The following photo is Jacob Bachman's brother's family possibly taken in 1884 7 years after the death of Anna Maria:
Note: The Bachman's in Europe and America are related! How do we know this? Because Steve Bingham took the time to go to Switzerland and find out first hand how we are related.
Here are journal entries from Steve's visit to Switzerland in the early 1972.
Diary: My visit to Verena's birthplace in Switzerland. I
traveled with my then wife to Aargau Kanton Switzerland in July 1972
when I was 28. The following is what I wrote about that visit:
Switzerland, the foremost historian of Aargau Kanton helped me find the
Bachmann home in Wiliberg. The Bachmanns, although citizens of
Bottenwil, have lived in Wiliberg for many hundreds of years. We drove
to Wiliberg and asked an elderly resident if there were any Bachmanns
still living in Wiliberg. He said that the last Bachmann family had
moved out around 1920, but they still owned some forest nearby. Also,
he directed us to the Bachmann home where Verena Bachmann Hill was born
and where the brothers, Jakob and Hans Rudolf had lived before they
joined the Church and before Jakob left for the USA.
The house is very big and still in good shape, having been enlarged and
remodeled from time to time. It is not the only house on the hillside;
in fact, there are houses on either side of the old Bachmann home. One
house is inhabited by a Suter family, but I don't know whether they are
relations of Elisabetha Suter, Verena's mother. The Bachmann home is
not on top of a hill as I had previously read; it is on the slope. In
fact, we had to come down the slope quite a ways from the elderly
gentleman's home to find the Bachmann home. The little valley that
includes Wiliberg could be out of a storybook or a National Geographic
magazine. It is green and beautiful. When I saw the home and valley, I
felt I knew the sacrifice that Jakob and his wife had made-- to leave
this paradise and follow their faith to Utah. Now, of course, I would
rather live in the USA, but back in those days Utah was such a hard and
barren land that I am sure Jakob often wondered if he had made the right
We climbed the hill again, and at the top we looked over into another valley at the church at Reitnau where the Bachmanns had attended and where the children were christened. I would estimate that the church is 2 miles from the home, but I could be off on this. Our historian friend said that there has been a church standing on this site since 1045 A.D. (I believe that was the date.) At any rate it was a very historical chapel.
We found Erich Bachmann, a great-grandson of Hans Rudolf, in Kölliken about 5 miles from Wiliberg.
Evidently Hans Rudolf's younger son (also named Jakob, the same name as his uncle, our ancestor, who had left for America) had moved to Kölliken to be closer to the railway as he had begun to branch out from forestry to transporting. At this time he was interested in importing McCormick farm implements.
Erich was this nephew Jakob's grandson. Erich was about 36-years old, and his wife, Suzy, about 27. They had been married about 4 years-- the Swiss not marrying as early as we Americans. Erich confirmed that his grandfather Jacob, had an older brother who had settled elsewhere in Switzerland, and that there had been a number of sisters, 4 of whom never married. Thus, this explains why Hans Rudolf had somewhat fewer descendants in Switzerland than our Jakob has in the USA-- that and with the older marrying age.
Erich's father, Jakob's son, had died 6 years ago of a heart attack and the transport business had grown considerably under Erich's leadership since then. Erich has a brother who is a driver for the company. Because of the exorbitant rent rates in Switzerland, Erich, his wife, his mother, his brother and brother's family all live in the same large home in Kölliken. Furthermore, the Bachmanns rent out an additional portion of the house. Also, come to think of it, the home housed the company's office and a workshop!
Erich was quite well off, having a number of trucks and sightseeing buses. He was glad to meet us and very hospitable. The next day after we had met him, he had an English-speaking friend (and employee) show us around and interpret for us. The friend drove us (very fast) to Lake Lucerne, Brünig Mountain, and Bözberg, where our great-great grandmother Elisabetha Suter was from. In Unterbözberg, we talked to the mayor who was just recovering from a "100 years' Bözberg celebration" and was at that moment in his cherry tree. He said that the Suter family that we were concerned about had left Bözberg many years ago and had settled in another Swiss town. He seemed to know just which Suter family was ours-- the family whose daughter had gone to America. I guess it was a rare thing in those early days for the comfortable Swiss to leave their country; so, again, I believe that shows the dedication and determination of those early Swiss Mormon immigrants.
The last evening we joined Erich, Suzy, and our interpreter for a fondue dinner in a spectacular mountaintop restaurant. Our conversation was interesting-- my wife, Linda, a French teacher, conversed with Suzy in French. Erich and I used the translation skills of the interpreter, Linda, and Suzy to communicate in English and Swiss-German. I had a feeling that Erich understood a lot more French and English than he let on.
Erich was very interested in the story of Jakob and Elisabetha's trials in America, and he was very interested in getting a copy of any genealogy that we might have. He and his English-speaking friend were interested in the Church and I believe that we changed a few opinions in this respect. Erich asked why Hans Rudolf had not remained a Mormon, and we could only give him our supposition that times were tough for Mormons in those days, and there were many temptations to try one's faith.
I hope to correspond with Erich and his wife and eventually see him again.
One more thing-- Erich mentioned that they had Hans Rudolf's tombstone in their house. I didn't understand why. Steven R. B.
Bachmann family began a business in Switzerland and much to my delight,
someone has made neat little models of the Bachmann rolling stock:
Werner Bachmann (b 1908 - 1965) began the family business:
They now own a major trucking company in Europe: This is not a small company:
Bachmans in Switzerland:
Emma's father Jacob Bachman had a brother named Hans Rudolf Bachman 1796 - 1858. m Anna
Maria 1812,- 1877.
They both joined the church and Jacob came to Utah while Hans stayed in Switzerland. Here is the Swiss part of the Bachman family (Spelled Bachmann in Switzerland)
Hans Birth, 03 Apr 1796Bottenwil, Aargau, Swit, Christening, 03 APR 1796Bottenwil,Aargau,Switzerland,
Death, 23 Sep 1858Wiliberg, Aargau, Weitz.
Born in Wiliberg, Aargau, Switzerland on 3 Apr 1796 to Rudolf Bachmann and Verena Hochuli.Hans Rudolf married Elisabeth Aerny and had a child.
He passed away on 23 Sep 1858 in Bottenwil, Aargau, Switzerland.
To see their website:
They both joined the church and Jacob came to Utah while Hans stayed in Switzerland. Here is the Swiss part of the Bachman family (Spelled Bachmann in Switzerland)
Hans Birth, 03 Apr 1796Bottenwil, Aargau, Swit, Christening, 03 APR 1796Bottenwil,Aargau,Switzerland,
Death, 23 Sep 1858Wiliberg, Aargau, Weitz.
Born in Wiliberg, Aargau, Switzerland on 3 Apr 1796 to Rudolf Bachmann and Verena Hochuli.Hans Rudolf married Elisabeth Aerny and had a child.
He passed away on 23 Sep 1858 in Bottenwil, Aargau, Switzerland.
To see their website:
Phone: | *062 737 50 50 | ||
*062 737 50 60 History
1933 Company founded by Werner Bachmann
1936 First coach with an interchangeable tipper body
![]() 1959 Introduction of the first tanker for liquid fuels ![]() 1962 The small business becomes a limited company 1965 Unexpected death of the company founder, Werner Bachmann, at the age of 57. His sons, Erich and Kurt Bachmann, take over the running and expansion of the company.
1968 The move towards professional bulk logistics – use of the first bulk transporter
1973 Withdrawal from the tourism market and sale of coaches
1979 Start of combined road-rail transport
![]() 1985 First milk powder transport operations in special bulk transporters for foodstuffs 1996 Creation of Bachmann AG, Transporte International 2003 Sale of Bachmann AG, Transporte International to Bertschi AG in Dürrenäsch and concentration on bulk transport of foodstuffs both nationally and internationally. 2004 New generation. Philipp Bachmann (son of Erich Bachmann) takes over control 2008 The company celebrates its 75th anniversary ![]() Translation of the above:
Correct niche Bachmann AG is now one of the leading bulk
Logis theorists of Switzerland
Early innovative The traditional Kölliker Transport Bachmann
AG has moved to new headquarters in the hard field and thus not only doubles
the capacity .
" Thanks to various innovations we are among the
leading providers of silo food transportation in Switzerland . " Philipp
Bachmann leads the company in its third generation
Company History
1933 Werner Bachmann founded the company and led from first
shipments for the brick factory Kölliken.
1959 A tanker trucks for liquid fuels and fuels is
1965 The company founder Werner Bachmann dies at age of 57
years. His sons Kurt and Erich assume.
1968 The first silo is purchased, although not yet existing
1979 Start of combined transport rail-road.
2003 Focus on silo food transportation nationally and
2016 move into the new logistics center at the Hard field in
We are very happy that we were able to build such a great
new company headquarters, "says Philipp Bachmann, who manages the company
in its third generation. "We owe this also to my grandfather, the founder
of the company, because he was then shown great courage and vision." When
in 1933 he founded the company and an old farmhouse bought at the Mühlegasse in
Kölliken, included a piece of land at the Hard box to. That there once the new
headquarters will be built, nobody thought at that time. Today it is a fact.
Ten years ago, Bachmann AG opened up along with the Fenaco and the Commune
Kölliken Hard field. The Fenaco built the Landi, the town sold the land to the
Quali-Night and Bachmann AG began planning for the new headquarters. In March
2013, it came to the planning application and scarce three months later, the
building permit was issued. then took place in March 2014, the groundbreaking
ceremony and after only 13 months of construction, the staff was able to move
into the new building. "With the move to the new logistics center, we double our capacity," Philip Bachmann
would. New, the company has a total of 10 000 m² of warehouse space. If the
boss is talking about the new building, then his eyes light up. "Thanks to
various innovations we are among the leading providers of silo food
transportation in Switzerland." Sugar, milk powder, coffee, rice, flour,
and also feed among the goods on its transport and logistics, the company
focuses. Unique throughout Switzerland are also two new silos (100 m³) for the
loose intermediate storage of high-quality bulk in the new construction.
"When this area develops the way we imagine, we can here to expand even
further." The foundation is designed for six silos. "In Switzerland
we are the first service provider to offer such an interim storage." The
Bachmann AG has always been very innovative. The Un
company bought for example in 1968 the first silo without
having ever had an order in this division. "The courage was
rewarded," says Philipp Bachmann. "How many other choices that we
like." The New
construction in Hard box has cost 13.5 million Swiss francs
and was for a further approximately 1.5 million Swiss francs also refurbished.
"At the old location we came to our limits," Philipp Bachmann looks
back. "The move is also an asset to residents Mühlengasse because there
exists now a lot less traffic. "
we double our capacity , " Philip Bachmann would . New
, the company has a total of 10 000 m² of warehouse space . If the boss is
talking about the new building , then his eyes light up . " Thanks to
various innovations we are among the leading providers of silo food
transportation in Switzerland . " Sugar, milk powder , Kaf fairy, rice,
flour , and also feed among the goods on its transport and logistics , the
company focuses . Unique throughout Switzerland are also two new silos ( 100 m³
) for the loose intermediate storage of high-quality bulk in the new
construction . " When this area develops the way we imagine , we can here
to expand even further . " The foundation is designed for six silos .
"In Switzerland we are the first service provider to offer such an interim
storage . " The Bachmann AG has always been very innovative. The company
bought for example in 1968 the first silo without having ever had an order in
this division . " The courage was rewarded ," says Philipp Bachmann .
" How many other choices that we like . " The New
construction in Hard box has cost 13.5 million Swiss francs
and was for a further approximately 1.5 million Swiss francs also refurbished.
" At the old location we came to our limits ," Philipp Bachmann looks
back . " The move is also an asset to residents Mühlengasse because there
exists now a lot less traffic . "
Kölliken , today Saturday, May 21, 10 until 15 o'clock , the
open day at the Bachmann AG in Hard Field
(Notes under the 3 photos)
Management of Bachmann AG : ( v. L . ) : René Tresch ,
Philipp Bachmann and Christoph Feremutsch .
The employees of the new logistics center invite milk powder
from sacks in the Silolastwagen .
Newly decorated : modern IT simplifies the work in the
warehouse and in accounting.