years) 5 (months) 26 (days)
Thph?? - not sure about his cause of death: typhus? In the death register of the Spitalkirche Wassersucht (dropsy) was given.