Kathleen Martha D’Arc was born May 5, 1948 in Glendale, California, the third of 5 children of Vincent D’Arc, DDS, and Bess Marshall D’Arc. She attended Glendale schools and Glendale College before going to Brigham Young University. She married Robert D. Hagerty in 1969. Martha and Robert had five children and raised them in Glendale.
In addition to her role as wife and mother, Martha worked for many years. She found special satisfaction serving as secretary at the LDS Institute of Religion, first at Glendale College and later at The University of Southern California.
In 2015 Martha and Robert retired and moved to Pleasant Grove, Utah, to be near family. Martha used her musical gifts serving as organist in the Pleasant Grove 5th Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which she did until her passing.
Martha was blessed with great musical talent and an outstanding singing voice, which she used throughout her life in Church and in the community. She sang trios with her sisters at every opportunity, and played the piano and organ. Martha was also a talented cook and baker, film enthusiast, seamstress, and a devoted mother and grandmother.
Martha is survived by her husband of 50 years, Robert D. Hagerty, siblings Christine d’Arc Taylor of Pacific Palisades, CA; James Vincent D’Arc of Orem, UT; Rosemary D’Arc Powell (Brant) of Veradale, WA, and children Robert Daniel Hagerty, MD (Rachelle) of Liberty Lake, WA; Aaron Dean Hagerty of Woodland Hills, CA; Kathleen Bess Wilson (Dennis) of Spanish Fork, UT; Maureen Ann Lyon (Jared) of Idaho Falls, ID; Jeannine Louise Hagerty of Pleasant Grove, UT; and ten beloved grandchildren.