In memory of Heinrich Zimmer pastor and dean in Graben, Baden, Germany.
Born in Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg, Deutschland on 7 AUG 1825 to Sigmund Wilhelm Zimmern 1796-1830 and Caroline Philippine Adriane Walther 1796-1872. Johann Heinrich Conrad Zimmern married Ida Caroline Reichard and had 4 children. He passed away on 21 Dec 1896 in Graben in Baden. He lived to be 71 years old.
Note: Robert Seal: FYI: of all the Graben pastors I've translated for you, Pastor Zimmern's handwriting is by far the worst.
Summary of pastor Zimmern's occupation:
Heinrich served as pastor in Graben from 1859-1897 He studied in Jena, Berlin, Marburg and Heidelberg, exams in 1850, then pastor in Emmendingen, 1853 in Buchenberg, 1858 up to his death in 1896 he was the Pastor in Graben, dean of the church district of Karlsruhe-Land since 1881, co-founder of the Black Forest rescue center Hornberg which is today a retirement home. From January 12th, 1859
Ulrich Neitzel: In the document referenced below it is stated that the first wife of Heinrich Zimmern, Ida Reichard, died on New Year's Day 1866. He married, two years later, Sophie Knapp, daughter of pastor Albert Knapp in Stuttgart. The place of the wedding is not mentioned, but probably Stuttgart.
Sigmund Zimmern 31 July1854 Buchenberg- 25 Dec 1870 Graben
Elisabeth Ida Zimmern 25 Jan 1856 Buchenberg- 15 Jan 1908 Karlsruhem married Eduard Nüssle, died 8 mo after marriage
Anna Maria Zimmer 1857 - dec.
Friedrich David Heinrich Zimmern 1862-1928 married Hilda Kuehnen 4 Mar 1896
"Heinrich died while in the service as pastor in Graben 21 Dec 1896 in Graben"
He was an important person, not only pastor in Graben, but from 1881 on also dean for the 17 parishes of the diocese Karlsruhe-Land. He started his career as a pastor in the parish of Buchenberg, in the Black Forest. Then, the life story continues:
The state of health of his wife, who suffered from the harsh air of the Black Forest, prompted the now deceased man to ask for a transfer to a milder climate, and after not quite 6 years of richly blessed activity at his first place of work, his appointment to Graben opened up to him the field of work to which he was to belong to the end.
On January 11, 1859, he moved with his family into this congregation, where he was allowed to preach the Gospel for thirty-eight years. Here he found the friendliest welcome and soon felt at home in his congregation, which proved to be receptive and grateful for the lively proclamation of the divine word, as in the circle of his fellow ministers. The latter included the well-known pastor Henhöfer in nearby Spöck, with whom being in close personal contact for several years was of great value to him.
Towards the end of his life he fell ill and needed the help of a vicar for support in his duties:
Two years ago, as a result of a cold, the deceased developed bronchial catharrhea with a tormenting cough. This condition, in which influenza was probably also involved, developed more and more into a chronic illness that never completely left him, despite the use of medical remedies and repeated stays at various health resorts. He was forced to ask for the help of a vicar and gratefully felt the benefit of such support.
And on his final hours and funeral service:
The weakness increased and during the last night the shortness of breath also increased. Until the last hours before he went home, his consciousness remained clear; then, in the early morning of December 21, the heavenly Sabbath dawned on him. Very gently and quietly he passed away to eternal life, untouched by the horrors of death, and deep peace transfigured his noble features....
On the afternoon of December 23rd, the funeral service took place in a very uplifting manner. Almost all the clergy of the diocese, many friends and relatives accompanied the mourning community to the grave of the deceased. There, one of the closest neighbors and friends, Pastor Roth from Friedrichsthal, offered a prayer and blessing from a deeply moved heart. ...
At the grave of the deceased, the trombone choir sounded once again: Jesus, my confidence, after which Pastor Roth held the liturgy, choosing for the text reading the comforting promise: "Behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the world.""
(The German word Dekan in the death entries above means "Dean")
Source: Zimmern Heinrich - Detailseite - LEO-BW
Documents related to Heinrich Johann Conrad Zimmern:
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Johann Heinrich Conrad Zimmern b 7 Aug 1825 Heidelberg, Baden mother Caroline Philippine Adriane Walther film 102078154 page 345 |
Ulrich Neitzel:
80, den 7t August Johann Heinrich Conrad Zimmern
1825, den 7. August nachts zwischen ein und zwei Uhr wurde dahier gebohren ein Söhnlein und den 17. September nachmittags um drei Uhr im Hause getauft Johann Heinrich Conrad. Eltern: Sigmund Wilhelm Zimmern, Großherzogl. Rath, Doctor und ordentlicher Professor der Rechte dahier und dessen Ehefrau Caroline Philippine Adriane geb. Walther von Hanau. Taufpathe: Johann Heinrich Kühl, Landgerichtsdirektor in Hanau, abwesend. Dessen Stelle vertrat Wilhelm Kühl, lediger Pfarmaceute aus Hanau und war zugleich mit Heinrich Spieß dem hiesigen Bürger und Peruquier, als Zeuge zugegen. Dittenberger
[No.] 80, 7th of August, Johann Heinrich Conrad Zimmern
1825, 7th of August in the night between one and two o'clock a little son was born here and baptized at home on 17th of September in the afternoon at three o'clock: Johann Heinrich Conrad. Parents: Sigmund Wilhelm Zimmern, Grand Ducal Councillor, Doctor and Full Professor of Law here and his wife Caroline Philippine Adriane née Walther of Hanau. Baptimal sponsor: Johann Heinrich Kühl, director of the district court in Hanau, absent. His place was taken by Wilhelm Kühl, unmarried pharmacist from Hanau and he was also present as a witness together with Heinrich Spieß, the local citizen and wig maker.
<signed> Dittenberger
Ulrich: Heinrich's mother Caroline née Walther was from Hanau. So the sponsors may either be her relatives or - as Johann Heinrich Kühl is also a man of the law - he may be an acquaintance of his father.
Note: Heidelberg is a University town in the German state of Baden-Württemberg, situated on the river Neckar in south-west Germany. In the 2016 census, its population was 159,914, of which roughly a quarter consisted of students. Located about 78 km south of Frankfurt, Heidelberg is the fifth-largest city in Baden-Württemberg. Heidelberg is part of the densely populated Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Region. Heidelberg University, founded in 1386, is Germany's oldest and one of Europe's most reputable universities. Heidelberg is a scientific hub in Germany and home to several internationally renowned research facilities adjacent to its university, including the European Molecular Biology Laboratory and four Max Planck Institutes. The city has also been a hub for the arts, especially literature, throughout the centuries, and it was designated a "City of Literature" by the UNESCO Creative Cities Network (Wikipedia)
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Sophia Theodore Knapp bap 28 July 1829 Holzhausen,Sulz am Neckar, Württemberg, Mother Christiane Caroline Auguste von Beulwiz film 101856508 page 460 |
Birth information on the left side of document:
Born here on the 18th July at 2:45 am and baptized here on the 28 July at 11 am was
Sophie Theodore, daughter of M. Albert Knapp, Diaconus (Deacon), and wife Misses Christiane Caroline Auguste nee von BEULWIZ
both are of the Evangelical Religion
These remarks are about the witnesses on the right side of document:
Mister D. Johann Friedrich Christian Steudel, Proffessor of Theology in Tuebingen
Miss Friederike Eleonore Christiana, single, daughter of the deceased Royal chamber lord, Carl August, Baron von Palm in Stuttgart, is the great aunt of the child
Eberhard Joseph Christian, Baron von Palm who is married to Mirs. Amalie nee Roeder in Stuttgart, they are great uncle and great aunt of the child
Ludwig, Baron von Beulwiz, Royal officer and commander of the Royal Honor Invalid Corps in Combug, who is married to Mrs. Crecence nee Stotzingen, great aunt and great uncle of the child
Mister Immanuel, Baron von Rieger, goverment council man in Stuttgart
Mister M. Christian Friedrich Klaiber, Assessor, and Professor in Stuttgart
Mister Christian Gotthold von Knapp, goverment council man in Stuttgard and his wife Friederike nee Mohl, great uncle and great aunt of the child
Mister Hermann Knapp, District official in Langenburg and wife Emilia nee Pott of Goettingen, great uncle and great aunt of the child
Mister Eduard Knapp, minister in Parouse and wife Carolina nee Lanz of Tuebingen, uncle, and aunt of the child
Mister Johann Georg Veihinger, V.D.M. Teacher at the Mission Institut in Basel
Misses Charlotte, Baroness von Palm, widow of the Baron Friedrich von Palm in Muehlhausen am Neckar, great great aunt of the child
Misses Charlotta, nee von Beulwiz, wife of Baron Carl von Roeder? in Stuttgart
Miss Franziska Friederike Caroline Mathilde, daughter of Baron Franz von Beulwiz from Stuttgart
the maiden Maria (Marike?) daughter of the high court council Gottfried Knapp of Tuebingen, presently in Parouse
the maiden Wilhelmine, residing in Tuebingen great aunt of the child, daughter of the deceased Ernst Bernhard Knappe, administer of the manorial estate in Einsiedel by Tuebingen
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Marriage record of Heinrich Conrad Zimmern and Ida Caroline Reichard in Strasbourg (in French). film 008320626 page 520 |
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Germany, Baden, Mönchweiler - Church records, not Buchenberg |
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Johann Heinrich Conrad Zimmerer m 6 Aug 1853. Ida Carolina Reichard Buchenberg Villingen, Germany, Baden, Mönchweiler Baden, Deutschland film 102070226 |
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Johann Heinrich Conrad Zimmerer m 6 Aug 1853. Ida Carolina Reichard Buchenberg Villingen, Baden, Deutschland film 102070226 |
Translation by Ulrich Neitzel:
No. 4 In the year 1853, August 6, the undersigned Franz Heinrich Gärter, pastor in the Lutheran Church of the Augsburg Confession in Straßburg, blessed into marriage:
Mr. Johann Heinrich Conrad Zimmern from Heidelberg, presently pastor in Buchenberg in the Grand Duchy of Baden, legitimate son of the late Sigismund Wilhelm Zimmern, professor of law at Jena and of Karoline Philippine Walther from Hanau, with Miss Ida Carolina Reichard from Straßburg, legitimate daughter of Johann Karl Reichard, merchant at Straßburg and of Ida Konradine Margaretha Gambs from Paris.
Witnesses were: Christian Hermann Gambs from Bremen, pastor at Schwindratsheim in the Lower Rhine; Carl Alexander Reichard, merchant at Straßburg; Ludwig August Emmerich, merchant at Straßburg; Carl Friedrich Spielmann, proprietor at Straßburg.
Straßburg, October 11, 1853 Fr. Härter, Pastor
Entered in the marriage register at Buchenberg with the remark that this marriage took place according to the marriage certificate of the Grand Ducal District Office Hornberg, dated Hornberg the 30 July 1853 N. 11221.
Buchenberg, 28 December 1853 Heinrich Zimmern, Pastor
(on the right of the second page:)
Register per 1853
Andreas Bäsch.........No. 2
Jacob Braun.............No. 3
Andreas Haas...........No. 1
Heinrich Zimmern...No. 4
Closed for the year 1853 with the above four entries.
Buchenberg, 10 January 1854 Heinrich Zimmern, Pastor
Comment: It seems that this is an "additional" marriage record in the home parish of Pastor Zimmern for the marriage originally officiated in Straßburg.
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Germany, Baden, Mönchweiler on the bottom, Graben at the top, 2 hr driving distance |
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Friederich David Heinrich Zimmern birth 1862 film 102550540 page 663 |
No. 20: Im Jahr 1862 den 14 Juli Abends halb eilf Uhr wurde dahier geboren und den 6. August Morgens eilf Uhr durch Emil Frommel, Pfarrer in Carlsruhe, dahier getauft: Friedrich David Heinrich, ein ehelicher Sohn des Heinrich Conr: Joh: Zimmern, evangel. Pfarrer dahier und der Ida geb: Reichard. Pathen: 1. Friedrich Emil Reichard, Kaufmann in Gubweiler im Elsaß. 2. Wilhelm Merten, ev. Pfarrer in Friedrichsthal. 3. Frau Dr. Regina Julia Jolberg, Wittwe und Hausmutter der Kleinkinderlehrerin-Anstalt in Nonnenweier. 4. Fräulein Maria Härter, ledige Tochter des Pfarrers Härter in Straßburg. 5. Pfarrer Carl Wilhelmi in Hochstetten. Zeugen: die Pathen Wilhelmi und Merten
Graben den 6 Aug. 1862 Zimmern, Pfarrer
(rechte Spalte:) 40, 12. Juli, Zimmern, Friedrich David Heinrich
No. 20: In the year1862, 14th of July 10:30 p.m. in the evening was born here and the 6th of August 11 a.m. in the morning baptized here by Emil Frommel, pastor in Carlsruhe: Friedrich David Heinrich, a legitimate son of Heinrich Conrad Johann Zimmern, lutheran pastor here and of Ida née Reichard. Baptismal sponsors: 1. Friedrich Emil Reichard, merchant in Gubweiler in Alsace. 2. Wilhelm Merten, Lutheran pastor in Friedrichsthal. 3. Dr. Regina Julia Jolberg, widow and matron of the infant nurse school in Nonnenweier. 4. Miss Maria Härter, unmarried daughter of the pastor Härter in Straßburg. 5. pastor Carl Wilhelmi in Hochstetten. Witnesses: the godparents Wilhelmi and Merten.
Graben den 6 Aug. 1862 Zimmern, pastor
(right column:) 40, July 12, Zimmern, Friedrich David Heinrich
My Comments:
The baptizing pastor Emil Frommel was a friend of Heinrich Zimmern from his study time in Heidelberg. In the Zimmern eulogy we find this passage:
Thus he [Heinrich Zimmern] entered the seminary in Heidelberg in the fall of 1849. On his very first day there, he felt particularly drawn to a highly gifted, amiable student with whom he soon entered into a closer relationship and remained intimately connected for the rest of his life. It was Emil Frommel, with whom he was later even more closely united by family ties. The two friends prepared together for their theological examination, which took place in Karlsruhe in December 1850.
The sponsor Regina Julia Jolberg was born Zimmern; she was the sister of Heinrich Zimmern's father. There is a German Wikipedia entry about her: It says that the Zimmern family was originally jewish and belonged to the wealthy bourgeoisie of Heidelberg. She as well as her younger brother Sigmund, Heinrichs father, converted to christianity as adults (Wikipedia entry for Sigmund Zimmern: Regina Jolberg founded several nursing schools and deaconess houses (see, where also her nephew Heinrich was involved:
For decades, however, he devoted himself with special love and devotion to the affairs of the institution for the care of small children in Nonnenweier. His close relationship to the founder of this blessed institution, the venerable Mother Jolberg, prompted him to turn his warm interest to it.
(from Heinrichs Zimmern's eulogy)
This institution still exists:
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Karolina Zimmern (Reichard) age 40 died 1 Jan 1866 bur 3 Jan, mother
Ida Margaretha Konradina Reichard film 102550540 page 817 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
Heading at top of page: Died 1866.
In left margin: [no.] 1. 1 January [1866]. Zimmern, née Reichard, Ida Karolina. Wife. 40 years, 1 month, 23 days.
No. 1. In the year of Christ 1866, on the 1st of January in the morning at 10:00 am died here, and was buried here on the 3rd of January [1866] in the afternoon at 1:00 pm by Pastor Peter from Spöck: Ida Karolina Zimmern, née Reichard, wife of the undersigned pastor, 40 years, 1 month, and 23 days old; her parents are: Karl Reichard, merchant in Straßburg, and the late Ida Margaretha Konradina, née Gambs. Witnesses: Wilhelm Konrad Heinle, mayor, and Jacob Friedrich Wenz, weaver and parish council member, both citizens here.
Graben, on the 4th of January 1866. H. Zimmern, pastor.
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Heinrich Zimmern m 21 Jan 1868 in Stuttgart 'Württembert to Sophie Theodor b 18 July 1829 film 101901850 page 880 They also married in Graben. |
Ulrich Neitzel:
Number of weddings: 7.
Names of the groom and the bride: Heinrich Zimmern and Sophia Theodora, née Knapp
Status, character, profession, residence, religion: pastor in Graben, Grand Duchy of Baden, [both] Lutheran
Parents: + Dr. Sigmund W. Zimmerer, professor and Superior Appeal Court Councilor in Jena, Grand Duchy of Weimar;
Karoline, née Walther
+ M, Albert Knapp, town pastor at St. Leonhard here
+ Christiane Karoline, née von Beulwiz, VIII,99.
Single, divorced or widowed (in both cases also the name of the divorced or deceased spouse): [both] single
Born when and where: <groom:> 7 August 1825, <bride:> 18 Juli 1829, Sulz
Date of the royal permit for marriage: -"-
Place and date of proclamation: Graben, 5 and 12 January 1868; Collegiate Church (Stiftskirche) here, Sunday after New Year, 1. and 2. [after] Epiphany
Place and date of marriage: Hospital church (Hosp[ital] K[irche]) here, 21 January 1868
Clergyman who officiated at the wedding: Pastor Reichard from Straßburg
Dispenses: Banns (Ausrufschein) of Baden district office Karlsruhe, 21 December 1867
My comments:
Both spouses are entered as "single", although we know that Heinrich Zimmern was a widower at that time.
The father of the groom and both parents of the bride were deceased as indicated by the crosses before their names.
bride's father Albert Knapp was a certain celebrity. He was not only a
pastor but also a poet and the founder of the first animal protection
organization in Germany (see Wikipedia in English:, or in more detail (including a picture of him) in German: and
The bride's mother came from a Thuringian noble family (
Albert Knapp (25 July 1798, Tübingen - 18 June 1864, Stuttgart) was a German poet and animal welfare activist. He studied theology at Tübingen, became vicar in Feuerbach (1820) and filled other positions until he made a reputation in the Hospitalkirche at Stuttgart (1836). After becoming pastor at Stuttgart, he had applied himself to poetry, especially to the composition of hymns and other poetry of a religious character. Rev. Knapp is also distinguished as an important figure in the history of the animal welfare movement in Germany. In 1837, he established the Stuttgart Society, the first German animal protection organisation in Stuttgart.[1][2] (Wikipedia)
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Baden: State Church Archives Karlsruhe > Graben > Weddings 1847 - Jan. 1870 |
Ulrich Neitzel:
N.5. Extract from the marriage register of the Hospital Church in Stuttgart: 27 Feb. 1868:
In the year 1868, January 21, the following were married in the local hospital church: Heinrich Zimmern, pastor in Graben, Grand Duchy of Baden, and Sophie Theodora, née Knapp, daughter of the + town pastor M. Albert Knapp, here.
The fidelity of the excerpt from the marriage book of the Hospital Church Stuttgart testifies:
Stuttgart 27 February 1868 royal .m.II hospital __ office <signature> Gaßgar?
For notarization:
Graben 29 February 1868
__ Parish office
(right column:) 21 January; Zimmern, Heinrich and Knapp, Sophia Theodora (from Stuttgart)
according to marriage certificate ___ __ 21. December ___ on file
Comment: This is a copy of the original marriage record from the Hospital Church Stuttgart into the marriage register in Graben.
The Hospital Church was initially a towerless, three-aisled late Gothic hall church with a single-nave long choir, which the builder Aberlin Jörg ( collegiate church , Leonhard's Church ) had built for the Dominican order between 1471 and 1493 . After the monastery was dissolved during the Reformation , a hospital was set up in the empty buildings . The church became a parish church of the collegiate parish and received a tower on the south side of the choir in the 17th century. Only a few pieces of the original equipment have survived. Including the Sachsenheim altar from 1489 and tombs from the 16th and 17th centuries. The choir stalls were set up in the Leonhardskirche after the Second World War.(Wikipedia)
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Heinrich 2 marriage in Graben 1868 102550540 page 68 |
Ulrich Neitzel:
No. 68
Time of funeral: 27 December [1870], 3 p.m.
Date of death: 25 December 1870, 1:30 (?)
Name, occupation and residence of the deceased: Carl Sigmund Zimmern, high scool student (Lyzeist) in Karlsruhe, legitimate unmarried son of the local pastor Heinrich Zimmern and of the late Ida née Reichard
Age: 16 years, 4 months, 24 days
Remark: buried by Dean Sachs in (from?) Deutschneureuth (Teutschneureut)
<signed> H. Zimmern, pastor
Comment: From the Zimmern eulogy it is known that Carl died of typhoid fever.
Ulrich Neitzel:
No. 20
Time of funeral: 17 September [1872], 3 p.m.
Date of death: 15 September 1872, 11:30 p.m.
Name, occupation and residence of the deceased: Karolina Zimmern née Walther, widow of the late professor and councillor at the Superior Appellate Court Dr, Sigmund Wilhelm Zimmern in Jena
Age: 76 years, 5 months, 7 days
<signed> H. Zimmern, pastor
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Johann Heinrich Conrad Zimmern age 71 d 21 Dec 1896 Graben film 102118620 page 634 pg 2 |
Ulrich Neitzel:
No. 37Time of funeral: 23 December [1896], 2 p.m.
Day of death: 21 December, 6 a.m.
Name, profession and residence of the deceased: Johann Heinrich Conrad Zimmern, pastor in this congregation, husband of Sophie née Knapp from Stuttgart
Age: 71 years, 4 months, 14 days
<signed> Hagmaier, vicar
Curriculum vitae of the deceased dean and pastor in the local parish Johann Heinrich Conrad Zimmern
On December 21, 1896, at 6 o'clock in the morning, Heinrich Johann Conrad Zimmern, who preached the Gospel to the Graben congregation with great earnestness, unwavering determination and faithfulness for almost 38 years, passed away to eternal life. He was born August 7th, 1825 in Heidelberg as the son of the Doctor of Law Sigmund Zimmern, private lecturer at the university there, later professor in Jena. After studying in Marburg, Berlin and Heidelberg, he first entered the service of the Baden State Church as a vicar in Emmendingen, and after two years was transferred as a pastor to Buchenberg in the Black Forest, where he worked in blessing for five years, and on January 11, 1859, God's hand led him here to Graben.
On the 25th anniversary of his activity in the local parish, the congregation prepared an uplifting jubilee celebration for its faithful pastor, which was probably one of his most beautiful life experiences. In paternal loyalty, he lived through good and bad days with the congregation, including the war year 1870 with its heavy worries, which the Lord, however, averted in Graben. All of the 70 sons of Graben who participated in the war were allowed to return home. The deceased experienced the joy of seeing a beautiful new church being built before his eyes, which took 3 years because the war reduced the manpower. The laying of the foundation stone and later the consecration of the bells were followed by the festive consecration of the church on October 19, 1873. The community owes to the deceased the foundation of a public library, a young people's association and trombone choir, as well as the establishment of a regulated nursing care. On July 23, 1886 the first deaconess of the parish started her work and in August 1896 she was joined by a second one. In 1881, the deceased was elected Dean of the Diocese of Karlsruhe-Land and attended the General Synod three times as a member. In recognition of his faithful service, His Royal Highness the Grand Duke awarded him the Knight's Cross of the Lion of Zähringen I Class.
Until two years ago, the deceased was allowed to fulfill his office in full sprightliness and with great joy. From then on, his strength began to waver, so that he had to ask for the help of a vicar. He was graciously spared severe suffering by the Lord, but he went through a serious test of patience, as a recurring chronic catarrh caused him inhibition. The last months he spent in increasing weakness, until the call of the Lord went out to him and he was led unexpectedly fast to his blessed destination. His end was full of peace - a seal on his God-blessed life. With great participation his mortal remains were buried in the local churchyard on December 23 at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. There he rests at the side of his first wife, his mother and his eldest son, who preceded him into eternity as a 16-year-old youth on the feast of Christ in 1870. - His memory remains in blessing.
"Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on. Yes, says the Spirit, they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them." Revelation chap. 13, verse 14
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Sophie Zimmern death 25 July 1900 age 71 father Albert Knapp in Graben film 102118620 page 649 |
Translation by Robert Seal:
Number: 429.
Burial date: 25 July [1900].
Death date: 22 July [1900].
Decedent: Zimmern, Sofie, née Knapp, widow of Dean Heinrich Zimmern in Graben.
Age: born 18 July 1829, in Sulz am Neckar. [71 years, 4 days].
Remarks: Maÿer from Durlach for Mühlhäußen. Rapp.
Kent to Robert, any idea what this phrase means?
Maÿer from Durlach for Mühlhäußen. Rapp.
Robert Seal answer:
Maÿer is likely the minister who buried Sofie (Knapp) Zimmern.
Look at this same column in entry 424 above. In this entry is says: Dean Maÿer for Mühlhäußen.
So we know that Maÿer is a dean and it appears that he is substituting for someone named Mühlhäußen.
Durlach is approximately 11 miles south of Graben. Here is the link from Meyers Gazetteer:
So, Dean Maÿer from Durlach is likely filling in for Mühlhäußen.
Also look in this same column in entries 422 and 423 where the name "Rapp" is recorded, the same as in your record.
Note however that in your record "Rapp" is written in a different hand and a darker ink, almost as if he is signing off on the entire page at a later date.