The 1900 census the family is living in Big Creek, Neosho, Kansas and lists both parents as being born in Ohio with the following family members: Charles, John, Perry and George are farm laborers.
George born May 1844, 56 years old (they have been married 22 years)
Rachel born June 1854 45 yerars old
Perry August 1883 16 years old
Anna P March 1885 14 years old
John F Nov 1887 12 years old
Charles L Dec 1889 10 years old
Calvin C Feb 1894 6 years old
The father and mother in law are also listed
Harvey Underhill Oct 1821 78 years old
Anna A Underhill Sep 1824 75 years old
On his draft registration in 1917 - 18 he is a clerk for the Union Pacific RR. He is tall, medium build with blue eyes and dark hair. He was a Sargent in WWI according to his headstone.
In the 1920 census it lists his brother Perry as head of the home with his mother Rachel Singer. They live in Salina, Kansas where Perry is a teacher at a business college. "Clay" or Clayton is doing clerical work at the UPRR.
Perry (brother) 36 years old
Rachel (mother) 65
Clay (himself) 25
Jennie Underhill (aunt) 67
George (son) 7
Mary C (daughter) 5 years old
He is found in Ogden in 1921 on March 1 marrying Rowena Reeder. After the wedding they leave for Salina, Kansas to make their home.
In the 1930 census he is living in Grant Neosho, Kansas and lists himself as married. He is an uncle to the wife of the family he is living with namely George and Ruby Ellis. He lists his occupation as paralytic.
adjective: paralytic
of or relating to paralysis.
"the incidence of paralytic disease"
synonyms: | paralyzed, crippled, disabled, incapacitated, powerless, immobilized, useless |
In the 1930 census no spouse is mentioned.
Clayton marries Marion Hutchinson in 1943 and the marriage is dissolved December 1970.
From at least 1951 to 1953 Clayton and Marion are living at 1700 Don Carlos Avenue, Glendale, CA
Clayton dies in Garden Grove, CA 13 March 1973 at 79 years of age. He is buried in the Forest Lawn Memorial Park (Cypress)
1900 census
Extract of 1900 census:
1905 Kansas census:
1905 Kansas census extract:
1917 - 1918 draft registration
1920 census
1921 Salina Kansas city directory: (can this be true? apparently the man who is to marry Rowena is already married to Dollie and is living in the same town Rowena and Clayton will move to after their March marriage)
6 Mar 1921 Ogden Standard Examiner, Tuesday of that week is March 1st.
1930 census
1951 Clayton is living in Glendale with his second wife, Glendale directory:
1953 Glendale directory
1700 Don Carlos Avenue, Glendale
Second divorce: Clayton born 1894 is married to Marion Hutchinson born 1898 in 1943 and the marriage is dissolved December 1970.

1973 SS death index:
Birth: | Feb. 18, 1894 | ||||||||||
Death: | Mar. 13, 1973 | ||||||||||
Burial: Forest Lawn Memorial Park (Cypress) Cypress Orange County California, USA Plot: Garden of Protection, Lot 6295, Space 3 | |||||||||||