2. Audience: all levels
3. Description: It isn't as hard as it sounds. You can organize, categorize and digitize your histories, research photos, and random papers quickly and efficiently with the help of some new amazing machines. The great thing is that is is completely free. Sounds difficult? It isn't. Once it is all done you have immediate access to all records and photos. No more sorting through boxes and albums. You can easily share your research with Family Tree or others working on the same lines. You will sleep better at night knowing you have backed up all your work.
1. Title: Digital Scottish Research
2. Audience: all Levels
3. Description: Scotland is known worldwide for its excellent family history records. What makes Scottish records so good? What are the best ways of accessing, evaluating and saving Scottish records? Once you have found the birth, marriage and death records, what other resources are available?
Come see how to use ScotlandsPeople to find primary source records for your ancestors. This is a site that requires payment. In spite of that, how can you search for free to find records you are looking for so you and don't waste time and money paying for records that don't fit? What other resources are there in Scotland for maps, histories and photographs? Once you have collected everything available, how do you put it all together into a book or video to give family members a picture of what life was like for your ancestors?
1. Title: Creating Your Own Online Family History Film Library
2. Audience: all levels
3. Description: This class will cover all aspects of working with family history videos and publishing them online. This includes the basics of transferring VHS tapes to your computer, creating video slideshows with music, taping relative interviews, editing video footage for inspirational impact, capturing special moments on videotape, free resources for enhancing video, online storage and retrieval, sharing videos on social media and websites, and backing up your library. In short, making a meaningful online family history library of all of your videos which is instantly accessible to your family and friends.

1. Title: Inspiring the Next Generation by Publishing Family History Picture Books
2. Audience: all levels
3. Do you want to inspire the next generation of family historians? One way to do so is by publishing "A Family History Picture Book." Would you like to make a professional quality picture book? It isn't that hard. This session will include book formats, story lines, photo labeling, text considerations, book jacket styles and publishing options with archival quality paper.