Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Elaine: A Weeks Diary
Sunday, April 28, 1940
Today is my fifteenth birthday.  I received a pair of slacks from my sister and the four year Junior Genealogical Course from my mother.  I attended the Hollywood Ward Sunday school and I am in the Old Testament Class.  James Thorup is my Sunday School teacher.  In the afternoon Daddy and I went to Burbank to visit Harry Holland’s ranch.

Monday, April 29, 1940
At 7:00 o’clock this morning I walked about two and one half miles to the John Marshall High School with Kathryn Fahy.  I have typing first period, gym second, English third, clothing fourth, algebra fifth and Latin sixth.  Between fourth and fifth period I have Home Room and lunch.  I start walking home at three o’clock and get home by four.

Tuesday, April 30, 1940
Today in gym we played deck tennis.  Sometimes we play ping pong or else volley ball.  At night I attended mutual.  It was our closing party and also Dick Carlisle’s farewell before going on a mission.  The most interesting thing on the program was the Bishopric in a missionary play.  After the program they had a dance and refreshments.

Wednesday, May 1, 1940
Sewing is my most interesting subject.  I just finished my third dress besides a blouse and a pair of pajamas this year.  When I got home I did my home work and listened to the radio.

Thursday, May 2, 1940 
Today I had a test in algebra.  I got an A-.  Mr Goldberg is a very efficient teacher.  In Latin I also had a test.  I got an A+.  I don’t do that well very often.

Friday, May 3, 1940
Every day we have a test in typing.  Today I did the best I have done so far.  I wrote 23 words a minute with two errors.  I saw the “S.S. Happiness,” the best play I have ever seen at Marshall High School.  When I got home from school I did part of the house cleaning.

Saturday, May 4, 1940
I finished cleaning the house this morning and then worked on my Honey Comb.  In the afternoon Mother and I went to the stake house for the Swarm Day.  I gave a talk and received a ring and two pins.  One was for my Honey Comb.  They served cake and punch. (Note: Swarm Day is the day Bee Hive honors and awards are presented.  The Honey Comb was the book in which young women recorded their achievements as they worked in the Bee Hive organization.  The young women developed talents and abilities in seven fields: religion, home, health, domestic art, out-of-doors, business, and public service.  They recorded their accomplishments in the Honey Comb book, which was similar to a scrapbook.  There were three ranks you earned (1) Builder of the Hive, (2) Gatherer of Honey, (3) Keeper of the Bees.  The program typically took about three years to complete, if not more.  Photos: Next two pages, 1941,  Elaine is sixteen.)