Ralph born 5:15 am at Smalls Wynd, Dundee, son of James Gardiner tinsmith, age 48, born Edinburgh; and Ann Gardiner, maiden name Gall 9th birth date 38, born Stonehaven. Parents married 1838 Aberdeen. 3 Boys and 2 Girls living 2 boys and one girl dead (#395 2 dist, Dundee FHL833233, item 2.) Ralph Gardiner married Elisabeth Masterton.
Arlene Dunne: Ralph was a machinist and boilermaker. He settled in Ogden, Utah in 1880’s and had three children Jessie, John and William. Ralph and his brother Alfred worked together in Ogden in 1890. Ralphs wife was not generally liked by the family, at least not well accepted. Elisabeth Masterton came back to see her children in 1912 or 1915. After his wife disappeared, with his brother Arthur, he took his children to San Francisco area.
Ralph invited Arthur to live with his family. They are at the same address in Ogden.
Dundee Poorhouse:
Below is some information from the Dundee poor house records on Ralph Gardiner, brother to Robert and Alfred Gardiner. Apparently, the Gardiner boys were expected to grow up quite early. It seems quite harsh by today’s standards where 30 and 40 year olds are still living with their parents. NG
7155 Gardner Ralph 3 May 1869 14 Dundee Protestant
Mill Worker 24 June 1869 Dismissed Old Machar Eruption on Skin
Ralph Gardiner's military records:
Ralph Gardiner’s military file. Some things of interest to me are 1) It lists Ralph’s living brothers on the 1st page upper left hand corner, 2) It lists his height 5 feet, 5 inches (I always imagined him as being taller), 3) He was imprisoned for desertion after rejoining, 4) It confirms that he was in the 74th Highlanders as stated on his marriage certificate, and 5) He was stationed in Hong Kong for about a year. NG
It appears that Ralph and Elisabeth live together until at least 1895.
74th Highlanders
Ralph invited Arthur to live with his family. They are at the same address in Ogden.
Dundee Poorhouse:
Below is some information from the Dundee poor house records on Ralph Gardiner, brother to Robert and Alfred Gardiner. Apparently, the Gardiner boys were expected to grow up quite early. It seems quite harsh by today’s standards where 30 and 40 year olds are still living with their parents. NG
7155 Gardner Ralph 3 May 1869 14 Dundee Protestant
Mill Worker 24 June 1869 Dismissed Old Machar Eruption on Skin
Ralph Gardiner's military records:
Ralph Gardiner’s military file. Some things of interest to me are 1) It lists Ralph’s living brothers on the 1st page upper left hand corner, 2) It lists his height 5 feet, 5 inches (I always imagined him as being taller), 3) He was imprisoned for desertion after rejoining, 4) It confirms that he was in the 74th Highlanders as stated on his marriage certificate, and 5) He was stationed in Hong Kong for about a year. NG
Ralph in Ogden
It appears that Ralph and Elisabeth live together until at least 1895.
74th Highlanders
I don’t know when Ralph joined or left the 74th Highlanders, but apparently he was a member from at least January 24, 1879 to April 3, 1881. The 1881 census raises some questions. Why wasn’t Ralph’s wife living with him? She was staying at a poor house in Dundee. Perhaps she wanted to be closer to family members since according to familysearch she had recently had a baby born in Maryhill during January 1881. Ralph is listed as the head of a household that includes Alfred Graham and Richard Graham. Who are Alfred and Richard? Relatives? Or was this arrangement just for convenience? Some research questions to consider . . . N
Hi everyone, Attached is a clipping that refers to Ralph Gardiner and two boys (far right column). They were at The White hotel in Salt Lake City. Note that they were living in Terrace, Utah (now a ghost town). N
Ralph by Kathryn Kolstad
From Dorothy Gardiner Strauss

1940 US census, ralph is living with his son and daughter in law.

Hi everyone, Attached is an obituary for Ralph Gardiner, brother of Robert and Alfred Gardiner. Note that he considers Arthur who traveled to Australia when he was about six his son. (Contrary to Betty Harris’ account.) N
What a wonderful surprise it was to get your email. Ancestry.com has added
so many new features. I'm thrilled!
It was great to reestablish the connection between our branches of the
Gardiner family tree. I most definitely remember your visit to Port
Hueneme, and I know that somewhere among my mother's old photos there is a
picture of you with my mom, Dorothy Day Gardiner Strauss, and probably my
aunt, Jeanette Elizabeth Gardiner Zoleman. They are two of the three
children born to my grandfather, John Gardiner, and my grandmother, Isabel
(Belle) Alice Day Gardiner. The chart you sent is right, as it includes
their third child, Ralph Wesley Gardiner, as well. I would be glad to
provide birth and death dates for them all, if you don't already have that
Those two generations are no longer living, but all five children of my
generation are still alive and kicking...though I must admit we are no
longer spring chickens. My uncle Ralph had three daughters, Carol Marie,
Jacqueline Belle, and Lucia (?). I can provide additional info on them, as
well, if you are interested and don't already have it. I have one sister,
Kathryn (Kathy) Strauss Schoerner, who lives in Nipomo in San Luis Obispo
County. My aunt Jeanette and her husband Lee Newton Zoleman had no children.
I am 74. My husband, David Arthur Carpenter, and I celebrated our 50th
wedding anniversary on July 12, 2008, traveling with six dear friends on a
"Great Rivers of Europe" river cruise from Amsterdam to Vienna, and then on
to Budapest, where my father's parents were born. It was a wonderful trip!
While in Hungary, I tried, but was unsuccessful uncovering much genealogical
I was raised in Arcadia, where my mom and dad, Anthony Strauss, built a home
in 1940. Dave was born in L.A. and spent most of his early years there.
After graduation from Occidental College, Dave and I moved to Glendale,
where we lived until 1963. I taught junior high school nearby, while Dave
began a career in health care sales and marketing. We then moved to Thousand
Oaks, where we have been ever since. We will definitely have to look up your
brother, Jeff Gardiner. Dave retired from USC's Doheny Eye Institute, where
he was Director of Continuing Medical Education, and in 1990 eased into what
has become a full second career. At 78, he still teaches Science at
Moorpark High School. Also in 1990, when our youngest son, was graduated
from Westlake High School, I, too, began a second career as a graduate
school admission counselor at Cal Lutheran University. I was there for
fourteen years, serving those seeking credentials and graduate degrees in
education and psychology.
Do you have a copy of Louise Aiston Chamberlain's wonderful book on the
AISTON-CHAMBERLAIN FAMILY HISTORY? She did extensive research, with a whole
section on the Gardiner clan, and the book has many family photos you must
see, if you haven't already done so.
I visited your blog and thoroughly enjoyed the photos and videos, which took
me into the wee hours last night, so I will call it a day for now, and hope
to hear from you again soon.
Marilyn Carpenter
Hi everyone, I have been trying to determine if Ralph Gardiner and Elisabeth Masterton were ever divorced. I don’t believe so. It was harder to get a divorce back then. Also, looking at the censuses Ralph Gardiner claims to have been married in 1900, 1920 and 1930. This also means that Arthur Gardiner and Elisabeth Masterton were probably never married. I still haven’t decided what date, if any, would be appropriate to put as the marriage date for Arthur and Elisabeth. Any suggestions?
Hi everyone, I haven’t heard anything back from anyone on the photo I sent yesterday. Here are my thoughts. I vaguely remembering reading somewhere that the person sitting on the right side of the front row with the mustache was Alfred Gardiner. If that is the case, then the other men are not his brothers in spite of what is written on the photo. Alfred was younger than Robert, Frederick, James and Ralph. Alfred was an officer in the Thistle Club. My guess is that the picture is of the officers in the Thistle Club, including Alfred. That would explain the Scottish hats and ribbons. I have also attached some more of Betty Harris’ research. N
Hi everyone, Attached is a copy of some pages of the Ogden City Directory for 1895-1896. As you can see Ralph Gardiner and his family and Arthur Gardiner were living at the same residence. This is significant for the following reasons: 1) In early 1895 Ralph and Elisabeth were still living together as husband and wife. 2) This information contradicts any claims that Arthur and Elisabeth were married before early 1895. 3) If Arthur and Elisabeth were married before 1895, Elisabeth would be guilty of bigamy and the marriage would be void. (I have found no evidence that Ralph and Elisabeth were ever divorced. And I have found no evidence that Arthur and Elisabeth were ever married other than claims by Arthur and Elisabeth and the fact that they were living together later.) I know an 1889 date has been put on new.familysearch, but that cannot be correct. N
Hi everyone, Attached is a copy of pages from the Ogden 1897-98 city directory. As can be seen Ralph and Arthur are no longer living there. N
Hi everyone, Attached is a clipping that refers to Ralph Gardiner and two boys (far right column). They were at The White hotel in Salt Lake City. Note that they were living in Terrace, Utah (now a ghost town). N
Ralph by Kathryn Kolstad
From Dorothy Gardiner Strauss

1940 US census, ralph is living with his son and daughter in law.

Hi everyone, Attached is an obituary for Ralph Gardiner, brother of Robert and Alfred Gardiner. Note that he considers Arthur who traveled to Australia when he was about six his son. (Contrary to Betty Harris’ account.) N
Hi everyone, Attached is a picture of the headstone for Ralph Gardiner, brother to Robert and Alfred Gardiner. Note that the year used is the year Ralph believed he was born, not the year on his birth certificate. N
What a wonderful surprise it was to get your email. Ancestry.com has added
so many new features. I'm thrilled!
It was great to reestablish the connection between our branches of the
Gardiner family tree. I most definitely remember your visit to Port
Hueneme, and I know that somewhere among my mother's old photos there is a
picture of you with my mom, Dorothy Day Gardiner Strauss, and probably my
aunt, Jeanette Elizabeth Gardiner Zoleman. They are two of the three
children born to my grandfather, John Gardiner, and my grandmother, Isabel
(Belle) Alice Day Gardiner. The chart you sent is right, as it includes
their third child, Ralph Wesley Gardiner, as well. I would be glad to
provide birth and death dates for them all, if you don't already have that
Those two generations are no longer living, but all five children of my
generation are still alive and kicking...though I must admit we are no
longer spring chickens. My uncle Ralph had three daughters, Carol Marie,
Jacqueline Belle, and Lucia (?). I can provide additional info on them, as
well, if you are interested and don't already have it. I have one sister,
Kathryn (Kathy) Strauss Schoerner, who lives in Nipomo in San Luis Obispo
County. My aunt Jeanette and her husband Lee Newton Zoleman had no children.
I am 74. My husband, David Arthur Carpenter, and I celebrated our 50th
wedding anniversary on July 12, 2008, traveling with six dear friends on a
"Great Rivers of Europe" river cruise from Amsterdam to Vienna, and then on
to Budapest, where my father's parents were born. It was a wonderful trip!
While in Hungary, I tried, but was unsuccessful uncovering much genealogical
I was raised in Arcadia, where my mom and dad, Anthony Strauss, built a home
in 1940. Dave was born in L.A. and spent most of his early years there.
After graduation from Occidental College, Dave and I moved to Glendale,
where we lived until 1963. I taught junior high school nearby, while Dave
began a career in health care sales and marketing. We then moved to Thousand
Oaks, where we have been ever since. We will definitely have to look up your
brother, Jeff Gardiner. Dave retired from USC's Doheny Eye Institute, where
he was Director of Continuing Medical Education, and in 1990 eased into what
has become a full second career. At 78, he still teaches Science at
Moorpark High School. Also in 1990, when our youngest son, was graduated
from Westlake High School, I, too, began a second career as a graduate
school admission counselor at Cal Lutheran University. I was there for
fourteen years, serving those seeking credentials and graduate degrees in
education and psychology.
Do you have a copy of Louise Aiston Chamberlain's wonderful book on the
AISTON-CHAMBERLAIN FAMILY HISTORY? She did extensive research, with a whole
section on the Gardiner clan, and the book has many family photos you must
see, if you haven't already done so.
I visited your blog and thoroughly enjoyed the photos and videos, which took
me into the wee hours last night, so I will call it a day for now, and hope
to hear from you again soon.
Marilyn Carpenter
Hi everyone, I have been trying to determine if Ralph Gardiner and Elisabeth Masterton were ever divorced. I don’t believe so. It was harder to get a divorce back then. Also, looking at the censuses Ralph Gardiner claims to have been married in 1900, 1920 and 1930. This also means that Arthur Gardiner and Elisabeth Masterton were probably never married. I still haven’t decided what date, if any, would be appropriate to put as the marriage date for Arthur and Elisabeth. Any suggestions?
Hi everyone, I haven’t heard anything back from anyone on the photo I sent yesterday. Here are my thoughts. I vaguely remembering reading somewhere that the person sitting on the right side of the front row with the mustache was Alfred Gardiner. If that is the case, then the other men are not his brothers in spite of what is written on the photo. Alfred was younger than Robert, Frederick, James and Ralph. Alfred was an officer in the Thistle Club. My guess is that the picture is of the officers in the Thistle Club, including Alfred. That would explain the Scottish hats and ribbons. I have also attached some more of Betty Harris’ research. N
Hi everyone, Attached is a copy of pages from the Ogden 1897-98 city directory. As can be seen Ralph and Arthur are no longer living there. N