Friday, January 31, 2020

Jakob Sidler 1608-1693

Jakob Sidler was born in 1608. He married Vronegg Urmi born about 1605 from Rifferswil, six miles southeast of Ottenbach. They had 7 children. He was a "Wagner" or a carter or cartwright. A cartwright, or wainwright, is a tradesperson skilled in the making and repairing of carts or wagons. They lived in a time of great religious persecution of the Mennonite Church. Some members of the church were imprisoned or died in the Ottenbach Prison. Vronegg died at 49 years old and Jakob lived to be 85.5 years old in 1693, which is a record in the Sidler family.  He was alone for 36 years. (Temple Record Sidler and Hegetschweiler, by Julius Billeter, page 11)

What happened to their children?
Katharina Sidler 1631 married Jakob Kleiner, no known children, no death date
Melchior Sidler 1633-1706 had five children with Margaretha Bicklin, was a Wagner, five children, one married and three lived to be adults, lived 72 years 11 months 22 days
Hans Rudolf Sidler 1635-1710 married Margaretha Grob, 11 children, Margaretha died at 46, he remarried 4 years later to Margaretha Jlli, they had one child Marx who died, she died in 1692 and 18 years later he died,  lived to be 75, Margaretha Jlli had a scripture read at her funeral and was buried in traditional Swiss dress
Hans Sidler 1637 married Margaretha Müller
Verena Sidler 1639 infant death
Jakob Sidler 1642-1683 lived with his father his whole life, never married, died at 40
Anna Sidler 1644-1699 married Jakob Häberling, no known children, lived 55 years 0 months 1 day

Marriage information from the Zürich Archives:
Sidler; Jakob; Ottenbach;
Urmi; Veronika;
"Frau: ""Vronegk"";
""u§ der Baregk""";
Ottenbach;E III 88.2

A Wagner is a wagon-maker, wainwright, or cartwright. They made the four wheels and the bridge out of wood. One or more horses or oxen had do draw the wagon. My grandfather was smith (Dorfschmied) and he made the iron profiles around these wheels. So virtually every community had a Wagner and a Schmied, also to make iron horseshoes. The same applies for Küfer or Küpfer, they made wooden barrels e.g. for washing or wine. In Germany these professionals have other names such as Boettcher.

A Wagner was not a transporter, the one who transported goods on a wagon (Fuhrwerk). Such a guy was named Fuhrmann here in Switzerland, plural Fuhrleute. They had the bad reputation that they fluchten like crazy all the time (they were cursing and swearing like Berserkers ....... a case for our Ehegaumer / Stillständer. (Citizens that helped the Pastor uphold the moral standards of the community.)

During their lives:
1639 Hans Muller was a powerful factor in the Mennonite Church and so zealous were the officers to find him, that like ravening wolves they ran through his neighbors' houses to find him. He had escaped from his house and when they came to it and broke it open and found he was gone, they broke open chests and drawers and took all the property they could get. They threatened his little children with bare swords that "they would kill them if they did not reveal his whereabouts." They took his wife and put her bound in the loathsome Ottenbach prison. Then a proclamation was announced in the Reformed churches of Zurich, that no one would be allowed to lodge or give food or drink to Hans Muller, from the Groeningen Bailiwick under severe penalty.  Then they deceived him and sent abroad a proclamation that he would  be allowed a three weeks' safe conduct to argue with him, if he came forth. He trusted this and went to the convent specified to discuss the matter but as he was about to leave he was arrested in breach of faith and taken to Ottenbach; imprisoned 60 weeks, of which he spent 16 weeks in chains. (Mirror, p. 1053)

1640 In Ottenbach there are 52 adults, 42 single, 319 inhabitants, 6.1 per household or 52 homes in the community. (Ottenbach Told by Bernard Schnider and Salomon Schneider and Erika Schmid)
1689 - 1694 Hunger crisis leads to large population losses
1661  Construction of the first Ottenbach schoolhouse
1645 - 1647 Construction of a mill wheel on the Reuss river
1638   Construction of the Ottenbach rectory. (Ottenbach Municipality Website)"Charitable farmers of Ottenbach provide for the beggar children (1692) with a crust of bread….." (Schweizer Bauer imj Zeitalter des Fruhkapitalismus, Berne 1932 page 80  and page 174 )
Story: Jacob Baumgartner an old man of 70 years had been imprisoned for his faith 5 times and each time escaped,  but was now again apprehended and  thrown into Ottenbach prison. He  was fastened to chains, deprived of  his clothes and clad in a gray coat,  fed on bread and water, put in irons  and hand-cuffed and his property sold  for 500 gilders and the money taken  by the government. (Mirror 1064)
1620 Kleinhanserchtold von Wasterkingen showed scant respect for the authorities, wanting them to be struck by lightning.  Jorg Haupt from Steinmauer was even more explicit in 1650. He swore that lighting should strike the authorities, and "by a thousand sacraments and the sacrament of blood, he wanted thunder and hail to strike the Ottenbach (the local prison).  Unsurprisingly, this insubordinate subject found himself in court. (Dealings with God: From Blasphemers in Early Modern Zurich to a Cultural History of Religiousness By Prof Dr Francisca Loetz)
1639 The same year Jacob Egle, a Mennonite, of Gruningen district near Zurich, was arrested and after a short trial at Zurich was imprisoned in the Ottenbach dungeon,  during a year and a half. He was so miserably treated that he died in prison, rather than give up his faith. (Mirror 1054)
1637 - Hans Meyli (Meili) was imprisoned as an old man in 1637 with sons, Hans (Jr.) and Martin, for about 3 years for their religious beliefs. Two women named Barbara and Elizabeth, probably the wives of Hans and Martin, were imprisoned in 1639 and escaped the prison (Ottenbach prison). Hans Martin's property was confiscated, and they were all held in chains and handcuffs; his sons' children were put out among strangers. Hans was a Swiss.  (Mirror p.1052)

Ottenbach Pastors during Jakob's lifetime:
1604. Beatus Eggstein. He drowned while bathing in the Reuss in 1609.
1609. Joshua Kessler, Dean of the Chapter since 1618. Died 1636.
1636. Hans Kaspar Müller. Dean since 1642. A new rectory was built under him. (This is shown in the first part of our parish register. According to Wiesendanger  soil Reverend Muller, the priest embezzled the property of the parish and left it to his heirs to pay for the damage. Pastor Muller also came into conflict with the Ottenbach innkeeper when he set up a wine tavern in the vicarage)
1656. Hans Jakob Heiz. But he died before he started in Ottenbach.
1656. Hans Ulrich Wiesendanger, Dean since 1668. Died 1677.
1677. Hans Kaspar Huber. Dean 1684. When he was employed in Kappel, he suffered a stroke, the consequences of which he soon died.
1647  Ottenbach Census Jacob Sydler and Veronica Urmi page 732 film 8126305 All their children as of 1747 are listed with information on their progress toward confirmation when they are 15 years old.

Reading a Kirch Census
The "T"means Testimonial (Zeugnusse, Zeugnisse) and the “C”  Communicantes (those after the communicaton with 15 years can go to the Lords's supper (Abendmahl) and and partake of the sacrament. Decal. refers to the 10 commandments Kirche curriculum. (Dr Ziegler Latin terms)
Note: From this census we learn their family was very religious. Each child's progress towards confirmation was duly noted:
Katharina Sidler 1631-      Decal. k.f. (student knows 10 commandments by heart, preparing for confirmation)
Melchior Sidler 1633         C.T lernt ___(preparing for confirmation at 13)
Hans Rudolf Sidler 1635   C.T. (has learned the major catechism to the end)
Hans Sidler 1637               Cat min (knows the small catechism to the end)
Verena Sidler 1639            Decal.  (student knows 10 commandments by heart)
Jakob Sidler 1642-1683    
Anna Sidler 1644-1699
Melcher = Melchior seems very young with 13 to get the wine already ...(Source: Peter Bertschinger)

Jakob Sidler, ≈ Ottenbach 20.03.1608, Sohn von Hans, Wagner, + Ottenbach 11.10.1693
oo Ottenbach 03.02.1629 [Laut Billeter fand die Heirat in Rifferswil statt - im der EDB findet man jedoch keine Heiraten 1629 in Rifferswil / diese Heirat ist im Ehebuch Ottenbach dokumentiert.]
Vronegg Urmi, ≈ Knonau 10.11.1605, "uß der Baregk", + 17.12.1657

31.07.1631 Katharina [laut Billeter: oo 16.10.1661 Jakob Kleiner - evtl. eine Verwechslung der Heirat Jakob Kleiner in Mettmenstetten mit Verena Huber, Katharina wird im Bevölkeungsverzeichnis 1649 jedenfalls nicht mehr genannt - zwischen 1647 und 1649 verstorben?]
17.11.1633 Melchior, oo 08.01.1661 Margaretha Bickel, + 08.06.1706
06.12.1635 Hans Rudolf, ooI 28.10.1662 Margaretha Grob, + 21.12.1710 (=132-2-3)
12.11.1637 Hans, oo 21.03.1671 Margaretha Müller
10.11.1639 Verena
27.03.1642 Jakob, + 22.04.1683
12.05.1644 Anna, oo 06.12.1664 Jakob Häberling, + 13.04.1699 [Anna wird im Bevölkerungsverzeichnis 1649 nicht mehr genannt - zwischen 1647 und 1649 verstorben (das Totenbuch weist in diesem Zeitraum Lücken auf)? Auf der anderen Seite verstirbt sie laut Totenbuch 1699 im Alter von 55 Jahren, was zu einer Geburt 1644 passt.]

Documents related to Jakob Sidler:

Jakob birth 1608  20 March record: Film  8014328 page 75
20 Martij [1608]
E(ltern): Hanns Sÿdler im Ziegel Hus, Thrina Kleinerin.
K(ind): Jagli
Z(eugen): Poleÿ Kuntz, Regula Suterin
"im Ziegel Hus" (im Ziegelhaus) = in the brick house
"Poleÿ" (Polei) = Pelagius
Unusual is here that child and godfather don't share the same surname!
Note on name: Correction on previous transcriptions: I have several times the given name read as "C(at)hrina" - here I came to the conclusion it should be "Thrina", shortened for Cathrina

1629 Veronegg Urmi marriage Ottenbach 3 February 1629
 film 8014328 page 103, place is a different place than Billiter
Jagli Sÿdler von Ottenbach vnd Vronegk Vrmi vß der Baregk sind zu sammen geben (Tuesday) 3. Febr (16)29.
Sidler and Hegetschweiler Temple Record Book by Julius Billeter page 7

Silder and Hegetschweiler Temple Record Book by Julius Billeter pages 11 and 12

1634 Census Ottenbach Rudolf Sidler Veronegg Urmi page 293
film 8126308

1640 Church Census, Jakob Sidler Veronegg Urmi
film 8014135 page 368

1643 Church Census  Jakob Sidler Vronegg Urmi
film 8126307 page 348

1647 Ottenbach Census Jacob Sydler and Veronica Urmin
page 732 film 8126305
Notes on the 1647 census: Pastor Hans Ulrich Wiesendanger. (Made Pastor in Ottenbach in 1656 and Dean since 1668. Died 1677.) did us a great service in providing a legend for what the Latin abbreviations in the 1670 Kirche Census mean.
Note: These Bevölkerungsverzeichnisse (religious census reports, short BVs) are very good. Dr. Pfister said we are in a unique position in the Canton Zurich to have these ...
Jagli is the short form for Jakob, mostly for a young Jakob (diminiutive), -li means little here (in southern Germany they use -le, in Germany usually Jakoblein). Other forms for the little Jakob are Joggeli, Jacobli etc.
Note: She there shows up as Vronegk (Vronegg, Froneck etc. = standardized by Dr. Pfister to Veronika). She is "uss der Baregk", which is at the border between the Canton of Zurich and Aargau (direction Baden). Today there is a famous car tunnel. The Urmi family has been citizens of Maschwanden, Knonauer Amt. - in as usual ist the old form standing for a female Urmi (woman).
Wolf: Nicely on the right hand side our famous abbreviations what the kids learnt (by heart ?) The protestant pastors always slightly change these abbreviations of the texts they learned such as - Decal. k. f., C. T: lernet (is about to learn) Zeug-nussen cat. minorum, Symb. etc, If you move down to household nurmber 18, little Hans, 6 years old has the terma orat. = he can pray (he learnt a little prayer)

1649 Jakob Sidler and Vronegg Urmi 1649 Church Census
film 8126304 page 140 first entry, Note: After Jakob's
name it mentions Wagner, meaning wagon builder.

1657 Vronegg Urmi burial 17 December 1657
film 8014328 page 172 right side Ottenbach

1670 Jacob Sidler Ottenbach Church Census film 007765846 page 381

1678 Jacob Sidler 1608 and Rudolph Sidler 1635 in 1678 Census
film 8126303 page 467

1682 Church Census Rudolph Sidler b 1635 family film 8126301 page 735

Kent: It is interesting that Jakob is mentioned with his son Jacob. Vronegg has died 5 years previous to this census. This may also say something about Jakob Jr who is still living at home even though he is 40 years old, he will die in the next year. After Jakob’s name it says “Mag.” which could mean  Magister = Lehrer, Schulmeister = teacher, or. Schoolmaster. For more on church censuses
The 1682 Church Census for Rudolph Sidler b 1635 is very revealing. It lists Rudolf as a widower but he is still the head of the household. The members of the household include his son Rudolf Silder, Rudolf’s wife Margaretha Grob and their 7 children or Rudolf’s grandchildren.
Note: This census also shows Jakob's. It also has Jakob living at home when he is 40. After Jakob’s name it says “Mag.” which could mean Magister = Lehrer, Schulmeister = teacher, or. Schoolmaster.  He will die in the next year.
Note: The census also has a Hans Sidler with a son named Heinrich whose birthday is October 20 1671. Who is this? It could be Melchior's youngest son Heinrich, the year matches but the month and date do not. 

1689 Jakob Sidler Ottenbach church census   film 008014133 page 336

Jakob Sidler death 11 October 1693 film 8014328 page 386 
d(en) 11. 8br(is) (October) [1693]
Jogli Seidler, der Wagner i(n) Otenbach, 85 jährich (85 years old. )
Note: Jakob's death record also refers to him as a Wagner, maker and fixer of wagons.