Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Philip Hurst 1836 - 1901

Philip Hurst Document


Philip Hurst was born 15 Sep 1836 at Pirbright, near Guildford, in Surrey Co., England, where he was christened 6 Mar 1837. He was 12 when the family left England and arrived in Salt Lake City five days before his 16th birthday. Following his father’s death 14 Mar 1853, the family remained in Salt Lake City for a short period of time. Philip wrote a letter to his sister Mary Jane Maycock 12 Apr 1893 and stated: “I suppose those who attended the dedication service (Salt Lake Temple) have had a splendid time. I would liked to have been there, but could not very well. There are a few that can say they were there when the ground was broken (14 Feb 1853) or the corner stone was laid (6 Apr 1853), I did, also I worked on the digging out of the foundation and was at the meeting when the brethren discussed the matter of what material it should be built of.” Philip went to Springville with his mother, two sisters and cousin, Richard Westwood to be where other Westwood relatives were located.

Susan Hurst and David Westwood, her nephew, were issued two certificates for land in Springville survey of farm land 10 Nov 1853. Lot 1 block 35 – 40 acres & N half of lot 6 in block 9 containing 20 acres and E half of lot 2 Block 27 containing 10 acres. (Fam Hist Lib Film 482,988 page 79)

Philip Hurst by Certificate #730 Territory of Utah, Surveyors Office, Utah County, Provo City Dec 20, 1855 received 20 acres in Plat D Lot 8 in Block 13 in the Springville Survey of Farm Land.

On 2 Feb 1857 Philip Hurst deeded property to Brigham Young as trustee for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints: (Film 482,987 Record Book G page 27)

S half of the W half of lot 1 block 33 10 acres farm land value $60

Survey of farmland plat D value $50

N E Qtr of Lot 1 in Block 34 10 acres $50

NW corner part lot 2 block 6 ½ acre Springville Survey of Building

Lots with an adobe & log house thereon $300

One yoke oxen $90; 1 cow $30; 3 yearlings $18 $174

1 wagon $40; farming tools $30; 2 watches $15 $85

1 gun $20; 2 bus. Wheat @ $2; 50 lbs flour @ $6 per hundred lbs. $27

50 lbs corn meal 1.50; 1 ½ ton hay @ $5 per ton $9

Household furniture beds bedding etc $50

3 bus potatoes $3 outstanding act. $30 $33

Total amount Philip Hurst’s Property $828

On 3rd Feb 1857 Philip Hurst purchased the southwest quarter of Lot 1 block 33 of Springville survey containing 2 acres from J.M. Stewart for $5. By a certificate dated 8 Feb 1858, Philip Hurst, in the Springville survey of building lots received: “commencing at the NW corner of Lot 2 in Block 6 E 4 ½ rods E 2 ½ rods S 3 ½ rods West 6 ½ rods N 15 ¾ rods to beginning 80/160 acre.”

His land in Springville was close to the lake and contained much alkali making it relatively unproductive.

Philip developed a love for the theater and he and his cousin Richard Westwood performed with a stock company under the direction of another Westwood cousin, which took productions to many cities throughout the area. They became talented performers and were much in demand.

Philip Hurst kept a diary. It is not known when he started it, as much of it was lost following the family’s rapid exit from Mexico in 1912. Scattered pages of life in Fairview, part of his mission to the Central United States, and a few entries from Mexico were recovered together with the complete account of his two-year mission to England. The story of Philip Hurst will be told by quoting the diaries verbatim with quotes from letters he wrote to his mother and sister.

Philip’s daughter, Sarah Hurst Jones, wrote a history of his life in which she quotes from letters which are not available at present, and her account is also used to give as complete a story as possible.

Sarah wrote: “While living in Springville, Philip became acquainted with Lucinda Harris Guymon, born 10 Sep 1840 in Nauvoo. She came to Utah when she was ten years old. Her father built the first log cabin in American Fork and then moved to Springville. Philip and Lucinda were married 1 Jan 1857. Farming seemed to be the only way of making a livelihood. The land Philip had was very poor, consequently he moved to Mt Pleasant and then to Fairview about 1866.”

“ In a letter he wrote to his mother from Springville, he tells of the birth of a little girl whom they named Lillian. In spite of the cold, damp weather the family had good health. He had raised enough food stuff for his family and for his stock. He had killed a large hog. He was busy with the theater every Saturday night. He thinks they are better than anything he has seen yet. Lucinda had a good disposition, wanted to do her share of the work. Rebecca Sanderson, (no relation – from England) her neighbor said she was a very good wife and took good care of her children as Philip went about his theater playing. She was left alone a lot; her children were too young to help her. She took part in the theater when they played in town. She gave birth to seven children: Mary, Phillip, Lillian, Elfleda in Springville; Ellen (died soon after birth), Walter Frederick and William Henry, twins (William Henry died when a month old). The birth of these twins cost the mother her life. She died 18 Jun 1867.”

Philip and Lucinda moved to Sanpete County between the birth of Elfleda in Springville – 29 Jan 1864 and the birth of Ellen in Mt Pleasant – 13 Aug 1866. They had settled in Fairview prior to the birth of the twins 18 Jun 1867.

Quoting Sarah Jones: “In a letter Philip wrote to his mother and sister from Mt Pleasant June 17, he said it had been about a year since he had written. He told them that he had spent eleven weeks so far in active service in the Indian War. He had been called up at all hours of the night and had rode all day and night for 48 hours at a time He had been shot at until he didn’t like the sound of a flying bullet. The drum was the signal to meet and he had enough of that sound to last a long, long time He said an Indian all dressed up and painted for war was quite a different person than when he was begging for bread in peace time. He speaks of the crops and he hopes they can go home soon to take care of them. Says his wife Lucinda and the children send their love. They moved back in the fall and lived in the fort.”

“After their mother died, the children had a hard time. Mary was nine years old and did her share in caring for the younger children. Philip made a trip east for poor immigrants. The children were left in care of others. Mary said the hardships they endured at this time can never be told. ‘I wonder, sometimes, how we lived through it all, but the hand of the Lord must have been over us for we did not know what it was to be sick.’ In a letter from Emma (Philip’s sister) to her mother and sister she tells about this trip. She said ‘Four teams are going after poor emigrants tomorrow. Philip is one of the teamsters. There are four horses to each wagon. Bishop Seeley is captain of the Sanpete Company.’ She said the girls were going to stay with her and a Mrs. Cox was taking the boys. Richard (Westwood) was going to look after the crops. It was on this trip that Philip was in a boat which capsized in the Green River, when six men lost their lives. He was in the water 15 hours. His clothes were on one bank and he on the other. He and his companions picked up sticks all night to keep a fire going to keep warm and dry out the few clothes they had on. This happened June 7, 1868. Philip was assistant captain to Wm. S. Seeley…They arrived in Salt Lake City 3 Aug 1868.”

The following references from the Journal History of the Church relate to the trip to bring emigrants to Utah in 1868 – Philip Hurst was with William S. Seeley.

16 Jun 1868, page 1 “Trains Starting – The city was lively this forenoon with the trains going for the immigrants, starting for the terminus of the U. P. R. R. Some started yesterday, several trains left today, and the rest are expected to leave tomorrow. Some of the trains have not passed through the city. The following are the names of the captains who have charge: . . . William S. Seeley, Mt Pleasant, mule and ox train. . .There are in all 500 teams, well supplied with teamsters, guards and provisions: and the men are well armed. A speedy and pleasant trip to them, and safe back with their living freight.”

1 Aug 1868: Capt. Seeleys Train left Laramie City Aug 1 1868 with the Williamsburg Passengers and freight Deseret News 17:221. (List of passengers given)

6 Aug 1868: Benton D.T. –“ Geo. Q. Cannon: Dear Brother, enclosed I send list of Saints in my train which left Laramie on 1st. instant: The health of the saints is generally good and they are all in good spirits in the expectation of soon reaching Utah. We have had one death, which please insert a notice of. With best respects to all. I remain your brother in the gospel. Wm S. Seeley.” (Des News 17:227)

19 Aug 1868 (Des Even. News Sat Aug 22nd) Capt. Seeleys Train. “By the kindness of B Roberts, Esq. Just arrived from Sweetwater, we learn on Wednesday evening inst. Bishop Seeleys immigrant train was camped on the Sandy, nine miles east of Robinson’s Ferry on Green River. They crossed the ferry next day, all well.”

29 Aug 1868 “Capt William S Seeley’s ox train of 39 wagons left Laramie City with 272 passengers who had come from Williamsburg, N. Y. Some of these Williamsburg Saints undoubtedly included some Saints from Europe who had crossed the Atlantic the year before and had stopped in New York and vicinity to earn means to take them to the “Valley.” Capt Seeley’s train arrived in Salt Lake City Aug 29, 1868. . ."

Philip married Elizabeth Willcox 19 Sep 1868. She was born 13 Jul 1851 at Manti, Utah, a daughter of Owen Willcox and Mary young. They became parents of ten children: Alice Luella, George Arthur, Horace Otis, Elizabeth, Ida Susannah, Oscar Parley, Eunice Emma, Hugh, Ruth and John Franklin.

Elizabeth Hurst wrote a letter to Susannah Webley Hurst Maycock and Mary Jane Maycock 10 Jul 1869: “Dear Mother and Sister I now write you a few lines to let you know that we are all well at present and hope this may find you the same. I should have wrote sooner only I have been waiting for Philip to get home. I had one letter from him since Mary was hear I have heard from him and that he will be home this week he has not found his horses but has got a ox team the Indians has got the horse that was left here. I have been to Mothers today for the first time since Mary left hear I have been working in the garden since the hoppers went away trying to raise a little garden. I have got the childrens dresses done I had just got Marys done the day that I got the colic this little peace that I will send is like their dresses that I had made I am very much obliged to you for that you sent and maybe one day we will have some thing to give in return. I am writing this by moon light they has not been any school for 2 weeks the children is almost lost. Philip has been to mother for a week and he thinks he has had the best visit that he ever had I can’t think of any thing to tell you that is worth writing I guess Emmas folks is well I have had 40 young chickens hatched this spring I am sure this is the awkwardest letter that I ever wrote. You must write soon the moon is shining bright now as I am dun I think this is all. Cate Westwood has got a little girl baby.”

Philip’s sister, Emma Jane Tucker in a letter to their mother, May 1871 wrote: “Philips folks are well they have got a new stove they had a May walk here last Monday and Mary Hurst was the May Queen.”

Philip wrote his mother 26 Jun 1871: “Dear Mother, It is with pleasure I write these few lines to you to let you know how we are getting along We are all well for which we thank our Heavenly Father I have been very busy this spring and summer trying to raise a crop the weather is hot and dry but our water holds out pretty well yet the crops generally look well fall wheat is just heading out and we shall need it quite as soon as it comes for everybody’s flour sack is getting empty I think this town will raised twenty thousand bushels of small grain if our crops mature as they now promise. I put in 13 acres of wheat 2 of oats and 5 of barley 2 in corn and 1 of potatoes it all looks well I still have _2 acres of good grass which ought to be cut soon. I am acting water master for one district, am helping teach Sunday School and President of our Cooperative Sheep herd which with tending my crop keeps me busy we have had a good sermon today from Elder Hyde. George has been gone to Meadow Valley 18 days with a load of butter and eggs. He ought to be back in a week more. Emma and the children are well give my respects to all the folks and accept the same yourself from Philip Hurst.” Elizabeth penned a note on the back: “Dear mother I thought would write a few words although I have not got much time to day Philip wrote Sunday when I was to mothers she was well and sends her love to you I am very busy I have got my spinning done I only had 14 pounds to spin I made a spinning bee and had 4 girls to spin 4 pound of reels and I done the rest in one week we sheared the sheep and washed the wool the same day and picked it the next day. I was sorry to hear about Mary’s baby I have not got time to write any more this time for I am very busy and not much ambition to work please write soon from yours Elizabeth Hurst.”

Quoting from Sarah Jones: “In Fairview the family had been living in a log house. Philip decided to build a new one of rock. He and Dick Westwood quarried the rock. In a letter to his mother and sister 24 November 1872, he said he was very busy. He was making adobes to line the new rock house he was building. His hired man had quit. It took six mounted men to herd the cattle to keep them from the Indians. He expects six hundred bushels of wheat. His son Philip; had done most of the harvesting – cradling, binding and shocking from 25 to 30 dozen per day. Philip had also got up the hay. He hoped to have the kitchen ready for New Year’s Day. Two of his horses, and a year-and-a-half colt got away. He didn’t know if they were stolen or not. He did get them back later for 16 bushels of wheat. There was not much demand for wheat. Oats were 1 and three fourths cents a pound. They moved in the new house in Jun 1873. He said this settlement is the best there is –if they didn’t have to pay so much for bills and spend so much time protecting themselves from the Indians. In an earlier letter to his mother, Oct 23, 1870 he said the grasshoppers were eating the grains and he was putting in more wheat. He had been making trips to Meadow Valley delivering rock salt for three cents a pound.”

as scouts, and four men to herd cattle, incurring an expense of not less than 15 per cent, ad valoram tax, to foot the bill. In the spring of 1866 the Indians killed Thomas Jones and wounded William Avery. It was thought best for our settlement to move their women and children to Mount Pleasant; and while they were there, we built a stone fort here, which cost us not less than $2500. We then moved our families back, and fed our cattle in the corrals from the first of August until the Spring of 1867. We then hired 10 mounted men to herd our cattle and protect the settlement; this item cost us 20 per cent, to pay the bill. That fall the grasshoppers injured the crops of oats and vegetables. In the spring and summer of 1868 the grasshoppers entirely destroyed the crops, and the Indians stole a number of work horses and mules. Indian Joe, “a noted pet,” his brother and brother-in-law, went in pursuit. In a few days they returned, bringing part of the stock back, reporting they overtook the Indians going up a steep mountain, and that the thieves fled, taking the swiftest horses with them Joe got paid for the stock he brought back and “thereby hands a tale.” A few months later an employee of the Indian Reservation told me that Joe overtook one Indian driving the stock, on Red Creek; and that they there divided the stock – the Indian taking part, Joe bringing the other back.

In the summer of 1869 we raised part of a crop of wheat, but no oats; that fall the Indians stole a small band of horses from a field, close to town. The same summer they took a span of horses from a party that were out service-berrying. In 1870 the grasshoppers swept everything; that summer the Indians shot at two men and then drove off a band of colts before the citizens could rally, after the report was given. In 1871 we had good crops, and no trouble with Indians, except to satisfy their begging propensities. In the spring of 1872 the Indians came in large numbers. They were arrogant and domineering, but we got along with them the best we could. Indian agent Dodge told them to go back to their reservation, and for us not to feed them anymore. This made them mad, and many of them were determined to kill whites and steal horses. Just in the heat of haying, with a big harvest on our hands, they killed Nathan Stewart, wounding Peter Larsen, and Martin, the boy, while fetching the cow herd home. After this we hired six mounted men to herd the cows, and broke up the Cooperative stock herd in Thistle Valley. General Morrow and troops came to our assistance, and furnished us protection while we were harvesting our crops. They were warmly welcomed by the people, who now thought that Uncle Sam would hold a protecting hand over his nephews in Sanpete; but the white tents were struck, and the troops were marched back. Why, we could not learn, as the Indians were stealing whenever they could get a chance. But a back handed rumor comes that some higher official, prompted by parties who knew nothing of the facts, had recalled the troops. If government wants to know if there has been any Indian trouble here, let disinterested men be sent here to inquire; talk to the widows of Jens Larsen and David Jones, the widowed mothers of Thomas Jones and Nathan Stewart; visit the graves of the entire Givan family; talk to the men who have rode night and day for hundreds of miles, trying to bring these marauders to Justice; ask the amount of taxes paid for protection; and see the men who have had their only team taken more than once. And this is only one settlement’s story. Other settlements could tell a similar tale; differing in detail; and when I read expressions from high officials, which seem to doubt our troubles, I ask myself am I awake, or is the last eight years experience the imagination of a fevered brain? Philip Hurst”

Elizabeth wrote: “Fairview Sanpete January the 12th 1873 Dear Mother I take the present opportunity to write to you to let you know how we are at this time we are all well at present and I hope this may find you the same we received your letter before Christmas but I thought I would wate till after the holidays I went to the Sunday School exhibition on Christmas the Children had a good time they had two trees with toys on and lots of other things that was not on the trees our children got presents the day was rainy and muddy we went to a dance at night the children goes to lots of dances the biggest ones is a going to school tomorrow Walter and Fleda has been going one week Walter has started to learn very well for a new beginner we sent our wool to the factory but could not get eny cloth we got yarn and it was all doubled and twisted they got $.40 cents a pound for the wool and pay a dolar and half a pound for the yarn I went to mothers last Sunday and stayed till Thursday that was the first visit I have had this winter we have not got in the new house yet but I don’t think it will be very long before we will get in it I think I will know the good of a home when I get in there it will be better than this one – I hope Times is dull here wheat is 84 cents a bushel and oats and barley is 64 cents a bushel buter is 25 cents a pound eggs is 30 cents a dozen. George started to medow bakery and had to turn back on account of bad roads. Emma and George went to Mount Pleasant yesterday on a visit I have been very busy sewing and knitting I have sold one pare of socks for 75 cents and one pare of Stockens for one $ in store pay and sold some of the yarn Philip sold a 100 bushels of oats to the store and I have just got the things made up that we got for it Lily and Fledy went to their grandpaws and stayed 2 weeks before Christmas they was glad to go and was more glad to get back I don’t know what more to write you this time I will send you a peace of my dress goodby for tonight pleas write when you fell like it from yours Elizabeth. Mother sends her kind love to you she said she would like to see you they are all well at present. (Second page of same letter) 19th Jan I will now finish my letter the reason that I did not send it sooner was because Arthur took sick and I wated for him to get better. Another week has past and we are not yet in the new house the carpenter will begin to work in the morning the children like their new teacher very well there is a doctor to Mount Pleasant that has got the small pox we heard to a few days ago the weather is like spring hear we are milking 5 cows but butter is a

small price we went to a concert last knight in the meeting house their has been 6 meetings hear since you went from here Arthur can talk a good deal for so young a child Lewela knows most of her abcs and Walter knows all of his and has began to spell you must excuse mistakes and bad speling for the boy is crying for his papy and I shall have to go after him. Give my kind love to all and except the same yourself Elizabeth Hurst.”

The following letter was written by Elizabeth, Philip, Elizabeth and Philip Jr. “Fare view Sanpete March the 16th 1873 Dear Mother we receved your kind letter and was glad to hear from you and to hear that you was well. We are all well at present and hope this may find you the same the weather is very fine we have not had but one little storm since the first day of this month the snow is almost gone the ground is drying up very fast the four littlest children has had the chicken pox but did not make them much sick the children is still going to school they say it is the best school they ever went too I guess the same teacher will teach all the year as he is not likely to quit to do other kind of work they are talking of making a new school house this summer Philip has been helping to get out the rock I think he got out about 15 cords. Eggs is 16 cents a dozen and butter 16 cents a pound.

Dear mother and sister I take the present time to write a few lines to you we are in good health and feel thankful for it for there is much sickness in the county Fountain Green, Moroni, Ephraim, Mt Pleasant have the Small Pox though it appears to be a mild form for that disease. At present I think we have none of it here. The last two weeks have been pleasant, taking off the snow fast. Many of the hillsides are bare, if the winter had not broke up we should have lost heavy in stock as the snow covered up everything but the cedars. I have been trying to work the stone Quarry this winter but we have had so much snow and frost that it did not pay well. I and Westwood are getting 20 cord of rock for the New school house and I want 10 cord more for my house I don’t think I shall sow as much grain this year as it hardly pays more than for home use. They are surveying the Utah Southern Railroad through Spanish Fork Kanyon if it does us no more good I think it will help to keep the Indians back and then if we can keep money enough to pay our passage we can make a visit without spending a month on the road. If the weather stays warm and dry we can commence plowing in 2 weeks hay stacks are small but I have plenty. Grain is low and this fall we have to pay for our land. I shall be obliged to make a trip south to raise money before fall. Eppizootic has got our horses so it is not safe to work them or I should have been on the road now. It takes 2 bushel of grain to pay for a days common labor that is the reason I am trying to do my own work as much as possible and paying my school tax in rock to save paying grain at a low figure I want to run up my main building and put a roof on it before next winter if can do that I will finish at leisure. I have got enough wood hauled to last all summer if the winter breaks now and a Quarter of enough rock hauled for my building but the roads are now impassible for rock hauling, that and the Zootic may prevent me getting my rock all out before plowing. Westwood has been not able to work last week and I have been choring around the house but tomorrow if all is well we commence again, I hope times are lively with you that with the return of spring you will have better health. Issabelle & Willie I hope are getting to be good scholars our children are learning fast I hope we soon may have peace with the Indians and prosperity in our bissness for I would like you and Mary to give us a long stay but it would be a very selfish wish to want you to be half scared to death all summer and wade through poverty as we have done most of the time I have lived here. Had I known 8 years ago that it would last so long I believe I should have run away, but have thought every year would be the last of trouble and then my farm would raise me a good living I like the people here and to show you they have confidence in me I am now President of the Coop Sheep Co, Vice President of Coop Store, City recorder, and Water master for one district and every little while refuse some other position. Give my respects to Amos and family. George and Emma are well we have a 200$ organ and clock in the meeting house. Roads are drying cattle going out to grass I will now close my letter by wishing you happiness and peace. Philip Hurst. March the 26 I have neglected to send my letter until now we are all well but the small pox is hear now the bishop and Martha has got it Philip will be done with the stone cutting this weak the ground is ready to plow I have planted a little garden last week I croshed a stand cover I begun it Monday and finish it the next Monday I have been coloring some peases to finish my woolen quilt there was a man died at Mount Pleasant yesterday with smallpox and there was 35 more very sick we havent had any meetings nor school for over a weak on a count of so much sickness I have set one hen today we have not any young calves yet and I am glad of it we milked 6 cows all winter and they was so much work to do with them we only milk 3 now but will soon have more Arthur is a fine big boy and can talk everything this is all for the present from yours E. Hurst”

In the same letter: “William Crandel Dear cousin I take my pen in hand to write you a few lines I am going to school I read in the fifth reader but I am going in the sixth reader jest as soon as I get a book we have got five fine colts and two fine horses and six cows and five calves I have got two of them broke to ride but I have lots of fun while I was at it I am well and hope this will find you the same they are giting up a concert here and me and Mary have got a part in it I neglected to answer your leter you wrote to me but I will write to you now I can and hop you will do the same we have got a flourishing Sunday school wich we all atend under superintendent a William Christioson this from your cousin Philip hurst to william Crandll.”

Elizabeth and Philip wrote: “Fairview Sanpete Co Aug the 5th 1873 Dear Mother with pleasur I write to you to night to lett you know that we are all well and hope this may find you the same the reason that I have not wrote sooner is partly because I have not had time and part neglect we have had a nice rane the first one since I can remember I have ben spinning today and had a spining bee yesterday all I have got don is 25 scanes I have about 18 pound more to do yet we had a fine time on the 24th we had a very good time in the foornoon and a good concert in the after noon and a dance the night after Mary went to Mount Pleasant on the 29th and danced all night and she has gon to one to night to Coxes and they are a going to have their paining bee Friday there is a going to be a two days meeting Saturday and Sunday we have plenty of good curns and garden stuff is just big enough to eat the school has just quit till the first of September Eggs is 20 cents a dozen and buter we cant sell for any thing I have got 77 young chickens we call the babe Horace and he is so good that I would not have to take him once in a day if I did not want to I don’t know weather you can read this or not for Philip has been singing to me every cince I began to write and I beleave I am charmed you must write soon it is getting late goodnight.

Dear mother and friends it is bed time, but I will write a few lines I have been verry busy this summer and get tired every night, we have got the lower story of the main building done, it looks first rate when the weather settles I want to commence haying the grain crops are light, and late, I rented my crop out to water and harvest and get two thirds for my part, times are dull, grain is low, every time I get any body to work for me it takes a small load of grain to pay them, we have got a two story rock school house built this summer my tax was 27 dollars but I paid it in rock in the winter. I was logging at Snows mill two weeks and got 2200 feet of lumber for my share. I hope this may find you all well I never had better health in my life. Philip Hurst.”

Philip Hurst married Rebecca Ann Sanderson in the Endowment House in Salt Lake City 9 Oct 1873. This was a plural marriage. Rebecca was born 15 Jan 1858 in Union Fort, Salt Lake County a daughter of Henry Wicks Sanderson and Rebecca Ann Sanders. She shared the big rock house with Elizabeth for a few years and then moved to the little log house in the fields where she could be alone. In 1882 Philip bought an adobe house in town for her. It was the first adobe house built outside the fort in Fairview and was built by her Uncle John Sanders.

Philip and Rebecca were parents of ten children: James Martin, Julia, Albert LeRoy, Sarah Jane, Clarence Ray, Guy Randolph, Edgar Sparks, Ralph, John (stillborn), and Ada Rebecca.

“Fare view Sanpete April the 20th 1874 Dear Mother and Sister with pleasure I answer your kind letter after a long time we are all well at this time hoping this may find you the same I hope Mary Maycock is well there is a great deal of sickness hear Owen Terys baby died of dipthery it was buried yesterday little Otis had had it but is well enough now that was the reason that I did not write two weeks ago and one weak ago I was to mothers she has very poor helth as she thinks she is quite a young woman again I don’t get to go to mothers very often now as Mary is not hear to stay with the children I canot go as contented as I did then although they would be took good care of George has been to the City he got home last Saturday their folks is all well Mary sent us som apples and the same night I had a letter from her she is enjoying her self very well I think she had got a good man we have been wearing a little more I have been coloring some peases and peased me a nice woolen quilt I have got Arthur in pants he thinks he is the man that we live with little Otis can walk his hear is curley I don’t think he is much biger that he was when I was to your house I think he is awful pretty well give my kind love to Mary and Amos and Willy Isabell and your self please write soon from Elizabeth Hurst to mother and sister good night.” On the back of same letter: “Dear mother I have just got home from Salt Creek the president has been holding a two day conference there. They have organized the settlement under the order of Enoch or into a grand cooperative system for mutual support. There is one in Dixie and others between Salt Creek and Dixie the theory takes well if the practical part gives as good satisfaction it will be a good thing to unite the people it has snowed all day the winter has been long and severe we have got no crops in yet and most of people have fed out their hay so close they will not have feed for the teams to plow with times are dull the weather bad and we are bothered with a few apostates that are making us some trouble but the Lord is able to take care of his saints and I hope the reign of the wicked is short give my respects to all the folks and accept the same yourself. Philip Hurst.”

Same letter: “here is a curl of hair from my little blessings head tell Isabell to take good care of it Mother it is just two years today since you got hear the last time and I wish you was hear now it has been snowing for two days and nights deep enough so that we have dipped up snow to wash with at the 21st of April we take weak about doing the work when my weak is out I am so tired that I am almost sick and Rebeca just as tired of setting for she would rather be on her feet for that she is the most young to do house work tell Hester and Isabell to write.”

“Fairview San Pete Co Aug 25/74 Dear mother and all the folks, being a rainy day I take this opportunity of writing a few lines we are all in good health and hope this may find you so. This has been a singular season spring was cold and backward the summer hot and dry at first now we are having cold showers and when the sun comes out it is very hot and sultry our grain is filling out pretty well but still it is a rather poor crop owing to cut worms and late spring. There is some sickness among children Westwood baby is dead and the next one is sick our new order is working about as well as we could expect considering the change from individual to company movements. Some men that never would work for themselves are taking hold pretty well but I think it will take from 2 to 5 years to get a company in good running order but with honest business men for officers and foremen it is bound to be a success. I would like to come down to conference but am afraid that having to attend court it will interfere. Our land most of it has to be paid for in November and money is scarce and hard to get We sent 11 yoke of cattle and 6 waggons to haul freight to Pioche this morning but there is nothing in the shape of work that pays very well for money hence the necessity for retrenchment we must go to making more and buy less I think our new order will help to accomplish this. / / Well Mother I guess Philip has wrote all the news we will be done spinning tomorrow we had plenty of work to do we are going to try to get our weaving done before the weather gets very cold we are going to do it ourselves if we can I stayed 8 weeks with my mother so that put me behind with my work. Mother is getting along very well but the last was not very well eny of the time and is not yet Sarah went down once and back the same day I am going to go down to Bottle Creek in the fall to dry fruit I wish you would come down so that I could get to see you Elfleda is with Mary yet I should like to see her very much I had letter from her last week she was well they Rebeca Tucker come from there a few day ago and she told me that Emmas children has got a very bad cold the babe was not very well last night Little Horace has been walking for 5 months he can almost beat me walking to Emmas or Sarahs he talks a good deal for so yong a boy tell Isabell that one of them Cox boys was married last Thursday night in the school house and had a dance and a good time the girl was Rosey Jones all of the children got school Luella likes to go Tressa Terry is the teacher I have got quite a nice flower garden in front of the house the babe makes them fly he nearly get lost in them he is so short and the flowers high They have began to take butter to the store now at 18 cts per pound and eggs at 15 per dozen I had a letter from grandfather last week I have wrote the answer today and one to Mary today so that I am quite tired of writing the times is very dull here I cant think of anything to write Cates babe was a very pretty one I was the only woman they was there when she died we did think she was so bad I had been alone with her until a few moments before she was gone give my best respects to all and tell them to write it is bed time the rest of the folks is a nodding at each other I guess I shall holler and scare them. Good by from yours truly, Philip and Elizabeth Hurst to Susanah Maycock.”

The Fairview Ward Records (Fam Hist Lib Film 025,959) state: “July 2nd 1875 United Order formed with H. W. Sanderson Secy & Treasurer (he is father of Rebecca Ann Hurst) 3 Jul 1875 Baptized into United Order . . . Elizabeth Hurst, Rebecca Ann Hurst, Philip Hurst, Philip Harrison Hurst, William Henry Sanderson (md Elfleda Hurst), Henry Weeks Sanderson Junr.”

“Fairview Nov 28 1875 Dear mother & all the folks I take the present opportunity to write these few lines to you hopeing they may find you all well. We are having one of those rainy times it has stormed on and off for three weeks and our black clay soil is as full of water & as sticky as it generaly gets to be but thank God we are better prepared for rain than we used to be, for the house though not finished, keeps the rain off and will not leak for a week after it has quit raining out of doors. We raised this year 250 bus wheat & 150 bus oats stacked 15 tons of hay and got in about 150 bus potatoes and some other garden vegetables but owing to last years failures we were out of every thing before we got new supplies and it requires considerable exertion to save a crop after raising it. But owing to the rich discoveries of coal just over the mountain east of us times are beter here than they have been for 3 years for we have a market right at home for nearly everything we want to sell. We got your letter this morning and was pleased to hear from you but I am afraid I shall not be able to keep my promise of visiting you this winter, much as I would like to do so for as soon as we got the farm work done I took the job of clerking for the Coop Store and it keeps us both busy to attend to it and do our own chores I would not have done this but I thought if we could make our store goods that way and pay up a few little debts that had been made I would be able to take a beter start in the spring than we could without it and I believe Philip will get a more practical education in the store than in any school we are likely to have this winter. We got up two plays for the benefit of the Sunday School. Richard myself & Philip all taking parts we have a pretty good company here and I expect I shall soon have to quit playing while my credit is good, or the boys will run me out. We are rehearsing ‘Aurora Floyd & Caught in his own trap’ but the press of active business takes me away my appetite for the nonsense of the stage. If Amos’s business will alow it I wish he would hitch up and fetch you and the folks out on a visit and I will endeavour to return the compliment as soon as I can. We are all in good health please write to us and let us know how you are getting along no more at present from yours & c Philip Hurst.”

“Fairview May 31, 1876 Dear Mother, Sister and Friends: I write to let you know how we are all well and hope this may find you so. This place is organized into the United Order. A. Tucker President, myself Vice President. For fear you may get a wrong version of the story I thought I would tell you about the fus we had here with the U.S. Marshall. He arrested D.Saunders for not paying the Marshall fee and was about to take him away and not give him time to make any arrangements for the care of his children. The children crying in the street aroused the sympathy of the women. They gathered – took the horse away he had hired to haul him to Mount Pleasant, and with this and considerable jawing they give him he swore out a writ against ten persons and others to the number of 70 or 80. _____him with clubs and threatened to hang him. He identified me and George, John Anderson, John Saunders, M. Cheney, Becca Terry, Martha Tucker, E. Carlic, Melia Tinker and Mrs. Hansen. We have been to Provo for a hearing. Three women were cleared and others all held to bail. I think it will all end in smoke, but if it comes up before a honest jury I can prove myself clear of breaking any law, but it is anoying to be ____around so much. The whole affair in any other country would hardly be noticed, but anything to annoy the Mormons and they will make political capital out of it. P. Hurst / / Well Mother I would have written sooner only I thought I would wait till the folks got home. I have not done much work for about 5 weeks. Sarah’s baby was sick for three weeks. I had to go there, then to Emma’s twice a day till George got home. They came on Friday. Last Sunday Philip and George was at Bottle Creek. Mary came home with them. She will stay till she gets a good chance to go home, but I am afraid she will get homesick. She wants Fleda to go home with her and I guess I will let her go. The weather is very cold. The tree is just in bloom here. The gardens are just coming up. Folks is sheering sheep, then I hope we will have something to do. We have been to meeting today, had dinner and been out to see how many of the flowers is up. I think I will have a nice lot of them. Emma has got along so well and she is proud of the girl. She says its name is Mary Rebecca after everybody she could think of. It is quite a pretty baby for a young baby. Mary fetched it a nice long dress or the stuf to make one. Well Isabel thank you for the flour and I should like to see you all. I was glad to hear from you, but so sorry to think that Daniel has gone, poor thing. Lily Cheeny’s man’s name is Martin Sanders one younger than Paul or John and the brother that you seen of mine was Hazzard for we have not seen James for 15 month. He is at theWeber to work. Well I am afraid this piece of paper is to small to write all I could think of but I will write soon and will try to have more. You pleas write. give my love to every body. Don’t let Olive think to much of Dannie. from your affectionate - -Elizabeth Hurst to Mother, Isabell, Mary and Willey be a good boy to Mother.”

From the Journal History of the Church, we read: 7 Oct 1876 page 2 – Saturday October 7 2 p.m. Elder George Q. Cannon presented the following additional names as missionaries: United States, Phillip Hurst, Fairview. (with others) The above were unanimously sustained by the conference. 14 Nov 1876 page 1 – The departure of missionaries for their fields of labor was noted in the Deseret Evening News of this date. Going East: Tomorrow morning a company of missionaries under the direction of Elder David M. Stuart for the St Louis District leave for their field of labor – Philip Hurst, Amos Maycock and Samuel J. Wing included on a list. Philip Hurst left Fairview 14 Nov 1876 on a mission to St Louis District.

Philip Hurst wrote: “St Louis Nov 23, 1876 Dear Mother, Sister, and Family: I take pleasure in writing to you and should have done it sooner, but Amos said he would write from Kansas which I suppose you would get two or three days ago. As near as we could learn, Mr Humphry lives west of the middle of Kansas. We parted at Harlem on the Missouri opposite Kansas City at half past two o'clock, last Monday morning. I arrived in St Louis Monday afternoon at three o’clock. We stopped at Council Bluffs and Omaha two days and held meetings on Sunday. The whole Missouri valley has become more thickly settled than it use to be Omaha and Council Bluffs are large business towns. St Louis is three times as large as when we lived here. The Union Depot, where nine railroads meet, is where Chatealy Pond used to be. That pond is all filled up and is fast becoming the most valuable part of the city. The railroads run south east till they strike the high ground on 8th street. Then they run under the city in a tunnel a little farther east than where the old Broadway Market used to be, then they cross the Mississippi over a great bridge to the Island which is now banked up and filled solid to the main land. There is so much coal burned here that the air is smokey all the time and the fine houses look black and dingy. St Louis is one solid city from Bromen on the north to south of the Arcental. On the south, the City Grave yard where Betsy was buried must be in the city now for the town reaches nearly to Gravios Coal diggins and north by the rock springs, taking in the old water works and into Bromen.

I hope that Willie is by this time well and if the boys can get away from home that long, visit Sanpete and get that colt and the muley heifer for Isabell. I would rather they had them than not as I have always had the most of father’s property. I would like Mary’s children to have at least that much to call their own. As you and Mary have always had as good a home as I have had I never troubled myself about it. I have sometimes thought that if I had worked for a good farmer at first for wages and got a start that way I could not have done so much hard work for nothing through ignorance, but the last few years I have done very well for which I thank my Heavenly Father. I am well in health and if the way opens up for us to do good on our mission I shall feel good, but the mass of the people are indifferent about religion.

The weather here is much colder than at home. The wheat I have seen was measly. The potatoes we would hardly eat at home and they are one dollar per bushel. The streets are narrow and the houses are very high and the sun struggles hard to shine through the smoke and looking up from the streets to the top of the house is like looking up to the top of a small mountain out of a deep canyon. I am afraid that I am not going to be able to find any of our old friends, for to ask for anyone that lived here 25 years ago in this fast-growing town is like asking for someone that lived here before the flood. Hoping this will find you all well I remain your affectionate son and brother. Philip Hurst.”

The first pages of Philip’s missionary diary are missing. Quoting what is available: “Meadow Massacre. Bro Wing answered that if they could believe our testimony there was eternal life promised as a reward to those that obeyed the gospel, then denied that Brigham Young had anything to do with the Mountain Meadow massacre, then told the people if they wished to hear us on doctrines where we differed with other denominations, we would confine our remarks to any subject they might suggest. The coming forth of The Book of Mormon and plurality of wives were named and we agreed to meet them again at 4 o clock P.M. We eat dinner with Jese Baldwin; while there he gave to us what purported to be a confession of John Lee from Saint Louis Republican which implicated Brigham Young. I pointed out to him the discrepancies of it, one of which was that George A. Smith was not Brigham Youngs 1st councillor in 1857 – another that John D Lee could have saved his life by implicating Brigham Young just as Bill Hickman and Phillip H Smith had done. We had a full house at 4 P.M. Br Wing led out on the Book of Mormon and spoke well for 75 minutes. I spoke an hour on plurality and showed that God had blessed the offspring of plural marriage as it destroyed the adulterer that God talked to Abraham, a polygamist, and told him of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorah for their sins, that in the Mosaic Law provisions were made regulating the bequeathing of property that the children of plural marriage should not be deprived of their rights, that Samuel the prophet was given to Hannah one of the two wives of Elkanah in answer to prayer, this offspring of plural marriage God talked to. That if plural marriage was not legal in the sight of God Christianity was a failure for the founder of it came through polygamous lineage and a corrupt tree cannot bring forth good fruit, showed our social condition before civilization was forced upon us then referred them to statements of leading physicians in regard to infanticide and phaelicide and abortions among the wealthy, also the morals of Chicago, New York, Washington & St Louis, then regard to the social evil; then said that if every woman that wished to marry could have a husband the social evil would die out for lack of material to feed upon. Our audience gave us considerable applause and a vote of thanks at the close of the address.

Feb 15 – Walked to Washington Grove and held meeting in the schoolhouse I spoke on the prosperity of the people when serving God and how they were purged when they broke their covenants and refused to listen to their Prophets. That God was willing to reveal his will to the people if they would receive it. Br Wing followed.

Feb 16 – A fine morning, went 4 miles south to L.P. Wings. Passed down a hollow with Oak and Hickory and other hard wood enough to make a man rich if he had it in Utah. We found Br Wing father feeling pretty well but Perry was doubtful. We eat supper at Mrs Bass then went to meeting had a good congregation who gave good attention and kept good order with one exception Br Wing was saying that after the apostles all that preached from that time to this had been the doctrines of men when a Catholic by the name of Croft said he lied like the devil. I preached on the kingdom that Daniel saw.

Feb 18 – Sunday, spent the day at Perry Wing’s place. I read Tulidges work of Utah and her founders.

Feb 19 – Walked South East 14 miles to Alfred Parkers, tried to get the Brown school house but failed. There is a strong prejudice against our people all through the country.

Feb 20 – Walked South East 16 miles we tried to get a house to preach in at Maryville, but failed. Stayed over night with James Lindzay

Feb 21 – Went to Detroit where BroWing got quite a bundle of letters. We held meeting at night in the Liberty School House congregation small. I spoke on the improvements made in Utah and the hardships of the early settlers.

Feb 22 – We went to Time and got a partial promise from the trustees of the Campbellite Church but on further consideration they decided that as the Methodists were holding protracted meeting we had better wait till they got done. Held meeting in the evening at the Liberty School house. Bro Wing spoke an hour. The rowdy element among the boys disgusted me so that I merely bore testimony that what Br Wing had said was true.

Feb 23 – Walked to Milton and spent a few hours very agreeably with a Mr Hayden and bore a faithful testimony to him giving a general outline of our doctrines and our success in Utah. He told us to go to a Mr Tracy who had charge of the Methodist Church for the use of the house to hold meeting in. We did so, but though the house is not in use except Sundays we could not get it. We next called on Dr I McTour and had a long talk to him he was an antiquarian, this subject led to the Book of Mormon the Dr said he had read in the paper that the Mormons were going to Arizona. He said if we would make that country productive it would be but little short of a miracle. We told that we were sending people there to make homes but it was only the beehive swarming and not a general exodus from Utah.

Sun 25 – Went to Sunday School which was well conducted but their method of reading scriptures was new to me; they thought that Elija was under transgression because he fled into the mountains to save his life instead of relying on God and defying enemies; If our brother Methodists life was threatened a power abundantly able to put their threatened execution I wonder if he would stand and face the music or get out of the way, failing to get the church at Time we concluded to go farther South.

Feb 26 – Walked 13 miles to Pear Prairie and put up with Mr Long

Feb 27 – We held meeting in the Laykins Church on the Illinois River had a good congregation I talked an hour on faith and baptism; how the former saints were led by faith, when obedient how prospered, when wicked how punished, compared works and doctrines with the doctrines of our Savior and his Apostles. I felt free and spoke with the spirit. Br Wing followed in an able manner.

Feb 28 – Wrote 3 letters then walked 5 miles to Bee Creek and got the promise of the schoolhouse for 2 nights walked back and held meeting at night. Br Wing quoted a great many passages of scriptures to show that there had been an apostacy since the days of Christ, and that the Kingdom would be set up in the last days. I spoke 30 minutes and showed how unreasonable it was to believe our leaders ‘who must know whether they received revelation or not’ would suffer persecution hardships and poverty and be driven into the wilderness when they could by denying their doctrines live in peace and enjoy the fruits of their labors.

March 1 Thurs - this is fast day but as we had neither dinner nor supper yesterday we thought it wisdom to each breakfast, we held meeting in the Bee Creek school house tonight I spoke an hour on the principle that Gods people were always led by inspired men, that we were entitled to the same priveledge; that the latter day saints had then. Br Wing followed.

March 2 – Snowed in the morning then turned cold, we held meeting in the evening at the Bee Creek School house. Bro Wing spoke 90 minutes on the principal of plural marriage and handled the subject well.

March 3 – Cloudy and warm. I got up before daylight and took a walk, the Naples steamboat passed up the river being all lighted up it made a nice picture about 9 o’clock it commenced snowing turning very cold at night so much so that our congregation was too small to hold meeting.

March 4 – We started east along the R R expecting to cross the Illinois River on the bridge, but they would not allow it, we then went down the river a mile to get a boat but failed, we then went back to take the train. Just as we got back to the bridge we jumped onto the caboose of a freight train expecting to go in and pay our fare, but the door was locked, which placed us in fate positions but there was no help for it now for by the time we were off the bridge they had too much motion for us to get down. For fear she would not stop soon enough we got off while going up a heavy grade, having rode ten miles. We walked four miles and we were kindly welcomed at John Helms road house. His wife is a cousin of Junius T. Wells.

March 5 – Wrote letters and posted them. The hog cholera is taking toll making its ravages among the hogs which makes hard times for poor farmers and fat living for the soap makers.

March 6 – Went to White Hall; Brother Wing tried to sell Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, Utah and Her Founders, but failed. The whole country is full of books and stories against our people which are believed by the people, but very few are willing to believe the truth. We then walked ten miles to Walkerville and after some trouble got the promise of the school house to hold meeting in. We stopped overnight with Mr. Gillingham fine people who used to feed Brother Parley Pratt and other elders forty years ago.

March 7 – We had a chat with a Baptist Minister, like all other sectarians he said that the canon of scriptures was full, but when cornered he did not believe much of that. We then took a walk onto some high bluff covered with Indian graves, from this point we had a fine view of the Illinois River, held meeting in the evening. I spoke seventy-five minutes on the power of God, His willingness to help the people if they would obey the Gospel and live according to its requirements. We stayed overnight with J. T. Killpatiick. His wife is favorable to Mormonism.

March 8 – This is the worst day of the winter. Snow and blowing all day. We went to see Mr and Mrs Lewis old time Mormons found them full of faith and expressed a desire to go to Utah. Held a meeting again in the evening but had a small audience. Brother Wing spoke on power and the legitimacy of the Book of Mormon. Quoted many passages of scripture to prove it. I spoke 25 minutes on our cooperative system.

Fry 9 – Clear and cold the wind drifting the snow very bad. We visited an old pupil of brother Wing then went to Mr Gillingham who is a cousin of S. J. Tilden the Democratic candidate for President. We were well treated by the whole family.

Sat 10 – Fine morning but cold. Walked to Killpatrick’s. He then hitched up his team and took us to Whitehall; walked four miles up to Road House where bag of letters and papers from home. We then went to John Helms.

Sun Mar 11 – According to appointment we held meeting in a Schoolhouse. Had a good congregation I spoke 70 minutes and compared the scriptures of ancient prophets and Savior. From this time until the 16th of March I spent the time in assisting Killpatrick sell Mr Lewis farm and settle up their affairs which were somewhat difficult as nearly everybody seemed to take advantage of their going to fleece them. The whole country is full of the most sensational stories in regards to Lee’s confession, and no matter how improbable the story it is greedily swallowed.

Mar 16 – Went to St Louis traveled by rail through a fine country. As the sun was going down it made the grandest landscape I ever saw. Arrived in St Louis at 7:10 p.m. took the folks to Mrs. Fletchers. I here received the letter from home enclosing 60 dollars.

Mar 17 – We got half fare tickets to Omaha. I got a dozen likenesses struck off for $1.50.

Mar 18 – Left St Louis on the K and Northern got a sleeping berth for Mrs Killpatrick and during the day for the balance of us. Trestle work 5 north of Kansas was washed out which delayed us 7 hours.

March 19 – It is raining and has been for the last 18 hours and the Missouri bottom is all under water. We arrived at Omaha 4 p.m. but Mrs Killpatrick was so weak she would faint when she had to walk across the platform. We stopped over one day at Omaha. I here found C F Middleton, Parrish, Porter, Fitzgerald and Smith.

March 20 – Left Omaha at 1 p.m. we had a fine trip until we got to Laramie it then turned cold and snowed in the morning it cleared up about noon. We have Frank Leslies photographer along and the train was stopped several times for him to take views. Colonel Buel, whom I had got acquainted with on the road, invited me into the palace car and introduced me to several ladies who were very anxious to see a Mormon who had two wives. They asked me a great many questions which I answered as well as I could in the short space of time I was with them.

Mar 22 – Arrived in Ogden at 5 p.m. I walked up the Utah Northern to Amos Maycock where I arrived about 8 and found all well.

March 23 – Visited Brother Wheelock and other friends.

March 24 – Went with Amos to Ogden and through the assistance of Brother Middleton procured half fare tickets for the folks and the conductor kindly waited a few minutes for us to get the folks from the UP train to the UC. The folks arrived all right but we had to carry Mrs Killpatrick from one train to the other, arrived in SL City and found Mrs. Lewis sister where I left the folks.

March 25 Left SL City and arrived at Pleasant Grove where I found Lillian and Walter waiting for me. Mary and children were well.

March 26 – At the post office I learned that Russia had declared against Turkey.

March 27 – Took the train for Springville at Provo we met Presidents train.

March 28 – I got information from 51 quorum record regarding my ordination into that quorum. Left Springville 2 p.m.”

(There is a discrepancy in the dates cited by Philip Hurst and a letter written by Amos Maycock from the mission field to his family. This letter was dated 6 Apr, 1877 721 South 6th St. St Louis. In it he stated: “I have been waiting here for Philip to come from Illinois so we could travel together. But this morning I received a letter from him stating that he had baptized a family & was helping to get ready to emigrate and would not be here for a week or more yet. So that I think I shall not wait for him.”)

Sunday April 29 – Arrived home about 5 o’clock I found my affairs in a much better condition than I expected. My land had nearly all been put in the grain was coming up and looked well. The worst drawback was that my wife had been obliged to give notes, in order to raise $60 money to return home with. This when money is so hard to get hold of is no small amount. We raised a good crop this year and during the year paid back the money borrowed to come home with. On the 28th of July 1877 I was ordained a High Priest Henry Beal being mouth and set apart as 1st Councillor to Bishop Tucker. I was also appointed to the office of Secretary and Supt of Fairview Cooperative Mercantile Institution to fill the unexpired term of Wm Christensen, called on a mission to Denmark. On the 4th of December 1877 I was appointed home missionary for San Pete County also to take charge of and direct the labors of missionaries of San Pete. I attended the April Conference in SL City 1878 and received much good instruction. On the Ninth of July 1878 my wife Rebecca gave birth to a girl which we named Julia John Cox Sr being mouth in blessing her. At the August election I was reelected Justice of the Peace for Fairview Precinct also a member of the city council of Fairview. At the Coop election on the 6th of October I was elected secretary of FCMI and appointed Supt. On Thursday the 14th of November at 7 p.m. I received from Bp Amos Maycock the following telegram “Mother died today can you come to the funeral on Saturday.” This was a heavy blow as we had not heard that she was sick. At 2 a.m. 15th I started from home on horse back. I rode to Springville in 8 hours a distance of 40 miles then took train and arrived at North Ogden at 10 a.m. of the 16th. My sister Mary had been confined and lay in the pangs of maternity at the same time her mother lay dying in the same room. We buried mother at the North Ogden Cemetery, Cyrus Wheelock and others delivering funeral address. From the records at Mothers I learnt the following: My father William Hurst was born at Feckenham July 25th 1813 and died at S L City March 14 1853. My mother Susanna Webley was born at Bromsgrove Nov 30th 1812 and died Nov 14th 1878. Their children were born as follows: Thomas Hurst born Dec 23, 1831Died; Susana Hurst Born Oct 3, 1832 died; William Hurst Born Jan 11, 1834 Died Jan 26th 1840. Philip Hurst Born Sept 15 1836; Mary Jane Hurst Born Nov 7, 1838. Solomon Hurst Born March 18th 1841 Died April 9th 1841. Betsey Ann Hurst Born May 1, 1848 Died at St Louis May 27, 1849. Emma Jane Hurst Born July 19, 1851 Baptized April 1863. We are having a very cold winter with but little snow on the 8th day of January 1879 I was elected a Director of the Sanpete Trade Association and on the 13th assisted in drafting the articles of confederation. On the 22nd of January 1879 we organized a company for the purpose of developing and working coal mines I was elected a director of said company. I am now 42 years old the husband of 3 wives ‘1 dead and 2 living’ the father of 14 children 11 of whom are living and grandfather of 3 grand children. And holding 9 important official positions nearly all of which have been the willing gift of the people I live with. (Names of first two children are in error – should have been John & Sarah instead of Thomas & Susana – bible contains only initials. See 1856 Springville Census & Salt Lake Temple Sealing Records 25 June 1914)

On the 24th of July 1879 my son Oscar Parley was born. Blessed by John Cox, Sen. On the 21st of March 1880 my son Albert LeRoy was born myself being mouth at the blessing. (Albert LeRoy was born 22 Mar 1880)

The summer of 1879 was one of great drought crops generally were light I was fortunate in raising 500 bus of small grain and about 29 tons of hay which enabled me to feed all my stock safe through the very severe winter that followed besides some to sell by which I was enabled to finish paying for ¼ interest in a combine No 6 Wheeler and Coater Hay rake. I also bought a White Sewing Machine, and a Studebaker Steel Skein 3 ¼ wagon. I sold in the spring of 1880 11 head of cattle mostly calves and during the summer bought a new harness. The spring was very late and until the middle of June froze nearly every night crops were tolerable good but in some places was injured by frost. During the summer we built a new store house for Coop it is 55 feet long 32 ft wide lower story 11 ft upper story 9 feet sale room 28 X 30 office 12 ft square the balance of lower story is warehouse. It is built of rock with cut stone front is nicely painted. I was building superintendent it cost about $2300.00 and is a first rate building.

In June 1880 I was again elected President of Fairview Sheep Coop this institution has been running 10 years and has paid an average of 2% per month in stock and wool just the same kind of dollar that was put in as stock. In August I was elected a member of the City Council. In October I was again elected Secretary and Superintendent of the Cooperative Mercantile Institution those with my duties as 1st Councilor to the Bishop and a Home Missionary keep me very busy and the years speed almost like a dream. In October of 1879 my son Philip Harrison Hurst married Ellen A Wilson. On the 8th day of September 1881 Elfleda married W H Sanderson. In September of 1880 myself and 8 others bought a steam saw mill for $1700.00 and put it to running in Dry Creek Kanyon and during the winter we have run it to some disadvantage but with the labor of the company has paid the first 2 payments on the mill. I have had no help this winter except my small boys to get up wood and feed stock having to do my own chores it has kept me close at home. Philip working all the time at the Mill, we have had a very good winter although November was very cold. There has been a great amount of snow and rain giving assurance of plenty of water.

The year of 1881 was a prosperous year for me in crops raising nearly 600 bus. of small grain half wheat, 150 bus. of potatoes and about 20 tons of hay, but I had no increase from stock, two mares losing their colts, one heifer lost her calf then died herself, one old cow that had never had any trouble before came home and had a dead calf full grown, even a sow in trying to bring forth pigs died, and to try me still more My Wife Elizabeth had an abortion when about 5 months pregnant from the effects of which she has not fully recovered. I have filled every appointment made by the President in my home mission capacity, the last one being to Pleasant Valley to organize a branch of the church there in company with Edward Clift we appointed David Williams President, Morgan Evans 1st and Bro Gilespie 2nd councillors, David Williams Jun clerk of the Pleasant Valley Branch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We held two meetings there and had a first rate time, the people kindly paying our Railroad expenses. I yet hold the position of business manager of the mercantile and sheep coop Co’s and through the blessing of the Lord they have been very successful paying good dividends this fall. I made my first purchase of one stand of Bees, giving $8.00 for them. I also bought lot 2 in 9th Block with house and improvements for 125 dollars from John T. Sanders. This winter has been rather a long one but not cold until January 1882 when we have had some very severe frost, but with very little snow in the mountains.

Jan 24 I obtained a Patriarchal Blessing for myself and two wives Elizabeth and Rebecca Ann which are as follows:

Fairview San Pet Co Utah January 24th. 1882

A blessing given by Wm MacBride Patriarch upon the head of Phillip Hurst, son of William and Susannah Hurst Born September 15th 1836 in Surrey Co, England. Brother Philip in the name of the Lord Jesus I lay my hands upon thy head, and by the authority of the Holy Priesthood I seal upon thee a Patriarchal Blessing and I also seal and confirm upon thee all thy former Blessings, and ordinations, for thou are an heir to the Holy Priesthood, by promise and by lineage, for thou was called and ordained before the foundation of the earth was laid, and agreed to come forth in the dispensation in which we now live for thou art of the lineage of Ephraim, whose right it is to hold the keys of the Blessings of the gospel to every land and to lay the foundation for the salvation and redemption of thy fathers house, both to the living and the dead, and in thee and thy house, thou shalt reach back for many dispensations, and form a connection with the church of the first born, and thou shalt cause thousands to rejoice, and thou shalt make known unto them the day of their salvation, and messengers shall meet thee and tell thee what to do, and who for. And thou shalt bear thy part in restoring peace to the earth, and turning the government into the hands of the just, and in so doing the gospel will make thee free, and the words of the Lord according to the dictates of thine own conscience, and none will dare to molest thee, or make thee afraid, and by thy obedience to the new and everlasting covenant thou wilt be enabled to secure unto thyself an everlasting inheritance for thyself, thy wives, children, relatives and friends, and thou shalt be exhalted very high, and a crown of Eternal lives shall be given unto thee, for I seal this Blessing upon thee in the name of Jesus Amen. (copied by P. Hurst)

Fairview San Pete Co Utah Jan 24, 1882

A blessing given by William McBride Patriarch upon the head of Elizabeth Wilcox Hurst Daughter of John Henry and Mary Wilcox, Born July 13, 1851 at Manti Sanpete County, Utah. Sister Elizabeth in the name of the Lord Jesus I lay my hands upon thy head, and by virtue of the Holy Priesthood I seal upon thee a Patriarchal Blessing, and I seal upon thee all thy former Blessings, and the Blessing of health, and of life, and of strength, and of wisdom, and understanding that thou might know how to take care of thyself, that thy life maybe prolonged here upon the earth, for the Lord requires much at thy hands, in bringing about the redemption and salvation of the Daughters of Israel, and to teach thy children to take the work off from thy hands that thy work may be perfected, for thou art of the lineage of Ephraim and thine interest is so closely connected with the house of Manasseh that it cannot be separated, for they cannot be made perfect without thee, neither canst thou be made perfect without them and thou shalt do much for the salvation of thy relatives and friends not forgetting thy fathers house. And in connection with thy companion shalt stand upon thine inheritance in the morning of the first resurrection, for I seal this blessing upon thee in the name of Jesus Amen. Philip Hurst Clerk.

Fairview Sanpete Co Utah Jan 25, 1882

A blessing given by William McBride Patriarch upon the head of Rebecca Ann Sanderson Hurst Daughter of Henry W and Rebecca Ann Sanderson, Born at Union Fort Salt Lake County Utah. Sister Rebecca in the name of the Lord Jesus I place my hands upon thy head, and by the authority of the Holy Priesthood I seal upon thee a Patriarchal blessing, and I also seal upon thee all thy former Blessings, I seal upon thee the Blessing of Life, Health, and strength, and all the Blessings that are promised unto thee by the Patriarchs of old for thou art an heir by lineage and birth, to the Blessings of the daughters of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, for thou art of the blood of Ephraim, and if thou shalt contend for those blessings, thou shalt obtain them, it is thy calling to labor in and for the salvation and redemption of Zion, thou shalt be a Teacher and Councillor yet to the house of Jacob and do much for the redemption and salvation of thy fathers house, for many generations back, both to the living and for the dead, the Lord requires of thee, that thou shouldst teach thy children and thy childrens children, to build upon the foundation that thou shalt lay, that thy work may be accomplished, and by so doing in connection with they companion thou shalt receive an everlasting inheritance, and a crown of eternal lives, and a part in the morning of the first resurrection, for I seal these words upon thee in the name of Jesus Amen. Philip Hurst, Clerk Recorded on page 151 Book E Patriarch McBride

In the spring I had quite a sick spell but recovered all right before the land got dry enough for farming for before the land got dry enough to plow it commenced storming and continued until the middle of April 1882 but getting our crops in late proved rather a blessing than ill, for a heavy frost in July injured the grain that was then headed out, ours being late escaped, crops were fair and a market for everything calves fetching 6 to 10 dollars at 6 months old Wheat 60 per bus. Oats 150 per cwt Barley 1.35 per cwt Our Bishop being away most of the time at the Temple Mill makes a great deal of extra work for me as 1st Councillor. On the 7th of August 1882 Elizabeth gave birth to a daughter whom we named Eunice Emma. On the 1st of June 1882 my sister Emma Jane Tucker died from the effects of childbirth. On the 22nd of December 1882 Rebecca gave birth to a daughter whom we named Sarah Jane. The health of my family are better than common. I have 9 grandchildren 15 children living 11 at home and 4 married. During the year 1882 there has been a great deal of persecution in a legislative capacity and a bill rushed through Congress aimed directly at our marriage system, for while men or women who are, or ever have been living in plurality were denyed the right to vote or hold office, the inmates and supporters of houses of Ill Fame could vote or hold office if elected. It seemed as if all hell were let loose and a howl of holy horror went up from one end of the land to the other. Congressmen and Senators many of them voted to please their constituents knowing when they did so that many points of the bill were unconstitutional. At the fall elections nearly half of those who voted to gain favor were not reelected to office while no man that stood square on constitutional principles lost favor or position by doing so, and thus history repeats itself for of the many who have raised their puny arm to stay the work of Jehovah there are but very few but have felt the wrath of his power and many have found a dishonest grave. During the winter of 1882 & 1883 there has been a marked change in public opinion, several able writers taking up our cause, notably Mr Phil Robinson, also Judge Jeremiah Black and a spirit of inquiry more than persecution prevails. There is also a general waking up at home, meetings well attended the people striving to live their religion. Our winter was very cold and dry the March month beautiful but it has now been snowing or raining for two weeks into April and perhaps as much snow has fallen in the mountains during these storms as all winter before and I hope for plenty of water to raise crops as most of the wheat is sown and the ground thoroughly soaked.

April 14, 1883 – Denver and Rio Grand Railroad is completed now to S L City and I think it will make a marked change in freights and passenger rates. Our missionaries to the Southern States going that way for less than half special rates by U P R R and ½ regular rates. I am still doing business for our two Cooperative Companies having been elected President of Sheep Coop in June 1882 and secretary and supt for Mercantile Coop January 1883. Am still 1st councillor to Bp Tucker, also in the home mission and holding over as city councillor and I hope am living so as to have the confidence of my bretheren and the blessings of heaven.

Jan 29 1884 – In reviewing the past year I find that we have been greatly blessed with good health good crops and successful in business. There has been a R R war on freight between U P R R and D & R G each hauling through freights for 25 ct per cwt. This has worked an injury to farmers as the country is flooded with oats and corn cheaper then we can raise them. Our people have gradually got into a habit of living beyond their means and were in debt to the Coop Store Ten Thousand Dollars no market for oats and wheat 60 cts per bushel. I was fortunate in selling mutton in Pleasant Valley to save considerable money, and paid for No 2 mower and No 6 Reaper also Coates Rake the general close times had not hurt me for which I feel thankful to my Heavenly Father. I paid tithing for 1883 one hundred and forty dollars have bought wire to fence my hay claim in, have been fortunate in collecting every dollar for produce sold on outside markets. Have traveled more than 1000 miles for the Coop by R R besides several trips horseback. Our store stock is worth 200% if our accounts were all in. We have run our Sheep Stock up until it is worth 100% I am still Supt of Both Coop Co and Pres of one and Secretary of the other, 1st councillor to Bishop Tucker and a home missionary for the stake. Am thankful for the experience gained and that I am permitted to use the same to its utmost capacity in building up this branch of the church.

Feb 19 1885 – The spring of 1884 was very late, although my land was mostly plowed we did not commence to put in grain until about the 8th of May, the months of March and April piling more snow in the mountains than all the winter before. One piece of my land was so wet all summer that it did not mature and we had to wade in mud as deep as it was plowed to harvest what did grow. Barley had matured but the wheat was injured with frost which came early in September. The cheap R R rates flooded the country with grain depressing the markets so that they have not recovered. No grain now worth 1 ct per lb delivered on the R R at Thistle consequently trade is very dull, and to make us more trouble the U S. Courts are very busy packing juries and changing the usual form of conducting trials that make them Persecution instead of Prosecution. Noted criminals and immoral persons going unwhipt of Justice, while our elders are persecuted beyond all precedent, for marrying wives and honorably raising their children. Rebecca gave birth to a fine boy about 12 o’clock of the 13 of August 1884 whom we named Clarence Ray. The hay crop was generally good but my land was so wet that we could not get it dry and much of it molded in the stack still the cattle eat it and thrive. At the November elections the Democrats elected a President Mr Grover Cleveland, and Mr Hendricks Vice President this may change the public opinion that we will be better treated for a while. The world appears to be entering on a history of blood England in trouble with Africa, France with Japan, Russia eager for a southern opening and in all the nations labor against capital, the worst element using dynamite as a means of revenge, and hoping to break up long established governments thereby. The foundations of society shaking and apparently the inhabitants of the earth full of iniquity and will not be admonished, and are determined to not receive the gospel and are willing to banish or even kill the elders who warn them of the danger ahead. Elders Gibbs and Berry were shot in Tennessee and Roskelly wounded last summer. On the 2nd of June 1885 Elizabeth gave birth to a fine boy whom we named Hugh. Crops were good this year generally but my SanPitch land was not tended properly and the crop was light but we raised six hundred bushels of potatoes on it. My Spring Creek land was too wet to raise grain, we commenced to drain but did not dig deep enough to do much good, Stock did well we raised ten calves from nine cows. I this year had charge of the Cottonwood Kanyon road and worked as a Director for the Deseret Coal and Coke Co. in addition to other business. The courts are still persecuting the saints for daring to acknowledge their wives.

The year of 1886 was a very prosperous one for me also for the companies I did business for. We raised two colts 9 calves about five hundred bushels of grain 4 hundred bushels of potatoes some corn and about 40 tons of hay. The Sheep Coop paid 33% dividend and the Mercantile Coop paid 16% mdc, besides putting nearly 4000 dollars in to the grist mill making 50% or more, we succeeded in getting our 5 Break Roller Mill in operation and it is doing a fine business. As Supt of Coop I took an active part in getting the Mill built both by correspondence in getting the machinery cheap also R R Freight low as well as spending three months in assisting to place the machinery. On the 20th of October 1886 Rebecca had another big boy whom we call Guy Randolph. The raid against plural marriage is pushed unmercifully. Apostle Lorenzo Snow was found guilty of three distinct offences and sentenced to 18 months imprisonment and to pay 900 fine which was the extreme limit of the law for each offence. He appealed to the Supreme Court of the Territory where the judgment of the lower court was affirmed. Although out on bail he voluntarily went to the penitentiary and appealed to the Supreme Court of the U S his being in the Pen hastened the trial and after being in prison eleven months the Supreme Court decided there could be but one offence, and the last two trials were illegal. Great credit is due to Br Snow for by his own imprisonment this important decision was reached and deprived the District Courts of multiplying indictments and counts out of one offence. So far Sanpete Co has excaped. The Temple is nearly ready for dedication. We hope that when this is completed our enemies will have less power. Philip is still on his mission in West Virginia, is doing a good work. Luella was married on the 16 of October 1886 to Andrew Nielsen.

March 20 1887 – Spring has come the weather is very fine and we have been at work two weeks clearing off Sage Brush and rocks and putting in lucerne. There is every prospect of a railroad boom this summer, which means lively times for those who are situated to take advantage of it.

20 April 1887 – Walter married Alsaidy Anderson. We commenced grubbing sage brush land for lucerne and put in four acres but the rabbits were so numerous they would not let it grow. We raised about 500 bus. of small grain and plenty of hay but we have had to feed as soon as October on account of the sheep herds being allowed to feed so close to town. We this year built a barn 30 X 80 and 20 ft to square with sufficient pitch for the snow to slide off. For the Mill Co we built a granary of 10,000 bus. capacity and four room dwelling house gravelled the road and raised the headrace and on account of the scarcity of water put in a 15 horse power engine. We also employed a skilled miller to run the mill and are now doing excellent work. Philip came home in December from his mission much improved with his labors. This year our enemies raided Sanpete Co all summer arresting many of our leading men our commissioner J Johnson also Mr Clawson Dexter have not been as bitter and anxious to push the Edmunds Law as in some other places if they had been we would have suffered more as we have plenty of apostates to give information and to act as spotters. There is a great rush to S L City and it looks as if the city would soon change inhabitants. The world is growing more wicked and corrupt. Great calamities are taking place and the newspapers teem with reports of all kinds of crime all betokening the near approach of the Millenium and yet the wicked will not be admonished and are determined to not only reject the gospel but in many places they abuse our elders for teaching the plan of redemption. Then Manti Temple is nearly completed and we hope to have it dedicated in 1888. We have had extreme cold weather this winter the thermometer falling as low as 50 degrees below zero in some states and on the 13-14 of March snow fell 3 to 5 ft deep in the Eastern States causing much suffering. I succeeded this February 1888 in paying the money I borrowed to build mill and reduced the mortgage I gave in security and if not interferred with it looks as if we would have a prosperous year. I am working as 1st Councillor in the ward and am President of Sheep Company Secretary of Mercantile Co and Treasurer of the Mill Co. a Director of Coal Co.

There are no further diary entries prior to his departing on a mission to England in the fall of this year. He records a complete diary of this mission. Letter from Philip Hurst to his sister Mary – “Fairview June 1, 1887 Dear Sister Mary I take the present opportunity of writing you a few lines should have wrote sooner but as Walter was visiting Logan, he would tell you all the news I hope this will find you and family well we are as well as common but I am trying to do more work than I ought, and get tired too early in the day. Crops here are looking well but we had a heavy frost in May that killed the fruit and gardens and some wheat, the Sheep herds are being crowded so close around us that our fine range is being spoiled. The Deputys are beginning to bother Sanpete some, and we may have more Company than we are prepared to entertain. Philip is still in West Virginia and has charge of that conference, his health has not been good this spring, but was better at last writing Guy Wilson is with him, and Albert Guymon is in the same conference. I was at Springville a month ago Br John Maycock was not well but was knocking around. I heard that the Deps had been enquiring for Mart Crandall but he had business away at that time. Walter is away shearing sheep. Arthur is taller than I am, is good boy to help on the farm Ottis is at work, the smaller children are going to school, Luela gets in town two or three times a week, but lives about ½ mile out on the road to Mt Pleasant. Elfleda is in town her husband W H Sanderson is at work in the grist mill, ‘by the by’ we have got one of the finest Mills in the Country our flour goes all over the Territory and takes well, it is a full roller outfit.”

The assessment rolls for Sanpete County (Fam Hist Lib Film 481,654) contain: Philip Hurst:

Year Prop.Value Cattle $ Horses $ Swine $ Vehicles $ Watch & clocks Prop not enumerated Total Value

1874 400 9 – 105 2 – 75 1 – 5 1 – 10 1 – 5 25 625

(1874 – 22 ½ acres land irrigated – cost 2.50 per acre. Wheat 6 acres ave. yield 15 bu. Oats and barley 15 acres 26 yield; potatoes 1 ½ acres yield 100)

1875 400 2 – 8 1 – 3 25 573

1876 400 5 – 65 2 – 75 1 – 3 1 – 50 1 –2 25 620

1877 Philip Hurst not on rolls.

1878 400 11 – 115 2 – 100 3 – 10 1 – 40 Merchandise 25 693

1879 250 6 – 75 2 – 100 1 – 4 2 – 60 & stocks 30 519

1880 250 5 – 55 3 – 120 1 – 4 1 – 25 25 80 520

1881 484 10 – 82 3 – 9 1 – 75 50 865

( Philip Hurst property is lot 1, block 20 plat A TWP 14 Range 4)

1882 585 5 – 70 3 – 100 3 – 10 1 – 65 50 880

1883 585 7 – 130 2 – 120 3 – 10 1 – 75 50 970

(Philip has two lots in 1883 – the year he bought one for Rebecca)

1884 600 15 – 230 3 – 200 4 – 10 2 – 50 100 50 1240

1885 600 19 – 165 2 – 150 2 – 10 2 – 50 50 50 1075

1886 660 10 – 170 6 – 150 2 – 30 50 20 1080

1887 660 10 – 170 6 – 150 2 – 30 50 20 1080

1889 1260 2 – 20 5 – 125 2 – 10 2 – 50 1515

( Rebecca lot 2 #9 Plat A – value 150 – listed separately)

Philip Hurst Jr. appeared on the assessment rolls beginning in 1881 and Walter Hurst appeared in 1889.

The Sanpete County Court records 1866-1900 (Fam Hist Lib Film 481,652) contain references to Philip Hurst:

Page 183 – 20 Mar 1882 “Petition of H. W. Sanderson and Philip Hurst presented asking the court to appropriate sufficient means to make a thorough resurvey of city Fairview and also to furnish the city with a correct plat of the same. Not allowed.”

Page 311 6 June 1887 “Petition of Philip Hurst asking for an appropriation for the repairing of certain roads near Fairview and also for reduction of County and Territorial tax of mill property. On motion petition was laid over.”

Page 316 18 July 1887 Special Term. “Philip Hurst of Fairview petitioned the court for a reduction of county and territorial tax on what is known as the Fairview Grist Mill Co. On motion, petition not granted, on the grounds that the land and machinery are liable for taxation.”

Page 368 – 14 Aug 1888 Taxes of Phillip Hurst Sen in city of Fairview raised by $25

Fam Hist Film 497,803 Tax Roll Sanpete County: Philip Hurst 1.57 territorial tax and 1.57 county tax.

Fam Hist Film 497,791 – Election Register, Sanpete Co. 1876 – Page 37 Fairview Precinct: Philip Hurst, Justice of Peace, Aug 7, 1876 to Aug 1878 – qualified completely. Page 42 Fairview Precinct – Philip Hurst, Justice of the Peace Aug 5 1878 – Aug 1880. Richard W. Westwood succeeded Philip Hurst as Justice of the Peace from 1880 to at least 1888.


Sept 12, 1888 – Left home with team to Thistle George Arthur Hurst accompanying, Took train D & RG to Salt Lake City. Saw Apostle F.D. Richards asked to call at 10 A.M. On account of our leading brethren being away I was not set apart until the 14.

13 – Visited the Temple and Big Tabernacle. Went through ZCMI new shoe factory which has 5 floors employs 180 men women and girls who make 500 pair of boots and shoes and the same amount of overalls and jumpers. I got part of my outfit as a present from ZCMI.

14 – Set apart to go to England on a mission by Apostle F.D. Richards who made an excellent prayer full of hope and comfort and promised great blessings if faithful. Paid sixty five dollars for ticket to Liverpool per S S Arizona which was to sail on the 25 of September. Went to my sister Mary Maycock at Pleasant View on a visit.

15 – I am 52 years old today an exile from home, on account of the ignorance and bigotry of the age which will not permit us the society of our family in peace. Drove up to North Ogden and bought basket and stationery. Visited mothers grave which has a pretty marble headstone showing she had been dead 10 years in November.

16 – Sunday Fine morning. From this place we have a fine view of the valley C. P. and U & N RR Threshing is mostly done. Corn is being hauled. Last crop of lucerne dryed up. Fruit is ripe and good. Went to meeting M. Brown Wright & Baker Ballantyne Critchlow spoke I dismissed meeting.

17 – Mary filled my lunch basket and Amos drove me to the Hot Spring station. U & N to Ogden left Ogden at 10:10 in car 541 U P Dinner at Evanston 1:30. Echo creek was dry. It is turning cold showing signs of storm. Bear River is nearly dry Sulphur creek is dry. Raining now. Muddy is dry at Green River we waited 5 hours for the Oregon Short line train. Slept some.

18 – Got daylight at Rawling Spring. Fort Seele is deserted. Platte River is very low. Laramie Plains are being fenced in. Changed cars at Cheyenne at 2:30 for Denver. This country is being irrigated and is a beautiful contrast to the desert. Arrive at Denver at 6:15 and leave at 8 P.M. for Kansas. Rested and slept.

19 – The country is level as far as we can see and the lone cabins on the Prairies look isolated from the world. We are making 30 miles an hour and towards noon come into a thrifty country weather warm arrive at Kansas at 5 and leave at 9:25.

20 – P.M. on the K and G RR. We were traveling through a rolling timber country at daylight grain is green some nice improvements but away behind lower Kansas. Farmers teams and harness show a lack of thrift. At Mammoth Springs we have a good sized river coming out of the ground at one place. We are approaching the Cotton country and corn is larger Timber is abundant and good we meet whole train loads of it The weather is hot enough to grow corn among the timber. If we had in Utah a part of their heat moisture and timber which is a burden here it would be an advantage to us. Towards evening our six cars were run onto a Ferry boat and we crossed the Mississippi River to Memphis. The RR connection here is not good. The train coming from Chattanooga had been delayed on account of yellow fever breaking out at Decatur my car was switched off and I had to wait several hours before being taken into the station. I wrote a letter to P H Hurst. The wait both here and at Kansas was very tedious being alone I could not leave my luggage and it was too heavy to carry. Left Memphis at 10:45 Slept some.

21 – Waked up about 4 a.m. to find the train in charge of the Sheriff and Quarantine officers and as we approached Decatur the doors were locked windows blinded and no one was allowed to get on or off Quarantine officers boarded the train as we approached Chattanooga and we had to take and subscribe to an oath that we had not been exposed to yellow fever also that we did not intend stopping at Chattanooga. Leave Chattanooga at 11 running very fast over a good road bed. Changing cars at Bristol I met Bishop Black, Edward Stevenson and Andrew Jensen, in whose company time passed much more pleasant we were disturbed in our sleep by a lot of people crowding our car about midnight.

22 – Breakfast at Lynchburg Virginia appears rain washed and poorly cultivated. Bp Black related to me their visit to Independence, Far West and Adam ondi amon. The people were not bitter now. Land could be bought cheap improvements thrown in. We stopped an hour at Petersburg here were sail vessels also a steam dredge taking gravel out of the river. I went over to the market and watched the darkey farmers compete for trade. I had forgotten to put my hat on and my traveling cap was being spoken of as belonging to a foreigner, so I left got to Norfolk on time and again run the gauntlet of quarantine officers around the wharf it is a dirty place the streets are paved with rough cobble stones teaming is nearly all done with one horse drays driven by darkeys. Paid 2.50 for cabin passage to N.Y. Left Norfolk at 7 P.M. on the steamer Guyandotte. It was a pretty sight leaving harbor the many boats with different colored lights flitting in every direction and we could hear the voice of the captain giving orders to his subordinates.

23 – Sunday awoke about daylight feeling much refreshed, the first good nights rest for a week. Washed and went on deck and took my first view of the Atlantic for nearly 40 years. A stiff breeze was blowing from the North making it cool and pitching the vessel some by its action on the waves. We had a good bill of fare but a little too much style to suit me. We were in sight of land most of the time passing towns and cities besides numerous sailing craft arrived at New York about 6 p.m. and put up at Smith and McNiels.

24 – Spent the day in sight seeing. Visited U.S. Treasury where is a statue of George Washington and stone 5 X 10 ft is described as being where he stood and took the oath of office as first President of the United States, April 30 1789. Visited the Post Office Stock Exchange on Wall Street where business to the amount of millions is done every day. A gentleman told me he owned Western Union stock which paid 1½ % dividend every three months he considered this very good. I could not help thinking that if the company’s I had been agent for had only paid six per cent per annum what a g howl of discontent would have been heard. Went up an elevator ten stories then walked up seven stories from here we had a magnificent view of Lower New York and entrances. Statue of Liberty, Castle Garden, Elevated R.R. Shipping moving in and out, Brooklyn Bridge. Here within a circle of a mile is the main arterie or business center of the United States. Every building is immense and loom up from 4 to 10 stories high close by is Trinity Church. From here we went up 3rd Avenue to High Bridge. From the car windows we had a fine view of the mansions of the wealthy whose Brownstone fronts gave evidence of their permanency. Came back by way of Elevated R.R. to Central Park which is a fine pleasure resort with quite a collection of animals at the menagerie. Walked over Brooklyn Bridge an immense structure connecting N.Y. with Brooklyn. Went in the evening to the old Bowery Theatre and saw Passions Slave poorly played to a Boot Black audience.

25 – Got up at 5:15. Bp Black accompanied me on board the Arizona. We paid for a car ride not knowing there were two sets of the same number of Piers we got off at the wrong 38 and had to walk a mile and carry my heavy satchel as a reward for ignorance. Left N.Y. at 8 A.M. met the S.S. Wisconsin with saints on board going into harbor. Quite a stiff breeze blowing right in our face and some passengers were getting seasick, others were happy and singing. Slept well

26 – Went on deck. Sea was quite rough, strong East wind. I said to a sailor it is quite rough this morning. Just as comfortable day sir he said. ‘I don’t want it to be uncomfortable.’ A waiter was passing with a basket of bread and was nearly thrown down. ‘Slippery I said to him.’ Just a little he answered, but I noticed he hung closer to the rope than before. Saw the stormy Petrel and mother Careys chickens. About 9 A.M. the sun came out. The waves I estimated at 30 feet but the wind would blow the spray clear over the upper deck. We had travelled 352 miles at noon were out 410 miles. Wind slackened a little toward evening. Slept well.

27 – Beautiful morning. The vessel was moving swiftly over a smooth sea we are sailing E N E wind in the North the fine morning has brought out nearly everybody. Have made 363 miles during the afternoon it rained and was quite foggy but our vessel being large it does not rock like the old sailing vessel. We are making 15 miles per hour. It is quite dark tonight but our huge vessel dives into the night her 10 foot diameter smoke stacks pouring out huge volumes of smoke and her powerful engines continually in motion. Her well disciplined crew all proclaim the triumph of organized force and skill to overcome difficulties and distance.

28 – Fine. Wind N.E. the vessel pitches some but not bad. I was told by a sailor that the Arizona was 450 feet long and has 800 Horse Power carries 5000 tons gross and uses 180 tons of coal every 24 hours, her masts were iron she carries 10 boats. We are in the neighborhood of the banks and we pass several fishing boats. Flocks of gulls in sight. 363 miles again today. Wind is stiffening. A whale was seen today. Took a nap this afternoon and laid awake the after part of the night to pay for it.

29 – Quite cold on deck heavy swell. Watched them heave the log to ascertain the speed of the vessel. They have a long line on a reel at the end of which is a canvas bag which is thrown overboard when the line is run out far enough from the vessel to become stationary the signal is given a sand glass is held up and when the sand runs down the cord is held fast and the length of cord measured by knots fraid out which the sand runs down gives the speed of the vessel. We made 319 miles today the vessel pitches so bad the screw is out of the water part of the time. Waves are two thirds the length of the vessel. We dive down into a trough then ride over the wave when the stern gets down the water is away above us. The bow sometimes ships quite a quantity of water.

30 – Sunday Heavy sea and head wind the screw is often out of water only 300 miles today. We met the City of Chicago today about a mile away. Rough sea all day. I asked several passengers their estimate of the height of the waves and have been answered all the way from 40 to 100 feet, my own estimate is from 30 to 40 feet.

Oct 1, 1888 – Head wind but not so rough as yesterday 298 miles today recorded. Wind got around to N.E. sails were hung out and the engines had better control.

2 - Wind. N.E. waves less record 314 miles in the afternoon we had a heavy swell crossways making bad walking.

3 We have had a bad night, the ship rolling so much it was difficult staying in the berth heavy sea this morning but we are making good headway. Passed through a school of porpoises it was very amusing to watch them jump from the top of a wave down the slope 320 miles today. We came in sight of land this afternoon. A bold rocky coast which would be dangerous to run on in a fog or dark night. The moon shines beautifully and the sea is comparatively smooth. At 9 P.M. our engines stopped a tender came alongside we unloaded 300 bags of mail also left quite a number of passengers. Singing and music tonight and the vessel went swiftly through the water rocking but little. Slept sound till daylight.

4 We are in sight of the Welch coast not far from Holyhead it is delightful sailing swiftly up the channel, passing cultivated fields. Villages and windmills and some very costly lighthouses are passed. We were landed by a transfer boat at Princess Docks from which we sailed 40 years ago having made in 16 hours what took a whole week to make in 1849 with our sailing vessel. Kindly welcomed by President Teasdale whom I found in company with a few other elders holding a fast meeting at 42 Islington Liverpool. I had the priveledge of bearing testimony and during the afternoon was appointed to labor in the Birmingham Conference. In the evening I went with Bro Teasdale to the Emigrant House where he gave good instructions to a company of Scandinavian saints. Slept at 42 sound.

5 Wrote a letter home. Took a walk around public buildings saw Statues of Victoria and Albert Wellington and Disraeli. Went in the evening to Alexandra Docks where the saints were going on board the Wyoming.

6 Br Joseph Reynolds started home this morning. I spent two hours very pleasantly at the museum and art gallery. Br John Clark saw me off from Lime St Station at 2 p.m. Was met in Birmingham at 4:45 by Bros Dalley and Baugh, found at conference house B40 Rolland Road Handsworth Birmingham, Elders G. T. Jarvis and Charles Barrel.

7 Sunday We fasted until evening held three meetings and spent the evening at Prest. Spokes and Mrs Rawlinson very pleasantly.

8 Took my watch to H Adams a friend of Br Baughs to have main spring put in also ordered a suit of clothes. Held a nice social party in the evening at which I recited the Irishmans version of the fight of David and Goliath.

9 Spent the day sight seeing. Studied some had quite a chat with a Jew Mr Levi showing him some of our principles.

10 Put irons on my boots. Spent the evening at Br. Ganges.

11 With Br Jarvis went to Hereford by R.R. rode over R.R. we helped to build in 1847 and being in the neighborhood where I went to school brought many pleasant memories to me. Arrived at Br Lawrences in the afternoon. While we were distributing tracts in the evening we were surrounded by hundreds of angry people incited by the anti-mormon gang of Jarman we had to claim protection of the police who later in the evening escorted us to our lodgings.

12 Feel poorly not having slept any. Wrote a letter to Pres. Dally describing our treatment the night before. Got bath and visited Castle Green and Cathedral. Distributed another batch of tracts and while doing so Jarman asked Br Jarvis how many girls he had ravished in Hereford. He was so abusive that the police told him to move on or he would arrest him. A gentleman told him he was a scamp.

13 Walked around the principal streets was again annoyed by the Jarman party following us calling us seducers and murderers, we headed toward the police station and our defamers not wanting an introduction to the authorities left us. Had an interview with Mr. Richardson supervisor of police who talked favorable, advised us not to run into danger or create a riot, but promised us help if needed. Br. Dalley came in the evening.

14 Sunday slow in getting around Br Wellington president of the branch thought we had better not try to hold meeting for fear of violence. In the afternoon we were sitting singing and praying and conversing on the principles of the gospel at Br Lawrences when W.G. Barnfield and a gang of roughs collected and enquired for us. Pres Dalley raised an upper window and spoke to them, they were noisy and insolent, asked how many wives we had. Barnfield was going to read page 210 Journal of Discourses, when some one asked how many bullies we had in the crowd, we answered none, he then took hold of a young man and pulled him around to the front said here is one of them a general fight followed and Barnfield finding himself assailed instead of being the assailing party left in a hurry the most of his party following indulging in a free fight by the way.

15 Took a walk to the waterworks got out another lot of tracts, some received them civily but there were many ugly looks toward us One foul mouthed woman accused us of starting the row Sunday afternoon another offered herself as a wife, we did not condescend to answer either. Pres. Dalley went back.

16 Br Jarvis and I went towards Worcester, got dinner at Jonathan Davis who was Baptized by Br Woodruff 50 years before. Stayed overnight at Mrs. Philpots of Froomes Hill.

17 Called at Preeses of Lich Sinton and eat lunch went to Worcester visited Br. Ball, Mr Elton Bannister and John Kendrick.

18 Pres Dalley wrote me that I might visit my relatives. Went to see James Bannister eat dinner there. Held meeting with saints at Br Balls and gave instructions.

19 Distributed tracts Br Baugh had brought Went to the Chronicle Office and got them to print a piece in their paper in our favor which cost us 44 shillings. I donated 10 of it I think it did good for they did not make much headway in Worcester in exciting mob violence although Arthur W Collins one of our members piloted them around to where the saints lived.

20 Distributed quite a quantity of tracts, Then went by R.R. to Redditch, found Mrs. Baker Uncle Johns wife who treated me very kindly and gave me much information in regard to my relatives many of whom were dead.

21 Wrote home took a walk with Wm Baker and Mr Williams explained our principles and what we were doing in Utah. Went with Mr. Baker in the evening to Catholic Church, the continued kneeling and chanting in Latin seemed more like man worship than the homage due to the Deity. The sermon was good.

22 Went to Astwood Bank saw James Webb he is nearly eaten up with cancer. Stayed withThomas Mills read letters I had written in ’49 ’54 and 1870 from the first I learned we landed in New Orleans on the 18 of April 1849 and in St Louis on 29 of April after a journey of 13 weeks.

23 Visited around some all the folks are at work which makes it rather lonesome. Tried to interest James Webb but did not learn anything about ancestors. Mrs. Mills advised me to see Mrs Bubb a cousin of fathers.

24 Went to Oldbury Green from Mrs Bub I learnt considerable about the long Family also that John Mills mother and grandmother were Hursts. And Mrs Bub was herself a cousin of fathers she also told me that John Hurst was a native of Astwood Bank and she was the only one I met who had known him.

25 Went to Feckenham and from the church records got genealogy of fathers family reaching back 210 years.

26 Went to Birmingham met Pres Dalley and with him got bath and afterwards spent the evening at Pres. Spokes.

27 Wrote letters home enclosing records obtained at Feckenham

28 Held meeting in the chapel Barnfield and others came to disturb our meeting being invited to behave or leave they left and incited a crowd outside which resulted in breaking our windows. After lunch we had another splendid meeting at which I spoke 20 minutes.

29 Went visiting among the saints.

30 Wrote letter to my sister Mary Maycock.

31 Went to see a cousin Mrs Artile or Hurtle a cousin who treated me well.

November 1 1888 Fog, rained during the day distributed tracts held meeting peaceably. The parents of the boys who broke our windows had agreed to repair them and the prosecution was stopped. Detectives were there to preserve the peace if needed.

2 Raining went to Pres. Spokes

3 Dark and cloudy, rained most of the day. Gave out a large number of tracts Jarmans gang followed Br Jordan and Barrel calling them everything but gentleman but no mob gathered.

4 Sunday and fast day held three meetings, a mob came but the police preserved order.

5 While blacking my boots my watch fell out of my pocket and broke the spindle to fly wheel repairing this and main spring cost me six shillings. Went to see Mrs. Thompson fathers youngest sister she and daughter treated me well. Mr Thompson is in the last stages of consumption.

6 Finished writing letter to Elizabeth. Went with Pres Dalley to get chapel registered had an interview with a Mr Ward at Merediths.

7 Quite cold. Wrote a letter to Pres Teasdale about our mob experience

8 Held meeting at the chapel in peace.

9 Got letter from Elizabeth also one from Pres Teasdale.

10 My watch does not keep time and stops. Visited Mrs Artle and Mrs. Thompson.

11 Sunday We held two meetings I spoke in the evening showing the two influences at work on earth and briefly explained the mediation and the atonement. Quite a number of strangers present among them some of the officers of the anti mormon league, they talked reasonable and said if we could refute Jarmans statements they would drop the League and follow him up and brand him a liar.

12 Put iron on my boots and went with Br Dalley to collect on a note due Br. Freeze.

13 Wet and dark. Read and studied.

14 Walked to Redditch 15 miles

15 Went to Hunt End saw Symonds there is but little of the gospel left in him. Went to Hanbury and eat dinner at Sister Fishers then walked to Worcester 21 miles slept at John Bannisters No 3 Corner Terrace Happy Land West. St Johns

16 Visited Br John Kendricks toll house Bath road Worcester, and James Bannister off London road. Went to Isabella Elton Hill St Tallow Hill got letter from Rebecca.

17 Got Des News read it and visited some.

18 Wrote letter to Pres Woodruff for Mrs.Bannister Eat dinner at Br Kendricks went to meeting at 6 P.M. at Br Balls I spoke 35 minutes gave a history of several Prominent anti mormons what they did and what became of them was listened to with interest.

19 Wrote letter to Philip H. Hurst read scriptures went in the evening to Mr Yapps

20 Put iron on my boots. Got letter from Elizabeth and boys showing they were well had sold the young stock and were getting ready for winter.

21 Went to Lick Sinton eat dinner sold Book of Mormon and took subscription for the star. Went to Isaac Cooks Westfield. Engaged bed at Mrs Lewis then went to Wattuses where we eat supper and spent the evening nicely.

22 Went to Mrs Hitchings she wished to take the star but on account of the violent prejudice of her husband she could not invite us in Saw Mr Gibbs who promised to pay his indebtedness to the star. He has not much faith mentioned Jarmans lecture at Hereford also a Mr Bough who had been to Utah apostatized and came back. Got very tired wandering around all day in the rain and mud. Went to North Malvern and stayed all night at Miss Munn a very intelligent lady of Catholic religion.

23 Went to Mrs Jeffries Bernard Green spent the day reading and singing and giving instructions.

24 Dry and windy Visited Powick insane assylum and saw John Baker fathers half brother his memory is good and he talked quite rational on many points but showed derangement in others went to Worcester visited Br Ball and sister Elton.

25 Sunday spent the day at Bro Kendricks administered to their baby held meeting at Br Balls I spoke an hour showing the evils of apostacy gave a general outline of the plan of salvation. Rained all night.

26 Clear and pleasant Wrote to Elizabeth read scriptures went in the evening to Kendricks and James Bannisters.

27 Studied all day went in the evening to Mrs. L Lane who is investigating the gospel

28 Went to Leigh Sinton had a pleasant interview with Mrs Preese and young lady neighbor both interested in the gospel but not members. Went to Bernards Green stayed with Mrs. Jeffries and her son Thomas.

29 Went over the Malvern Hills to Whiteleaf Oak, gave some tracts by the way called at James Sheens and George Sheens stayed over night at Mr Wm Meeks a Methodist who in a spirit of pure philanthropy entertains us as mormon elders.

30 Rained all night and raining now. I am studying scriptures and remember more of it now than at first, am getting more reconciled to missionary life and if I could realize that we were making converts would not mind the scoffs of the unbelievers visited Mrs. Hicks, Thomas Newman, read book of reference.

Dec 1 1888 Clear sky visited James Sheen, George Sheen, Ann Davis, and Mrs. Allsop who told us there were some old members of the church at Bromsbury Heath.

2 Went to Newmans and eat the best dinner I have eat in the country. Walked to James Sheens 3 miles held meeting I spoke 40 minutes comparing our doctrines with that taught by the apostles. Went in the evening to Holly Bush chapel. Mr. Grey read from Genesis showing the fall of man. He laid a splendid foundation but quit without building upon it.

3 Windy Visited Mrs Preese and granddaughter they are glove makers. They are not members of the church but friendly left tracts. Visited Mrs .Mason, her relatives are some of them in Utah and write good letters back. Called at Mr Robinsons he is nearly 90 years old and quite active and sound in the faith. There was staying with him man by the name of Okey.

4 Started toward Hereford via Red Marley Newent and Sinton called at Duffields he is blind. In looking over stars found of 1856 having church history of 1840 in which Brigham Young represents the British Mission to Nauvoo, around here in our district were several conferences representing thousands of members, more than there is now in the whole British mission, visited Mrs Barrel of Brom Ash then walked to Fawnhope 25 miles got supper bed and breakfast for fourteen pence.

5 Went to Wedhope visited Holbrooks and Mrs Vaughn she is 87 years of age and walked to Hereford and back yesterday 15 miles and carried her basket. Went to Hereford and found Lawrences family well but distressed on account of the death of Johnny.

6 Fine read star and reference book

7 Wrote letter to Rebecca

8 Wrote to Arthur, Walter, Ida, and Sundwall rained all day

9. Frosty eat dinner and supper at Wellington, held meeting at Lawrences. I spoke an hour showing Daniels interpretation of Nebuchadnezzars dream bore testimony we were building up the kingdom described by him.

10 Heavy frost Walked to Hide Ash 12 miles found Mrs Williams quite sick we were kindly welcomed considering circumstances.

11 Left Hide Ash at 2 P.M. Kindly entertained at Lawrences. Rained all night.

12 Great cattle show sheep brought from 40 to 80 shillings Their horses weigh from 10 to 20 cwt and sell from 20 to 60 pounds Beef cows from 17 to 20 pounds. Bullocks brought from 20 to 30 pounds and some extra large and fat brought 35 pounds. Turkeys 4 pence a pound I saw one hog guessed at 840 lbs.

13 Walked to Frooms Hill eat dinner at Jonathan Davis slept at Mrs. Philpots.

14 Hunted up Lewis’es found Mrs Lewis much afflicted her husband was out of work. Read Journal of Discourses paid 10 shillings for 1,2,3,& 4 Volume of Discourses.

15 Went through Ledbury past Eastnor Castle Fine building lake in front with swans on it fine park stocked with deer. Roads very muddy making bad walking. Eat dinner at James Sheen and slept at Wm Meeks.

16 Sunday held meeting at James Sheens I bore testimony and exhorted to faithfulness.

17 Frosty and fine. Saw the sun rise this morning for the first time in England walked to Mathon eat dinner at Elizabeth Brants. Very foggy stayed all night at Wm Gibbs.

18 Cold and foggy called at Mrs Hitchins who to avoid ill treatment from her husband would rather we would not call again. Eat dinner at Isaac Cooks spent the evening pleasantly at Watters and slept at Lewis which cost us sixpence each. Went and saw Herbert Jones we paid his Star bill. Called at Hartlands his wife said he told her he had had enough of Mormonism. Not feeling satisfied with her answer we called later in the evening when he expressed himself satisfied with his religion, but did not live up to it.

19 Eat breakfast at Watters saw Isaac Cook Br Jarvis exhorted him to quit drinking. Went to Williams at Crompton Hill. Wrote card to Pres Dalley. Called at Rowlys and Miss Munn’s stayed overnight at Mrs Jeffries.

20 Cloudy. Went on invitation to George Woodward explained the principles of the gospel to them they seemed pleased and invited us to call again. Went to Miss Munn and talked to her and Mrs Teague explaining the plan of salvation.

21 Called at Rowleys and Preeses then went to Worcester. Stayed at Bannisters

22 Got irons on my boots. In conversation with Mr Neaks he told us he was at a council meeting with prominent citizens of Worcester When the Vicar speaking of Jarmans lectures said they were a disgrace and blamed the Town Council for renting him the house. The council excused themselves by saying they did not know the character of his lecture. The Vicar said you did know, you were notified a week before what he would do and it should not have been allowed.

23 Sunday. Spent most of the day at John Kendricks very pleasantly. Held meeting at 6 P.M. at Br Balls. I spoke an hour on the destruction at the flood also Sodom and Gomorrah, that it would be much the same at the coming of the Savior. A few would be prepared to receive him, but the great majority would suffer the consequences of their prejudices and unbelief.

24 Read all morning spent the afternoon at Mrs Lanes teaching her the principles of the gospel towards all which she seems favorable.

25 Christmas Spent the day very pleasantly at Kendricks rained hard during the day but cleared at night.

26 Wrote letters home also sent some recitations Went in the evening visiting found James Bannister the President of the Worcester Branch the worse for stimulants.

27 Went to Upton Snodsbury to see Wm Knight and family 16 miles rained all day and the apparent results besides getting wet was visiting this one family.

28 Fine morning Walked to Barnt Green got very tired and blistered my feet took train to Birmingham. Spent the evening at Br Spokes where we met Br Dalley.

29 Got my watch back and took bath

30 Sunday went to Chapel to a council meeting through the neglect of the resident members no council was held at 3 P.M. I was called upon to open meeting by prayer and afterward spoke sometime on the early history of the church. At 6:30 we held evening meeting I spoke 15 minutes showing the evils of tatting told the story of the Catholic Priest and the Thistle Down. Felt quite free in talking.

31 Quite foggy. Spent the day in reading.

Jan 1 1889 I am reminded that 32 years ago I was married. One year ago I had all my children and grandchildren living at Fairview at home to Dinner. And to day I am alone among comparative strangers although in my native land.

2 Wrote to Elfleda and Rebecca. Visited museum, saw picture of Birmingham in 1821 from St Philips Church. Where now is the best part of the city, there was then much vacant ground and wagons with covers on reminded me of travel in America a few years ago. Got two teeth pulled and bargained for a lower set at 30 shillings with Edgar Morres of 83 High Street Birmingham

3 Dark and foggy, sidewalks icy, I slipped and nearly fell down and had to walk with great care to avoid falling. In the business part of the town the fog was so thick shops had to be lighted and could then scarcely be seen across the street.

4 Went again to the Dentist got my teeth and find they improve my looks that they enable me to articulate better. Spent the evening at Spokes.

5 Cold and foggy explained the principles of our religion to Mr. Morris. Afterward had a nice conversation with Cousin Alice Thompson and her friend on our religious doctrines.

6. Sunday we had an excellent conference the brethren all bearing an excellent testimony Pres Teasdale showed some of the results of the gospel, also what the anti mormon league had been guilty of all through the history of the church.

7 Again foggy we held council meeting at the conference house Pres Teasdale gave us much valuable instructions on our duties and seemed pleased with our testimonies, we had a Tea party in the evening at which I recited the Deacon and potatoes.

8 Wrote a letter to Elizabeth and Westwood

9 Held Council meeting I find I can use my experience at home to good advantage in these meetings. Charles Barrel was released from his labors in Birmingham and went to Bristol spent the evening at Br Spokes.

10 Fine read scriptures and church works.

11 Took walk, mended shirt, put iron on boots

12 Went by R R to Bromsgrove walked to Fernel Heath where we were invited to ride to Worcester which we gladly accepted and gave the man a few pence and some tracts

13 Met with the saints at Worcester gave an outline of the gospel I was quite sick during the night but got better after being administered to by Br. Jarvis.

14 Rested and read

15 Started toward Hereford feeling stiff and sore eat supper at Wattus and slept at Lewis

16 Considerable better but when we got to Froome Hill decided to lay over and rest

17 Walked to Hereford calling at Jonathan Davis making 15 miles 1 stood it pretty well considering. We administered to Lawrences baby who is coming down with measles.

18 Wrote to Rebecca and Walter Cox

19 Bought recitation book and three Hereford views sent home.

20 Sunday eat dinner at Wellingtons Held meeting in the evening at which we cut off Elizabeth Weaver Upham for Apostacy.

21 Visited Mrs Vaugn Caffulls and Holbrooks stayed at Davis Fownhope.

22 Got very tired walking to Redmarley stayed with Mr Meeks.

23 Sun rose red as a ball of fire it was soon overclouded. Called at Preeses, Newmans, Robinsons, Hicks, and Mrs Mason. Miss Meeks came home on a visit and sang several songs for us.

24 Frost went to James Sheen Mrs Sheen said Mr Grey and Lady Somerset had borrowed our books she is quite an influential Lady favoring the Blue ribbon movement she has built three chapels and hired ministers to preach in them. Stayed at Mr Brants at Mathon.

25 Talked on the gospel to Miss Munn and Mrs Teague who are investigating. Stayed at Bernard Green with Jeffries.

26 Called at Preeses of Lick Sinton went to Worcester got letters at Bannisters from Elizabeth and George Webley

27 Visited James Bannister and family he said his clothes had been on pawn which kept him from going to meeting. He promised us to attend meeting at 4 P.M. to a council and make a statement in regard to his being intoxicated, he did not come and was disfellowshipped for contempt Held regular meeting at 6 PM I spoke 30 minutes showing the judgments which were to come and the Savior would soon make his second coming.

28 Wrote letters to Elizabeth and children.

29 Visited Mrs Kendrick Fisher, and Yapp Spent the evening at Mrs Lanes talking on the gospel

30 Walked to Hanbury at Mrs Fishers we explained the gospel to a young man visiting there he seemed interested and invited me to visit him at Stoke. Called at Symonds he seems dryed up. Eat supper at Mrs Chambers of 24 Mt P Redditch then took train to Birmingham.

31 Held council meeting and evening meeting at Chapel.

Feb 1, 1889 Read Des News and O Pratts works

2 Visited Mrs Rawlinson afterward went to Aunt Thompsons where I preached our gospel to cousin Alice and her friend. They admitted that I explained the scriptures better than they had ever heard it before.

3 Sunday Fast day held council meeting at 1 Sacrament meeting at 3 S. School at 5:30 and evening meeting at 6:30 I spoke 30 minutes showing there had been an apostacy, how the gospel was introduced in the 19th century and the work it was doing, felt free.

4 Preached the gospel to Maddox a tailor.

5 Not feeling well did little but read.

6 Cloudy preached the gospel to Mr Morris dentist took supper with Mrs Richards.

7 With 6 other elders we got a group picture taken Went to Aunt Thompsons explained scriptures and left tracts.

8 Put iron on my boots and started alone on my district. Took train to Barnt Green. Then went to Wild Moor and was kindly entertained by my cousin George Hingley and his family. He showed me the house where mother was born and gave me other information. Lickey Hills have an altitude of 1300 feet above sea level. Snowed.

9 Cold and clear saw Malvern Hills 20 miles distant quite plainly. Used my heavy overcoat all day. Two miles out from Worcester I was invited to ride I talked to him on the gospel gave him tracts and when I asked what my bill was said he was already paid.

10 Spent the day at John Kendricks. Snowed all day Held meeting at Br Balls Quoted the two commandments the Savior gave. If we kept these we would be living nearer to God.

11 Snow 6 inches deep. Wrote letters to Rebecca and Elfleda. Visited Mrs. Elton she offered me money I told her she needed it more than I did.

12 Ice on the side walks, bad walking. Wrote letters to Elizabeth and the boys. Spent the evening pleasantly at Mrs. Lanes.

13 Gave Bannisters 14 pence, walked through the wet snow to Bernards Green. Stayed at Mrs Jeffries

14 Valentine day. The south wind took away all the snow water everywhere. Had long talk with Miss Munn and Mrs Teague they seemed satisfied with the gospel all but polygamy. I took some time to explain this left them some books.

15 Went to White Leaf Oak appointed meeting for 3 PM Sunday stayed at Wm Meeks.

16 Again wet Visited Mrs Preese, Newman, Robinson Attwood Mason and Ricks. Mrs Meeks made me

some cammomile tea which did me good with the help of Gods blessing.

17 Sunday Quite pleasant read some in second coming. Held meeting at 3 PM at James Sheens Spoke an hour showed the apostacy from the Christian Church the rise of the Church in these days if a tree is known by the fruit it bears we can be proud of ours. Someone had been trying to influence our friends Meeks against us by telling the Rutter romance I read the tract or star exposing the story and they seemed satisfied.

18 Went to Sinton got dinner at Duffields got bed at Green man Fawnhope cost 1 shilling 3 pence bad walking made me tired After supper I showed the Landlady and her daughters Salt Lake Illustrated they got quite interested. Had nice room and the best bed I have had in England. Mrs Browns daughter had swelling on her neck.

19 Eat breakfast at Holbrooks, she told me that Jonathan Cafful had been drunk and disorderly. Saw Mrs Cafful Called at Mrs Vaugns, found the folks at Hereford well. They showed me a Welsh paper having a story of Mormon Elders and converts getting into a row at Cheyenne. It is evidently a lie as we have sent no emigrants since last fall. How eagerly they print stories to slander us but will not publish anything in our defense.

20 Market day got bath. In the evening had a conversation with a Miss Clark showing the atonement of our Savior would bring us all from the tomb we would then appear at the bar of judgment and all would be judged according to their works. She seemed pleased.

21 Wrote card to Pres Dalley and letter to Peter Sundwall and P C Nielsen. Held meeting at 8 PM Brethren bore good testimonies I spoke freely for an hour showed how the Lord blessed the obedient, the wicked were scourged. Prophecies should be read literally and not spiritualized away. Spoke of the rise of the church in our day.

22 Walked to Jonathan Davis eat dinner called at Gibbs stayed overnight at Cooks.

23 Called at Rowleys eat lunch at Preeses Lich Sinton went on to Worcester where I found Bannisters ready to move.

24 Sunday Called at Wm Balls Mrs Eltons and Kendricks held meeting at 6:30 administered sacrament spoke 70 minutes Showed why we partook of the sacrament. The original sin was not an accident mortality was the consequences of the fall death the result. People were more ready to believe a lie than the truth.

25 Train to Droitwich called at Mrs Fishers Hanbury left her two stars. Stayed with cousin Mills at Astwood Bank showed them and James Webb S L Pictures which seemed to enlarge their views in regard to the saints and their homes.

26 Cold and some snow. Wrote letters to Elizabeth and enclosed one for P C Nielsen. Preached the gospel to the folks in the evening.

27 Cold and snowy Cousin Mills made me a present of a fine magnifying glass. Walked 13 miles to Kings Norton then rode 5 miles to New Street then walked two miles to conference where I found the brethren well. Got 10 dollars from home.

28 Fast day at council meeting I reported Hereford District

March 1 1889 Wrote letter to my sister Mary.

2 Wrote letter to Philip H Hurst saw a fine circus in the evening

3 Sunday Fasted until 4 PM held 3 meetings and Sunday School. Spoke 40 minutes in the evening showing if we kept the commandments the Savior gave it included all others.

4 Not feeling well Cold having settled on the bowels

5 Still poorly took advice from a druggist and Bro Jordan nursed me by steaming my bowels with hot flannels and turpentine, which by the blessing of the Lord relieved me much.

6 Better but sore spent the evening at Br Merediths

7 Snowing Have slept well and eat a hearty breakfast

8 Put iron on my boots and about 12 started out for Worcester. It was raining so hard I took train. Could not get bed at Worcester so walked in a heavy rain 3 ½ miles to Powick where I was kindly welcomed and nursed with herb tea by Mrs. Bannister.

9 Sun shone bright got up at 8 AM feeling much better. Got card from Pres Dalley.

10 Sunday got Des News and letter from Luella held meeting at Br Balls Spoke 40 minutes showing that the judgments that were to come upon the wicked were already commenced.

11 Thinking rest would do me good stayed all day at Bannisters and read papers and tracts.

12 Much better but weak as I had eat but little for 10 days. Went to Worcester notified James Bannister to appear before council on Thursday evening Got card from the Echo office two stars and newspaper I had left a month previous. The young man told me the Editor had read them but could not use them now as there was nothing to call it forth. I thought I was treated more courteous than on my former visit.

13 Straightened up Stars read some at council meeting James Bannister acknowledged his errors and asked forgiveness, voted we forgive him

14 Wrote cards to George Hingley and Br Dalley Visited Miss Munn and Mrs Jeffries went to Mathon expecting to get a bed at Brandts but failed and after night and very tired I walked to Westville and was kindly entertained by Isaac Cook

15 Fine have slept well and feel first rate called at Mrs Wattus. Herbert Jones and W Gibbs went then to Frooms Hill stayed at Mrs Philpots.

16 Called at Jonathan Davis got star money then went on to Hereford found Br Dalley there got bath.

17 Sunday Eat dinner at Wellingtons. Held meeting at Lawrences. Spoke freely for an hour showed there had been two influences at work ever since man was placed upon earth. The adversary had power to alienate man from his creator but not from his power which brought on the flood, destroyed Sodom and at different times brought judgments upon man as a punishment for breaking his laws. Satan had power to stir up the passions of the ungodly who had killed the Prophets, the Savior and Apostles and was now the author of Antimormon Societies.

18 Went to Hide Ash found Mrs Williams quite sick the doctor had given up hopes of her recovery and was giving her morphine to deaden pain. I adminstered to her and she got a good nights rest.

19 Walked back to Hereford a man invited me to ride, and in return I preached the gospel to him and gave him tracts. Got letter from Br Sundwall and the boys about land which was being jumped.

20 Visited stock yards and market Hereford bulls sold one for 25 pounds and one for 30 pounds Fat 4 year old steers brought 20 to 24 pounds Beef cows 15 to 20 pounds Stock cows 14 to 16 pounds two year olds 8 to 10 pounds yearlings 5 to 8 pounds good Southdown rams sold for 70 to 80 shillings Mutton wethers wool on 45 to 60 shillings. Wethers sheared brought 40 to 45 shillings. Wrote letters to Elizabeth and Br Sundwall about land Held council meeting at which we cut off Andrew Mayo for unchristianlike conduct.

21 Snowing and raining 9:30 went to Chuckley eat dinner at Mrs Vaughns. Went to Cafful questioned him about being drunk 5 or 6 weeks before. He admitted it admonished him of the consequences of drinking intoxicants. They both said they desired to live their religion but found it difficult on account of outside pressure. Mrs Caffulls sister had joined the Josephite church in Canada and was writing letters to her. She is a little uneasy about polygamy.

22 Cold and frosty went to Holbrooks then across the country to Red Marley. Had quite a conversation with a local preacher of Methodist. He kindly showed me the way and I preached the gospel to him and gave him tracts. Stayed with Mr Meeks.

23 Fine morning, feeling well after my long walk, visited James and George Sheems Pres Dalley came in the evening to Meek’s.

24 Sunday We called at Mrs Hicks then went to Thomas Newmans where we had an excellent dinner. Held meeting at 3 PM at James Sheens. Br Dalley led I followed we believe in the God that talked to Adam walked with Enoch preserved Noah the friend of Abraham, who inspired Moses and spoke to Samuel spoke on the atonement went in the evening to Hollybush Chappel, heard Mr Gray speak on the 10 of Matthew talked with him he could not see any necessity of new revelation spoke of the great transgression of Adam. When I told him the penalty for that sin was mortality and quoted “in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die” he got uneasy and soon left.

25 Went to George Sheens and James Sheens then walked to Bernards Green. Got dinner at Woodwards Quite an interesting conversation with Mrs Woodward on the gospel left her tracts. Then went to Powick where we stayed at Bannisters.

26 Went with Bro Dalley to James Bannisters where we stayed overnight singing and trying to cheer up the family. Got an overweight letter from Elizabeth.

27 Visited the Royal Porcelain Works paid 6 shillings for which we got a book of description of the works and a guide who showed us around the 17 acres of buildings and yards and explained every process of the manufacture of chinaware from the raw material to the finished ware. Held meeting at Balls in the evening I spoke bore testimony to the power of God as manifested in our day referred to Johnstons army that invaded Utah in 1857 and what became of Judge Drummond whose lying stories were instrumental in having that army sent.

28 Saw Br Dalley off on the train, called to see David Elton who had two fingers cut off, his mother says that after we administered to him his fingers got easy and he has slept well. Read Josephus at reading room Jerusalem was destroyed by Romans A D 70 But they were broken up by internal broils and mobs within burnt their provisions and spread anarchy in their midst until it was almost a mercy when Titus overcame them and established some kind of government. At the trial of our Savior the mob shouted “his blood be upon our heads and on the heads of our children” How little they thought it would be so soon answered upon them. Took tea at Mrs Lanes went to Powick for bed.

29 Got a letter from Rebecca all well at home, the boys were putting in crops, fall wheat had done well. Visited Preeses, Rowleys, Williams Miss Munn and Mrs Teague stayed overnight at Mrs Jeffries. Tom was quite cranky.

30 Went to see George Wright according to promise but did not learn anything about the Clark Mrs Lane had enquired after. Saw Mrs. Wattus and Alice Sheen at Malvern went to Powick.

31 Sunday Spent the day at John Kendricks held meeting in the evening at Br Balls at which read from the bible the transgression of Adam the result was mortality we use that knowledge. Showed that the Kingdom of God was established, the same power attended its ministry that attended the primitive church, and the work was progressing rapidly toward its final triumph.

April 1 1889 Went to Worcester then to Upton Snodsbury read sermons of G Q Cannon and Pres Woodruff to them got bed from a neighbor by the name of Davis who knew my father before we left England and I enjoyed myself much in talking over old times they gave me breakfast and invited me to call again.

2 Went across the country to Astwood Bank where I am kindly welcomed and have the priviledge of talking to them on the gospel.

3 Read George Q Cannons sermon to the folks Went to Redditch called at Mrs. Chambers then took train to Birmingham found the brethren well

4 Fast and council meeting at which I reported Hereford district.

5 Wrote letter to Rebecca. Sent books to Ottis, James and Philip H Hurst.

6 Wrote letter to Karl G Maeser asking lesson in German. Got Mrs Spendlove to make flannel garments which cost six shilling

7 Sunday, fast day held three meetings and Sunday School I spoke 45 minutes showing how the blessings of the Lord attended the tithe payer and liberal doner.

8 Wrote two cards, read Des News Visited Mrs. Richards.

9 With Br Baugh went to Cousin Hingley at Wildmoor, rained heavy all the way.

10 Went through Bromsgrove and Stoke to Hanbury Stoke chimney is 365 feet high. Eat at Mrs Fishers walked to Droitwich took train to Worcester took tea with Mrs Lane, then walked to Powick for bed at John Bannisters. Rained all day Severn was full so was the cellars of houses on the banks. The Teem bottom was covered for a half mile wide many houses were surrounded with water.

11 Wrote letter to Elizabeth enclosing one for Mary Weeks and one for Lillian. Drying some.

12 Visited Mrs Preese Wm Rowley, Mrs Williams Wm Gibbs and Mrs Baugh. I asked Mrs Baugh if she could read, she answered no. Says I if you cannot read and do not have the priveledge of attending meeting, how do you manage to keep alive in the gospel? Brother I prays to God for wisdom and to keep me in the faitth. Her simple answer was a volume and suggested to me the writing of a piece on the power of prayer which appeared in the Millenial Star. Got bed at Lewis’s and eat supper and breakfast at Wattus

13 Went to Isaac Cooks then went to Mathon and North Malvern saw Miss Brant and Miss Munn. Got bed at Bannister at Powick

14 Sunday eat dinner and tea at John Kendricks, Held council meeting at 6:30 we held evening meeting at which I spoke 30 minutes showing the necessity of continuous revelation.

15 Got my boots patched called at Mrs Fisher left her some tracts showing Jarmans character.

16 Called at Mrs Jeffries saw George Wright and enquired of him for Mrs Lane about a Mr Clark he told me Clark had been dead 17 years. Spent an hour in the Abbey Church very fine stained glass windows. The prayer meeting was a dry formal affair stayed over night at Mrs Jeffries.

17 Called at Miss Munn. Eat dinner at Brants. Went to Jonathan Davis eat supper got bed at a public house for 6 shilling each.

18 Got breakfast at Five Bridges Went to Hereford found Lawrences and Wellingtons well got bath

19 Spent the day reading and writing

20 Went to reading room. Examined map of Herefordshire. In the Graphic saw some ugly caricatures on mormon life

21 Easter Sunday Went to the Cathedral which is a very fine ancient structure saw one tombstone bearing date of 1095 Services was nearly all chanting and reading. Held meeting at 7 PM about 12 present I spoke 45 minutes showing how we all died in Adam and how in Christ we should all be resurrected then we should appear at judgment and be rewarded according to our works.

22 Went to Hide Ash rained all the way found Mrs Williams very sick with general debility. We sang Hymns and tried to cheer her she seemed better for hearing us

23 Administered to Mrs Williams then went to Hereford, rained nearly all the way, in front of us it had hailed hard enough to cut the leaves off the trees & hedges.

24 Rained hard, Yet there was a fine display of cattle, sheep and horses at the market. Good Bulls brought from 25 to 30 pounds. One fine two year old sold for 17 pounds. Two year old steers brought 10 to 13 pounds. Two year old colt sold for 17 pounds and six year old cart horse 27 pounds. Several fine stallions were on exhibition. Held meeting in the evening at Lawrences. Br. Baugh occupied the time profitably. I bore testimony to the power of God manifested in our day, that the gifts and blessings were restored.

25 Called at Mrs Vaugns Caffuls and Holbrooks stayed over night at Davis of Fownhope cost us one shilling each Sent Hereford paper to W Cox and Swend Nielsen

26 Visited Barrels then went to Sinton called at Duffields then went to Red Marley where we were kindly received at Wm Meeks.

27 Fine. Visited Mrs Preese and her granddaughter explained the principles of the atonement. From her we learned that Parson Nibley who had forbid Mrs Preese from entertaining Elder Dalley on pain of having her pay from the parish stopped was now being arrainged by leading parishioners for appropriating to his own use the funds donated for the poor of the parish. Visited Masons, Robinsons and Newmans

28 Sunday Read Key to Theology. Went to Bromsbury Heath left tracts. Eat dinner at George Sheens Held meeting at James Sheens at 3 PM Spoke 75 minutes taking the history of the bible showing how even the chosen people became subject to evil influences when they ceased to do works of righteousness Bore testimony that the kingdom of heaven was now being established. Went in the evening to Holly Bush chapel. Mr Day made some good points but he spoke just as an actor plays his part, breaking from the sublime to the ridiculous apparently without an effort.

29 Fine. Went to Bernards Green. Found Mrs Jeffries much distressed on account of Thomas’ behavior. She said she was without anything to eat while he had money in his pocket. We gave her money to buy food. When Tom came home he was willing to eat the supper our money bought but afterwards insisted on going off. His mother tried to prevent him but he abused her so much I advised her to sit down and Br Baugh kept him in expecting he would calm down and behave himself his mother finally said let him go. He went and she followed until he pushed her down. She then came back but afterwards followed him to her sisters he reported his mother turned him out to make room for us. His bed was emty all night.

30 Went to Bannisters at powick. Wrote a letter to Rebecca and children.

May 1 1889 Got papers and another overweight letter from Elizabeth. Went to Worcester, Hallow, Moseley. Stayed all night at Hallow.

2 Went back to Worcester eat dinner at John Kendricks Tea at Mrs Lanes. Slept on Balls sofa

3 Read Star Salt Lake Conference news and an article I wrote on prayer while at Hereford. Went to see Mrs Fisher she has a great deal of opposition to contend with in her own family waited until 7:30 for Br Baugh he did not get back from Birmingham. Went to Powick for bed.

4 Br Baugh wrote me he would meet me at Malvern Wells. We went then to White Leaf Oak made our appointment for meeting at 3 PM Sunday Eat supper at Mrs Lanes who is investigating We then went to Wm Meeks while here they told us they believed our doctrines.

5 Sunday A rain storm prevented the people from attending many of them. Br Baugh led I followed quoting from 15 Chap of Acts to show that Paul had the decision of the council in mind when he wrote words which if taken apart would favor the view that belief in Christ was alone sufficient, and when he depreciated forms and ceremonies “or works” it was the circumcision and ceremonies of the Jews he aluded to as not being essential to salvation as some Jews contended they were.

6 Bro Baugh went to Birmingham. I start to Hereford by way of Dymoch, Marcle, and Broadmoor. Eat dinner at Holbrooks. Quite warm today Went to Caffuls sold them a book of Mormon administered to Mrs Cafful who was sick, then went to Mrs Vaugns and stayed overnight.

7 From the Hill at the back in a clear day there is a fine view of Gloucester, Ross, Hereford, Ladbury, Malvern Hills and Welch mountains. Went to Hereford folks are well. Wrote in the afternoon home to Elizabeth and later sent it with fair news

8 Read Des News and Star. Hereford fair was represented by every device to catch pennys J.B. Studt had a fine lot of swing boats 4 Steam Whirligigs representing ships, railroad and horseback riding these all had steam organs and were run by steam Several Shooting gallerys. A boxing booth, A Wax work show, A sleight of hand performance. Two shows representing machinery in motion. A big horse 22 hands high . A crocodile. A mermaid and a 700 lb man show. A Flea exhibition and several machines for testing strength, and bowling alleys for cocoa nuts

9 Wet day making foul work for the fair read all forenoon. Eat dinner at Wellingtons Went to Hereford Times office had an interview with the editor showed him the affadavits of Mrs Jarman and Albert Jarman corroborated by Mayor Armstrong. Gave him April 12 Des News which had a fair clipping from New York Globe. He seemed quite social and invited me to call again. Bought two bibles for a shilling each from Spurgeons agents, gave them glad tidings and only true gospel. Proposed to hold meeting in the evening but Pres Wellington would not or did not appoint one.

10 Wrote letter to Jonathan Midgley about Lawrence walked to Jonathan Davis for dinner then went to Lewis for bed 17 miles bed cost one shilling.

11 Eat breakfast and dinner at Wattus the good lady prides herself on her meals and makes us think we are among friends, went in the afternoon to Preeses of Lich Sinton stayed until 8 PM then went to Bannisters where I got letters from Rebecca W.H. Sanderson and Mary Maycock. Also card from Pres Dalley asking me to come in to district meeting.

12 Sunday got up at 5 AM Walked 4 miles to Scrub Hill Went by Great Western to Birmingham which road goes around by Kidderminster and Stourbridge. Meeting at 3 PM and again at 6:30

13 It has rained most of the time since Saturday Held council meeting at which George F Baugh was appointed President of the Birmingham Conference

14 Visited Cooks. In the evening by request of the brethren I wrote a tribute of respect to Pres Dalley showing our good feelings toward him

15 Fine in the evening we had a Tea party at which I read the piece written for Br Dalley and recited Deacon Smiths Brindle Bull.

16 We held council meeting at which I reported Hereford District. With Elder Durant visited Sister Rawlinson and later took a walk around public buildings Meeting at 8 PM

17 Saw Br Dalley off on the train Visited Mrs Spendlove took clothes to be washed. Got bath Wrote letter to Elizabeth enclosing one for P Nielsen, one for A Nielsen about his sheep spent the evening at Br Baileys

18 Put irons on my boots and read scripture

19 Sunday Went to Aunt Thompsons had a very pleasant visit Held meeting at 3PM I spoke with others. Meeting at 6:30. I spoke freely for 40 minutes showing how many were misled by depending on the written word which to some seem to conflict Read 15 Acts showing the decision rendered there in regard to circumcision and Paul having that decision in his mind has left some passages if read alone would seem to say belief alone is sufficient showed how necessary it was to have inspired teachers that these misunderstandings need not occur. Spent the evening at Pres Spokes.

May 20 1889 Took train from Birmingham to Kings Norton. Walked to Redditch eat supper at Mrs Chambers she told me there had been a piece in the Indicator about Hursts Went to the office did not find the piece left them Utah and the Mormons. Went to Aunt Bakers spent a very pleasant evening.

21 1 Called at Mrs Chambers who told me of Symonds bad conduct with his housekeepers. Went to Hunt End and am inclined to think from a remark of his about leasing wives for a given time that the report I had heard was correct. Went to Astwood Bank had a pleasant time with Cousin Mills and James Webb.

22 Fine, Went to see Mr Perkins the postmaster bought two papers from which I got the names of 21 Hursts who lived at Redditch in the 18 century. Saw and had a long talk with the Astwood Bank Prophet he is well read in the scriptures but I set him to thinking and left him some tracts Walked to Upton Snodsbury the day was very hot and walking made my feet sore, bed at Davis for sixpence.

23 Walked to Worcester. Hot and dry called at Eltons, Slept at Wm Balls.

24 A little cloudy but pleasant. In the reading room read the account of Police raid on gamblers in London in which they captured three lords and a number of prominent persons. Read Mosheims ecclesiastic history he says the Jews were divided on law and forms when the Savior came; after his crucifiction the christians divided on the question is circumcision essential to salvation, and through succeeding centuries they changed the ordinances adding new rites and forms until the gospel as taught by the Savior was lost and in its stead the Wealthy Tyranical Catholic Church held sway, “representing the Iron power as seen in Nebuchadnezzars dream” Mosheim admits the necessity of an inspired head and it is easy to trace the apostacy to the lack of heeding divine teachings. The wind is blowing trees down, raining heavy. Flags are flying and bells are ringing for Queen Victorias birthday. Bed at Powick with Bannisters.

25 Wet, got a letter from Elizabeth all well. Wrote a letter to Elizabeth and the boys and enclosed one for Bp Tucker which was public news.

26 Sunday left quite a number of tracts with Br Ball. Eat dinner and supper at John Kendricks held meeting at 6:30. I opened and closed with prayer administered the sacrament spoke 75 minutes on the apostacy from the primitive church read from 15 Acts and showed why so many preachers were misled they made a hobby of parts of scriptures which when read alone were capable of a wrong meaning. Paul in his earnestness to show that the circumcision was not essential wrote verses which make it appear that belief alone is sufficient but if all his writings are read faith and belief is essential so is a properly organized church also the forms of baptism the gifts and blessings.

27 Very wet went to the Chronicle Office left them tracts Utah and the Mormons. Went to Noakes and bought a pair of shoes for 12 shillings 9 pence Left him tracts. He told me he had read our tracts and let his men read them. Stayed at Balls but heard the clock strike every hour of the night.

28 Wet, Read Scriptures. Visited Mrs. Lane. Went to Bannisters for Bed.

29 Showery gave out a number of tracts wrote card to Pres. Baugh. Went through Bromyard and 7 miles beyond in all 20 miles and got bed for a shilling.

30 Rained heavy all night but I slept so sound I did not hear it. My feet are stiff and sore went through Leominster and stayed all night at Hide Ash with Williams whose wife is sick.

31 Mrs. Williams had a will drawn up by a Mr. Taylor I signed the paper as a witness Mr Taylor appears to be a nice man. I gave him tracts which he said he would read. Walked to Hereford my feet being blistered I enjoyed my rest at Lawrences.

June 1 1889 Did little but read and rest.

2 Sunday got letter from James Sanderson and Rebecca folks were well but drought prevailed. Saw the procession of Mayor and officers going to church. Held meeting at 7 PM Spoke an hour and half reviewed the whole system of the atonement and salvation for the dead.

3 Wrote letters to James and W H Sanderson enclosing one for Rebecca. Took Utah and the Mormons to Hereford Times and Journal.

4 Walked out to Sugerspool gave out quite a number of tracts.

5 Wrote to Pres. Teasdale enclosing a piece written on 15 Acts giving some reasons for so many different opinions. Took bath.

6 Went to Times Office left them Des News with clipping from California Alta favorable to our system. Walked to Backberry eat dinner at Mrs. Vaugns gave out quite a number of tracts. Explained the principles of the gospel to Caffuls.

7 Went to Red Marley calling at Holbrooks by the way Meeks son and daughter being there on a visit I could not stay there but got a place at Mrs Preeses of Laban.

8 Got a letter from Pres. Baugh My Steel trunk had come it cost 15 shilling 9 pence Conference would be 7 of July. Watched a man doctoring sheep for foot rot with a preparation of Vitriol the disease commences between the claws and rots away the hoofs. Gave away all the tracts I had eat supper at James Sheens and again slept at Laban.

9 Whitsunsunday Visited Masons Hicks eat dinner at Newmans. Held meeting at 3 PM at James Sheens several strangers present I spoke nearly an hour and a half showing the persecution that attended the primitive church how it continued until the church adopted rites and ordinances nearly to conform to the forms by which the Greeks and Romans had worshipped their imaginary deities, That the same persecution followed the church of Jesus Christ now. Baptism should be by immersion Infants should be blessed not baptized.

10 Windy during the night with some rain walked to North Malvern eat dinner at Miss Munns rested then walked to Bannisters

11 Got an overweight letter from Philip H and Walter Hurst. Went to Worcester where I received a letter from S Blair President of Bristol Conference in answer to a card of inquiry in it he said that Arthur Collins and wife were Anti Mormon. Stayed at Balls but did not sleep much.

12 Read 16 chapters of Isaiah then went to Upton Snodsbury eat at Knights and slept at Davis

13 Walked to Hanbury eat at Fishers then went to Chawson where we lived in 1847 then took across the fields to Salwarp where I used to go to school 42 years ago going through the churchyard I copyed from a tombstone that my old schoolmaster died Feb 16, 1866 His name was William Page and he was 69 years of age when he died. His wife Sarah died April 17 1887 in her 80th year. Gave out several tracts by the way and went back to Worcester to sleep after walking 25 miles.

14 Read scriptures visited Mrs. Yapp and Mrs Fisher laid hands on Mrs Fisher for her health.

15 Visited James and Harry Bannister. These people receive me kindly but do not attend meetings pay any tithing or donation and are not living so as to have a claim upon the Lord for his blessings. Went to Powick where I got letters from Pres. Baugh and my daughters Lillian A. Young and Mary L. Weeks.

16 Held council meeting at Worcester where we cut off from the church Arthur W. Collins and wife Caroline for apostasy. Held meeting at 6:30 I spoke 75 minutes on the first principles of the gospel.

17 Fine I went to general postmaster at Worcester about paying excess postage on letter twice, he said it was charged to them and they had to collect he advised me to write to Sec of General Post Office London for redress which I did enclosing envelope of overweight letter went to Powick to sleep.

18 Wrote letters to Philip; H and Walter Hurst then went to Worcester where I baptized in the Severn Sarah Madeline Lane about 11 PM and confirmed her at the waters edge. Br Ball and his daughter Sarah Hands being the only spectators. She was the daughter of Richard Powell and Ann Sherwood and was born at Afflick Worcestershire 17 August 1846.

19 Went to Lich Sinton where I explained the principles of the gospel to Mrs. Preese who has since joined the church with her husband and three boys. Called at Wm Rowleys and Ann Tippins went to Powick for bed, here I got letters and papers from home and letter and tracts from Pres. Baugh.

20 Went to North Malvern saw Miss Munn and Mrs. Jeffries had quite a talk with a woman who had heard Jarman ridicule the saints and thought it very funny. I read to her some gave her several tracts, then went to Mrs Wattus’es, Cooks, Mrs. Baugh, Gibbs, then went to Froome Hill and stayed at Mrs. Philpots.

21 Called at Jonathan Davis he told me that Thomas Ramsford had moved and Elizabeth Hooper was in the workhouse at Bromyard went on to Hereford find Lawrences well

22 Wrote a letter to Elizabeth and the boys, red Des News.

23 Sunday read eight chapters of Jeremiah eat dinner then went to the camp where the militia were camped. Heard some fine music. There were about 100 small tents several officers tents and 3 or 4 big tents where stimulants were sold and one Coffee tavern. Several men were asleep in the sun as if they had visited the big tent too often. Some men wore medals which they had won in service, these had a brighter and more intelligent look than others and quite a contrast to those who were laying around with no other object apparent only to spend the time. Their cooking was done on furnaces easily made would hold a dozen pots each and a small fire at one end kept them all hot. Held meeting at 7 PM I spoke 50 minutes on the first principles of the gospel, that all were essential to salvation. The Savior himself sought baptism at the hands of John who had authority to act.

24 Got letter from Pres Baugh sent in report for conference. At 2:30 J. F. Squires came to Barrs court

25 Went to Orcup found William Morris who had been in the church 50 years he still had faith in the gospel but had not seen an elder for 10 years. He is now 79 years of age and had lived in the same house 60 years. We sang for him and left some tracts, gave out tracts by the way.

26 Wrote card to Pres Baugh. Visited stock market, Castle Green and reading room then went to military camp several companies were training. The bright scarlet uniforms and green grass made a nice picture with the River Wye in the background. Good music was being played by the band.

27 Visited Mrs Vaughan, Caffuls, and Holbrooks. Saw Mrs Brown at Green man Fawnhope her grandchild had died since I was there before.

28 Walked to Brom Ash bought a bucket of milk and eat dinner at Barrals, then went to Duffields at Sinton where we sang hymns then went on to Red Marley where we were kindly welcomed at Wm Meeks after our 22 miles walk.

29 Got two letters from home, Visited at James Sheen, Geo Sheen, Mr Lane, Mrs. Preese, Mrs Mason, Tho. Robinson, Mrs Hicks & Tho. Newman.

30 Sunday eat dinner at Thomas Newmans held meeting at James Sheen, at 3 PM Br Squires led out I bore testimony that we are the children of God, he desires us to comply with his requirements that we might be saved. We came here that we might have an experience and show what use we make of our knowledge of good and evil. That baptism by immersion is essential to salvation.

July 1 1889 Called at Mrs Daniels as requested explained the gospel and left tracts. Walked to North Malvern, eat dinner at Miss Munns while there a Mrs. Wilson came in to whom I preached the gospel she seemed interested went to Powick for bed.

2 Eat dinner at Kendricks, then went through Worcester Cathedral. Here lies the remains of King John who signed the Magna Carta all the fixtures of this church are grand has many interesting relics. It was first built in the seventh century has been destroyed partially and rebuilt at different times. It has been refitted recently the Earl of Dudley giving 30,000 pounds towards it. The tower is 184 feet high. In the evening saw a Quack selling medicines in the Vigor of life style. Eat supper at Mrs Lanes Slept at Balls.

3 Took train from Shrub Hill to Bromsgrove called at Mr. Webley’s who treated us kindly we afterward called at Wm Passeys a cousin of mine he was not in but his wife treated us well. We then went on to Birmingham found all well.

4 July Fine morning but no flags flying or drums beating, which forcibly reminds me that I am not in the U.S. of America where this day of all others they celebrate and with spread eagle speeches say here is freedom, but in their actions to the L.D. Saints they say “think as you please” but do as we say or we will imprison you. Meeting at 8 PM I bore testimony showing judgments were already coming upon the earth.

5 Held council meeting at which I reported Hereford district. In the evening went to Pres Spokes where we stayed until 1:30 then went to New Street station saw Elder Durrant off at 3:10 AM We were up all night. Weighed 160 lbs.

6 Wrote letters to Rebecca and children one to Mary L. Weeks. Went in the afternoon to Chales Ganges and with him to Sister Biggs who has a son at Hereford saw her but did not get the address so my 10 miles walk was a waterhaul. Called at Pres. Spokes where I met President Teasdale.

7 Sunday Conference at Hunters Vale at which excellent instructions were given I spoke first in the afternoon showing the necessity of attending meeting. Said our leaders knew of what they were doing, had there been any doubts in their minds they would not have dared to take their families into the heart of the American Desert they knew if God spoke to them or not. If all else were deceived they were not, and when they risked everything in that enterprise it showed conclusively the implicit confidence they had in the work they were engaged in.

8 Held council meeting at Br Spokes where we also spent the evening.

9 Wrote in the morning, then went to Richards and later spent the evening at Baileys with Leonard Jordan.

10 Wrote to Elizabeth, Lillian, and Luela. Sent book of Worcester and Malvern to Rebecca, and one of Birmingham to Elizabeth.

11 Walked from conference house to Redditch fifteen miles eat at Chambers then went two miles and baptized Sarah Ann Willett Chambers aged 22 Her father and sister being present about 11 o clock PM we witnessed a fine display of fireworks got up by Lord Windsor at Hewel in honor of the Shah of Persias visit.

12 Wrote a letter to President Teasdale for Mrs Chambers says her daughter would be ready to emmigrate Aug 31. Went to Aunt Bakers then with William Baker went up to the upper part of Redditch and had a good look at the Shah of Persia as he passed our group he touched his hat which compliment I returned. Went to Hunt End Symonds was not at home. Had a long talk with the housekeeper, from which I learned she had much to repent of. She seemed to me a fine woman wrecked for lack of proper training. Went to Astwood Bank found Mills family well and a new baby boy 5 weeks old.

13 Cloudy but pleasant got quite warm and the 12 miles walk made me tired and my underclothes wet with sweat. Rained heavy in the afternoon. Eat at Knights and slept at Davis.

14 Sunday Went to Worcester eat dinner at John Kendricks. Held meeting at Br Balls all saints present I spoke 45 minutes showing the necessity of adding good works to faith. God will answer our prayers our trials were necessary to enable us to appreciate the blessings of God. Bore testimony of the near approach of the Millenium and the second coming of our Savior.

15 Had rather a poor nights rest some pain in the jaws. Bought Box of Pills read O Pratts works went to Powick for bed.

16 Went to Worcester. Took tea at Mrs Lanes read O Pratt, stayed at Balls

17 Nearly all the people are wild in their praise of Synah the Quack doctor showing they will easily believe an imposition than the truth. While our elders can not get listeners to hear the true gospel, Synah had thousands to hear him every night. He got 2000 lbs out of the people and pleased them so well that they gave him an avalanche of flowers and other presents and to cap the climax unhooked his horse and pulled his carriage through the streets by hand. Went to Powick for bed.

18 Have slept well and awake to find the sun shining. Went to Mrs. Preeses Lich Sinton, Heywoods Cross, Crumpton Hill, North Malvern and Mathon. Collected 1 pence star bill heard Ann Tippings and W Rowley brother and sister and over 70 years old quarrel like dog and cat and had the priviledge of preaching the gospel to Preeses and Miss Munn. Stayed at Cooks.

19 Called at Mrs Philpots and Jonathan Davis he and Thomas Ramsford gave 6 pence each walked to Hereford 18 miles found Lawrences well and they gave me a genuine welcome.

20 Got papers from home from which I obtained much information. Got bath and change clothes.

21 Sunday have suffered considerably with Neuralgia, held meeting at 7 PM. I spoke 30 minutes showing that the gospel was being preached to the inhabitants of the earth. Many of the Indians are receiving the same. Palestine was being repeopled by the Jews. Judgments were coming upon the earth all showing the nearer approach of the Savior.

22 Slept well and awoke to find a beautiful morning. It is just one year since my house was raided by Deps since then I have been an exile from home for conscience sake. For all that would be needed to stay at home would be simply to say I would forsake my covenants and acknowledge the laws of man superior to the commandments of God. Called to see Wm Brace who has a mother in the church. He is a Catholic gave him some tracts he invited me to call again.

23 Got letter from Rebecca which I answered sent cards to Pres Baugh and one to James Sheen.

24 of July Pioneer Day! What pleasing memories comes to me when I think of the happy days of yore, when Utah was comparatively free from gentile influence, and old and young met to celebrate the anniversary of the Pioneers entering Salt Lake Valley. Past trials, cares, and toils were forgot, and everyone seemed to vie with each other in their endeavor to show we were happy and free. I must take a run on the stockmarket or I shall be getting sentimental. This day there were 2000 sheep sold bringing from 10 to 13 dollars each 500 cows and steers sold for 75 to 120 dollars each. Calves brought 10 to 15 dollars each. I saw one Hereford Bull so fat he had no more shape than a wood tick that has been on the cattle until ready to fall off. Hereford has an altitude of 189 ft. consecrated one bottle of oil and administered to Wilford Lawrence who got better.

25 Went to Mrs Vaugns then to Caffuls rained heavy Mrs. Cafful has a sister in Canada full and running over with Josephism and was writing letters to Mrs Cafful which appears to affect her some. After dinner I gave her a pretty good history of the rise of the church. That Josephism was born of strife and disappointed ambition. That God had established his church never more to be taken away and given to another people. I asked her who represented the true church after Joseph was killed and before the reorganized church was formed, she seemed satisfied my views were correct and both her and her husband bore testimony to Mrs Caffuls being healed by the power of God under my administration two months ago.

26 Called at Holbrooks then went on to Wm Meeks Red Marley, my 17 mile walk made me quite tired. The flies have been very bad this month.

27 Mary and Blanche Meeks went to service this morning. I visited Newmans, Lanes, James and George Sheens and Ann Davis. Then went to Bromsbury Heath called at Alsops saw old Mrs Hill who had joined the church in 1840 then went to her sons and made arrangements with him to hold meeting there at 7 P.M. Sunday.

28 Sunday eat dinner at Newmans held meeting at James Sheens. I spoke an hour bore testimony that the gospel is true, if we obey it the spirit within us answers us of its truth. We read the scriptures with increased light, and we find the gospel as taught now is the same as the Apostles taught, the same organization, the same gifts and power attends its ministry, the work was progressing rapidly and a people was being prepared for the coming of the Savior which was near. After Tea went to Bromsbury Heath and held another interesting meeting, the room was full. Three had belonged to the church the others had never heard the gospel. I spoke 70 minutes on the first principles of the gospel, the effects of the fall, the crucifixion of the Savior brought about the resurrection which robbed the grave of its victory, death of its sting, so far salvation is universal, then we should all be rewarded or punished according to our works.

29 Fine, walked to N Malvern 13 miles, Eat dinner at Miss Munn she introduced me to a Mr Newell who asked a number of questions about our doctrines and was interested enough to listen to my answers and then walked with me 5 miles in order to continue the conversation. Slept at Bannisters.

30 Changed underclothes, then went to Worcester visited at Kendricks and Mrs. Lanes, Slept at Balls.

31 Walked to Lickey Hills 17 miles Hot and dusty got quite tired stayed with Cousin Hingley

1 August 1889 Had all the ripe gooseberries I could eat. Walked 13 miles to Birmingham Testimony meeting in the evening.

2 Wrote letter to Elizabeth giving a copy of my journal for July in which month I traveled 270 miles most all on foot.

3 Got bath then visited Richards, went through the Art Museum and spent the evening at Aunt Thompsons.

4 Sunday, Fast day Council meeting at 1:30 at which I presided. Meeting at 3 PM spoke 30 minutes our Church is organized the same as the primitive church, the same power attends its ministry, the same persecution attacks its converts all of which strengthens our testimony until belief is swallowed up in knowledge. Tea at Baileys meeting at 6:30 Spoke 45 minutes giving an outline of the atonement. The plan of salvation was always same. It was necessary to have continued revelation as special instructions were needed to meet special conditions. The ark made by Noah would have been of no use to Lot when Sodom was destroyed.

5 Got letter from Elizabeth enclosing 20 dollars Went to Ashton Park and museum afterward to a wax work show where we saw the Queen and family Henry the VIII and his Queens Wellington Gordon Heads of murderers, chinese, negroes, Buffalo Bill also the white chapel victims.

6 Visited at Pritchards and Ganges then went to administer to Mrs. Biggs

7. Wrote letter to Elizabeth and Mary Maycock spent the evening at Pritchards

8. Wrote letter to Mrs Lisseter and card to Cousin Hingley Went to 18 Speedwell St to see Ellen Passey and got the address of Thomas Hingley Meeting at 8 PM at which I presided and spoke a few words of encouragement.

9 Started out on the district rained heavy Kind welcome at Cousin Hingleys slept well

10 Went to Hanbury left Br Dalleys picture for Laura Fisher. Took train at Droitwich for Worcester rained heavy, eat at Balls went to Powick to sleep

11 Sunday, Went to Henry Bannisters then to Hallow where we got dinner at James Bannisters held meeting at Balls Spoke 30 minutes showed the necessity of living our religion reviewed some of the results of Apostasy we should attend our meetings and ask God to keep us in the faith.

12 Went to North Malvern spent the day profitably at Miss Munn back to Bannisters for bed

13 Wrote letters to Rebecca and one to H W Sanderson that would do to read in public. Went to Heywood Cross to collect Rowleys Star bill, did not get it. Then came back to Lich Sinton and preached the gospel to Mr. Preese and family who seemed much interested

14 Went to Worcester visited Yapps Kendricks Eltons and Mrs Lane.

15 Went to N Malvern and Mathon where I preached the gospel to Miss Brant and learned from her that she was trying to live her religion. Called at Cooks no one was at home but her daughter a woman came in and talked in a scandalous anti-mormon strain and after saying her little speech departed without giving us an opportunity to reply. It left the girl so prejudiced she would not come in the house and a child was taught to become to the door and say “you are naughty.” Eat supper at Wattus and slept at Lewis.

16 Eat dinner at Jonathan Davis then went on to Hereford 19 miles genuine welcome at Lawrences.

17 Rained heavy read news which I got from Elizabeth and letters from Rebecca, Thomas Hingley and Mrs. Lisseter, got bath, spent the evening at Wellingtons.

18 Sunday held meeting at Lawrences our meeting was small but we had all the saints of Hereford there good testimonies were born. Spoke 45 minutes exhorting to faithfulness that we might have a claim upon the Lord for his blessing.

19 Went to Hide Ash after waiting three hours at a neighbors we found Arthur Williams at home as he had to go to Leominster 4 miles for food, we went out and bought some bread and eat it. He came back about 9:30 and we went up stairs where we found sister Williams very sick with but little chance for her recovery.

20 Administered to Mrs Williams went back to Hereford 12 miles, saw the procession at the celebration of Eye an Ear Hospital bought dinner at restaurant read some at library.

21 Wrote letters to Elizabeth and Peter Sundwall.

22 Went to Fownhope bought dinner, then went to Barrels of Brom Ash Bought 2 quarts of milk and drank it. Went to Alma Inn of Sinton for bed. On the way we saw a machine cutting grain two horses were working tandem a driver to each horse walked along side and led his horse another man rode the machine and raked off the bundles. The hostess of the Alma gave us the parlor to sit in and the use of the piano which Br Squires played while we practiced hymns. We got a nicely furnished room and a good bed which brought out words of congratulations from us. We had just began to sleep when we found we were not the only occupants of the bed. Br Squires said bugs or fleas. I said they were not bugs for they were only running over me while bugs would have poisoned my flesh. I slept some, my companion none at all, about daylight I was awakened by Bro Squires who candle in hand and blood in his eye was making war on the enemy.

23 Bought food for 1 sh 4 pence and eat at Duffields leaving them the remainder, after singing some hymns we went to Red Marley where we were made welcome at Wm Meeks Blackberries are getting ripe and we get all we need from the hedges.

24 Went to Bromsbury Heath called at Ann Davis George & James Sheens and Lanes. We found Thomas Newman in trouble on account of his wife who complained that he spent his money more for beer than food.

25 Sunday held meeting at James Sheens Br Squires and Holder led out I used about 15 minutes. The judgments that were to come upon the earth had already commenced. We held meeting at Bromsbury Heath I talked 45 minutes giving Daniels interpretation of Nebuchadnezars dream bore testimony that the Latter Day Saints were building that kingdom he saw. It would fulfill its destiny and fill the whole earth.

26 Walked to Malvern where we preached the gospel to Miss Munn Mrs Jeffries and Mrs Teague Slept at Powick

27 Went to Worcester called at Mrs Lane and Wm Balls. Went to Knights at Upton Snodsbury where we also found Mrs. Cook. Went to Naunton Beauchamp saw Bakewell to whom we had a letter of introduction from Fowles. They treated us well and I left them some tracts

28 Walked to Redditch then train to Birmingham. Got a tooth pulled that had troubled me. We had a social party in the evening.

29 Held fast and council meeting, and evening meeting at chapel some strangers being present I was asked to speak on the first principles of the gospel I felt quite free while doing so.

30 Went to station and saw Elders Howard and Durrant start home. Got bath, spent the evening at Br Spokes

31 Wrote letter to Henry and Edward Fowles and enclosed it with one for Elizabeth

Sept 1 1889 Sunday Priesthood meeting at 1:30 I said teachers should be able to teach by example as well as precept. I offered the opening prayer in the afternoon. In the evening I spoke 40 minutes showed that the kingdom of God had grown in spite of all opposition. Our enemies had often said Mormonism had received its death blow but God had borne us off triumphantly and made the wrath of man to praise him felt a good flow of the spirit while talking and my time was up too soon

2 Got a new upper plate for my mouth which cost me ten shillings in addition to the 4 teeth I had. Spent the evening at Merediths.

3 Dark and foggy Wrote letter to Niels Larsen spent the evening at Pritchards.

4 Fine Wrote card to Hingley, helped fix the stars for distribution. Got my clothes from Deans.

5 Went to Cousin Hingleys Wild Moor kindly treated, left them Umbrella.

6 Went to Mrs Lisseters whose mother was my cousin She and her husband treated me well and we got to preach the gospel to them and left them some tracts She gave me photos of herself mother and grandmother and Aunt Mary who is also my cousin. Got bed at Coach and Horses cost 9 pence each

7 Spent 5 hours in looking over Bromsgrove church records. Got quite a number of names for Webley and Westwood. Walked to Droitwich rode to Worcester and then walked to Powick

8 Sunday Visited Henry Bannister then went to James Bannister made arrangements to hold meeting at his house when we return. Held meeting at 6:30 at Balls no one but saints present. I spoke 20 minutes but did not feel well on account of Br Balls using so much time unprofitably. He had excused himself from offering prayer on account of poor health and then without invitation got up and spoke some time on things he could just as well have said when no elders were present. This coupled with the fact we can never hold a meeting but what it is interrupted and often for the most frivolous things makes me feel like our meetings are not productive of much good where we have such miserable surroundings.

9 Pleasant spent the day in writing to Rebecca and Walter Cox. Went in the evening to Preeses of Lich Sinton where we spent the evening conversing on the principles of the gospel.

10 Went to Worcester where we mailed our letters spent some time in reading room. Learnt from Mosheim that Luther and Melancthon differed in opinion about the sacrament and conversions. Luther and followers declared that in partaking of the sacrament we partook of the body and blood of Christ. That man was virtually saved by the blood of Christ and had no agency in his own conversion, and some went so far as to condemn good works. Melancthon said we partook of the sacrament in remembrance of the mediation and atonement our Savior made for us. That man had his own agency and cooperated with God in his conversion. Methodists believe in original sin general redemption, justification by faith, Christian perfection and sudden conversions. Quakers say that Christ is the word of God.

11 Got strap fixed for 1 shilling 3 pence. Eat dinner at Kendricks went to the Advertizer office where we had left S L City Illustrated we were told that the Editor had made several notes. They appeared friendly and we left them Utah and the Mormons.

12 Went to N Malvern where we spent several hours we here met Mr and Mrs Wilson and explained some of the principles of the gospel in which they seemed interested got supper at Wattus and bed at Lewises.

13 Called at Isaac Cooks, Gibbs and Mrs Philpot no one at home, eat dinner at Jonathan Davis then walked to Hereford feeling quite tired after our 22 miles walk which made us appreciate more fully the genuine welcome we got at Lawrences. This has been the best day for blackberries we eat all we can manage several times.

14 Cloudy. Took bath, wrote letters to Rueben Mary and Sophia Weeks and one for myself and one for Lawrences to Pres Teasdale.

15 September 1889 I am 53 years old an exile from home, but engaged in the missionary cause some of these features I like, but the opposition is unpleasant, among the better classes they will not listen to the gospel, and the lower classes are ignorant and full of prejudice. This morning I received a letter from Pres Teasdale appointing me to preside over the Manchester Conference. Wrote letter to Edward Bennett. Held meeting at Lawrences at 7 PM but few present Spoke 40 minutes reviewing the theological history of the Bible showed how man departed from the truth when left to himself. For the lack of inspired prophets the leaders of the reformation were divided on essential points and these were again subdivided until we have hundreds of jarring sects all claiming to be right. It was in this condition of things that God revealed the true gospel through the Prophet Joseph Smith.

16 Fine. Wrote cards to Pres. Baugh, James Sheen and Jer. Hill. Wrote lettter to Elizabeth, eat dinner at Wellingtons, read in reading room.

17 Wrote card to E Bennett read scriptures.

18 Got letter from Rebecca, greased my boots and put Irons on them.

19 Left Hereford at 9:30 no one at home at Vaugns or Caffuls. Eat dinner at Holbrooks then through a heavy rain walked to Bromsberrow Heath we were wet and tired and enjoyed the hospitality given us at Jeremiah Hills.

20 Dry and windy Went on the top of Malvern Hills from which the view is extensive. We could see the Lickey Hills Worcester Powick Tewksbury Cheltenham, Gloucester and Bristol Channel, and south west we could see the Welch Mountains. While Eastnor Castle looked like a picture at our feet visited several places gave out a number of tracts, sold a hymn book to Mrs. Lane.

21 During the day we visited Preeses Mason and Hicks and Newmans. Stayed at Meeks.

22 Sunday Held meeting at James Sheens 3 PM Br Squires was sick I spoke an hour to an interested audience of 25 big and little. Showed that God blessed those that serve him. The necessity of having faith and how to obtain it. That baptism was essential to salvation.

23 Walked to Miss Munns where we met Mrs Wilson and Jeffries eat dinner and talked gospel

24 Rained all night Went to Worcester visited John Kendricks Mrs Elton Mrs Lane and Wm Ball then went to Hallow to hold meeting at James Bannister according to appointment. When we arrived we were told that the men folks had gone to Harvest supper and would not be back until 11 o clock. We went back to Worcester and took train to Birmingham.

25 Wrote letter to Philip Hurst asking him to sell something for me and send 10 dollars as I had run out and had to borrow.

26 Wrote letter to Mary Maycock got bath then hunted up Philip Webley a cousin held meeting at the chapel spoke half an hour. We should all be rewarded or punished according to our works. We were here to prepare ourselves for the hereafter and to gain an experience.

27 Got my hair cut Went with Br Squires to Cousin Mary Webley whom we found a very nice person an upper servant in a first class establishment left her tracts spent the evening at Pres Spokes

28 Left Birmingham by Midland R R at Derby we missed connection and in the confusion of changing cars where I did not expect to have it to do I lost my Umbrella. Found the conference house without difficulty.

29 Sunday Held testimony meeting at 3 PM and council meeting later. Spent the evening at Walkers

30 Went down to the station got my trunk.

Oct 1 1889 Visited Adsheads and Sister Gibson

2 Got out the Stars had 12 left Visited Howarths wrote letter to Pres Teasdale

3 Held council and fast meeting. Worked with Br Bennett in looking over star accounts. Visited at Walkers, worked at books until 2 AM

4 Gave a receipt for 2 pounds 18 shilling 1 pence for books, tracts, and stamps in the Office which Br Bennett took to Liverpool that he might be credited and me charged. Br Bennett and Parker started home.

5 Spent the day looking through the Individual Emigration deposit book. Many of the accounts are not properly balanced and open accounts for more than six pounds. Went with Br Hall to Peel Park there are several fine statues of noted men a large collection of paintings animal and birds and other curiosities. Br Spackman came back from Liverpool brought the receipt I had given Br. Bennett. McAllister having refused to credit him with the amount, Br Spackman paid the bill and brought an order from Bro Bennett to pay him all I collect on books up to Sep 30 accounts, and books on hand at settlement.

6 Sunday. Conference will be held today at Salt Lake City. Held meeting at Pres Clarks but few present. Spoke 30 minutes showing up the mediation and atonement bore a testimony this was the true gospel by obeying its requirements we should obtain salvation. Went to Walkers and later went to Renshaws Flax Works to see Br Morgan who has been disaffected.

7 Heavy wind and rain. Got letter from S.A.Blair answered it. Bro Spackman had been to visit a sick man Bro Brown who told him the minister had been to see him but could not pray for him unless he would first throw away the picture of Joseph Smith he had hanging up in the house. He called three times with the same results. So Bro Brown passed off to the spirit world with the picture of the prophet on his memory but without the prayers of the minister to accompany him. Got letter from Elizabeth.

8 Wrote a 12 page letter to Elizabeth and children, received a letter with good instructions in from President Teasdale.

9 Stars came and I got them off all right spent the evening at Walkers.

10 Went with Br Ricks to Eccles to see sister Nightengale who is about to emigrate.

12 Spent the day visiting among the saints at Moorside and Patricroft. These are suburbs of Manchester. I notice the features of the people are as much different from Hereford as their dialect. On account of dense fog the R R men used dynamite caps on the rails to signal the trains. Administered to Bro Flitcroft and two children.

13 With Bro Blair went to Moorside held meeting at 2:30 I called on Bro Blair to speak and afterwards spoke a few words of welcome and satisfaction at the priviledge I had of coming among them and hoped we should appreciate each other better as we became more acquainted. Confirmed two members into the church stayed overnight with Bro Randall at Patricroft.

14 Bought a map of Manchester and district Wrote a letter to Rebecca and one to James Sanderson

15 Wrote a letter to Pres Teasdale ordering tracts and explaining the bad condition of the I E deposit book

16 Received a letter from A Snow about his immigration answered it. Got out the stars and read some. Spent the evening at Walkers.

17 Dark and foggy. Wrote letters to Thomas Mills, Mary Webley, Mrs Connard and Thomas Hingley. Visited a shoemaker by the name of Moisey who is interested some in the gospel. Received a letter from Pres Teasdale and answered it

18 Fine went in the afternoon to Adsheads visited ship canal. Weighed 161 pounds.

19 Dry, and not so dark but I can see to write. Met Br McAllister at Exchange station. He had my letter to Pres Teasdale explaining the condition of Emigration book. Questions I had asked were answered satisfactorily. I was told that when Pres Teasdale read my letter showing so many accounts balanced “cut off”, “Dead”, or “lost sight of”, he said it was an outrage that such canceling of accounts was entirely without authority from the heads of the Church, and should not have been done. In the evening went with Bro McAllister to hear a Dr. Allinson lecture on food and feeding his lecture was good, but in answering questions after the lecture he sustained the evolution theory of mans existence as set forth by Darwin. This spoilt it all for me. Rained heavy.

20 Sunday Walked to Oldham rained all the way. Held meeting at 2:30 the few present bore good testimonies I then spoke 40 minutes showing there had been an apostacy from Christianity. The Lord had established his church, it was a marvelous work and a wonder. Oldham has a population of 300,000 mostly cotton workers the road to Manchester is solid with houses all the way.

21 Sent 2 lbs 19 shillings and 0 pence emmigration money with McAllister spent the day in the office looking over accounts.

22 Read some of Joseph Smiths works in Stars 1882 Br Spackman and Blair and Hodge came in. Got a letter from Elizabeth and Thomas Mills.

23 Received and forwarded stars went in the evening to Walkers got Sam to take me to Morgans. Had a long talk with him in regard to his difficulty wherein he had been disfellowshipped. After hearing all he had to say counselled him to straighten up the matter and not allow himself to be cut off the church for stubborness, That if the matter in question had been handled wrong it would appear in time. It was better to suffer wrong than to do wrong.

24 Went at 7:30 AM to Osborn St Baths and baptized George Henry Lake 16 years of age. Wrote a letter to Pres Petersen.

25 Wrote a letter to G H Baugh went in the evening to Br Clarks Harpurkey.

26 Received letters from my sister Mary and one from Rebecca. I wrote to Rebecca enclosing small group picture, went in the evening to sister Gibsons.

27 Sunday a drizzling rain meeting at 3 PM at the conference house spoke 30 minutes spent part of the day at Walkers.

28 Spent the day with Br Spackman auditing I E Deposit Ledger made an itemized account of our findings and certified thereto

29 Received a letter from Bro Bennett written from New York they had had a rough passage went in the evening to Br Adsheads.

30 Got letter from Pres Teasdale saying I had better defer my visit until after our council meeting on the 7th of Nov. Received and distributed the Stars visited Walker in the evening.

31 Got bath and read Orson Pratts works

November 1 1889 Got letter from P H Hurst enclosing 20 dollars also one from Elizabeth Wrote letter to J T Squires enclosing 15 shillings I had borrowed of him when leaving Birmingham

2 Wet and dark Bought a very good dress overcoat from a second hand shop for 18 shillings In the afternoon on invitation of Bro Croft we went to the Belvue Tea gardens a large place filled with all kinds of curiosities and fitted up for amusements Quite a large collection of animals and birds. Steam velocipedes and Horses Boats on the lake. In and outdoor dancing floors to accommodate thousands music for which was played several hours. But the crowning event was the fireworks. The storming of the Bastile which covered an acre of ground there were fully 100 characters on and the whole scenery was lit up with red fire and through it all the booming of cannon and the rattle of musketry, while a brilliant display of fireworks added grandeur to the same. Then we had the Eifel Tower shaped out in fire works.

3 Sunday Went with Br Hall to Chisworth kindly welcomed at John Salt where we held meeting at 2:30 at which all present bore testimony. We afterwards baptized Walter Atkinson I was mouth in confirming. Held meeting at 6:30 PM at Mary Salt I preached an hour showing the many close places the saints had passed through. Our enemies had often said that Mormonism was doomed, but the Lord has brought us safely through every time, gave an outline of the atonement which would redeem us from the grave we would then appear before the bar of judgment and all would be rewarded according to our works. After meeting we blessed the infant daughter of James and Mary Salt and named it Emma.

4 Visited Staffords, eat dinner at Harrises stayed overnight at John Goodfellows of Staley Bridge.

5 Went to Ashton eat dinner at Morts then went on to Manchester

6 Received stars and distributed them held testimony meeting in the evening

7 Fast day and council meeting. The report of the elders shows commendable energy on the part of our missionaries but prejudice of the people kept them from embracing the gospel gave instruction to the brethren in regard to labors.

8 Received reports and entered them, made up monthly report went in the afternoon to Liverpool welcomed kindly by Pres Teasdale.

9 Spent the day in copying off current accounts from I E Deposit book into a new book. Br Teasdale balanced up many of the open accounts and kept the old book. I went in the evening to 227 Wavertree Road EdgeHill and found Thomas Hingley and Emma Passey my cousins they treated me well and insisted on my staying all night.

10 Sunday Went to meeting at 11 AM Bore testimony if we continue faithful we shall be saved, if we fall into darkness it will be in proportion to the light we had departed from. At the evening I was called upon to speak and showed how we all die in Adam and how we shall all be made alive in Christ. Compared the first four articles of our faith with the teachings of Peter Acts II 38 verse. Quoted John V 25-27-28 verses we should all be resurrected through the atonement of the Savior but would be rewarded or punished according to what use we had made of our knowledge of good and evil. The fruits of Mormonism we can be proud of it teaches us to meet the realities of life with confidence, and makes us better men and women. I felt a good flow of the spirit and was listened to with profound attention.

11 Came back to Manchester it was so dark we had to use the lamps all day.

12 Wrote letter to Elizabeth and fixed up Photos of Manchester group with Boards and sent them home at a cost of 5 pence and 3 pence for boards got letter from Niels Larsen

13 Received and distributed Stars got dozen photos for 4 shillings 6 pence

14 Wrote letters to Niels Larsen and Walter Cox

15 Spent the day in an unsuccessful endeavor to find the proprietor of Cleveland Hall called four times left card in letter box for him, had rather a severe attack of Diarrhea

16 Dark and smoky, read some then went in the evening to Patricroft stayed overnight at Wm Nunns.

17 Sunday Went to Tyldesley saw John Briggs wife and daughter. Held meeting at 2: 30 at E Hardman West Leigh. Spoke 30 minutes on the mediation and atonement. In the evening spoke on Daniels interpretation of Nebuchadnazzars dream and the coming forth of the gospel now in fulfilment of it.

18 Went to Bolton and afterward to Farnworth where we stayed all night at Robinson

19 Went to Bolton to see Thomas McClatch who had been in transgression found him stubborn. Held meeting at Farnworth 7:30 Spoke 35 minutes on the atonement, we were here to get an experience all would be saved except the sons of perdition all would be rewarded or punished according to our works here. We teach the same doctrines the Savior and apostles taught. We have the same organization. The same power attends our ministry.

20 Walked to Manchester. Received and distributed Stars. Wrote letter to Mr Whitely who had lately joined our church. Held testimony meeting, good testimonies were born Whitely the church minister having come in bore an excellent testimony with us.

21 Spent the day in an unsuccessful attempt to obtain a room to hold our conference in. Spent the evening at Walkers

22 Got letter from Elizabeth and children. Wrote to Pres Teasdale about conference got bath and read news

23 Got letter from James Sanderson and Rebecca. Wrote a long letter to Rebecca

24 Sunday Went to John Goodfellows and with him to Ashton where we held two meetings at the first I bore testimony of the truth of the gospel explained we partook of the sacrament. In the evening spoke 40 minutes comparing our doctrines with those taught in the first century. The church is organized in fulfillment of John the revelator who saw another angel flying in the midst of Heaven etc.

25 Wrote a letter to Pres Teasdale. Went in the evening to Adsheads.

26 Wrote letter to Walter Cox. Looked over accounts and made statements Brother Whitely came in the evening and we passed a very pleasant and profitable evening Snowed heavy during the day.

27 Clear and frosty Received and distributed stars Bought Hat for 5 shilling 6 pence. Held a good testimony meeting in the evening.

28 Read news and talked with three elders who had come in visited Walkers.

29 Walked with Elder Baugh 14 miles in a drizzling rain in a fruitless search for friends of Br Baugh supposed to be at Denton went in the evening to 73 Lewis St off Varley Street to see a Sister Edwards her daughter and 300 women were on a strike because their foreman did not suit them

30 Went to Oldham stayed at S Johnsons

Dec 1 1889 Sunday Held sacrament meeting Spoke 20 minutes. We have the true gospel It will save us if we live up to its requirements. Went in the evening to Rochdale held meeting at 6:30. The Lord blessed me with great freedom of speech in explaining the Atonement and the principles of the gospel was listened to with marked attention. Stayed over night at Jesse Wisemans.

2 With Bros Woolstenholme and Jackson visited a large spinning factory it was very interesting to watch the cotton as it left the cards and divided off into streams and formed the first threads these were doubled drawn out and twisted three times before it is ready for sizing. The engine has 1200 horse power the main driving wheel is 20 ft 4 in diameter weighs 47 tons revolves 42 per minute this gears direct to a driving wheel and gives as speed of 120 revolutions to the main shaft which is 12 in diameter. The cylinder has 6 ft stroke. There are hoisting machines to lift any part of the huge machinery, went in the evening to Heywood and spent a very pleasant evening with Bro Dawson and family.

3 Visited a large weaving shed with 750 looms running and space for 1400 which were being put in. One weaver tends 3 to 4 looms and all made such a noise it was difficult to talk loud enough to be heard. Administered to a Mrs. Fletcher who seemed better afterwards. Visited Jesse Wiseman Jun at Shaw went to Oldham and afterward to Manchester tired enough. Got an interesting letter from Rebecca. Received a letter from Pres Teasdale with instructions how to handle adulterers

4 Received and distributed stars got letter from Edward Bennett. Read Des News showing how the liberals were hindering mormons from becoming citizens.

5 Dark. Held council and fast meeting reports were satisfactory

6 Made up monthly report and sent it in also recommended that Bro Hall be released on account of illness. Wrote letter to Mrs Munn of Malvern enclosing information about her relatives at American Fork which Reuben sent.

7 Wrote a letter to Thomas McClatchey advising him to acknowledge his errors and ask forgiveness. Wrote letter to Elizabeth

8 Sunday held meeting at 3 Spoke 30 minutes endeavoring to cheer up the few present and spoke encouragingly of the future at the evening meeting three strangers and a few more saints were present I gave an outline of the original sin and its results Christs atonement. Compared our teachings with those taught by the Apostles. Had good attention and our visitors seemed interested

9 Wrote letters to Sarah Makinson, Mrs E Nuttall Sent tracts to T Hingley and Miss C Brown visited Adsheads in the evening.

10 Wrote Bro Hicken and Hall to come away from Congleton District if they felt satisfied they had warned the people. Settled up book and star business and credited Br Spackman 3 pounds as per order from Bro Bennett for what was due him for books on hand and accounts due him when he left. Wrote a statement of account to Br Bennett also a report of deficiencies on I E Book

11 Distributed stars. Held meeting in the evening at which good testimonies were borne

12 Received a letter from Miss Munn. Wrote letters to J. F. Edwards and Mrs Baker visited Walkers in the evening

13 Got nails put in my boots. Bought this book memorandum book and box of pens also 3 testaments 1 song book two packages of cards two books of comic faces which I sent home and song book to E A Day

14 Very dark read Des News which contained Pres Woodruffs statement to associated press. Bought box paper collars and celuloid collar and front. Wrote letter to R W Westwood enclosing genealogies obtained at Bromsgrove.

15 Sunday Went to a District meeting at Hindley, 11 elders present including Pres Teasdale excellent instructions were given some strangers were present. The saints prepared dinner and supper for visitors. Got off at Salford and administered to Sister Walker.

16 Wrote letters and copied into journal from memorandum book.

17 Copied into journal went to Clarks

18 Received and distributed stars Sent piece to Sunday Chronicle. Got letter from Elizabeth Held a good testimony meeting in the evening.

19 Went with Bro Spackman to Stockport. This is a large place, but only a few worn out saints live here and two or three younger members who take no interest

20 Bro Robt Hodge being released to return home started this morning. Wrote letter to Wm Meeks and sister Elton

21 Copied journal. J F Edwards of Denton came in the evening and after a pleasant interview invited me to visit him Dec 28.

22 Went to Swinton kindly welcomed at Thomas Williams held meeting at 2:30 Spoke 30 minutes showing how we all died in Adam and how in Christ we shall all be made alive. Took supper at George Brooks at the evening meeting spoke an hour showing the necessity of apostles and prophets. received the prophecies of Daniel which had a literal fulfilment showed the apostacy of the christian church the reformation, the coming of angels to restore the gospel in fulfillment of John the revelator 14 chap 6 verse. Said that a marvelous work and a wonder had begun as prophesied by Isaiah. The spirit of God was with me and I think the people felt its influence.

23 Copied journal visited Adsheads.

24 Got out the stars. Sent tracts home to High Priests, Seventys, Elders, and Lesser Priesthood

25 Christmas. The bands and carol singers kept us awake all night. We eat a good dinner at Walkers then went to Br Clarks for a tea party where songs and recitations were given and time passed pleasantly away. There were so many drunken people on the street I went home with Sisters Edwards and Elizabeth Walker and on invitation of the old folks stayed overnight at Walkers.

26 Wrote to Rebecca and copied journal

27 Got letters from P C Nielsen Elmer Cox Euphrasia and Wm Meeks. Wrote letters to Mr Alexander about hall for conference.

28 Went to Denton and had a very pleasant visit with Mr and Mrs Edwards his mother was my cousin. They treated me very well and invited me to call again.

29 Went to Harpurkey not enough attending in the afternoon we sang hymns in the evening Spoke 45 minutes on the duties of the saints.

30 Wrote letters to Mary Maycock George Baugh sent Chronicle and tracts to Swend Nielsen Wrote letter to Almer Cox enclosing one to Euphrasia.

31 Got bath Directed wrappers for stars with Bro Hicken went to Farnworth where held meeting good testimonies were borne by all present.

January 1 1890 Visited during the day and went to tea party in the afternoon Quite a number of saints and some strangers present. Plenty to eat, plenty of songs and recitations and some dancing and a sizeable room to enjoy ourselves in.

2 Held our monthly council and fast meeting Lasted 2 ½ hours and I think the time was profitably spent.

3 Spent the forenoon in examining reports and compiling them. Wrote letter to Elizabeth and Elfleda. Wrote to Liverpool giving an order for books.

4 Made new list of subscribers for the star. Sent an assortment of Tracts to Rebecca and Euphrasia Cox.

5 Sunday Went Stabey Bridge then with John Goodfellow went to meeting at Ashton Sacramental and testimony meeting in the afternoon. At the evening meeting I said the gospel required a constant labor to overcome the evil influences we were surrounded with. Satan and his friends were cast down to earth and were leading mankind astray. The nearer the coming of our Savior the greater would be his efforts to overcome the saints. If we lived our religion we should gain the victory and be rewarded

6 Office work and copying journal went in the evening to Sister Gibsons to get stockings footed.

7 Went to President of Manchester branch to get their report. He gave me a report but no cash to meet the requirements for credits of members as per report and only such as had been paid to me could I give credit for. The nine shillings paid to him he did not pay to me in time for 1889 report.

8 Received Stars Books and Tracts Distributed Stars then made monthly report and sent with it 8 pounds 4 shillings and 1 pence to Liverpool Made list of Tithe payers showing the amount each one had paid.

9 Made yearly statistical and financial report and sent it to Liverpool

10 Posted up star book accounts and carried them over onto new pages.

11 Went to Liverpool had a pleasant visit and received much good instructions.

12 Sunday walked to Oldham meeting at 2:30 Spoke 20 minutes showing the beauties of the gospel and the good the saints were doing. Went to Rochdale spoke 30 minutes showing how general was the atonement in its effects, all would be resurrected, all but the sons of perdition would receive some kind of reward. The Savior preached to the spirits in prison that they might be judged according to man in the flesh but live according to God in the spirit. The distress and violence on the earth were the forerunners of the second coming of Christ and the millenial year.

13 Got a shave and explained the scriptures to the barber. Went with the elders to pay the rent had a pleasant interview with Mr. Hill a wool merchant and a very liberal minded gentleman. In the afternoon called to see the owner of a cotton factory who was a cousin of Bro Woolstenholme he not being in I got quite an interesting conversation with his son who is about 25 years of age. We afterward went to an uncle and got to preach the gospel and in all these places removed prejudice and we hope did good.

14 Through the kindness of Mr. Adfield we were showed through Platts Iron works where they can make all the machinery for a 70,000 spindle cotton factory in a week. They employ 10,000 men dig their own coal, use 1000 tons of iron each week. Can mold and forge drill plane and groove iron with as much ease as wood can be worked and adjust their machinery to plane the 1000 part of an inch. We then went through the art gallery where we saw some very fine sculpture and paintings. Eat at Littlefords went back to Manchester.

15 Got letter from Pres Teasdale asking me to send him 12 copies of Manchester Courier of Jan 13 which had an anti mormon piece in got also a quarterly statement I E Book account showing we owed a balance of 4 pounds 17 shillings of which we really owed nothing. Spent some time in looking over accounts and checking up made a statement from our books and sent it to Liverpool to have our credits added to their books. Got out the stars. Sent papers as requested also sent 10 dollars and asked for a receipt for Emma Gibson for 2 pounds and to place 10 pence to our credit on book account. Testimony meeting in the evening.

16 Took stock of everything and find I have 5 shillings 8 ½ pence of my own money wrote letter to Pres Baugh went in the evening to Walkers.

17 Got a corrected statement from Liverpool wrote letter to Elizabeth, went in the evening to Sister Gibsons and read journal of discourses left stockings to be footed.

18 Wrote letter to Rebecca enclosing poetry sent Voice of warning to James M Hurst and star and tracts to J T Edwards. L R Thomas came over from Liverpool said he had been appointed to labor in London Conference.

19 Read Mosheim. Went to Clark and asked him to resign his position of president of the branch. Held meeting at Canons Spoke 20 minutes showing the prosperity of the saints and the progress of the kingdom of God. At evening meeting Br Clark resigned which was accepted and we appointed Thomas Spackman President of the Manchester Branch.

20 Bought Wire and a gimlet and wired up the office chairs, read Mosheim.

21 Wrote letter to W G Bickley, George Hingley and Mrs Lisseter enclosing photos in the last.

22 Received stars and distributed them got letter from G H Baugh. Held testimony meeting in the evening

23 The brethren came in from two districts did but little else than talk with them and read news

24 Went with Bro Adshead to Pendleton and engaged the Dance Hall from Prof Vowkes to hold our conference in on the 23 of Feb 1890 including the use of stove and boiler it cost 21 shillings 10 of which I paid in advance and took a receipt meetings were to commence at 11 AM and 2 and 6 PM

25 Remailed a lot of letters and read news, copied journal.

26 Sunday Went to New Maston to see Mrs Makinson found the place but was told they had moved the Thursday previous to Failsworth went back but failed to find them. Started across the country to Harpurkey missed the road and went back to Maston then went back to Harpurkey and arrived at Clarks after meeting was commenced. My clothes were very wet having been out in a driving rain 4 ½ hours. Bore testimony of the truth of the gospel. With Br Adshead we bought food for all hands and eat at Clarks. Held evening meeting at which I related some of my own experience in the church and gave some explanation of why we baptize for the dead.

27 Copied into journal. Mailed star and two play books to Elizabeth. Took my boots to have them repaired.

28 Smoky, have just awakened from a dream in which I was at home playing with the babies. I must have been at home several days, for I had talked with my friends, repaired fences, and in company with fellow threshers had taken off my glove and shook hands all round, and even noticed the machine grease and dirt on my hands afterward. I went into the house and wished to lay something down and said if I were back at 63 I would know where to put it. My wife said I am glad you are at home and if you are at all careful there will be no necessity of your leaving home any more. I said I can hardly realize that I am at home yet, and would not be at all surprised to awake and find I had only been dreaming. Pretty soon my eyes opened up on the old bedroom and I was puzzled at first to know which was the dream and which the reality, but the switch engine shunting cars soon made me to know that I was yet in smoky old Manchester, wrote letter to Elder Spackman who had gone to London Conference telling of my wet Sunday and my imaginary visit home. Went to stock yards at Cross Lane. I notice quite a sprinkle of Irishmen among the cattle men. Quite a number of the buyers looked as they eat as well as dealt in meat and many of their faces show the effects of habitual use of stimulants. Spent the afternoon at Greenwoods.

29 Sent letters to Philips Mrs Makinson Mrs Emma Thompson T D Brown and stars to L H Durrant the last two contained my Photos Received stars and distributed them got my boots which cost 2 shillings 6 pence for repairs held testimony meeting in the evening. Showed how the Lord gave spiritual manifestation and healing the sick and salvation for the dead more than 50 years ago the world would not believe it then now they have spiritualists faith cures and are coming as near to the true power as they can even so much that they would deceive the very elect if possible.

30 Spent the whole day copying into journal went in the evening to Walkers

31 Took train to Urmstone called at Nuttals was a little embarrassed how to make my call understood as the Mrs Nuttal I saw was only the daughter in law of the one I went to see and did not seem to know much about Mormonism. She was sociable and when her husband came home to dinner I was invited to eat. He afterwards took me to see his mother who is a L D Saint. In both places I enjoyed my visit. Left tracts and I hope did good. Going across to Patricroft I saw them working on the ship canal. Much of the work is done by steam both in loading and moving dirt. The machines for loading were very nicely adjusted and could move the dirt as correctly as if done by hand. One machine being equal to 10 men. With Elders Ricks and Wilson went to Wm Nunns where I slept.

Feb 1, 1890 Visited several families of the saints at Moorside. About the time factories were letting out we met 400 women and girls only a few men were mixed with them.

2 Sunday attended Sunday School at Moorside about 20 pupils present many of the scholars are quite proficient in answering questions. Meeting at 2:30 spoke an hour showed how God blessed his people when obedient to his prophets. A true church would always be properly organized Gods power would attend its officers in their official acts. It was the absence of inspired leaders that made man disagree on doctrines. Held another meeting at 6:30 spoke 20 minutes showing that since God had established his church, the adversary had followed up doing many of the same things in order to deceive mankind. In both meetings the Lord blessed me with a good flow of his spirit and the people were interested.

3 Eat dinner at Cooks of Walkden. Spent the evening very pleasantly at Farnworth with Elders Ogden and Marshall and a few saints singing hymns.

4 Spent the morning in giving instructions to the elders and the afternoon at Close she gave me a Jubilee sixpence. Held meeting at 7:30 spoke 35 minutes showing the persecutions that attended the early christians. Described the suffering at the siege of Jerusalem. Described the apostacy by which the true church merged into the Catholic Church. Luther and Melancton were divided on opinion in regard to the sacrament also in regard to mans ability to perform acts toward his salvation Luther claimed God did it all while Melanchton then claimed man was a free agent and cooperated with God in the conversion of his soul Bore testimony of the divine mission of Joseph Smith and the near approach of our Savior. Took Train to Manchester. Got letter from R. W Westwood.

5 Checked up on tithing accounts. Received and distributed stars, administered to Carrie Clark. Held testimony meeting in the evening.

6 Fast and council meeting, at which we cut off Thomas McClatchey for fornication. The reports of the elders show commendable energy in tracting and trying to get the gospel before the people. In the evening had a pleasant visit from Sister Nuttal who stayed nearly two hours. I then went to Adsheads.

7 Made up monthly report and registered over 12 pounds to Liverpool. Went with Bro Hicken to Pendleton and made arrangements for tea at conference. Called on Sister Ridgway and another sister and spent the evening at Walkers.

8 Went to the G P Office and cashed an order wrote letters to Thomas Hingley and my daughters Lillian and Luella. Sent book of drawings to Young Preese of Leigh Sinton spent a pleasant evening with saints.

9 Sunday. According to appointment visited Mrs. Makinson who is a sister of Elder W G Richley was kindly welcomed she said she would go to Utah when her brother returned. Held meeting at Wm Howarths very good testimonies were born I spoke 20 minutes referring to a sermon of G Q Cannon showing the unbelief of the people. The gospel would be withdrawn from the gentiles and given to the house of Israel. Compared the British mission now with what it was when the gospel was first introduced. Went to Harpurkey and administered to Bro Clark, Fred and Carrie Clark his children. Held evening meeting at conference house, had a room full of saints to whom I preached nearly an hour, showing the necessity of inspired leaders whom God would talk through. The lack of them caused man to be divided on religious opinions Man could not of his own wisdom preach the gospel. And the fact that hundreds of different creeds now existed, all claiming the Bible to be their guide, proved conclusively mans inability to understand the purposes of God only through his spirit and by revelation.

10 Fine got a lot of papers and remailed them Went to Harpurkey to see Clarks found all better except the baby. Read several chapters of Acts.

11 Went to see Mrs Edwards found her busy. Went again to Harpurkey and administered to Carrie Clark she is very sick. Got the news that the gentiles had gained the election at S L City by 1000 majority. The news was sent published and circulated all over England in a few hours. I could not sleep for some time thinking how completely the people were under the power of the adversary. Pulpit and Press as well as the masses, were in league to destroy the kingdom of God.

12 Finished writing a 14 page letter to Elizabeth and the children. Received and distributed Stars redirected and mailed a number of letters. Held meeting in the evening at which I gave an outline of some of our experiences with the enemies of truth and bore testimony of the ultimate triumph of the gospel.

13 Wrote letter to Pres Teasdale about books charged and not sent also asking for receipts for money sent. Wrote letter to Woolstenhulme & Jackson about baths for baptizing. Went again to see Clarks baby coming back went through the cemetery which has a large number of tombstones some very fine and all well kept. Afterwards visited Queens Park Art Gallery, some fine paintings. I’ve had a wild representation of the last judgment in which beautiful women were being tormented and carried off by very bad looking devils. Another the three graces. Three women nearly nude It is surprising how art copies and almost excels nature in producing beauty. One room was full of specimens of food and tables showing the relative properties of each. Went in the evening to Adsheads.

14 Valentine day, got a registered letter from home with ten dollars in it. Also an armful of letters and papers for the brethren which I remailed. Got word that Clarks baby died this morning. Went in the evening to John Morgans. Blessed their baby naming it Amelia Jane she is the daughter of John Morgan and his wife Jane Latimer, was born 17th day of October 1889.

15 Went to Alice Kay of Moorside wrote a letter for her about emigration and cashed a receipt for her for 1 pound. Called at Thomas Williams and collected 6 shillings 8 pence star bill. Visited Sister Gibson spent the evening at the conference house practicing hymns.

16 Sunday Wrote card to Woolstenhulme and letters to Pres Teasdale and Mrs Lane. Held sacramental meeting at Wm Howarths Spoke 20 minutes showing the principles of the gospel essential to salvation were always the same. Special revelations had been given through all ages to meet special issues hence the necessity of inspired leaders. Eat at Howarths. At the evening meeting I spoke 30 minutes reviewing the history of the church how many times our enemies had said Mormonism had received its death blow. God had protected his people and made the wrath of man to praise him.

17 Fine. Read Herald. Wrote a 12 page letter to Peter Sundwall 8 of which would do for the public, 4 asked a great many questions. Read Daniel

18 Fine. Wrote a long letter to Rebecca and children and enclosed one for Mary Maycock. Read Mosheim first century. This being pancake day we indulged Sister Davis mixed the batter and I fried them

19 Received and distributed stars at 1 PM went to Harpurkey and attended funeral of Carrie Clark taking charge of services and signed the register as officiating minister. Very cold today, held testimony meeting in the evening at which I presided.

20 Snowing. Copied journal up to date. Read Mosheim. Pres Baugh came in spent two hours very pleasantly then went with him to his sisters, eat dinner there, then accompanied him to London Road station.

21 Went out to Patricroft taking mail for Ricks and Wilson they not knowing I was going out came into Manchester but finding I had gone out soon went back to Patricroft. Stayed all night at Edens.

22 Visited Sister Riden, had a long talk with Mr Horne on the political situation in Utah. Went to Masons at Pendleton and afterwards went to Adshead.

23 Sunday We held our conference of three meetings at Pendleton there was a good attendance of the saints 14 elders including three presidents of conferences also Apostle Teasdale, quite a number of strangers were present, everything went off well and excellent instructions were given.

24 Made arrangements for the baths and assisted in baptizing and confirming Alice Stansfield 37 Wm Davis 14 and Harriet Davis 11. Quite foggy and I felt poorly all day.

25 Went to Pendlebury and got two negatives taken then walked to Farnworth and reviewed the minutes of conference taken by Wm Ogden. Held meeting at 7:30 occupied the time comparing the doctrines taught by the Latter Day Saints with that taught by the Savior and his apostles.

26 Received and distributed stars. Wrote letter to Pres Teasdale ordering books and tracts. Held testimony meeting in the evening spoke 15 minutes encouraging the saints.

27 Received letters from Wm Taylor and Walter Hurst. Taylor wished me to hunt up relatives at Bolton. Went with Elder Spackman to select bed and bedding he purchasing as good a one as we could select. Spent the evening at Walkers.

28 Clear and cold Wrote letter to Elizabeth enclosing one for R W Westwood. Visited Mrs Edwards she has but little interest in the gospel. Read until bed time.

March 1 1890 Some snow on the street. Clear. Got letter from W G Bickley inviting me to go to Failsworth Sunday. Copied journal up to date. Went in the evening to Adsheads administered to his wife who has influenza. Held council meeting at conference house at which I gave instructions in regards to teachers duties and recommended that their labors be divided out to be less of a burden.

2 Sunday Cold and snowing, went to Failsworth eat dinner at the Makinsons with Elder Bickley and sisters Went to Oldham to meeting. Walked to Rochdale to meeting spoke 30 minutes showing baptism to be essential. Sprinkling was not baptism. Infants should be blessed. They need not be baptized until they arrive at years of accountability. Slept at Wiseman.

3 Went through Mr Hardmans Factory for working up waste cotton. In the evening had a long talk with 4 grown persons on religion. They claim the bible for their guide, but when crowded said the Bible was a dead letter, and one after another they denied the necessity of apostles and prophets. The laying on of hands for the healing of the sick. Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins, and the laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost. Our talk lasted three hours and they virtually pronounced all the doctrinal points of the New Testament as nonessential and admitted that they knew of no christian sects who practiced them. Slept at Tomlinsons.

4 Went through Oldham Boiler works, they had boilers 10 feet in diameter 30 feet long Plates ½ in to 1¼ in. Their hoisting machines are so nicely arranged they can lift and balance these immense weights and place them in position while their riveting pressure of 60 tons forces the iron together so solid as to seem all of one piece. They can cast, forge, plane, drill and turn iron to any shape desired. Had a talk with a Herb Beer seller and his wife, they were very bitter and I believe correspondingly corrupt he said the scriptures did not sustain our doctrines. I quoted to him the description of the New Jerusalem with the names of Jacobs sons over the gates. Then he said the revelations were not intended to be understood as read. Eat at Mrs Cleggs she seems won over to Spiritualism. From their paper of two worlds I read a piece describing a man with one leg who went to Brigham Young to have the miracle performed of obtaining a new leg. Brigham told him he could have another leg but if he had he would be resurrected with both his own legs also the third one which would make three and he had better put up with the inconvenience of only one for a short time, than to be bothered with three in eternity. We have plenty of such ridiculous stuff to meet.

5 Received stars and distributed them checked up some tithing accounts. Held testimony meeting in the evening.

6 Council and fast meeting all the elders were in and gave good reports of their labors. Spent the evening at Walkers.

7 Checked up accounts made monthly report and forwarded it to Liverpool enclosing 11 pounds 15 shillings 5 pence also asked that Elder Hall be released to return home on account of ill health. Took train to Pendlebury got from Mr Horne 13 very good photos taken in two different positions. Walked to Farnworth and spent a very pleasant evening talking and singing with the saints.

8 Went to Bolton visited sister Platt then went to Mrs Bond of Astley Bridge. She is an aunt of Wm S. Taylor treated me well and invited me to come back on Sunday when her sons would be at home, raining very hard all the way to Bolton called at McClatcheys bought a R R ticket for Moses Gate 40 minutes late having ridden 21 miles for 3 cents.

9 Sunday Snowed and blowed heavy went again to Mrs Bonds had a pleasant time with her sons and eat dinner there. Held meeting at DeHey Hall, bore testimony about 10 minutes. Eat supper at Closes. Held meeting at 6 p.m. Preached an hour to an interested audience. Went back to Manchester.

10 Wrote cards to Woolstenhulme and J. H. Hall and letter to James Sanderson enclosing one for Rebecca, and one to Mrs. Wesson. Spent the evening at Adsheads & Miss Gibsons.

11 Read S L Herald Wrote letter to Wm Taylor and Pres Teasdale, and card to J.H. Hall copied journal

12 Received and distributed stars spent the afternoon at Howarths. Held testimony meeting in the evening. Two strangers were present and a fair representation of the saints. Spoke 15 minutes showing many times the power of God was manifested in preserving his saints.

13 Read Des News. Went I n the evening to Oldham Br Woolstenhulme had invited me to go with him to a spiritualist meeting, they had advertized a meeting for Thursday evening, an essay was to be read “How to be saved” and they invited anyone to speak on it. He asked if the invitation meant everybody, they answered yes. He told them he was a Mormon. Whether they got nervous at the idea of a Mormon presuming to enlighten them, or for some other cause the meeting did not go off, and our trip was a failure except that we passed a pleasant evening with the saints. It rained heavy so we took train for home.

14 Wet. Had a visit from two elders from the Liverpool conference. Wrote letters to Walter F Hurst, and one to Wm Meeks enclosing photos spent the evening at Walkers

15 Wrote a letter to Miss Munn in answer to one just received. Walked out to Clayton bought Reynolds Sunday paper and after reading it, mailed it with tracts to Philip H Hurst after a social evening at conference house went home with Sister Gibson for an escort. On Saturday evening the streets are full of disorderly people. Men and women are often too drunk to walk straight.

16 Sunday. Read Juvenile. Held sacramental meeting at 2:30. Bore testimony. Our leaders might have lived in peace had they forsaken their religion, but they turned their backs on civilization and faced the perils of the wilderness and meet all kinds of abuse today rather than forsake their covenants. Held meeting at 6:30 Spoke 30 minutes showing the principle of faith . Daniels faith led him to reject the kings food choosing pulse, the result was greater wisdom Joseph Smiths faith led him to enquire of God for religious guidance, the result was a personal visit of the father and son and later the establishment of the Church of Christ. This church was making rapid progress. It would fulfil its destiny and revolutionize the earth.

17 Read news and remailed papers and letters. Wrote to George Marshall enclosing his registered letter also Liverpool receipts for Luke and Violet Robinson. Went in the evening to Harpurkey.

18 Fine With Elder Spackman visited cattle market afterward called on Greenwood. Eat dinner he came in later quite drunk. Copied journal.

19 Got letter from S W Western and answered it. Received and distributed stars, Spent the afternoon at Walkers. 5 elders came in and we had an excellent testimony meeting.

20 Went to Sister Walkers and administered to her. Got letters from Elizabeth Elmer Cox and Rebecca.

21 Went to Oldham spent the afternoon at Littlefords. Went in the evening to Mr Hadfields he is manager of a factory, has a nice family and is apparently well to do. Explained to him how the liberals won the election at S.L.City. He asked if it was not polygamy that made us so unpopular. I told him we were persecuted before polygamy was practiced. Why then are you persecuted? Tell me I said why the Savior and his apostles were put to death. He admitted that he did not know. I then told him the adversary would allow man to worship the sun the moon an image or a dog in peace, but if he worshipped God according to the plan of salvation given by the Savior, he will suffer persecution. I explained the Articles of Faith they were the same that the apostles taught. Other denominations worshipped in peace in Utah. We had let them use our church. Showed how inconsistent the antimormon stories were. Gave a short outline of the first vision of Joseph Smith. Both him and his wife seemed much interested and invited us to call again.

22 Got a fine view of Oldham from the ridge. Went to the infirmary to see Alice Littleford who had her arm badly hurt by being caught in the machinery.

23 Wrote a letter to E B Cox Held meeting at 3 P.M. spoke 35 minutes gave a short account of my visit to Oldham. Went with Br Clark and administered to Thomas Berrow who had been leaded. Held meeting at 7 spoke 30 minutes as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be at the coming of the son of man.

24 Wrote a letter to Reuben and Mary Weeks. With Elder Spackman went to Oldham to see Alice Littleford found her mother in tears the doctors having said her arm would have to be taken off. It seems they get 100 pounds for cutting off an arm, and it looked as if the surgeon was paving the way to line his own pocket at the expense of the girls arm, for the house surgeon said it might be saved but would require longer to heal. There is rules that require the machine to be stopped while being cleaned and Alice stopped hers when the foreman came along and scolded her and for fear she would lose her place, started the machine and was caught soon afterwards.

26 Fine. Received stars and distributed them With Elder Hall visited Mrs. Edwards and Mrs Astbury, both of whom were washing and our visit was not very satisfactory. Held meeting 8 PM

27 Rained all morning. Wrote letter to Pres Teasdale ordering tracts and extra stars and Voice of Warning. Wrote a piece in favor of J H Hall who was returning home on account of ill health. Wrote about Alice Littleford getting hurt. Enclosed report of books loaned by the Oldham free library which showed that more than ¾ of all the books loaned were works of fiction. Took train to Farnworth held meeting at DeHeah Hall. Spoke 30 minutes showing the Apostacy of the christian church the tyranny of the Catholic church, the dissension of Luther and Melanchthon. Bore testimony of the gospel being restored through Joseph Smith.

28 Spent the day visiting at Closes, Robinsons, Thompsons and Lelands. Then spent the evening at Elder Jacksons relatives of Radcliffe, having a good opportunity of explaining our principles and practices.

29 Visited two families at Radcliffe, then went to Prestwich Clough and spent three hours with Thomas Schofield.

30 Sunday eat dinner at Adsheads Went with Sisters Gibson and Walker to Moorside held meeting at 2:30 Spoke 15 minutes bore testimony of the truth of the gospel and of the ultimate triumph. Held council meeting with the Priesthood of Moorside gave instructions on several points, and told them they should by precept and example teach the principle of tithing, showing the benefits that would accrue therefrom. Held meeting at 6 Spoke 40 minutes showing the unbelief of the christian world they claim to believe but do not understand the teaching of the bible. Showed how general was the plan of salvation all would be resurrected, all would receive some exhaltation except the sons of perdition. The Savior had preached to the spirits in prison. Temples were built that ordinances might be performed for the living and the dead.

31 Got registered letter from Elizabeth with 10 dollars in it. Went to Oldham to see Alice Littleford her folks had taken her out of the infirmary. Slept at Tomlinsons.

April 1 1890 Stayed all day with Alice at noon the doctor came and said she should be taken back to the infirmary as her arm would have to be taken off. Later we got a wound dresser to dress it and he thought it might be saved. I helped him to dress it and find a very bad arm the skin and flesh being torn from the wrist to the elbow.

2. Smoky. Received and distributed the stars held meeting in the evening at which Elders Hodge and Philips of the Liverpool occupied the time.

3 Fast day and council meeting. The brethren were all in, and we had a time of rejoicing giving and receiving reports.

4 Good Friday Made up monthly and Quarterly reports and sent them to Liverpool. With Sister Gibson started to Oldham to see Alice Littleford but the Oldham train was full before they came to the starting place, we took another train to Miles Platting then walked to Failsworth, two trams that passed us were both full, and as we could not get a train until 6:30 we came back to Manchester.

5 Sent star and photos to Rebecca. Got registered letter from Philip H with 10 dollars which the dramatic company had given me. Went to Walkers then later held council meeting for the branch at the conference house.

6 Sunday eat dinner at Adsheads then held meeting at conference house Spoke 20 minutes between meetings I read gems from the history of Joseph Smith to those who remained. Spoke 30 minutes in the evening giving main points of a lecture also a piece from Alta California paper showing that Mormonism had prepared the people to meet the great problems of the day successfully which all other people find so difficult to solve. Being Easter Sunday showed the mediation and atonement of our Savior, and the plan of salvation.

7 Wrote letters to Pres Teasdale and one to Elizabeth. Spent a pleasant evening with Sister Gibson.

8 Fine. Copied into Journal. Went to Oldham to see Alice Littleford, her arm looked bad not having been dressed for two days. Administered to her called at Mrs Makinsons and Miss Brown

9 Received and distributed stars. Sarah Maycock came in to be administered to. She was very sick, we spent considerable time nursing her and hired a cab to take her home. We were not even thanked for our trouble and expense. Held testimony meeting at which I spoke 15 minutes.

10 Went again to administer to Sarah Maycock engaged baths for baptizing went in the evening to Patricroft stayed at Edens.

11 Went with Elder Wilson to Bedford Leigh learned that the parties he had the address of were dead but Mrs Elsworth gave us much information also made us welcome to a good dinner. Called at Hardmans and another party. Then went to Tyldesley to see Sarah Briggs. Found her grandparents feeling bad at losing their daughter and much opposed to Sarah emigrating. Sarah and her aunt went with us to the station giving me a good opportunity to talk with her. Train to Manchester.

12 Elders Ricks, Ogden and Marshall came in also George Baugh. With Bro Spackman visited sister Maycock and administered to her. Bought a set of chess men for 6 pence

13 Eat dinner at Adsheads held meeting at 3 PM administered sacrament. Spoke 15 minutes, at the evening meeting spoke nearly an hour with great freedom of speech read pages 83 and 84 of the Book of Mormon showing the plans of God for improving mankind.

14 Administered to Sarah Maycock. Wrote Letter to Thomas Hingley. Then went with Sisters Gibson and Adshead to southern cemetery to her fathers grave which has a marble headstone and it shows that it has been nicely kept with loving hands. At Emmas request I asked the Lord to dedicate the ground to her fathers use that he might rest in peace until the morning of the resurrection.

15 At Osborne street baths we baptized Mrs Makinson and Christina Brown. Confirmed Mrs Makinson, blessed her little girl Mary Lilly Makinson. Elder Spackman confirmed Miss C Brown. Went to Maycocks found Sarah much improved, only yesterday the doctor said she must go to the hospital and it would take her 8 weeks to get well. Now she is quite comfortable. Went to Olham found Alice much improved. At meeting I said we largely control conditions we could live that our homes were a foretaste of Heaven or we could encourage evil influences and make our lives miserable. Mailed letters to Philip H Hurst enclosing one for Hannah Briggs.

17 Wrote letter to Rebecca enclosing one for Walter Cox. Packed trunk for Sister Gibson

18 Went to Liverpool assisted Emma to get her tickets and secure berth. Slept on the Wisconsin

19 At 11 AM the Wisconsin sailed with 9 elders and 43 passengers. Went in the evening to Thomas Hingleys where I was kindly welcomed.

20 Sunday Liverpool conference good testimonys were borne spoke 10 minutes in the afternoon. The gospel we preach is the same as taught in the first century. At the evening meeting my cousins attended.

21 Held priesthood meeting at 42 In the evening my cousins came to see a cooking stove.

22 Went to Widness spent the day very pleasantly visiting with Mr Hingley among relatives and friends.

23 Received and distributed stars copied journal Visited Mrs Gibson found her very low spirited. She died at 9:25 PM. Held meeting at conference house read Des News giving S L Conference news.

24 Wrote letter to Emma. Went to Farnworth held meeting at Doe Hey Hall occupied the whole time and had good attention. Slept at Robinson.

25 Visited Closes. Then went to Bolton and called at Sister Platts then to sister Kays went to Astley Bridge to see Mrs Bond she not being at home I left Wm Taylors letter. Train to Manchester

26 Received an incorrect statement from the Liverpool office examined book and receipts and sent back a corrected statement. Went to Denton had a pleasant visit with J F Edwards left him voice of warning

27 Sunday went to Moorside eat dinner at Williams held meeting at 2:30 Spoke 30 minutes eat at Wm Nunns held another meeting at 6:30 and spoke an hour, bearing a testimony of the power of God among his people. Told of Heber Kimballs prophesying in 1849 that clothing would be cheaper in S L City than in New York. The overloaded California emigration fulfilled it. Told how the Lord had lengthened out the bread supplys in times of great scarcity like the widows cruise of oil and the Savior loafes and fishes. The people claim to believe the bible record of Gods power because of its antiquity but they will not believe that he hears and answers prayers today although hundreds of living witnesses testify of it.

28 Wrote letters to P C Neilson and enclosed it in one for Elizabeth. Went to McDonalds and got a tooth pulled and ordered a new set of lower teeth.

29 Wrote letter to Lillian got bath. Got umbrella fixed. Visited Sister Maycock found her much better copied journal to date. Met R J Dugdale at Exchange station spent the evening at Adshead.

30 Received and distributed stars spent the afternoon at Walkers. Held testimony meeting in the evening.

1 May 1890 Fast day and council meeting reports showed some progress received and checked up tithing and book money.

2 Went to Oldham administered to Alice Littleford whom we found much improved. Slept at Tomlinsons.

3 Visited three different parties with Elder Woolstenhulme called at Mrs. Makinsons. Wrote letters to Rebecca & James M Sanderson

4 Sunday Held two interesting meetings at both of which I spoke having a good flow of the spirit.

5 Checked up accounts made monthly report and sent it with 10 pounds 1 shilling 11½ pence by Spackman to Liverpool. Took stock and find I have 5 pounds 15 shillings 7 pence of my own money. Visited John Mason at Pendleton. Wrote letter to Emma received letter from Elizabeth and boys.

6 Mailed my letter. Went to Mrs Astbury of Clayton she not being much interested I stopped the star which we had sent gratis ever since I came here. Went with Joseph Eckersly to Walkers.

7 Received and distributed stars, got bath had a visit from Sarah Maycock. Sent writing paper to Elizabeth and Rebecca. Held an excellent testimony meeting in the evening

8 Wrote letters to Mrs Wesson one to Pres Teasdale ordering books. Went to Oldham administered to Alice Littleford. Called at Mrs Makinsons. Wrote letter to Elizabeth.

9 Fixed wrappers for the stars. Took train at London Rd station for Ashbourne. At Macclesfield I had a little specimen of red tape or flunkeyism they called out “all change” I asked which train for Ashbourne, they told me this one. It would be back in 10 minutes. I said I might just as well keep my seat, he said no. The train then backed up onto another switch watered the engine and after another train had passed, pulled back and I got into the same coach again. From Leck to Cheddleton the road was quite familiar we helped to build this road in 1848. The rocks in the cut we made seemed worn and aged. The house we built had been removed. At Rocester we had a tedious wait of an hour. It is quite cold as we pull into Ashbourne. Walked 3 miles through beautiful country to Woodheaves Mill where Thomas Taylor and wife received me kindly and their best to make me feel at home. They were pleased with Salt Lake Views.

10 Have slept well. Mrs Taylor kindly gave me 4 shillings. I left them an assortment of tracts and at 9:45 started back to Ashbourne. Roads quite muddy. Booked to Derby then to Ripley found Mrs Wesson all right stayed two hours and explained the principles of the gospel to them. Mrs Wesson gave me two shillings. Mr Wesson went with me to the station where I took train for Derby 10½ then to Repton on Trent 6 pence here I had to pay 1 pence toll for bridge. At Rev Mr Johnsons I met Fanny Wesson a fine intelligent girl of 30 much interested in the gospel. She gave me two shillings and went with me to the station I had a good time teaching the gospel to her. 2 shillings 3½ pence more took me to Birmingham as we pass through Burton a passenger said the town loaded a 1000 cars each day with beer. Had an interesting talk all the way to Birmingham with a temperance man and one who was not. Kindly welcomed at the conference house by Bros Western, Wood and Wardle.

11 Sunday went to Aunt Emma Thompsons for dinner she treated me well but Alice went away soon after I went and Harry never came in at all. Went to meeting at 3 PM Spoke 15 minutes showing that the so called christian world made great pretentions to believe the bible, but when crowded for answers denied nearly every essential doctrine it contains. Went with Baileys to Tea. Held meeting 6:30 had about 50 adults present Used the time giving a general outline of our doctrines was listened to with close attention. Spent the evening at Spokes.

12 Sent Voice of Warning to Miss Wesson. A card to Thomas Mills and letters to Thomas Spackman and Miss Webley. Took train to Bromsgrove. Spent the day looking up records at the church, stayed all night at George Hingleys gave them photos and voice of warning.

13 Slept well. Spent six hours in searching records which I find very difficult the farther back we go the form of letters change. Many leaves are quite dim and in the earliest book it was written in Latin. Got quite a number of names for Westwood and Webley as far back as 1656 there were records as far back as 1590 but I could not read them Mr Rose the sexton proffered to look them through for 20 shillings. Walked to Astwood Bank 9 miles. Kindly welcomed by cousin Mills and family got to explain the gospel quite plainly. In walking over the day was so clear I could see Malvern Hills quite plainly and to the right could see the outlines of the mountains of South Wales. The first 25 miles the last 70 miles distant.

14 Went to Alcester 6 miles to look over records The minister looked over 20 years in the 17th century but did not find any Hurst recorded. Went to Feckenham 7 miles had a long talk with Mr Hawkes a red hot salvation army man. Saw Mr Marshall the rector about the records of the church. He did not have time to look through the earliest book then and he would not let me have it, but he would look it through for 2 pounds. This I could not afford as I would not have money enough to go back with. Went to Astwood Bank had a long talk with the Astwood Prophet Mr Johns the school master came in. Stayed all night at Mills. Got a letter written by myself under the direction of my parents in May 1849 another written in 1854 also a photo of myself taken in 1866 and several of the family.

15 Went to Redditch had quite a talk with the Chambers family got photos of two girls. Went to Aunt Bakers found her unwell with erysipelas Cousin Louise took me to Millwards Needle Factory where for sixpence I got a book describing the factory also an accomplished guide to show me through. Saw a Mrs Bayliss who was quite anxious to learn the whereabouts of her sister Mrs Steele who when last heard from was at Pine Canyon Tooele County Utah. Got photos of Mrs Baker and her son also one of Louise left them one of mine. Went to Birmingham found the brethren well including Alfred Budge who had lately arrived from Germany.

16 Called at Merediths and Spokes. Went to Showell Green House to see cousin Mary Webley no one answered the bell so I went back to Birmingham and took train to Manchester. Got letter from Emma.

17 Wrote letter to Editor of Deseret News about Mrs Bayliss sister Mrs Steele. Went to Moses Gate to see that everything was right for conference.

18 Held a very interesting conference more than 100 in the audience and 18 elders on the stand Pres Teasdale was detained on business. Excellent instructions were given in the power of the spirit of God and the best of order prevailed slept at Closes.

19 Went back to Manchester. Wrote letters to Pres Teasdale and one to Emma. Several elders were in to day. Spent the evening at Walkers.

20 Wrote letters to Rebecca and one to Martha Cheney and one to Rev Mr Marshall about records at Feckenham Went to station to meet Elder Worsencroft

21 Received and distributed stars. Visited Moisey and Adshead.

22 Helped Bro Hicken to pack his trunk and painted names on boxes for him and Mrs. Schofield

23 Went to Liverpool and assisted our emigrants to get their tickets and find their berths.

24 Ship Wisconsin sailed with 114 saints and 8 elders. Visited Cousin Hingley left them voice of warning. Had quite a talk with Pres Teasdale in which I learnt that he wished me to stay until fall. Took train to Patricroft.

25 Sunday held Sunday School council meeting and two regular meetings at Moorside. Spoke at all of them.

26 Wrote letter to Elizabeth and forgot to put extra stamp on the paper and handkerchief I sent. Visited Art Gallery.

27 Wrote letter to Miss Wesson sent handkerchief to Rebecca and paper to Sundwall.

28 Received and distributed stars not enough came together to hold meeting

29 Copied into journal. Visited Greenwoods Sister Ridgway and Morgan delivered 8 stars. Read Orson Pratts works.

30 Went down High St Market St and Corporation Street there were crowds of people to witness the marching of the Catholic schools 13,000 children were to form under the direction of their teachers and priests. Witnessed several schools pass and not wishing to be detained in the jam after much squeezing got out and took train for Moses Gate. With Elders Marshall and Ogden witnessed the procession here there were several Surrys gayly fitted up and carrying from 30 to 50 children each their horses were decorated very nicely with ribbons. Held a tea party at Doe Hey Hall. Slept at Davis

31 Went to Bolton to search records but the library was closed took train to Manchester where I got a letter from Elizabeth from which I learnt she has been sick and they are short of the necessarys of life on account of the dry summer and long winter.

June 1 1890 Sunday Visited Howarths Maycocks and Walkers held two meetings

2 Wrote letter to Elizabeth enclosing ten dollars check which Bro Spackman gave me to send to them sent book of 120 views to Elizabeth. From Mr Hawkes of Rochdale I learnt that 132 millions sterling were spent for intoxicants under British rule – 1889 7 Sovereigns weigh two oz 132 millions would weigh 2,357,143 pounds 60,000 people die annually from drunkeness.

3 Called again at Hawkers and talked to him about his condition, he was hardly prepared yet to make a move for rebaptism. Went to Sadleworth and eat dinner at Sainsburys got her to subscribe for the star, preached the gospel to them. She said means had come to them when they had given to our elders. She gave us a shilling each. Called at Mrs Buckleys and left tracts got tea at Mrs Shaws she is full of faith but her husband is opposed. Went to see Maxinsons who are friends of Gledhills they treated us well, and we got to preach the gospel to them. Stayed over night at Foxes who are related to Brough of Spring City.

4 Called at Whitworths here we met a minister who was rather abusive at first, but was more civil afterwards when he found he had his hands full he was in a hurry to get away. Called at another cousin of Bro Woolstenhulmes where we had a long talk and got dinner. Went to Littlefords and found Alice improving back to Manchester.

5 Fast day and council meeting, reports were generally good. I have felt much depressed lately on account of my family being as closely run. It makes me feel homesick. The Elders Quorum sent me 10 dollars which came in a registered letter from Elizabeth. Got a nice letter from Fanny Wesson.

6 Made up monthly report and sent it to Liverpool enclosing 7 pounds 2 shillings six pence. Visited Canons Mrs Maycock, Clarks, Moiseys Morgans and Walkers

7 Went to Ashton on star business. Saw Mort and Sturgeon.

8 Sunday Eat dinner at Walkers went to Ridgeway collected 11 star money Had two good meetings.

9 Wrote letters to Rebecca, enclosing one for Elders Quorum. Wrote letter to Emma. Went to Farnworth to see Mrs Makinson left three Womans exponent.

10 Got letters from Rebecca and Emma. Copied journal visited Adsheads on the way home a woman about 30 crowded up to me and wanted me to divide my umbrella with her she was full and used the most filthy language I ever heard she followed me 100 yards and then turned into a side street.

11 Received and distributed stars went in the evening to Sister Walkers.

12 Went to Farnworth held meeting in the evening felt free in talking to the people.

13 Went to Bolton at the free library we examined the Bolton Journal which has the record of Bolton Church from 1587 and coming back toward present date.

14 During today and yesterday obtained more than 200 names of the name of Taylor and more than 60 of the name of Hurst. Visited Mrs Kay who is very poor

15 Went to Mrs Bonds she and her daughter were just going to Wesleyan meeting and not to have my trip for nothing I accompanied them and then went back with them to dinner, held meeting in the afternoon and evening at both of which I used most of the time profitably so.

16 With Elder Ogden visited Unsworths Howarths and Horne of Ramsbottom slept at Lunds his wife left him and her young babe but they appear to be getting along pretty well without her.

17 Spent the forenoon pleasantly at Jacob Stansfield called at Bury then from Whitefield took train to Manchester. Got letter from Orson Hicken from N York and one for him with 5 dollars in which I mailed back to him writing a letter to him.

18 Wrote a letter to Emma. Received and distributed stars, sent womans exponant to Mrs Bond. Copied journal to date.

19 Took stars to Howarths, Moiseys, Morgans Ridgeways, Read Des News

20 Copied names of members into conference book went to Oldham find Alice Littleford improving called at Evans. Then to Samuel Johnsons sold him a Hymn Book for 5 shillings Took tram to Rochdale found Elders Jackson and Woolstenhulme at Sister Williams well.

21 June the longest day. Wrote letters to Elizabeth and boys and enclosed one to Wm Taylor about genealogy. Went in the afternoon to Heywood had quite a talk to a neighbor who came in.

22 Sunday. Went to Castelton, eat dinner at Bells the family appear to be divided and would rather contend with one another than to learn from us the principles of the gospel. We held testimony meeting at the hall. A few lads who came in were somewhat disorderly. In the evening we held a very interesting meeting on the Town Hall square we had a congregation of several hundred, many among them were quite respectable looking people. I spoke on the atonement. We distributed several hundred tracts, some parties asked quite a number of questions, which we answered, quite a crowd closed around us, but we had many friends there. While the crowd was questioning us another lot had gathered around our sisters. We felt well satisfied with the result of the meeting.

23 Rainy. Went through Rochdale Pioneer Coop Stores and Offices. Here cooperation started in 1744 with 28 stockholders of one pound each. They sell on 12 ½ % margin reduce the list price of their houses and fixtures 2 ½ % each year they now own a business of 387,000 pounds. The manager took great pains to explain the whole business and gave us reports. Spent the evening at Hawkers.

24 Went to Heywood spent the day at Dawsons had quite a talk with a jew who seems interested in the evening we held an outdoor meeting at Birch then went to Manchester.

25 Rainy. Received and distributed stars. Wrote letter for S Johnson. Sent Star and Rochdale Coop paprs to Peter Sundwall.

26 Wrote letter Rebecca. Visited Adshead, and with Elder Chappel called at Walkers, from her I learnt that Emma had gone to work at the Continental Hotel S L City as chambermaid at 15 dollars per month.

27 Saw Bro Spackman off on train then went to Hulme then back home and wrote a letter to Fanny Wesson took Tram to Patricroft. Spent the evening at Randals slept at Edens.

28 Heavy rain and thunder storm read some and wrote one sheet of a letter. In the afternoon visited Mrs. Tight, Brooks, and Mary Ann Riding, she has been in adultery with a man living in the same house. We showed them the evil of such a course and they promised to refrain from it gave them good advice which they seemed to appreciate.

29 Sunday Got letter from Sister Gibson, visited Howarths, Walkers. Held sacrament meeting at 3:00 At the evening meeting I spoke 30 minutes showing how unjust the government was toward our people and popular sentiment approved of unconstitutional measures against us. Popular sentiment has always been opposed to the Kingdom of God, but that does not prevent the judgments of God coming upon the people when they become ripe in iniquity.

30 Wrote letter to Sister Gibson, read some in library wrote letters to Walter and Elfleda. Rained most all day.

1 July 1890 Rainy. Copied journal to date. Took boots to Masseys for repairs, while there he told me that Bolithio the anti mormon lecturer had got down so low financially that he had to pawn his lantern of disolving views with which he illustrated his lectures and his landlady had said she furnished them most of their food the last week of their stay in Manchester. Visited Adsheads and later went to Walkers with Lizzie.

2 Dark and smoky. Received, and distributed stars. Bought Lewis Penny readings sent one each to Mary Maycock and Sophia Weeks. Put camphor in clothes box and wrote letters to Walter Cox and Almer Cox

3 Council meeting and fast day. Reports show considerable improvement, some outdoor meetings had been held checked up on tithing accounts.

4 of July. No celebration here. Made monthly and half yearly reports and registered them to Liverpool enclosing 9 pounds 17 shilling 5 pence. Through kindness of Sister Walker we got a pass for four of us to visit the Ship Canal. They have two locks nearing completion and others started, they are built with gravel and cement which is water tight and sets as hard as rock. They are putting on a heavy copeing stone of grey granite very similar to the rock in the S L Temple. The construction cars are many of them loaded with Steam Navies which work very nicely loading a cubic yard at every sweep, and when they had to move up nearer to their work it was done in three minutes. The dirt was moved in cars very much like the ones we used 40 years ago only they were moved with a Locomotive instead of horses. I saw one gang of men loading wagons with wheelbarrows and some with shovels on the old plan, also noticed a horse shunting cars using the old springbar I remembered as a boy. I should judge the docks to be 40 feet deep and 1/4 of a mile long. They use steam pumps to drain the water out of the locks while at work. The concrete walls are 8 to 12 feet thick and when dry are as hard as stone, and the mortar in the brick work is so strong the brick will part as soon as the mortar. They are using over a hundred miles of R R in moving materials up and down. The timbers for the dock gates come from the West Indies some of the gates are ready for putting in. Part of the clay is so compact that they cut it loose with a spade and load it with a fork. The thunder storm which came while we were at Patricroft did considerable damage striking trees and tearing up the ground. Spackman, Wilson, and Worsencroft started to Belfast via Liverpool.

5 Made statistical reports for Manchester conference for the half year ending June 30th 1890. Went to Denton had a nice visit with J F Edwards and wife. Met with the local priesthood of Manchester Branch in council and gave them good instructions pertaining to their duties.

6 Sunday. Went to Rochdale, where we held meeting in the afternoon in the hall. In the evening we commenced to hold meeting on the Town Hall Square. It was soon evident that our meeting would be interferred with for they did not keep quiet while prayer was being offered. Elder Jackson spoke a few minutes bearing testimony of the truth of the gospel. After singing a few verses I commenced to talk but was interrupted several times. One man said don’t notice them it is only a party of roughs. We got to tell them that the gospel we preach is true, by obeying it we would obtain salvation. If we reject it, we do so at our own risk. We should not charge them anything for talking to them, that we preached the gospel like the apostles of old without salary and like them we met with opposition. We taught the same gospel as was taught by the Savior in the first century. They persecuted him until they crucified him, Was it because he did not tell them the truth? At this juncture the crowd surged clear through our ring and a general confusion of pushing and crowding continued until our meeting was entirely broken up, we were separated but gathered together again at Sister Williams where a spirited testimony meeting was held, which all enjoyed.

7 Wrote an account of our Sunday evening experience and sent it to Liverpool. With Elder Woolstenholme visited two families, friends of his who treated us well, and we got to talk some on the gospel. In the evening we visited Evanses and Tomlinsons.

8 Wrote letter for Johnson about his emigration and gave a recommend for himself and family. Spent the day pleasantly with Mr Griers and family talked considerable on our conditions politically and otherwise. Called at Littlefords and saw Alices arm dressed.

9 Received and distributed stars. Sent statistical report to Liverpool. Wrote a letter to R Westwood about genealogies. Went to Patricroft with Elder Chapel attended mutual improvement meeting at Moorside, and then went back to Manchester.

10 Elder Worsencroft got back from Ireland. Copied journal up to date. Took stars to and collected from Howarths, Moisseys, Adshead, Greenwoods, Morgans, Ridgeways and Walkers.

11 Got photos from home also letters from Rebecca, Emma and O Hicken. Wrote letters to Elizabeth and Emma.

12 Went to Liverpool Pres Teasdale was not in. Had quite a talk with Bro Hodge. Left stars to be bound paid 2 shillings 4 pence. Called to see cousin Hingley who treated me well. Very wet all day.

13 Sunday Hunted up Agnes Boothroyd. Held two meetings at the conference house good testimonies were borne. Spoke 45 minutes in the evening.

14 Wrote letters to Mary Webley and John Watters sent 6 sheets of paper to Elizabeth and 6 to Rebecca went in the afternoon to James Gregorys and Mr Athertons Hulme at both these places I got to talk on the principles of the gospel was invited to call again. Fine.

15 Went with Elders Worsencroft and Wilson to Stockport, from there we went to John Swindles Windle Hurst. For curiosity a gentleman watches the entrance to the Royal Oak Public for 75 minutes commencing at 12 o clock Sunday AM and during that time 240 women got beer in jugs exclusive of that bought to be drank on the premises. This was a fine day and I enjoyed rolling on the grass. Called at James Bartons. Then went to Peter Heathcote sold him a Hymn Book and ordained him to the office of an Elder. Went back to Manchester tired from our 28 miles journey 16 of which we walked.

16 Fine in the morning turned wet and dark during the day. Received and distributed stars, visited Maycocks and Walkers. Bought collars and ties.

17 Dark and rainy copied journal up to date. Wrote letters to Rebecca and Emma. In the evening Br Spackman brought a letter from Pres Teasdale enclosing my release. Wrote a letter to Pres Teasdale proposing to take intermediate on the Alaska instead of waiting one week longer for cabin passage on the Wisconsin.

18 Went to Farnworth & Bolton had a nice visit at Mrs Bonds. Saw Jacob Lomox Pawn Broker, he requested me to call on his father John Lomox.

19 With Elders Ogden and Marshall got quite a lot of names from Bolton register. Then had a very interesting evening with John Lomox he showed us some very fine quilts made by hand loom.

20 Sunday spent the morning at Closes took train to Manchester. Held meeting at Conference House. Spoke 30 minutes on the subject matter contained in the Hymn “Oh my father thou that dwellest” felt force in talking. But 9 present and in the evening there were not enough came together to hold meeting.

21 With Elder Spackman looked over books and papers preparatory for a settlement. Visited Walkers.

22 Made a full settlement of all books and papers and turned over everything to Bro Spackman and paid cash for all dues.

23 Wrote 6 letters and 8 cards visited six places put irons on my boots.

24 of July no celebration here. Got photos charged as letter postage from home which cost 22 cents besides 9 cents put on at home. All the elders of the conference came in and we had a very pleasant time together had a good dinner and sang hymns. Bought tumblers and had names ground in for 16 cents each small mirror cost 21 cents.

25 Not having enough to fill trunk bought album for 6 shillings quilt for six shillings four towels for 42 cents Corded trunk paid 1 shilling 6 pence for cab to Victoria station ticket to Liverpool 2 shillings 6 pence. Found the brethren well in the office. To my surprise I was appointed to take charge of a small company of Icelanders. Had a fine talk with President Teasdale. He then laid his hands upon my head and gave me his blessing. Said I should have a safe and prosperous journey and be a help to those he placed in my charge, should have the priveledge of doing work in the Temple for my ancestors and be a help to others. Should have joy with my family and be hid from my enemies should witness with others the triumph of the saints, and my last days should be more prosperous than the first. Stayed all night at Cousin Hingleys had a pleasant visit there I think Cousin Emma is pretty well convinced of the truth of the gospel got at Liverpool Office cash to pay for railroad tickets for 11 persons from New York to S L City and Spanish Fork Also a letter of introduction to Mr Tenoroeck U P Agent at 287 Broadway New York. Wrote a letter for Lenard Jordan and left it in the Liverpool Office for him. Got berth 379 on the Alaska she is a fine boat and intermediate is as good as cabin on the Wisconsin. The Servia passed us going down the Mersey but we pass her later in the evening.

27 Sunday fine morning and smooth sea have slept well and eat a hearty breakfast at 8 AM we pulled into Queenstown the Servia came in half hour later. Wrote card to Bro Spackman and letter to Pres Teasdale. Quite a number of Bumboats came alongside the people were busy selling oranges lemons caps handkerchiefs, while busy plying her trade one woman was nearly deluged with a bucket full of kitchen slop. One of the officers had repeatedly told these people to leave the ship threatening to throw their things overboard if they did not go. They would watch him turn his back and then sell faster than ever. Finally he made them go. These young women would go down the ship sides in a sling with as little fear as they would walk the deck. We take in quite a lot of passengers and freight and leave Queenstown at 12:45 the sea is smooth and the sun shines beautifully. At 7:30 we lose sight of land the vessel is pitching some and many of the passengers are getting seasick, the change from the open air to that of our berth made me sick and I vomited heavy.

28 Slept well. Quite a rough sea most everybody myself included was seasick. Drank a cup of tea and eat some biscuits. We meet a small steamer. Eat a light dinner. We run 382 miles today raining this afternoon

29 Cloudy but fine sea smooth Wind square in front, have slept well and feel quite comfortable. My stomach has been out on a strike the last 24 hours I think it has concluded to resume business doing better work and more of it. At 10 AM the sun shines beautifully, many new faces are coming on deck we are running 16½ miles per hour. We have 1000 people on board including crew. 393 miles today. Music dancing quoit pitching and other games this afternoon.

30 Stiff wind from N W and heavy sea Decks are all wet from the spray. Quite a number seasick today. 4 vessels we saw were only carrying half sails run 371 miles

31 Fine morning Wind W S W have slept well. Sea smooth The fine day has brought everybody on deck. I am spending considerable time in learning our Iceland emigrants English run 391 miles. At 6 PM we run into a fog necessitating the fog horn which reminded me of an American Locomotive whistle. The evening being cold the dining room was crowded some reading other playing cards. A young girl of 12 played some very good music on the violin.

August 1, 1890 rather cool wind from W S W we run close to a sailing vessel beating against the wind which rocked it like a cockle shell while our huge vessel was riding nearly even. Run 395 miles

2nd Beautiful morning no wind. Sea smooth as a sheet of glass at 3 PM the pilot came on board. The salvation army undertook to hold meeting but it was broken up by the Irish steerage passengers. Fine star light night we are away from the land of fog and smoke. Venus in the West Mars S W Jupiter S E and later the moon rose in splendour. At 10 PM I quit star gazing and go below, run 386 miles.

3 Sea smooth the water has a greenish look showing that we are nearing land 416 miles today. 2 PM we see land 3:30 we pass fire island 3:30 rockaway beach many ships and boats are passing all is excitement on deck watching the various points of interest 4:30 we pass Sandy Hook arrive at New York 6:20 very hot and sultry in our berths no cover being needed.

4 Hot and sultry have slept 3 hours got my luggage through the custom office allright got R R tickets for our party Via Norfolk & Memphis route. It would have cost $7.25 per head to go by Chicago. We have to lay over here until Tuesday evening. Went to Castle Garden to get our Emigrants and take them to a Hotel. The officials there questioned me very closely to know my interest in the matter. What was my name and address. Was I a Mormon missionary. How long had I been out. Where had I labored. Were these people my converts. How many had I baptized. Had I sent them to Utah. If I had found eligible people would I have donated one to two hundred dollars to emigrate them. I told him fortune had not smiled so favorably on me as that. I mean he said out of the money furnished by the church. I told him all the money I had was sent by my family for support. Would I furnish these people employment. Would I be willing to furnish employment to a gentile. If I was hunting help I would get honest industrious, capable people, and those who would not strike when my work was most needed to be done. Was I aware of the efforts of the government to stop our emigration? He had been told in S L City that if the government would stop our emigration Mormonism would be forgotten in 25 years. I told him that his informant did not view it from the same standpoint that I did. That our foreign emigration was small compared with home increase. Is it not a fact that a large percentage of your children grow up gentiles. I told him mine had not. Failing to get a legal point to accomplish his point, he said the original gospel gathered up the halt the dumb and the blind, I said if you are going to talk gospel let me know it and I will change tactics. He quit then and said he would examine them and would perhaps send them back. I told him he would find no excuse for doing so. And they could not. The examiner told me they were a fine lot of people. He reported them so to a man they called the general, But that official in positive and abusive language refused to allow them to come out with me. I then had to go back to 287 Broadway and reported. Mr Tenbroeck sent Mr
Seaman and he with another man accomplished their deliverance. I learnt from Mr Seaman that the man who questioned me so closely was Colonel Webber, chief officer of Castle Garden. Put up at Hamiltons had good food and they treated us kindly but my room was alive with bed bugs, this with the sultry night kept me awake. About 2 A.M. I dressed and crept through the window on to the Iron Balcony After the bugs I carried out with me on my clothes had filled up and my flesh quit smarting I slept until daylight and got up feeling much better than I expected to do.

5 Sent letters to Pres Teasdale and Thomas Spackman. Got the luggage from Castle Garden and went aboard the Guyandotte. It was very hot yesterday and today. Went back to Union Pacific office where Mr Seaman showed me a piece in the N.Y. Times saying that among the passengers of the Alaska were 7 Icelanders Mormon emigrants that 3 of them were young and rather pretty girls the company were going to Utah in charge of Elder Philip Hurst. The U P officers were very kind to me. Leave New York about 4 PM we were soon out of the steaming heat of New York and had a stiff head wind and rough sea nearly all the way to Norfolk. I felt so qualmish that I could not eat but little. Tipped the mullato steward and got 2nd cabin berths for our party We stopped so long at Portsmouth unloading freight that we could not get our luggage in time for the 10 PM train, so bought provisions for $5.20 and stayed all night at the station.

7 We leave Norfolk at 7:45 no nearer home than we were on Sunday evening at New York on the 3rd. We travel fast but stop often Quite fine until 4 PM then heavy rain all night which delayed us and we arrived at Chattanooga too late for the Memphis train.

8 Layover all day and got tea and food for our party. In the afternoon we went up an incline tram road and had a fine view of the city and surrounding country. Chattanooga has many relics of the war of the North and South and among them were several stumps of pine trees filled with cannon balls and shot. We leave about 8 PM about midnight our car was filled with a lot of young men and women who had been to a dance and their smell was sickening everybody was awakened and two or more put on every seat I threw my window clear up and leaned my head out of the window to catch the night breeze made by the motion of the train. They got off at Decatur.

9 Got to Memphis about 7:30 and had an hour to spare after making the transfer. Through the kindness of a U P agent and our conductor we got a first class coach to Kansas. Very hot at Memphis but rained very heavy during the night.

10 Arrive at Kansas 7:05 AM. Leave at 11:20 in a first class coach. Crops were good in lower Kansas or Missouri but West they have suffered with drought.

11 Arrive at Denver at 7:30 and leave at 9:50 travel in smoker to Cheyenne where we arrive at 2 PM change cars on to the main line.

12 We were delayed at Echo 5 hours on account of a wrecked freight train two miles below. Arrive in S L City at 5:30 p.m. train for the south had gone. Got our emigrants into the tithing office. Stayed myself with Charles Barrel who has charge of the Historians office.

13 Got our Emigrants on to the south bound train and told the conductor where they wished to get off. Wrote a letter home asking them to send a team to meet me at Fountain Green. Had a very pleasant day making my reports at the Des News, Historians office, and in talking to friends stayed again at Br Barrels.

14 Left S L City at 7:10 arrive at Fountain Green at 1 PM Eat dinner at Oley Sorensens Ottis and Hugh came to meet me and we went across the hills and arrived at home about 7 P M and found my folks well.

The passenger list from the U.S.S. Alaska indicated Philip Hurst was number 510, was 46, farmer and from the U.S. He obtained cabin passage and had 2 pieces of luggage. His Icelander Saints were: Isleifur Olsen 40, male, laborer, Iceland; Elizabeth Eyriksdother 33, female, matron, Iceland; Sigur John J. Olsen 4 yr 9 mo, male child, Iceland; Caroline J. Olsen 2, female child, Iceland; Olaf Sigurdson 30, male laborer, Iceland; Bjarin Jonsson 27, female spinster, Iceland; Sigridur Ewarsdotter 26, female, spinster, Iceland; Gudfurnia Thomsen 20, female, spinster, Iceland; Talgerdir Tonsdotter 21, female, spinster, Iceland.

These references from the Millenial Star corroborate information contained in Philip Hurst’s mission diary:

50:717 25 Oct 1888 Letter of Mayhew H. Dalley, president of Birmingham Conference to Pres. Teasdale explaining the trouble caused by Jarman and his followers.

50:732 27 Oct 1888 Letter from Elders Mayhew H. Dalley, Geo. F. Jarvis, L.J. Jordan, G.H. Baugh, Philip Hurst and H.C. Barrell to Pres. Teasdale describing the attacks by Jarman and his followers on the Birmingham Chapel.

50:731 Letter from Pres Dalley correcting information in previous letter 12 Nov 1888.

51:37 Conference of the Birmingham conference held Sun 6 Jan 1889 at Hunter’s Vale Chapel Farm-street: “Elder Hurst said that during the short time he had been in this country he had been blessed in his labors, and was glad to find the Saints so zealous in the work of God. He desired that God would help all to understand His Will, and enable them to do it; as they would thus secure the benefits resulting from obedience to the laws of God; and the Lord would open the way for them to gather to the land of Zion, that they might escape the judgments impending over the wicked.”

51:476 Conference of the Birmingham Conference held Sun 7 Jul 1889 at Hockley Chapel, Hunter’s Vale, Birmingham: “Elder Hurst spoke upon the necessity of punctuality in attending meetings. He realized that by meeting often together the Saints acquired spiritual strength, enabling them to overcome the evils of the world. Neglect of duty invariably led to indifference and apostacy. He knew that the authorities of the Church were men who taught the people by precept and example, and otherwise labored for the welfare of the people.”

51:636-637 “Elder Philip Hurst is released from his labors in the Birmingham Conference and appointed to succeed Elder E. Bennett as President of the Manchester Conference.”

52:13 District meeting held 15 Dec 1889 in Temperence Hall, Hindley. Present on stand PhilipHurst, President of . . .Manchester Conference. “Elder Hurst said that without the Spirit of God he could say nothing that would be of any use to the Saints, and the Elders are not paid to preach the Gospel nor educated for that purpose. He stated that we were blessed in being permitted to come forth in the last dispensation, and bore testimony that the kingdom of God had been established never more to be thrown down. He exhorted all that held the Priesthood to be faithful, and to labor for the building up of the work of God.”

31 Dec 1889 Statistical report by P Hurst: Manchester has 9 branches, 2 High Priests, 8 seventies, 28 elders, 12 priests, 9 teachers, 9 deacons, 273 members. Total officers and members 341, baptized 27, emigrated 29, excommunicated 8, died 9.

52:202 Sunday Feb 23, 1890 A conference of the Manchester Conference held at Professor Fowlk’s Hall, Cobden Street, Pendleton: Elders present from Utah: Apostle George Teasdale, Pres. of the European Mission; Philip Hurst, president of and T.E. Ricks, Orson Hicken, J.H.Hall, James Woolstenhulme, George Marshall, T. Spackman, Nephi Jackson, Wm Ogden, A.B. Wilson traveling elders in the Manchester Conference. Also Henry Tuckett Pres of the Leeds Conference; T.D. Brown, Pres of and Joseph Eckersley local traveling elder in the Liverpool conference.” Pres Hurst read the statistical and financial report of the Manchester conference for the year 1889. Said he was pleased that the Gospel had found him, and that his parents had embraced it while he was young, and had emigrated to Zion where he could serve God, and be an instrument in His hands in assisting to reclaim that land. Had witnessed the hand of the Lord many times in watching over his people. The press of the country are very willing to publish anything against us; but it is almost impossible to get them to publish anything in our favor.”

52:237 27 Mar 1890 Letter from Philip Hurst to Pres. Teasdale about J.H.Hall returning home due to ill health.

52:284 Conference of the Liverpool Conference held in the Latter Day Saints Meeting Room, Liverpool 20 Apr 1890. Philip Hurst, President of …the Manchester Conference in attendance. Philip Hurst was first speaker.

52:363 18 May 1890 Sunday A district meeting of the Manchester Conference held at Doe Heay Assembly Room, Moses Gate. Present, Philip Hurst, president of Manchester Conference. “After the opening exercises President Hurst made a few introductory remarks.” 6:00 p.m. “President Hurst said he felt pleased to see so many present. He knew this was the Gospel of the Son of God, and it had been a great satisfaction to him to compare the doctrines of Jesus Christ with what is believed in by the world of mankind. Our Elders are willing to talk to any one upon the principles of the Gospel, but many people are not willing to listen to them. The signs of the times indicate that God is beginning to pour out His judgments upon mankind.”

52:426 Missionaries report from Rochdale: “Rochdale July 7, 1890 President George Teasdale. Dear Brother, For a month past the Elders & Saints of this Branch have been holding outdoor meetings on Sunday evenings in the Town Hall Square. A large number of people gathered together from time to time, and the elders had the privilege of bearing their testimony and preaching the gospel to attentive listeners, and after meetings several hundreds of our tracts were distributed. A great many questions were asked and answered, and we felt that we were doing some good. At each succeeding meeting, there appeared to be a greater number of the disturbing element crowding around us, and last night it was soon evident that our meeting would be interferred with, for many would not keep quiet while prayer was being offered up. Elder Jackson spoke a few minutes, and bore a faithful testimony to the work we are engaged in. After singing a few verses, Elder Hurst addressed the people. There were some in the crowd making a disturbance, but a few wanted to hear and said that the disturbers were only a party of roughs. We told them that the gospel we preached was true, and by obeying it they would obtain salvation; that the principles we teach were the same as those taught in the first century, and we had to meet similar opposition as our teachings came in contact with the theories of the day. So determined was the opposition then, that they crucified the Savior of mankind. Was it because he did not tell them the truth? While we were thus speaking, the crowd broke through our ring, and a general confusion prevailed until the meeting was broken up. We gathered together, however, at Sister William’s house, and held a spirited and interesting testimony meeting, which all present greatly enjoyed.

Ever praying for the triumph of the cause of truth, we are your brethren in the Gospel of peace. Philip Hurst, James Woolstenhulme, Nephi Jackson.”

52:507 Mon Aug 11, 1890 The Millenial Star of this date contains: “Releases & Appointments. Presidents Philip Hurst of the Manchester Conference, and Henry Tuckett of the Leeds conference, are released to return to Zion.”

12 Aug 1890 Deseret Evening News –“Returnred Missionary. Elder Philip Hurst of Fairview, Sanpete County, returned home yesterday from a mission to England. He started on Sep 19, 1888, and upon arrival in Liverpool was appointed to labor in the Birmingham Conference He was then assigned to the Hereford and Worcester Districsts. During the first year he traveled on foot upwards of 2000 miles. The latter portion of his time he presided over the Manchester conference and there remained until his release. In Hereford, Birmingham, and also in Rochdale, he was mobbed on several occasions, but escaped each time without incident. Elder Hurst comes back in the best of health.”


The next three months I was at home and yet could not be seen for fear of being arrested. Part of the time I worked on the Railway then being built by the D & R G through Sanpete Co about 8 weeks. I was on the mountains East sawing timber first for Nielsen boys then later for George Tucker in which I earned some 88 dollars. Not feeling satisfied with this kind of life I determined to move to Mexico. At noon of the 25th of November 1890 left Fairview in company with Arthur and Otis arrived at Thistle at 9 PM. Had a pleasant evening with cousin R W Westwood sold him my rocky sage brush claim in his homestead for 10 dollars. Left Thistle at 12:25 arrived at Grand Junction at 9:30 A.M.

The country so far is very uninviting but as we approach the mountains it is more pleasant. Glenwood Springs where we eat dinner is a very pretty place. Then we pass up Grand Canyon the granite walls towering up 2000 feet, Eat supper at Leadbury, at Spikebuk we were switched off to let another train pass we waited for her two hours after she passed we pulled out and run about ¾ of a mile when we met No 8 coming up at full speed. Both engines were jammed up together our tender and first baggage car was telescoped. The cars of the other train were worse used than ours were. No 8 was a narrow gauge. Our long delay was very annoying as I would miss my connection at Pueblo I was engaged in silent prayer when the wreck occurred and was asking that the result might be to my benefit. When I saw so many cars wrecked and scarcely anyone hurt I thought we had had a marvelous escape arrive at Pueblo 2:20 PM where the company gave us a free dinner at the Union Depot Hotel. Pueblo is a business town. Left Pueblo 5:30 arrive at LaJunta about 7 PM got a good nights rest at the National Hotel Atchinson Topeka and Santa Fe being late it was 11 A M before leaving. We run fast but stop often and long. St El Moro and Trinidad are extensive coal mines. Here we commence climbing the Raton Mountains. We go through a tunnel at the top and enter into New Mexico slept some during the night.

29 November 1890 at daybreak we were on the Rio Grand arrive at Deming about 4 in the afternoon.

30 Sunday have taken a heavy cold feel sore.

1st December 1890 spend the day in examining goods and prices

2 Started about noon with Bro Jackson for Diaz camped on the desert Coyotes howling all night close to us

3 Drove nearly to the Mexican line

4 Drove into Mexico about 7 AM nooned at guard quarters on the Boco Grand 8 miles farther and camped.

5 Arrived at Diaz about 7 P M stayed with M M Sanders

6 Went over to La Assension to pass Custom Office

7 Sunday spent forenoon at F G Williams attended meeting in the afternoon spoke 30 minutes freely, wrote letter to P H Hurst

8 With M M Sanders examined some lands and later visited President Teasdale

9 Rode over the river and find the land of excellent quality but not enough water.

10 Went up the river with M M Sanders he got a load of corn and 3 oxen at Franc__ ranch. It is no wonder the Mexicans farm poorly their plows are but a block of wood with an iron point their ox yokes but strands of sticks.

11 Rained heavy did little but watch them kill two cows for beef.

12 Went over to Acords helped them kill 4 hogs. Had quite a sick spell vomiting often with much pain caused I believe by eating 4 castor beans.

13 Went with Rowley and Hays to the western hills

14 Sunday wrote letters home attended meeting

15 Went with Brown and Beck towards Cassa Grande

16 Camped at night on the new townsite of Dublan cold wind from the East

17 Helped survey the townsite

18 Helped survey the route of Canal from the River Casas Grandes to the reservoir East of

19 & 20 continued taking levels. We noticed that part of the route was over the bed of canals which had been used centuries ago.

21 Sunday with James Mortensen visited the lands formed a good opinion of the land we _____purchased attended meeting preached my first sermon at Dublan on first principles of Gospel

22 Drove out on the dry beach toward Diaz

23 Our mules left us during the night got them about noon arrived at Diaz 6 P. M.

24 Raining got letters from Philip H Hurst that he and family had arrived at Deming and Arthur was expected with a car load of teams & ____ get free lists of Sec Rourke. Started at 5 p.m. for Deming Bro M M Sanders loaned me a mule and cart drove 30 miles and camped alone on the Bocco Grandes.

25 Christmas arrived at Guard Quarters at 4 A.M. rested 3 hours drove 25 miles on to the desert and camped alone divided my canteen of water with my mule

26 Started at 4 A M breakfasted at 3 Windmills arrived at Deming at 12 o clock. Arthur had arrived and on the 30th our teams started south

31 Got our papers and caught up with _____teams about 8 P M

January 1, 1891 Crossed the line into ____Mexico

2 Passed the guard on the Bocca Grande drove late and arrived ____the Spiers

Hettie Wilson Hurst, second wife of Philip Harrison Hurst, wrote of their trip into Mexico:

“Our family consisted of Philip H. Hurst, wife Ella and myself and children: Lucinda, Harrison, Lois, Ira and Guy H. We left Fairview Dec 15, 1890. Father chartered a car at Thistle. We had two teams and wagons, a few pieces of furniture and a sewing machine.

We spent Christmas in Deming, New Mexico where we met Grandfather Hurst, Bro. McDonald, who had charge of the people going into Mexico, A.B. Call and family, George Haws, and some of Fred Williams Family. We spent several days there sewing and preparing to make the trip by team into the colonies. We crossed the border into Mexico on New Years Day 1891. We pitched our tents and went to bed. A big wind storm came up and blew our tent down. It was raining and it was hours before they could raise the tents. Guy H was a baby 2 ½ months old. We had to haul water in barrels for use of us and the teams.

When we got to Polomas everything had to be unloaded and inspected by Mexican officials. We pitched our tents and put up a stove every night. When we arrived in Diaz, Apostle Teasdale had charge of the church there. He was very helpful. We stayed in Diaz 10 days and decided to go on to the new colony of Dublan. We had to have everything inspected again and got caught in a snow storm. We stayed there four days waiting for the weather to change so we could go on.

I do not remember the day we arrived in Dublan – the most desolate looking place one could imagine, with a big open valley with nothing but dry grass and a very few dwellings with about four wind mills to bring the water to the surface. That was the only way we had of getting water for everything for family use. We pitched our tents down by the big ditch and the men commenced putting in crops. The wind was awful. At times it would blow the tents down. We had to live in a wagon with a cover on it until the wind went down so the men could raise the tents, which was quite often. We had a stove…our beds were cots. We stayed there until some time in Mach when we moved up by the road. Some time in April Grandfather Hurst’s Family arrived.

Father bought lumber and put up two bed rooms. My first baby, Ella May, was born the 30 May 1891. By this time we had quite a settlement. Apostle Teasdale organized the ward of Dublan with Winslow Farr as Bishop and Fred Williams and Philip H. Hurst as counselors. Ida Mortensen was President of the Relief Society. Dennis Harris and A. B. Call put up a store and things seemed to be prospering. Joseph Jackson had a flour mill across the river….”

James Martin Hurst wrote: “In the spring of 1891 my father’s families moved to Old Mexico. I went along with my mother and brothers and sisters, arriving there in Dublan on April 11th of 1891. We went from Fairview to Thistle Junction by wagons and teams to where some railroad cars were hired on the Denver and Rio Grande to ship the vehicles and stock by rail. The members of the family went by railroad car to Deming, New Mexico and then going by teams and wagons to Colonia Dublan which is about 130 miles south of Columbus, New Mexico.

There was plenty of wild game in the Sierra Madre Mountains. I worked at the saw mill until the summer of 1900 when I came to Dublan and soon after started to work at carpentering. I built a carpenter shop on our lot and we bought some woodworking machinery and ran it with power from a gasoline engine. My brother-in-law, John Jones and two or three others worked with us. We made sashes and doors and did all other kinds of carpentering and woodwork. We built some homes and some grist mills. We did quite a lot of work also for the Mexicans.

There are some pre-historic caves in the mountains which were quite interesting. I remember while going to the mountains I stayed in the mouth of San Diego Canyon. The wind blew so hard that night that I had to put rocks on the edges of the bedding to keep them from blowing away.

Dublan grew to have a population of 1,000 to 1,200 people so there were a lot of activities to participate in. We got up a good baseball team playing some of the teams from the neighboring colonies and towns. We were quite successful in winning our share or more of the games. We had a brass band in the town of which I was a member, playing the B-flat bass horn. I was the business manager for the band. We put on some good plays on the stage to entertain & raise money for our organization.”

Julia Hurst Hawkins recalled: “Father had bought four terrenos of land at Colonia Dublan. His land ran from the main street of town out about a mile and a half to the river. We lived in our tents until Father had time to build houses. Mother hung a carpet up to make a partition in our tent. We had three beds in the small part and lived in the larger part.

The Mormon colony of Dublan was in a long narrow valley along the Casas Grandes River. It was near the Mexican town of Casas Grandes and in between was what we called String Town…just a few houses along the road. Except for the sudden violent storms, the weather was mild. The Mexicans had no heat in their houses in the winter. They would sit in their sarapes in the sun on the south side of their houses to keep warm. We used to thresh grain in June and sometimes plant corn or beans on the same land the same year. There was timber in the mountains and lots of wild flowers. The wild animals that I remember were bear, coyotes, foxes and coons; also deer and antelope.”

Albert LeRoy Hurst wrote this account of the family’s trip to Mexico:

“We left Fairview the 21 March 1891 (the day before my eleventh birthday). That night we stayed at Aunt Mandy’s, (Mandy Jones who lived to be 102) because we had sold our home. During the night it snowed about a foot. The next morning Uncle Jim Jones hitched up his team and took us to the depot. We traveled about three days by train to Deming, New Mexico, where we were met by teams and wagons to make the rest of the trip by land. When we arrived at Deming, it was extremely hot. It was a hard change for us to make going from such cold weather to such a hot place. We spent about three days getting ready to make the rest of our trip. We arrived in Dublan, Chihuahua, Mexico the last of March 1891. I walked almost all the way from Deming to Dublan driving cows….”

Three large tents were the first homes we had in Mexico, mothers being the largest of them. Because of the strong winds, they weren’t too comfortable or pleasant. After the tents wore out they were made into britches for us boys. We didn’t care too much for them because they ripped every time we moved.

Father and two of his sons, Phil and Walter, rented the church saw mill which was a great help to us. It also made it possible for father to furnish employment for many other immigrants. We brought from Utah 10 head of work horses, machinery, farm tools, seeds, provisions and many other things. Three new wagons and two new stoves were purchased in Deming.

Farming was hard for a few years. Grain was cut with an old reaper. It took five men to bind by hand. We bound grain with grain stalks soaked in water. The boys carried water for the grain workers. It kept us busy and out of trouble. We bought a lot of new machinery after we had been in Mexico for awhile, including a self binder.”

Sarah Hurst Jones described the school: “The first school that I attended in Mexico had only one room and a dirt floor. The seats were slabs of wood with wooden pegs for legs.”

Guy Randolph Hurst mentioned several of his teachers in Mexico: “Anson B. Call, Lydia Young (wife of John R Young and sister of Jesse Knight), Pearl Thurber in Dublan and Carl Eyring, Eyring Thompson and wife Esther at the Juarez Stake Academy.

Lucinda Harris Cardon, granddaughter of Philip Hurst, wrote: “There were three teams of horses and 3 covered wagons loaded with food and other provisions. A day or two was spent in Colonia Diaz where F. G. Williams, Winslow Farr, and Martin Sanders were living. These folks were friends. About the middle of January, we reached the place where Colonia Dublan was later built. There a large farm was bought. The rest of the winter we lived on the big ditch in the middle of the farm. In the spring, we moved to the east end of the farm, and Grandpa Hurst’s family joined us. There were Aunt Elizabeth and her 6 children, Aunt Rebecca and her 7 children, also Uncle Walter and his wife and 2 children, and Aunt Emmie, an English convert Grandpa married.”

“A year or two later my father rented a saw mill in the mountains, and moved his families up there, about 35 miles away. At first, he hired Henry Martineau to run his big saw; later he did that himself. For 16 years, he worked there, moving from one place to another as the timber was cut out…This mill furnished work for the Hurst men and boys and many others…When the timber on the top of the mountain was all cut, he sold the mill & prepared to run his farm. That was in 1907”

Philip Hurst took an active part in the church and community activities of Colonia Dublan. In 1891, he was selected on a committee with Winslow Farr and Frederick G. Williams to locate a place to build a new meeting house. He served many years as a high councilman and home missionary and traveled throughout the colonies on these assignments. He participated in and directed many dramatic productions.

Philip wrote the following letter to his sister – Mary Jane: “Colonia Dublan, Nueva Casa Grande 12 Apr 1893: Dear Sister and Family: I hope all are well and enjoying life I suppose those who attended the dedication service have had a splendid time (referring to Salt Lake Temple) I would liked to have been there, but could not very well. There are a few that can say they were there when the ground was broken or the corner stone was laid, I did. Also I worked on the digging out of the foundation and was at the meeting when the bretheren disgussed the matter of what material it should be built of. There were many ideas advanced some quite wild.

George A. Smith in a joking manner said ‘I move we build it of mud and straw mixed,’ laughed and went back.

We have had 30 acres harvested, ground plowed and looking fine. 38 acres plowed ready for planting corn and cane tomorrow. We want to break up 7 acres more sod and commence planting corn.

Our horses and cattle are looking well but had the misfortune of losing a big mare of blind staggers last week. We have had lovely winter with the exception of a few windy days. We have worked out all winter. With kind regards. I am Yours truly Philip Hurst.”

The following was taken from loose leaves of his journal found in the yard following the exodus from Mexico in 1912:

“ Weeds destroyed the profits on our field garden. We had a fine lot of tomatoes. And by experimenting with Paris Green on our potatoes saved quite a few. Filled home missions appointments one at Diaz one at Oaxaca. Did no dramatic work, but worked diligently to make High Priests Quorum meeting a success. Had lectures on gospel also lectures on Historical and Agricultural subjects.

1900 opened very dry had mild winter but in March had some fine rains. We still feel the necessity of a better irrigation system in spite of our neighbors doing all they can to dry us up my crops bid fair to yield abundantly. Our new Bishopric seem to be getting nicely to work, among other things a new meeting house to be built of brick is in course of construction. Taking our S. School Supt S J Robinson for Bishop and assistant Supt Jos S Cardon for councillor made a change in our Sunday School organization I was set apart as 1st assistant Supt to Harry M Payne with Louis Cardon as 2nd asst supt up to date of May 1900 I do not enjoy the labors as well as senior teacher in Theological Class.”

“Wheat has sold readily at 3 ½ cents per pound flour at 6-7 c corn at 3 cts corn meal at 4 cents eggs at 3 cents each. Butter 50 cts per lb. Molasses at 100 per gal we are selling all of these things.”

August 10th 1900 Very little rains and ditches nearly dry. I got my lucerne watered once in July and my bottom corn 18 acres watered from river ditch. We raised 812 bus. Wheat 40 oats. Wheat a little shrunken through lack of water. We successfully fought the potato bugs with Paris Green but a small insect like a gnat came in myriads about harvest time and destroyed the potatoes we dug but got only 5 bus. One of which we planted and got it watered also an acre of barley now coming up. The foundation is about built for our new meeting house. Our plum and peach trees are loaded with fruit many of the limbs breaking down. Horace Otis Hurst after a lingering illness died June 21st 1900 he never recovered from sickness contracted in N Carolina.

Philip Hurst went to Salt Lake City for medical treatment in 1900. This note was found written on a slip of lined paper: “Monday Oct 22, 1900 Mary Maycock & Myself Mary J Maycock went to S L City to meet my brother Philip Hurst to do temple work Tuesday 23 Philip and I were babtized for our health in the S L Temple Wednesday 24 Philip Hurst, Mary Maycock and Mary J Maycock Amos Maycock deceased and Lucinda Harris Hurst deceased received our second anointings under the hand of BP Winder Bro Madsen & Bro Nicolson.”

The Dublan Ward Sunday School minutes indicate Philip Hurst was sick from Jan 27 to Jul 7, 1901. However, he is mentioned in the minutes on the following occasions:

28 Apr 1901 1st Asst. Supt. Philip Hurst, presiding

12 May 1901 1st asst. supt Philip Hurst spoke on the subject of the Sacrament

26 May 1901 Sun School met as usual commencing at 10 a m with 1st asst supt Philip Hurst presiding.

Prayer by Philip H. Hurst.

16 Jun 1901 Sun School met as usual at 10 a.m. with 1st asst supt Philip Hurst presiding

14 Jul 1901 Sun School met as usual commenced at 10 a m suprintendency not being present on account of the death of 1st asst Supt Philip Hurst and other sicknesses. E.W. Payne took charge of the school

11 Aug 1901 Resolutions of respect in honor of 1st asst Supt Philip Hurst read by A. B. Call and approved


WHEREAS it has pleased our Heavenly Father to call to labor in another and holier sphere our beloved

brother and fellow laborer First Assistant Supt Philip Hurst:

WHEREAS he has labored hard and faithfully from the time he first came to this land for the sake of his

religious conviction to the time of his demise to make this Sunday School what it is today:

AND WHEREAS he has been one of our most punctual and diligent in the discharge of his duties as an

officer – be it resolved that we strive to emulate his worthy example, and that we carry out in our daily

lives the teachings which he has imparted unto us and

BE IT ALSO RESOLVED that a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the minutes, and be a part of the record and history of this Sunday School:

AND BE IT ALSO FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of these resolutions be furnished the family of our deceased brother, and that we extend unto them in their hour of bereavement, our heartfelt sympathy in their loss of so noble a companion and father. A.B. Call and E.W. Payne, Committee on Resolutions

Philip Hurst passed away 14 Jul 1901. There were no facilities to care for the body and to comply with regulations, his funeral was held in the afternoon. He was nearing his 65th birthday and thus ended an outstanding life which extended to three countries – England, United States and Mexico.

His death was noted in the Millenial Star 63:544 (Aug 15,1901) “Died Hurst, - at Colonia Dublan, Mexico, July 14, 1901, Philip Hurst, in the 65th year of his age. Deceased was born at Surrey, England, September 15, 1836, and emigrated to America in 1849, stopping at St Louis three years, and going on to Utah in 1852. For many years he lived in Springville, but in 1890, on his return from a mission to Great Britain, he removed to Mexico, where he has resided ever since.”



Lucinda Harris Guymon was born 10 Sep 1840 in Nauvoo, Illinois, a daughter of Noah Thomas Guymon and Mary Dickerson Dudley. Her mother died 1 Mar 1845 in childbirth leaving three daughters ages 2, 4 and 6. Ten months later, her father married Margaret Johnson who became mother to the three little girls and had seven children of her own. Her father married two plural wives and was father of 27 children.

Lucinda married Philip Hurst 11 Mar 1857 in Springville. They were in dramatic productions together and she participated in the dramatic stock company productions with Philip when family duties allowed, after their marriage.

Lucinda and Philip were parents of four children born in Springville before moving to Fairview: Mary Lucinda born 2 Jan 1858; Philip Harrison born 7 Jan 1860;; Lillian Adelaide born 18 Nov 1861 and Elfleda born 29 Jan 1864. A daughter, Ellen, was born in Mount Pleasant 13 Aug 1866 but died shortly after birth. Twin sons, Walter Frederick and William Henry were born in Fairview 18 Jun 1867. Lucinda died eleven days following the birth of the twins on 28 Jun 1867. William Henry also died young. Lucinda Harris Guymon Hurst was buried in the Fairview Cemetery.


Elizabeth Willcox was born in Manti, Utah 13 July 1851 to John Henry Owen Willcox and Mary Young. She married Philip Hurst 19 Sep 1868, when she was seventeen years old and took on the responsibility of caring for his five children ranging in age from 15 months to 11 years.

During the Blackhawk Indian War, she molded bullets and made crackers for those on guard. She cared for the family in 1876 while her husband was on a mission in Illinois and St Louis and again from 1888 to 1890 while he was on a mission in England.

Elizabeth went to Mexico with her family early in 1891. She was trained as a midwife and was set apart by Apostle George Teasdale to serve in that capacity in the Mexican Colonies.

In 1811 she left Mexico and went to visit her daughter Luella Nielson in Colorado. In Feb 1812, her son George Arthur went by team and buggy and brought her to Blanding. She arrived in Blanding (then Grayson) 19 Feb 1912 and remained there the rest of her life. She lived with her son Frank from 1913 until his marriage in 1919. She lived in part of Frank’s house for a time until he built a small home for her next door. She died 26 July 1942 at 91 years of age. She was buried in the Blanding Cemetery.


Rebecca Ann Sanderson was born 15 Jan 1858 in Union Fort, Salt Lake County, a daughter of Henry Wicks Sanderson and Rebecca Ann Sanders. She became the plural wife of Philip Hurst 8 Oct 1873 when just 15 years of age.

Following her marriage, she shared the rock house with Elizabeth, Philip’s other wife, for a few years before moving to a one room log cabin in the field. She lived alone in the field until 1883 when Philip bought her an adobe home in town. This home was the first adobe home built outside the fort in Fairview and was built by Rebecca’s uncle – John Franklin Sanders.

Rebecca went to Mexico in 1891 with her seven children: James Martin born 4 Feb 1876; Julia born 9 Jul 1878; Albert LeRoy born 22 Mar 1880; Sarah Jane born 22 Dec 1882; Clarence Ray born 13 Aug 1884; Guy Randolph born 20 Oct 1886; Edgar Sparks born 31 Jul 1886. Three more children were born in Mexico – Ralph born 16 Mar 1892; John (stillborn) 2 May 1895; Ada Rebecca born 31 Oct 1896.

After Philip’s death in 1901, she stayed in Mexico until 1908 and then decided to return to Fairview. She took three children with her – Guy, Ralph and Ada. Edgar joined them a short time later. She kept house for the boys in Provo, while they attended Brigham Young University and in 1912 (April 17) she married Nephi Reese and moved to Wales, Utah. He died a few months later as did her son Edgar. She then moved to Blanding in 1914 where she lived with her son Guy Randolph until her death in 1935. She served as a teacher and counselor in the Relief Society. She was buried in the Blanding Cemetery.

The following items are taken from a little black record book belonging to Rebecca Ann Sanderson Hurst:

“A blessing given under the hand of Charles Pulsipher on the head of Rebecca Ann Hurst daughter of Henry W Sanderson and Rebecca Ann Sanderson Born at Union Fort Salt Lake Co.

Sister Rebecca Ann I place my hands upon your head and confer upon you a Patriarchial Blessing. Thou art a Descendant of Isreal. through the Loins of Joseph.

Entitled to all the Blessings of the new and everlasting covenants. Thou hast been permitted to come upon the earth in the gospel dispensation. and been blessed with goodly parents. who have taught you the principles of the gospel. Thus you are highly favored of the Lord. Live in the Holy bonds of Celestial marriage. and have a companion who was noble and valiant until the last. with whom you shall continue worlds without ends. of the blessings of the holy priesthood you shall enjoy a portion with him. and the blessings of thy posterity shall continue with you through the endless ages of eternity. for you shall be able to raise your children in the fear of the Lord. and teach them principles of the gospel and they shall be a joy and a comfort unto you. Therefore continue thy Faith and Diligence. and the Lord will be merciful unto you and see that your daily wants shall be supplied.

You shall be able to lay up in abundance to meet all thy necessities. The Lord will deal kindly with his faithful children. I reconfirm and seal you up against the power of the adversary. that he shall not be able to lead you astray. through your Faith and Diligence. you shall hold on faithful to the end. and come up in the morning of the first resurrection. to meet thy companion. and numerous posterity and receive a glorious Celestial body I do this by virtue and authority of my holy Patriarchal calling in the name of Jesus Christ amen.”

Blanding June 23 1918 “A blessing given by Wayne H Redd upon the head of Rebecca Ann Hurst. Daughter of Henry W and Rebecca Ann Sanderson: Born Jan 15 1858 at Union Fort, Utah. Sister Rebecca at thy request I place my hands upon thy head and give unto thee a blessing of comfort and cheer, which shall greatly assist thee in lifes mission. Thou art of Ephraim a born heir to all the blessings pertaining to thy sex in the Celestial Kingdom. The Lord has accepted thy labors for in life thou dost stand uncondemned before him at this time. Thy faith shall never waver; neither shall thy natural forces be abated, but as long as thou shalt dwell in the flesh thou shalt be active in doing good. A testimony of Jesus shall abide with thee forever. Thy children shall ever reverence and respect thee, and acknowledge thee as their Savior and Protector. Thou shalt live in mortality until thou has fully completed thy work. When thou art called to go hence thou shall go in peace and receive the reward of the faithful. None of thy children shall be lost but all shall be saved in the Celestial Kingdom. Thou shall go down to thy grave with a crown of wreaths through faithfulness reverence and respect of thy posterity. Neither thee nor thy children shall ever suffer for the necessities and comforts of life. The Lord shall never forsake thee, but thou shalt ever be in remembrance before him. Therefore Rebecca thou admonished of the Lord to be content and not to concern thyself unnecessarily over the affairs of thy children. Trust in the Lord and lean upon him, and thou shalt find that his yoke is easy and his burdens are light. I seal thee up against the power of the Destroyer, to come forth in the morning of the first resurrection to be crowned a queen along with thy husband in the Celestial Kingdom there to bear the souls of the children of men, and to thy glory and happiness and increase there shall be no end. I seal these blessings upon thee with all thy former blessings in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.”

Blanding Nov 13 1930 “A blessing on the head of Sister Rebecca A Hurst given by Bro Benjamin D Black Patriarch Dear Sister Rebecca Hurst I lay my hands upon your head and give unto you a blessing which shall be a comfort blessing and a consolation to you while you shall dwell here in mortality. I bless you the first of all with health and strength to perform the labor that you desire to. The Lord is pleased with you because of the desire in your heart to labor for the dead. You shall be protected on your journey to the Temple and when you arrive you shall be able to find comfortable quarters. Friends shall be raised up on every hand and you shall rejoice exceedingly in your labors in the Temple this winter. Sister Hurst you are a pure Ephriamite. The Lord has had his hand over you through your life and you shall continue faithful and true and faithful to his work to the end of your days. You would be surprised to understand fully the wonderful amount of work for good that you have performed thus far in your life. It has not been broadcast to thee but a faithful record has been kept and will be unfolded, and many of the sons and daughters of God will rejoice because of your faithfulness for you shall be seen as you are seen and known as you are known, and now a multitude are rejoicing because of the work that you shall perform in an Holy Temple for their redemption. I seal upon your head all former gifts and blessings that have been promised upon your head. Fear not dear sister but go forward rejoicing in God the Father. Be patient, long suffering, kind yea let the love of God permeate your soul. You shall have eternal life and your heart shall rejoice and you shall be glorified and lifted up at the last day because you have and will seek to glorify God. I seal all these blessings upon you in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.”

In 1926, Rebecca Ann Hurst wrote a short life history in her little black book: “The first I remember of myself in this world was when my little Bro of mine was very sick. I can see mother walking the floor with him and caring for him he was next to me. He was born in Fillmore 18 of April 1859 died in Fairview 1860 I was born 1858. I have a faint remembrance of getting in the wagon to go to the grave yard my mothers mother was there and Aunt Lottie who else I cannot recall. My father moved from Fillmore and was one of the first to go to Fairview in 1860. I remember when they were building the fort wall to protect us from the Indians. I would climb up and try to walk on it. We lived in that fort I do not know how long in some little log huts with mud chinking and dirt roofs. In the summer they would work in their lots and fields and sleep in the fort at night.

The first I remember about my existence was in Fairview in the center of where they were going to build the town. They built a fort around us and some log huts with mud chinking and dirt roofs. I do not know how long we lived in the fort for protection from the Indians. We went to live on our city lots in the day in summer time and in the fort at night. As I remember there was not more than a dozen families there at first, maybe not that many. My next Bro was born in the fort in 1861. My grandmother told me that the little dog Trip brought the baby through the cat hole on the side of the chimney wrapped in her apron. And I always thought I seen the dog bring it in until I was old enough to know better. That is hallucination I suppose. They used to send us to school when we were 4 years old. The first teacher I went to was named Sara Weeks where she came from or where she went to I do not know nor do I know what transpired in school that winter. I see some Fathers carry their little girls to school that winter but lucky for me I only had to go one block.

About the first serious Indian trouble I remember, a man rode up to the door and called father and said David Jones was killed with Indians while out hunting horses. Father hurriedly dressed and jumped on his horse and went with others to bring his body in. His widow was the next teacher I had. It might be interesting to tell what she told us. She was in Saint George when he was killed. She said she saw him sitting by the fireplace taking off his boots about the time he was killed. She thought it was real until he disappeared. Her name was Sara Jones. She took care of your father’s children after his wife died. He went back for Emigrants about that time. When they were crossing Green River in a ferry 3 men were drowned one was Swen Nielsons Bro from Fairview. The oxen stampeded and tipped the boat over. That was when they were going out. My father had a small herd of sheep and I remember going up to the hills to help herd a few times. When he sheared them my mother took the wool and made it up in clothing. I used to pick wool until I wished I never had seen any, but we had to stay with it until the last lock was picked.”

The little black book contained a short history of her father, Henry W. Sanderson: “This veteran was born in Blandford, Hampden Co., Mass. March 13 1829. Living near Joseph Smith the boy became a playmate of the prophet’s sons. Again the family moved to St Louis Mo. where the father worked in a shoe manufacturing establishment and where he died. Henry, his mother and sister who comprised the family, after their bereavement made their way back to Nauvoo where they made their home until the exodus of the people of the State. When they arrived at Council Bluffs, Henry was 17 years of age, but was accepted as a member of the Mormon Battalion. He marched to Santa Fe New Mexico where a detachment was released and started back under Maj Brown arriving in Salt Lake Valley 5 days after the original band under President Young. The young man pioneer helped to plow some of the first ground in the valley and was called to go back to the Missouri River several times. Drove team for Heber C. Kimball on one of these trips. He farmed at Ft Bridger two years raising oats for the scouts and mountaineers. Also was employed as a guard in the Johnston Army invasion in Salt Lake Valley. He settled at what was known as Union Fort, and later became one of the first settlers of Sanpete Co., Utah being one of the first to move from Mt Pleasant to North Bend or Fairview as it is now called. Here he was prominent in various positions. He taught school, was the first postmaster for 15 years and was mayor of the city. He was Tithing clerk, ward clerk, and Bishops Counselor for many years, and while out in his scout work among the Indians, he learned the language and was a great friend of the tribe in Central Utah. His varied experiences qualifying him a to be a prudent and effective leader in matters pertaining to colonization, military etc. He was the father of 29 children who have all kept their faith in the gospel of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Most of them still remain in Fairview. He had 8 grandsons in the world war; one of them was killed at the front – Darias Clement; another was in a ship that sank off the coast and narrowly escaped death at Ireland – Ross Christensen of Fairview. The family of this pioneer will hold a reunion at Fairview on July 1 to which all friends and family are invited. Rebecca Hurst.”


Emma Gibson was born Jan 19, 1850 in Manchester, England a daughter of George and Agnes Nelson Gibson. She met Philip Hurst while on a mission when he was presiding over the Manchester Conference. Philip arrived in Manchester Sep 18, 1889 and mentions visiting Sister Gibson on Oct 1.

Under date 14 Apr Philip Hurst wrote in his journal: “Then went with Sisters Gibson and Adshead to southern cemetery to her fathers grave which has a marble headstone and it shows that it has been nicely kept with loving hands At Emmas request I asked the Lord to dedicate the ground to her fathers use that he might rest in peace until the morning of the resurrection.”

On 18 Apr 1890, Philip Hurst went to Liverpool to assist Emma to get tickets and secure a berth on the S.S. Wisconsin. She sailed from Liverpool the next morning at 11 A.M. On 23 Apr Philip “Visited Mrs Gibson found her very low spirited. She died at 9:25 p.m.” Philip wrote a letter to Emma the next day. On 26 Jun 1890 Philip “learnt that Emma had gone to work at the continental Hotel in Salt Lake City as chambermaid at 16 dollars per month.

Emma Gibson and Philip Hurst were married 30 Apr 1891 in Mexico. Following Philip’s death she remained in Mexico for some time and then returned to Salt Lake City. Under date April 30th 1918 she wrote a letter to Mrs Emma Thygerson & Family;: “Dear Emma, received your letter yesterday was very pleased to hear from you & that you are all well just now there has been lots of sickness in Salt Lake. I have been sick for 3 weeks with La grippe am much better now. Emma that was my father. My sister while I was in Mexico had Bro Joseph Keddenton do Fathers work. My mother was baptized in England So when I came from Mexico the first time I went in theTemple & had Mothers endowment & Father & Mother sealed on 23 Jun 1910. I am very thankful to David for being so mindful it was your Father put the name in the Book we didn’t know then the work had been done I am very sorry that David as lost his sight entirely…” Aunt Emma 441 South 8 East.

Mrs. Emma Gibson Hurst, age 87, 2782 Highland Dr. died Apr 9, 1937 at 10 p.m. at her residence of causes incident to age. A niece, Mrs Agnes Trump, was the only survivor. She was buried in the Salt Lake City Cemetery.