Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Marklin, adding locomotive photos to a CS2

Hi Afron, the upload facility via the Web/Ethernet interface appears to not be ready for prime-time use. The other current options are ...
- Use a LocoCard with the ICON already included/saved.
- use the USB port

For USB upload of icon 
- Locate a USB memory stick/key/drive ...

Using your PC
- create \icons sub-directory on the memory key
- create/prepare the .png image 
(as per the <.de> help pages.., the image should have a ...
- - maximum resolution of 128x48 
- - and size should be < 6kB )
- copy your .png icon(s) to the \icons directory of the memory key
(The file name will be retained in the CS2 and will overwrite any existing file with the same name)

- Remove memory key from PC and plug into USB port of CS2

From CS2 "Setup" menu 
- perform "program update" (The CS2 checks the USB port before trying the ethernet)