I was passing Bald Hills cemetery. Yes this is an historic cemetery on a hill. The main road into the cemetery is where John and Margaret are on left hand side at about highest point. Alfred, His youngest son is on left hand side a bit further along. Alexander Caldwell Stewart 2nd youngest son is in family plot. Could not find other son John Stewart Jnr. I found Margaret Connolly. There was a triple grave to left of Margarets grave but it was missing headstones or they were cracked. One missing headstone was probably the one which had the headstone at the museum at the school. The next one was for Agnes Stewart and the next I could not read but seemed to have a Thomas on it. I also found Alfred David Stewart and his wife and 7 year old daughter. This is Noelene's gg grandparent.
I have a close up of Agnes Stewart cracked headstone I will try to find. She died in 1933 aged 82. She was the middle position in the large family grave. It is the one with the small vase beside it. RM
Noelene: The graves are numbered:
GP1-1-167 Margaret Connolly (in separate plot next to her family)
GP1-1-168 John Stewart Jnr & Wife Elizabeth (Brown)
GP1-1-169 Alexander Caldwell Stewart & Agnes Stewart
GP1-1-170 John Stewart Snr
GP1-1-171 Jane Stewart (Duncan)
It is the middle triple and single grave that is the Stewart family grave. I could not find John Stewart junior. |