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1953 U of U Yearbook |
Myrle Low was born May 24, 1916 in Paris, Idaho to Morris David Low and Beatrice Lenore Gardiner. She died February 28, 2013. Myrle lived most of her life in Salt Lake City, Utah.
She graduated from the University of Utah and served in the United States Navy during World War II in Washington, D.C.
She graduated from the University of Utah and served in the United States Navy during World War II in Washington, D.C.
Myrle was an administrator at the University of Utah for many years, overseeing the summer school and the Japanese exchange student program. She also worked for a short time at the University of California at Berkeley.
Myrle served on the LDS Young Women General Board on the music committee. Her love of music led to her association with the Utah Oratorio Society, where she served as president, and to her playing the piano and organ for many events.
Myrle served on the LDS Young Women General Board on the music committee. Her love of music led to her association with the Utah Oratorio Society, where she served as president, and to her playing the piano and organ for many events.
She also served as the Salt Lake County Republican Party Legislative District chairman. In her later years she became an Avon representative and a docent at the LDS Museum of Church History.
Myrle is survived by her nieces Laura Dene Low Card, Christie Ann Christensen Paris, Karen Low Spence, and Christine Susan Low Andrews; her nephew David Morris Low; and her sisters-in-law Chloe Bertelsen Low, and Mona Low; and several great-nieces and nephews. Myrle is preceded in death by her brothers Gordon Morris Low, David Stewart Low, and Howard Low, her parents Morris David Low and Beatrice Lenore Gardiner Low, and her step-mother Myrtle Hoff Pendry Low.
Funeral services will be at the Larkin Mortuary at 260 East South Temple in Salt Lake City at 2:00 p.m on Wednesday, March 6. There will be viewing from 12:30 to 1:45 p.m. at the mortuary.
Funeral note: They told a story of her being invited to Japan by the exchange students she had assisted at the U Of U; They put her up in a Hotel with its marquee reading "Welcome Merle Low"---pretty neat, if you ask me.
From the Diary of Beatrice Lenore Gardiner Low
Our Little Mytle came to us a 2:20 Wednesday Morning May 24, 1916. A beautiful nine lb. baby with lots of black hair and big wide dark eyes.
She hasn't shown any of her mother's traits, even her little round head is her father's and she chews her toungue just as he does. She never keeps us up at night and wakens every morning with a smile. She coos just like a turtle dove and sings her little song when she is going to sleep.
She grows half a pound a week and at three months, weisghs a loittle over 14 lbs. and is 25 inches long.
At four months, she likes to hold her bottle with both and hands and tries to feed herself. She plays with her two rattles just fine and can sit up quite straight in the buggy. She can push one her geet till she stands up, then how she giggles just like a year old child. She and her mother have lots of good times. we put her in her short cloths on Sunday Oct 1 when she was 4 months and a week old.
I trimmed her hair off by her ears some few weeks ago and now it reachs the bottom of her ears again. The back hair hangs away down her shoulders. When in her buggy, she tries to get up and can raise herself a little way.
Grandpa Low blessed her on June 11, 1916. Mr. Erickson and Daddy assisted.
at Five months, she is 25 3/4 in. long. She has two rattles and a rubber doll which she chews while sitting in her carriage.
Aunt Eva and mother tried to weigh her Nov. 11 and made it 20bls. but she wiggled so that we couldn't tell exactly. Mr. Torgeson took her picture Nov 15.
We mustn't forget her first gifts -- comb, brush and rattle from Mrs. Cassie Campblell, 2 gold pins from Aunt Maggie Jedge, 2 abalone pins from Aunt Janey Kent, 2 pr. silk stockings from Keren Skidnore, a little spoon from Mrs. W. W. Richards. Aunt Nellie Gardiner gave her a pair of silk stokings.
She spent her first Christmas in Logan with just Daddy and Maura. Santa brought her lots of thing--a candy rabbit in the toe of her stocking, a big swan and two little ones to sail in her tub and a sailboart from Robert Kenneth, two bibs, one from Billy and Stewart, a veil of white chiffon, and a Santa Clause rolly noly. She likes the Santa because her is dressed in red and is so nice to chew, and when she drops him, he stands right up again.
Maura cut her hair Dutch crop on Thankgiving Day and although she did it with qulams of conscience, she is glad now for hte little girls looks so much neater. Her hair was bginning to rub off at the back and looed so shaggy.
She rides on her daddy's or mamma's shoulder and oh, she likes it. She smiles all the time. At Chrismas, she could scold and bbbbbdada. Later she said baba but now tell her to say papa and she will. I wonder how long it will last and she will pick up something else.
Sat. jan. 2o she started saying mama and when she cries, it's mama, papa. She doesn't chew her tongue any more. Sha a little chair up on the table to serve as high chair and is so good in it. She has worn out two pair fo white kid shoes. Her mother is embroidering a little white dress for her to wear next summer.
Sat. Feb 17 - Her first tooth came through
Sat Feb 24 - 9 months old
Sat March 10 - Her papa has taught her to kiss him and now when we ask her to, she leans over for a kiss.
She can clap her hands and tries to comb her hair.
Three weeks after the first tooth, the second once came through in in two weeks, another and now she has five - 2 below and three at the top.
Daddy made her a little pen where she can sit and play or walk around the sides. It is padded with a quilt in case of falls or bumps.
May 24 - For her birthday, Grandma Low gave her a dollar, Papa put $1.75 to it and bought her a locket but Aunt Maggie and Aunt Eva sent her a locket with "M" engraved on it so Papa took her back to the store. Rachel sent her a pair of silk stockings.
Her first sick spell -- Mother tried to wean her baby the 3rd of June but it didn't agree with her and we nearly lost her. Had two doctors to look at her and a nurse. She was ill for two weeks and lost all of her dimples. She became so thin -- Oh, pool little Firl! Mother gladly gave her the bottle back again. She is picking up quickly now.
(These excerpts from Grandmother's diary were found typed and computer generated among Aunt Myrle's items when she passed.)
1920 census:
1930 census:
1934 Apr 27 Soda Springs Sun
1941 SLC Dir
1944 Myrle Low
1944 Nov 23 Soda Springs Sun, ID
1946 Learning Something New by Myrle Low
Contributed By AndrewsChris1 · 2013-05-07 17:30:52 GMT+0000 (UTC) · 0 Comments
I don’t know of a city where it is possible to learn more than in Washington, D. C., and in practically all fields. For sheer beauty of nature and architecture, there is not another city in the United States that can compare. In spite of the hindrance to motorists that the numerous circles on the intersections are reputed to be, they lend enchantment to the city. And the many parks give Washington a refreshing appearance, even on those days when the humidity reaches its highest point.
Unlike many people in the service, I was thrilled with my assignment to the capital city. In fact, I asked for it. When I arrived at Union Station, with two other WAVES who were as bewildered as I, my education began. Right away I was initiated into the mysteries of how to find one’s way around Washington. The three of us were fortunate perhaps in securing a taxi whose driver must have been a guide on sight-seeing tours at some time in his life. As we dodged in and out of the traffic and swung from a narrow street on to a broad sweeping boulevard, he kept up a continuous stream of talk about the buildings we glimpsed as we rushed past. The only one I got a good look at was the Lincoln Memorial, and then we were at the Naval Barracks and being assigned to quarters. Four of us were sent to barracks in another section of the city, almost in Maryland, and we rode out on famous Massachusetts Avenue past a great many embassies, which did not mean much to us that day, but we became better informed about them and about many of the homes of notable people that line “Mass” as it is affectionately called by the Washingtonians.
For the next two months, I underwent a continual process of orientation. A wonderful thing about Washington I soon learned is its excellent transit system. Once I had familiarized myself with the various bus routes, I had no further trouble until I tried to find my way to an unfamiliar section of the District.
On my first day off, which turned out to be a Sunday, I joined the mobs of sightseers and solemnly absorbed the beauty and magnificence and quiet dignity of the Lincoln Memorial with the graceful Memorial bridge spanning the Potomac just beyond it and the Washington Monument casting its reflection in the pool. This was my first encounter with great sculpturing and I could not get enough of it on this first visit, but had to return again and again during the course of my stay.
I had not been in Washington long until I became acquainted with Constitution Hall and the wonderful concerts that are presented there every year. I had had an opportunity to hear some of the artists in the West, but most of them I was acquainted with only through the radio, newspapers and magazines.
And then there was Andrew Mellon’s National Gallery of Art. Aside from the treasure its houses, the building itself is the most beautiful structure I have seen. As I had had very little experience with art, it was a little hard for me to appreciate all the paintings, but I went back many times until I learned about the characteristics of the various artists represented there. At that time a number of paintings from the Louvre in Paris, France, were in the national Gallery for safekeeping during the war years.
Probably the place to gain the most general knowledge is the Smithsonian Institute. I suppose there isn’t a phase of man’s progress that isn’t covered in this fascination group of buildings. I was extremely interested in the meteors displayed with the accounts of how they had been found and their weights. The prehistoric animals were quite intriguing, but a little bit frightening. It was interesting to be able to see at close range the various airplanes that have figured prominently in the aviation development, from the flimsy gliders, such as the Lilienthal, to the Spirit of St. Louis, and to compare them with our planes of today.
Yes, Washington, D. C., is a city in which to learn much if one will but avail himself of the many opportunities. It does not matter whether one’s interest lies in any one of the cultural arts, or in historical background, in pursuing a practical education, or in learning about people, Washington has it all with its many schools, art galleries, concert halls, museums, and its conglomerate and ever-changing populations.
1964 Nov 14 SL Trib
1965 SLC Dir
1970 SLC Dir Myrle