Friday, January 31, 2020

Anna Sidler 1644-1699

Anna was Jakob and Vronegg's last child. She was born when Jakob was 36. Anna's mother Vronegg died when Anna was 13. Jakob didn't remarry which was unusual for the time. Anna Sidler married Jacob Haberling 6 Dec 1664. They had four children. Two of them died in infancy. Jacob Haberling's father was Rudolf Haberling: LHTW-RS1

12.05.1644 Anna, oo 06.12.1664 Jakob Häberling, + 13.04.1699 [Anna is no longer mentioned in the population register of 1649 - died between 1647 and 1649 (the death register has gaps in this period)? On the other hand, according to the register of the dead, she dies in 1699 at the age of 55, which fits with a birth in 1644].

On 13 April Anna Sidler, Jacob Haberling, Ottenbach
passed after widower about 55 years old.

During their lives:
1639 Hans Muller was a powerful factor in the Mennonite Church and so zealous were the officers to find him, that like ravening wolves they ran through his neighbors' houses to find him. He had escaped from his house and when they came to it and broke it open and found he was gone, they broke open chests and drawers and took all the property they could get. They threatened his little children with bare swords that "they would kill them if they did not reveal his whereabouts." They took his wife and put her bound in the loathsome Ottenbach prison. Then a proclamation was announced in the Reformed churches of Zurich, that no one would be allowed to lodge or give food or drink to Hans Muller, from the Groeningen Bailiwick under severe penalty.  Then they deceived him and sent abroad a proclamation that he would  be allowed a three weeks' safe conduct to argue with him, if he came forth. He trusted this and went to the convent specified to discuss the matter but as he was about to leave he was arrested in breach of faith and taken to Ottenbach; imprisoned 60 weeks, of which he spent 16 weeks in chains. (Mirror, p. 1053)
1640 In Ottenbach there are 52 adults, 42 single, 319 inhabitants, 6.1 per household or 52 homes in the community. (Ottenbach Told by Bernard Schnider and Salomon Schneider and Erika Schmid)
1689 - 1694 Hunger crisis leads to large population losses
1661  Construction of the first Ottenbach schoolhouse
1645 - 1647 Construction of a mill wheel on the Reuss river
1638   Construction of the Ottenbach rectory. (Ottenbach Municipality Website)

Documents related to Anna Sidler:

Anna Sidler birth 12 May 1644 film 8014328 page 145
Den 12.ten tag Maÿens [1644] (
The 12th day of May)
Parents: Jaglj Sÿdler der Wagner, Vronseck Vl(?) Vrmerin
Kinder: Anna
Heinrich Grob der Müller, Anna Lüßin vß der Baregg
I am not sure about the meaning of the Vl(?): should this indicate she is Uli's daughter? This would confirm that the Vronegg born 1605 is the correct one.
Note: In these records, U is usually written as V … Vli instead of Uli … if you cancel the i we have Vl … just an asumption (as I cannot think of anything else).
Kent: Jaglij is another word for Jakob. Heinrich Grob, ID: LJYZ-45Z

1664 Jacob Haberling Anna Sidler marriage 6 December
film 008014328 page 347 

I just had a look at Bevölkerungsverzeichnisse 1670: there (in the titel page) it explicitely states Haushaltungen = households.

1679 Bevölkerungsverzeichnisse religious abbreviations Film 007765846 page 380
Nota. (transcription)
Explicatio numerorum et abbreviaturarum per totum Catalogum observanda.
Numerus parentibus praefixus denotat familias in quovis page.Numerus liberis in medio praefixus indicat annos aetatis eorum.Abbreviatturae postpositae innuunt scientiam ipsorum Catecheticam hoc modo notatam.
… Tenent et recitant …
Explanation of the numbers and abbreviations to be observed throughout the catalogue.
A number in front of the parents identifies the families on each page.
The number preceding the children in the centre indicates their age.
The following abbreviations indicate their catechetical knowledge labelled in this way.
... They understand and recite ...
Or.Do. >>> Orationem Dominicam (Sunday Prayer)
Symb. >>> Symbolum Apostolicum (Confession of faith)
Deca. >>> Decalogum (The Ten Commandments) >>> Catechismum majorem integrum (Complete Large Catechism)
Q.CM.C. >>> Quaestiones Catechismi majoris ascriptas (Questions about the Large Catechism)
Testi. >>> Testimoniae Scripturaer Sacrae (The testimony of the Holy Scriptures) >>> Fragmentae usquae ad Deca. Symb. Or.Do. (Fragments of the Ten Commandments, Confession of faith and Sunday Prayer)
Commu. >>> Communicantes coelibes ante S. [….] examinandi (Unmarried communicants prior to the ... exam)

1670 Anna Sidler Jacob Haberling Bevölkerungsverzeichnis
Ottenbach 07765846 page 381

Anna Sidler burial 13 April 1699 film 8014328 page 389, 
second entry
den 13. Apr(il) [1699]
Anna Sÿdlerin, Jagli Heberlings S(elig) von Otenbach nachgelaßne Witfrauw. aet(atis) 55.
Notes: So this would fit a birth year about 1644: are we sure, Jakob's daughter (baptized 12.05.1644) is the only Anna born within +/- 1 year? Remember the 2 Hans Sidler born both 1583 to different parents? If there is no other Anna in the records, we just have a contradiction between Bevölkerungsverzeichnis and church records. How could that happen? Being very imaginative I could think of half a dozen possible errors - none of them being very likely, however. I guess we'll just have to live with this mystery 😉.
I have adapted my comment in Geneal-Forum and left this open.

Sidler and Hegetschweiler Temple Record Book by Julius Billeter pages 11 and 12