Click on the word or face of each family member to see their description and/or video.
The Brown Family History Quiz
The Iceman Cometh, or at least his ghost does
New Video: Dinner With Grandpa
Browns in Nauvoo
Glenn Goodman The Iceman Cometh, or at least his ghost does
New Video: Dinner With Grandpa
Browns in Nauvoo
Norma Jones
Click on cover to read online.

Suzanne Marie Brown Gardiner
James Brown--------------------------Marjorie Jones

Harold Brown-----------Mary Halls-------------- George Jones---------------Belva Wilcox

Charles Brown.Mary Halls.James Young.Lillian Hurst.William Jones.Martha Human.Thomas Wilcox.Eliza Criddle

Elder Vaughn J. Featherstone said, " The glory of God is portrayed in the lives of the Later-day Saint pioneer men, women and children who placed all they had on the alter. They were prepared to give everything, including their lives. This was a magnificent generation of common ordinary souls who were brought together through their faith in God and who moved forward to meet danger and trials. They were given a monumental work to do and they did it. I hope we will strive to pass on this marvelous heritage to our posterity." (Ensign, July, 1997);postID=4050037434440352427