Title: Historical Sketches of Walla Walla, Whitman, Columbia And Garfield Counties, Washington Territory, and Umatilla County
Author: Gilbert T. FrankPublication: Portland, Oregon, 1882
Page: Page 373
From FamilySearch: apparently 6 wives John L. Bear (Labrecht Bar, age 21), and his betrothed, Susanna (27) and her sister, Anna (33), went from Liverpool to New York aboard the ship The Underwriter (30 Mar 1860-1 May 1860) and they were married at sea by Elder James D. Ross.
Susanna and her 16 week old baby were killed on 13 June 1862 at the Morrisite Massacre in Weber, Utah. A Barbara Deithelm was also killed during the Morrisite Massacre. A Barbang (Barbara) Deithelm (59) was traveling on the same ship. She was traveling with John Deithelm (33), Catharina Deithelm (Age 25), and Mary Deithelm, (Age 28).
(Anderson Family Memorial at Soda Springs: "At South Weber, Utah, June 13-15, 1862, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson were in "The Morrisite Massacre." Mrs. Andersons chin was shot away with a canon ball that killed Mrs. Barbara Deithelm and Mrs. Joseph Marsh, fired by Gen. Robert T. Burtons Mormon Militia into a bowery of unarmed "Morrisites," June 13, because they refused to obey "Brighams" decrees after Johnstons Army had left Utah on account of the Civil War. Mrs. J. L. Bear and her baby were killed with another Cannon ball. Then many Morrisites with their own guns tried resistance. On the third day all surrendered under a White flag."
In his autobiography, John Bear describes the incident in more detail. He then says... "We arrived at Soda Springs close to Bear River, on the 3d of June, 1863. Indians must have left there only a few hours before, as there were yet live coals in the ash heaps. That very night it snowed three to four inches deep..." In the next paragraph he says, "My sickness increased, yea, got worse from day to day. I knew the cause was that freezing I had to endure that winter up in the canyon. Barbara Dielhelm, the daughter of that widow woman who was killed and buried with my wife at Weber, took care of me while I was sick, and indeed she could not have done any better if I had been one of her own people." Note: She was probably the passenger listed as Deithelm, Catharina (Age 25).
"The History of the Church" says that John L. Bear "left the state with the United States Army, under General Connors, when he (the general) established the military post at Soda Springs, Idaho." This happened in May, 1863. Here "John Bear married again and built up another home." He married Barbara Diethelm 12 October, 1863. Amelia was born on 28 November 1864 in Weber, Utah. John Jacob was born in 9 April 1867 and John Lebrick was born on 9 May 1869, in Soda Springs, Caribou, Idaho. The oldest son, Jacob, died in Agency, Missouri, when he was just four years old of croup according to J. L. Bear's autobiography.
In the spring of 1868, he met a group of Latter Day Saints who were camped above Soda Springs, a few of whom he had met in New York. On November 29, 1869, in Soda Springs, he was baptized, confirmed, and ordained an elder in the Reorganized Church. "He then lived on a farm near Agency, Missouri, with his wife "Barbara Dielhelm." Jacob John (the second Jacob) was born 31 January 1872. In January, unknown year, he became a missionary for the Church in Switzerland, and "as he was bidding good-bye to his wife and four little ones..." (Wife Barbara, Children Barbara, Amelia, John Lebrick, and Jacob John) He sailed on the "Atlantic" of the White Star Line. He was in Switzerland in February, 1873".
On 12 February 1873, John wrote to the Church and gave a graphic account of his voyage from America. In 1874 he was still in Geneva Switzerland. On 9 December 1874, he returned to the United States on the "Ohio" of the Red Star Line and arrived at Philadelphia on 22 December 1874. He arrived home to his farm in Agency (10 miles from St. Joseph) on 28 December 1874.
On 15 December 1875 Mary L. was born and on 7 April 1878, Lillie Maybell was born. On 7 November 1878, Barbara Diethelm died.
In 1880, John Lebrecht returned to Switzerland (and Germany) and according to the Church history, "He began to look about for homes for his children. Homes were offered at once to the two oldest girls (Barbara and Amelia) and two oldest boys (John and Jacob), but two remained, Mary, four years old, and Lillie, two." ... "Sister Hartman Nesser....offered to take the baby." "No satisfactory place offered for the four year old." But who eventually took care of Mary was never stated.
On 24 April 1880 he returned to Switzerland on the "Devonia" of the Cunard Line. He married Esther Salzman Spillman in Switzerland and Emma Lydia Bear was born on 27 January 1882. He returned to the United States in the spring of 1882; and Esther died 21 February 1891. At the time of her death, John was 52 years old.
Another marriage is listed for John Lebrecht at age 55 to Harriett A. Winans on 03 Mar 1894 at Chippewa Station, Osceola, Michigan.
“John Lebrecht Bear joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on 21 December 1856 at Zurich, Switzerland, and immigrated to Utah in 1859 (1860). He was baptized a member of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints on 29 November 1869 at Malad City, Oneida, Idaho, by Edmund C. Brand. He was confirmed by David H. Smith and E. C. Brand. John was ordained an elder on 29 November 1869 by E. C. Brand. He served a mission to Switerland and Germany as appointed by the 1872 Semi-Annual Conference, returning in 1874. He was ordained a seventy on 14 April 1880 at Plano, Kendall, Illinois, by John H. Lake, Mark H. Forscutt, and William H. Kelley. At the Semi-Annual Conference of 1880 he was again appointed to serve a mission to Switzerland and Germany. He attended the St. Joseph, Missouri Branch and the Independence, Missouri Branch.”
[lists 3 wives: Laura Ann Lunde, Esther Salzman & Harriet A. Bear]
John was 81 years old when he died

According to the RLDS "The History of the Church," John L. Bear immigrated from Switzerland to New York in 1859/1860 and from there went to Utah. He "joined the movement dissenting from the dominant church there under the leadership of Joseph Morris. In the Morrisite massacre, his young wife and infant child had been murdered..."
The "Morrissite massacre" happened on June 13, 1862 in South Weber, Utah, at Kingston Fort. One account of the incident stated that two women were killed and a young girl was injured when a cannon ball crashed into the fort.
This was probably Susanna Sidler whom he married on 16 January 1860, and their daughter Barbara who was born 18 April 1862 and died 24 February 1887 at the age of 25.
(Note: How can the daughter be "murdered and live to 1887?
"The History of the Church" goes on to say that John L. Bear "left the state with the United States Army, under General Connors, when he (the general) established the military post at Soda Springs, Idaho." This happened in May, 1863. Here "John Bear married again and built up another home."
He married Barbara Diethelm 12 October, 1862/63. Amelia was born on 28 November 1864 and John Lebrick was born on 9 May 1869 Soda Springs, Caribou, Idaho.
In the spring of 1868, he met a group of Latter Day Saints who were camped above Soda Springs, a few of whom he had met in New York. On November 29, 1869, in Soda Springs, he was baptized, confirmed, and ordained an elder in the Reorganized Church.
He then lived on a farm near Agency, Missouri, with his wife "Barbara Dielhelm." Jacob John was born 31 January 1872.
In January, unknown year, he became a missionary for the Church in Switzerland, and "as he was bidding good-bye to his wife and four little ones..." (Wife Barbara, Daughter Barbara, Amelia, John Lebrick, and Jacob John) He sailed on the "Atlantic" of the White Star Line. He was in Switzerland in February, 1873.
On 12 February 1873, John wrote to the Church and gave a graphic account of his voyage from America. In 1874 he was still in Geneva Switzerland. On 9 December 1874, he returned the the United States on the "Ohio" of the Red Star Line and arrived at Philadelphia on 22 December 1874. He arrived home to his farm in Agency (10 miles from St. Joseph) on 28 December 1874.
On 15 December 1875 Mary L. was born and on 7 April 1878, Lillie Maybell was born.
On 7 November 1878, Barbara Diethelm died.
In 1880, John Lebrecht returned to Switzerland (and Germany) and according to the Church history, "He began to look about for homes for his children. Homes were offered at once to the two oldest girls (Barbara and Amelia) and two oldest boys (John and Jacob), but two remained, Mary, four years old, and Lillie, two." ... "Sister Hartman Nesser....offered to take the baby." "No satisfactory place offered for the four year old." But who eventually took care of Mary was never stated.
On 24 April 1880 he returned to Switzerland on the "Devonia" of the Cunard Line. He married Esther Salzman Spillman in Switzerland and Emma Lydia Bear was born on 27 January 1882. He returned to the United States in the spring of 1882; and Esther died 21 February 1891. At the time of her death, John was 52 years old.
Another marriage is listed for John Lebrecht to Harriett A. Minnons, but no dates are given.
John was 81 years old when he died.
Partial list of those baptized into the Morrisites:
Utah History Information Center
call number: PAM 9569c1
[Gift of William Mulder]
Reorganized Church Library
Roll of Membership, Names of Persons Baptized into the Fulness of the
Published by Geo. S. Dove & Co. 1886 [8 pp.]
Roll of Membership
Names of persons baptized during the administration of Joseph Morris, at
South Weber, Utah Territory, in the years of 1861 and 1862.
Adams, William
Alvy, Richard D.
Alvy, Sarah
Anderson, Andrew
Anderson, Ann
Anderson, Niels
Anderson, Mary
Anderson, Matilda
Anderson, Christian
Anderson, Jorgen
Anderson, Maren
Anderson, Abelone
Anson, Mary
Armstrong, Anne C.
Astel, Joseph
Astel, Esther
Babbington, Thomas
Baker, Mary Ann
Banks, John
Bar, Labrach
Bar, Anne
Baxter, Agnes
Baxter, Henry
Beck, Niels R.
Bevington, Elizabeth
Bowen, James
Bowen, John
Passport declaration: Sidler, Anna, von Ottenbach, -, 33, mit ihrer Tochter Anna Hegetschweiler, 13, von Ottenbach, [gleichentags wie ihre Schwester Susanna [28] und deren Mann, Johann Lebrecht Bär, 21, von Affoltern am Albis], nach Amerika; 20.2.1860 (PP 38.54, Nr. 122).
Name: | John Lebrecht Bear |
Birth Date: | Sep 1838 |
Birth Place: | Affoltern, Zurich, Switzerland |
Death Date: | Dec 1919 |
Spouse: | Laura Ann Lunde |
2nd Spouse: | Esther Salzman (Bear) |
3rd Spouse: | Harriet A Bear |
Source: | Early Reorganization Minutes, 1852-1871, Book A, p. 474/ Early Reorganization Minutes, 1872-1905, Book C/ Zion's Ensign Obituaries, 30:832/ The History of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, p. 712/ RLDS Conference Minutes, 1872; 1880/ RLDS Church History, volume 3/ RLDS Church History, volume 4/ Pamphlet Catalog/ Journal of History-Bibliography/ Pearl Wilcox's Three Books of Biography/ Biographical Folders/ RLDS Authority Card Catalog/ Biographical Index, RLDS Card Catalog/ St. Joseph, Missouri, RLDS Branch Records/ Independence, Missouri, RLDS Branch Records/ Journal of History, 3:258-69, 383, 420-34; 4:79-92, 198-213, 317-37, 437-55; 5:2-29, 350; 16:169 |
Notes: | John Lebrecht Bear joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on 21 December 1856 at Zurich, Switzerland, and immigrated to Utah in 1859 (1860). He was baptized a member of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints on 29 November 1869 at Malad City, Oneida, Idaho, by Edmund C. Brand. He was confirmed by David H. Smith and E. C. Brand. John was ordained on elder on 29 November 1869 by E. C. Brand. He served a mission to Switerland and Germany as appointed by the 1872 Semi-Annual Conference, returning in 1874. He was ordained a seventy on 14 April 1880 at Plano, Kendall, Illinois, by John H. Lake, Mark H. Forscutt, and William H. Kelley. At the Semi-Annual Conference of 1880 he was again appointed to serve a mission to Switzerland and Germany. He attended the St. Joseph, Missouri Branch and the Independence, Missouri Branch. |
John L. Bear (Labrecht Bar, age 21), and his betrothed, Susanna (27) and her sister, Anna (33), went from Liverpool to New York aboard the ship The Underwriter (30 Mar 1860-1 May 1860) and they were married at sea by Elder James D. Ross.
Susanna and her 16 week old baby were killed on 13 June 1862 at the Morrisite Massacre in Weber, Utah. A Barbara Deithelm was also killed during the Morrisite Massacre. A Barbang (Barbara) Deithelm (59) was traveling on the same ship. She was traveling with John Deithelm (33), Catharina Deithelm (Age 25), and Mary Deithelm, (Age 28).
(Anderson Family Memorial at Soda Springs: "At South Weber, Utah, June 13-15, 1862, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson were in "The Morrisite Massacre." Mrs. Andersons chin was shot away with a canon ball that killed Mrs. Barbara Deithelm and Mrs. Joseph Marsh, fired by Gen. Robert T. Burtons Mormon Militia into a bowery of unarmed "Morrisites," June 13, because they refused to obey "Brighams" decrees after Johnstons Army had left Utah on account of the Civil War. Mrs. J. L. Bear and her baby were killed with another Cannon ball. Then many Morrisites with their own guns tried resistance. On the third day all surrendered under a White flag."
In his autobiography, John Bear describes the incident in more detail. He then says... "We arrived at Soda Springs close to Bear River, on the 3d of June, 1863. Indians must have left there only a few hours before, as there were yet live coals in the ash heaps. That very night it snowed three to four inches deep..." In the next paragraph he says, "My sickness increased, yea, got worse from day to day. I knew the cause was that freezing I had to endure that winter up in the canyon. Barbara Dielhelm, the daughter of that widow woman who was killed and buried with my wife at Weber, took care of me while I was sick, and indeed she could not have done any better if I had been one of her own people." Note: She was probably the passenger listed as Deithelm, Catharina (Age 25).
"The History of the Church" says that John L. Bear "left the state with the United States Army, under General Connors, when he (the general) established the military post at Soda Springs, Idaho." This happened in May, 1863. Here "John Bear married again and built up another home." He married Barbara Diethelm 12 October, 1863. Amelia was born on 28 November 1864 in Weber, Utah. John Jacob was born in 9 April 1867 and John Lebrick was born on 9 May 1869, in Soda Springs, Caribou, Idaho. The oldest son, Jacob, died in Agency, Missouri, when he was just four years old of croup according to J. L. Bear's autobiography.
In the spring of 1868, he met a group of Latter Day Saints who were camped above Soda Springs, a few of whom he had met in New York. On November 29, 1869, in Soda Springs, he was baptized, confirmed, and ordained an elder in the Reorganized Church. "He then lived on a farm near Agency, Missouri, with his wife "Barbara Dielhelm." Jacob John (the second Jacob) was born 31 January 1872. In January, unknown year, he became a missionary for the Church in Switzerland, and "as he was bidding good-bye to his wife and four little ones..." (Wife Barbara, Children Barbara, Amelia, John Lebrick, and Jacob John) He sailed on the "Atlantic" of the White Star Line. He was in Switzerland in February, 1873".
On 12 February 1873, John wrote to the Church and gave a graphic account of his voyage from America. In 1874 he was still in Geneva Switzerland. On 9 December 1874, he returned to the United States on the "Ohio" of the Red Star Line and arrived at Philadelphia on 22 December 1874. He arrived home to his farm in Agency (10 miles from St. Joseph) on 28 December 1874.
On 15 December 1875 Mary L. was born and on 7 April 1878, Lillie Maybell was born. On 7 November 1878, Barbara Diethelm died.
In 1880, John Lebrecht returned to Switzerland (and Germany) and according to the Church history, "He began to look about for homes for his children. Homes were offered at once to the two oldest girls (Barbara and Amelia) and two oldest boys (John and Jacob), but two remained, Mary, four years old, and Lillie, two." ... "Sister Hartman Nesser....offered to take the baby." "No satisfactory place offered for the four year old." But who eventually took care of Mary was never stated.
On 24 April 1880 he returned to Switzerland on the "Devonia" of the Cunard Line. He married Esther Salzman Spillman in Switzerland and Emma Lydia Bear was born on 27 January 1882. He returned to the United States in the spring of 1882; and Esther died 21 February 1891. At the time of her death, John was 52 years old.
Another marriage is listed for John Lebrecht at age 55 to Harriett A. Winans on 03 Mar 1894 at Chippewa Station, Osceola, Michigan.
“John Lebrecht Bear joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on 21 December 1856 at Zurich, Switzerland, and immigrated to Utah in 1859 (1860). He was baptized a member of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints on 29 November 1869 at Malad City, Oneida, Idaho, by Edmund C. Brand. He was confirmed by David H. Smith and E. C. Brand. John was ordained an elder on 29 November 1869 by E. C. Brand. He served a mission to Switerland and Germany as appointed by the 1872 Semi-Annual Conference, returning in 1874. He was ordained a seventy on 14 April 1880 at Plano, Kendall, Illinois, by John H. Lake, Mark H. Forscutt, and William H. Kelley. At the Semi-Annual Conference of 1880 he was again appointed to serve a mission to Switzerland and Germany. He attended the St. Joseph, Missouri Branch and the Independence, Missouri Branch.”
[lists 3 wives: Laura Ann Lunde, Esther Salzman & Harriet A. Bear]
John was 81 years old when he died.
From: "Judith Craven" <jjl@peganet.com>
Subject: Re: [MOBUCHAN] Jacob John Bear - Minnie Mae Oder
Date: Tue, 7 May 2002 18:22:57 -0400
References: <000f01c1f502$9f1863c0$68d0a8d0@0018771276> <01b501c1f554$a2322da0$b965f0d1@yourw92p4bhlzg>
I'm so happy and grateful for all the help, hints and tips from the listers.
Thank you all.
I started with a scrap of paper from my mother that read:
"Grandma Bear (Irish), Minnie May Oder or Odor; married April 22, 1896; born
March 17, 1871; died (St. Joe.) Sept, 1950; Severance, Kansas.
Grandpa Bear (German), Jacob John; born Jan 31, 1872; died Nov, 1950; born
Agency, Mo.
Grandma Bear's mother and father, Mary Jane Cavender, James Odor, Oder;
married Sept 30, 1849"
I remember meeting some of the Bear Family in St. Joseph, Mo. the year Jacob
and Minnie died.
Family Story: Something that was always known and absorbed by my brother
and I when we were little - Grandpa Bear was half Cherokee. Just before she
died, an aunt told me that Jacob John was raised by a Cherokee (Fur-i-ture -
spelled as it was pronounced) and that Jacob's father, had been married
several times or, as she put it, "had several wives." She also said that
Jacob's father (and uncle) were in the RLDS church and helped organize the
church in Independence, Mo.
In reading "The Story of the Church" by Inez Smith Davis, there was a
biographical sketch of John Lebrecht Bear who became a Missionary for the
Church to Switzerland and Germany. He did marry at least four different
times and he did live on a farm in Agency, Missouri. "He arrived home at
his farm in Agency (10 miles from St. Joseph, Missouri) on 28 December
After his third wife died: "In 1880, John Lebrecht returned to Switzerland
(and Germany) and according to Church history, "He began to look about for
homes for his children. Homes were offered at once to the two oldest girls
(probably Barbara and Amelia) and two oldest boys (probably John and Jacob),
but two remained, Mary, four years old, and Lillie, two." ... (A previous
wife had been killed in the Morrisite massacre.)
More searches:
Pottawattamie, IA 1870 Federal Census
33A 21 Bear Lebrecht 39 (1831) Swtz pg0026b.txt
33A 22 Bear Barbara 35 (1835) Swtz pg0026b.txt
33A 23 Bear Barbara 8 (1862) VT* pg0026b.txt
33A 24 Bear Emily 5 (1865) VT* pg0026b.txt
33A 25 Bear Jacob 3 (1867) ID pg0026b.txt
33A 26 Bear Lebrecht 1 (1869) ID pg0026b.txt
*VT should probably be UT.
The John L. Bear above immigrated from Switzerland to New York in 1859/1860
and from there went to Utah, then Soda Springs, Idaho, then to Agency,
Missouri. Apparently he married for the last time in Switzerland and
returned to the United States in 1882. He died at the age of 81 years.
If anyone else is interested in this family, just let me know - but it seems
I actually have more "mysteries" than "answers." lol.
Thanks Again
Judith Bell Craven
D: I1252
According to the RLDS "The History of the Church," John L. Bear immigrated from Switzerland to New York in 1859/1860 and from there went to Utah. He "joined the movement dissenting from the dominant church there under the leadership of Joseph Morris. In the Morrisite massacre, his young wife and infant child had been murdered..." |